If you would like to speak with a non-confidential resource at NYU’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) / Title IX office regarding an alleged violation of the University’s Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy, and the process for filing a Formal Complaint, please complete the below form.  Submissions using this form will be promptly reviewed and responded to by OEO. Please note that the submission of this form does not trigger the filling of a Formal Complaint, as defined by Title IX regulations / University procedures. 

Submissions using this form may not be reviewed outside of normal business hours (EST). If there is immediate health or safety concerns, please contact 911 (or the local equivalent). 

Alternatively, if you wish to speak confidentially to someone about your options before notifying the University of your concerns, professional counselors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by contacting the Wellness Exchange at 212-443-9999. For more information, please visit the Wellness Exchange website.