How Biden's debate performance could lead to WORLD WAR III as China and Russia are emboldened by his 'message of incompetence'

President Joe Biden's disastrous debate and the ensuing questions about his competence and elderliness are sending a 'message of incompetence' to the United States' most dangerous adversaries, top Republicans say. 

Biden's mumbling and disjointed debate performance raised alarm bells for even Democrats and liberal pundits who rushed to say the president should consider not running again - something Republicans have long said. 

Now, the top ranks of the GOP are raising the threat level further, saying Biden's mental state is so perilous that China and Russia could be looking to strike. 

And they say his Cabinet should remove him from office through the 25th Amendment process - which has never been done in history - before World War III breaks out.

US President Joe Biden often spoke feebly and hardly used his fully allotted time  to answer complex questions, often stopping with 30 or more seconds left. He also stood with his mouth agape and eyes squinted much of the night, making it appear like he was confused

US President Joe Biden often spoke feebly and hardly used his fully allotted time  to answer complex questions, often stopping with 30 or more seconds left. He also stood with his mouth agape and eyes squinted much of the night, making it appear like he was confused 

'[The] performance by the president sent a dangerous message of incompetence that will further embolden our adversaries,' House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul told, adding 'The world is already on fire and [the debate] only made it worse.'

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., also expressed major worry about the U.S. global standing.

'I've been concerned about what our adversaries see,' he said on Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime Monday night. 

Johnson then did some damage control to ensure that any adversaries watching would be deterred from action after a cacophony of criticism about Biden's competence. 

'We need to make certain tonight one thing is clear: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea that they understand that the U.S. military is ready to act at any time and regardless of the turmoil regarding the President.'

'America is strong, we will defend our interest and you need not second guessed that,' Johnson continued. 

And cause for concern from the countries Johnson mentioned may be justified. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with the leaders of China, North Korea and Iran all within the last seven months. 

Johnson said that he is concerned over what US adversaries make of Biden's health

Johnson said that he is concerned over what US adversaries make of Biden's health 

In December 2023, the late president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi traveled to Russia to speak with Putin about the Israel-Hamas war. 

In May, Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomed Putin to Beijing for meetings where the two leaders struck a deal to 'further deepen mutual military trust and cooperation.' 

Just two weeks ago Putin visited North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un at his home and raced around in cars looking like giddy schoolmates. The images of the eastern leaders raced across the internet gaining much attention. 

After their joyride, Un and Putin similarly signed a military agreement.

America's top adversaries, it appears, have been making startling advances in growing their cooperation with one another - constituting a clear threat to the US. 

'Yesterday’s debate made clear to Americans, our allies, and our adversaries: President Biden is not capable of doing this job,' former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted on X the day after the debate.

'This goes beyond politics,' he added. 'It’s a question of national security.'

In this photo provided by the North Korean government, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, right, drives a car with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sitting in front passenger seat in North Korea on June 19, 2024.

In this photo provided by the North Korean government, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, right, drives a car with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sitting in front passenger seat in North Korea on June 19, 2024. 

The Russian and North Korean leader agreed to a military pact during the visit

The Russian and North Korean leader agreed to a military pact during the visit

In this pool photograph distributed by the Russian state agency Sputnik, Russia's President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping hold an informal meeting at Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on May 16, 2024

In this pool photograph distributed by the Russian state agency Sputnik, Russia's President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping hold an informal meeting at Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on May 16, 2024

Putin and Iran's late president Raisi met in December 2023 to discuss the Israel-Hamas war

Putin and Iran's late president Raisi met in December 2023 to discuss the Israel-Hamas war

Biden, Johnson said, should be removed from office so that the country can respond to such mounting threats.

'But, in the meantime, the reason we're talking about the 25th Amendment is because of the fourth clause of the 25th Amendment has never been used.'

'It is when the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet members agree that the President is unfit and unable and incapable of continuing his duties.'

'I think that's what we're watching here,' Johnson said. 

And Americans seem to agree with the speaker.   

Before the debate in a June 9 poll, 65 percent of respondents said Biden doesn't have the mental fitness to serve another four years – but after the debate, that grew to 72 percent, according to the CBS News/YouGov survey.

Nearly half (46 percent) of Biden's own party don't think he should run for president in 2024.

The speaker also said that Biden is unpredictable unless he is reading off a teleprompter and can't be trusted to make presidential-level decisions. 

'I don't think he's capable of making these big decisions and that is something that should alarm all of us and it's something that we need to be talking about.'

'I think people are privately murmuring about this. But I think desperate times call for desperate measures, and we may well be at that moment.'