US Health News

Updated: 17:07 EDT

Exact number of days, months and years alcohol shaves off your life - if you drink 2, 7 or

Moderate drinking shaves weeks or even years off a person's life, doctors say, as sweeping studies conclude no amount of alcohol is beneficial to one's health. Having one drink per night slashes two and a half months off one's life expectance. Heavy drinkers who consume five drinks a day or more can see their life expectancy shortened by two years or more.

Why an Alabama professor claims it's OK and sometimes even healthy to be fat

The medical advice given to overweight people does more harm than good, one researchers is claiming. Studies have found that overweight people with healthy habits actually live longer than thin people who don't exercise and eat well, according to Rekha Nath, an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alabama. Seeing all fat people as unhealthy is an oversimplified view of health that harms fat people - making it harder to lose weight and making them more likely to become depressed, she argued.

Scientists in the US discovered that rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are leaking harmful substances called PFAS into the environment during production and after disposal.

Researchers in Hong Kong found a link between altered gut bacteria in children and autism. Experts are now excited and say stool samples could be used to diagnose children.

Eating fruit before or after a night out may lessen the intensity of a post-party hangover the following day by speeding up the rate at which it is cleared from the body, research suggests.

A cystic fibrosis drug may trigger mood changes, behavioral problems, insomnia and talk of suicide in children as young as three, disturbing research has revealed.

I'm an expert who helped Coca-Cola, Kellogg's and Ferrero make their  products

Dr Brian Smith, from the UK, previously worked with Coca-Cola, Kellog's and Ferrero among others to make the taste and texture of their foods more appealing. But - after getting some distance from the foods - the philosopher says he now tries to avoid them entirely and is encouraging others to do the same. He has unintentionally lost weight since, and says he now also feels better and is fuller for longer between meals.

Ben Horne, 34, of Yeovil, Somerset was attacked by his dog during an epileptic seizure. The dog became spooked and mauled his face, ripping off his nose, and parts of his mouth and chin.


An unnamed patient in France, 26, suffered alcohol poisoning after his addiction drove him to steal and drink hand sanitizer. Doctors warned of an increase in such incidents post Covid.

I'm a 70-year-old woman, and last year when the weather was hot my ankles and feet swelled up. Since then the swelling has not gone down. Can you offer any advice? DR ELLIE CANNON replies.

Hot or iced coffee? Expert explains which is healthier - and more likely to give you a

As heat waves spread across the US, many of us are ditching hot coffee for iced coffee or cold brew instead. Recent research has praised coffee for boosting metabolism and lowering the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease. However, it's long been debated if one temperature is healthier than the other. Dr Majid Basit, a cardiologist at Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital in Texas, shared that a piping hot cup of Joe might have more disease-fighting nutrients than iced coffee. Additionally, the strong aroma has been shown to improve mood and reducing feelings of fatigue. However, cold coffee may still have some advantages, including being less acidic and even helping to regulate blood sugar.


Two doctors reviewed's time lapse of the ailing 81-year-old President and said there were worrying signs of his decline.

Cheese and unsalted peanuts are also linked to lower risk, but filtered coffee and low-calorie drinks are associated with a higher likelihood of periodontitis.

A UK-based family physician reveals three over-the-counter supplements that can help you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep for longer.

The average American kitchen is full of objects that release microplastics into food that is eaten, whether through plastic cutting boards or the lining of teabags.

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Deadly virus warning about the bug wreaking havoc on summer vacations

Americans are being warned about a potentially deadly virus surging across the country and is only expected to worsen as the US experiences some of its hottest summer weather. A 'higher-than-expected' number of dengue fever infections - spread by the bites of infected mosquitoes - have been recorded in the US so far this year, with approximately 2,240 cases detected in at least 38 states, compared to 3,040 over the whole of 2023.

EXCLUSIVESleep experts reveal what you should - and shouldn't - do in the two hours before bedtime

Getting a good nights sleep starts hours before your head even hits the pillow. There are many things you may be doing that are messing up your chance at getting some serious shut eye. The most important thing you should do is avoid using your phone near bed time and keep a consistent bedtime routine, Dr Ankit Parekh, an assistant professor of sleep medicine in the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai told


Researchers in Switzerland surveyed 370 women aged 18 to 56 years old on how often they masturbate and the reasons behind it.

Men with prostate cancer face the reality that they may never get an erection again. Dr Ellie Cannon says it can affect self-esteem, relationships and quality of life. But doctors say some methods help.


Cooking your own version of a takeaway at home could save you hundred's of calories in just one meal. Making your own kebab could save you more than 700 calories and add fiber to your diet.

New research has discovered, for the first time, how migraine may take hold of your body, exploiting tiny gaps in your nerves. This could help us find new drugs to treat the debilitating condition.

The parasites are giant roundworms - or Ascaris lumbricoides - which can grow up to 11 inches long and live in the intestines of humans or animals for up to two years.

A pill for couples struggling to conceive with IVF has been found to increase the chances of pregnancy. In clinical trials, it was found to raise the likelihood of the fertilized egg implanting in the womb.

I'm a former FBI spy catcher and body language expert - here's how people can tell you're

Americans are known for their patriotism and pride in their great country. But there's one scenario in which some US citizens may not be so quick to admit where they're from - when they're travelling abroad, and want to blend in. According to behavior experts, we are the nationality that is perhaps the easiest to spot before we've even opened our mouths. Joe Navarro, a former FBI spy catcher and body language expert - has revealed to exactly what researchers have found these characteristics to be.

In what experts are describing as a 'hugely significant cultural shift', the latest statistics suggest one in three under-25s, known as 'Gen Z', are shunning alcohol completely.

Colorado health officials are reeling after they confirmed a resident had become sick from the plague, which can spread from infected animals, including pets.

While some of the dangers associated with excessive drinking are obvious, others can appear much more subtly. So how do you know when it has become more harmful?

Patrick Bertoletti won the title Thursday after consuming 58 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes at the event on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. That's the equivalent of more than 15,000 calories.

Sex expert reveals 4 golden rules of the 'birds and the bees' chat with kids - and

Rachel Coler Mulholland - who has has 762K followers on TikTok - believes it's never too early to start talking openly with your children about sex, providing age-appropriate information as soon as they start to explore their own bodies.. She even provides a sample script for parents to use, to help get the awkward 'birds and the bees' conversation started.

If you're going to pig out on dessert this July 4th weekend, you might want to make it ice cream. Dietitians say that there are surprising health benefits, especially when compared to other sweets.

Children conceived by using egg or sperm donors are more likely to have 'identity difficulties' and 'trust issues', researchers at King's College London found.

CNN 's chief medical expert Dr Sanjay Gupta has joined the chorus of voters who want President Joe Biden to undergo rigorous cognitive testing to determine his mental fitness for the job.

Doing my head in! Pharmacist reveals the five different types of headache - and how to

Once they hit, headaches seem impossible to shake off, gnawing and gnarling away when you are just suffering, wishing and silently praying for them to vanish. Fortunately for those looking for urgent remedies, a pharmacist has revealed the five different types of headache and how they can be treated. George Sandhu, Deputy Pharmacy Superintendent from the UK's biggest independent pharmacist, Well Pharmacy, has shared the most common headaches and how to help them disappear.

Researchers in the UK have now discovered more than 5,000 harmful changes to the protein BAP1's DNA which can disrupt its protective effects.

Doctors in Philadelphia pulled the remnants of a bee singer from a 55-year-old man's eye, leaving him vision impaired for five months.

The 50-year-old Bridesmaids actress turned heads with her glamorous appearance on Saturday Night Live in April. A surgeon says this is down to some procedures.
