EXCLUSIVEJames Comer tears into 'scrawny butt' Democrat Jamie Raskin for 'sucking off the government teat' and targeting Ivanka Trump's husband Jared Kushner

There's no love lost between Republican Oversight Chairman James Comer and his Democratic counterpart, Ranking Member Jamie Raskin. 

The highly partisan Oversight Committee's hearings have devolved into chaos this Congress as Republicans have launched an all-out war against Hunter Biden and attempted to find a connection between his shady business dealings to President Biden. 

After months of focus on the Biden family and a looming threat of impeachment Raskin and his band of Biden-defending Democrats began working to extract revenge: they demanded Comer hold a hearing on  former President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

In an interview with DailyMail.com, Comer tore into Raskin, who he said was 'ignorant' to the way the private sector works.  

There's no love lost between Republican Oversight Chairman James Comer and his Democratic counterpart, Ranking Member Jamie Raskin

There's no love lost between Republican Oversight Chairman James Comer and his Democratic counterpart, Ranking Member Jamie Raskin

'Raskin sucked off the government teat his whole life,' the Kentucky Republican said in an interview with DailyMail.com. 'His wife works for the government. He's worked for it forever and his dad worked for government.'

Comer went on: 'He doesn't know what the private sector is. So you know he can, I guess, play the ignorant card. But at the end of the day, the Biden's don't have a business. And I don't think anyone in America would consider selling access to our adversaries around the world as a legitimate business.'

'Raskin wouldn't know a private legitimate business if it bit him in his scrawny butt.'

'Raskin sucked off the government teat his whole life,' the Kentucky Republican said in an interview with DailyMail.com. 'His wife works for the government. He's worked for it forever and his dad worked for government.'

'Raskin sucked off the government teat his whole life,' the Kentucky Republican said in an interview with DailyMail.com. 'His wife works for the government. He's worked for it forever and his dad worked for government.'

Raskin's father Marcus worked on President John F. Kennedy's national security council. His wife, Sarah Bloom Raskin, served as deputy secretary of the Treasury and was on the Federal Reserve Board under President Barack Obama. 

'This shockingly intemperate and juvenile personal attack is filled with lies and distortions,' Raskin told DailyMail.com of Comer's verbal assault.

'Comer has been receiving a government paycheck for his own eloquent and famously effective public service for a longer period of time than I have,' he added in a tongue-in-cheek remark.

Raskin first took elected office in the Maryland state senate in 2007 and Comer was a Kentucky state representative starting in 2001. Comer has also been involved in farming and cattle businesses, while Raskin was a law professor before coming to Congress. He briefly served as Massachusetts' assistant attorney general.  

Hunter Biden was involved in a number of legal and consulting firms and cinched business deals with people across the globe. Republicans have studied how he invoked his last name in such deals. 

Kushner, a real estate investor by background, cashed in with a $2 billion deal with the Saudis shortly after Trump left office, and that Trump took in business from foreign actors who stayed at his properties. 

The Trump family business deals are expected to be a top focus if Democrats take back the House in November. 

Comer seems to have cooled to the idea he had last year to have his committee take a fine-tooth comb to Kushner's businesses as well.  

'We're going to have some questions, for Trump, and some of his family members, including Jared Kushner,' he told CNN previously. 'We want to know exactly what the terms of that [$2 billion Saudi] loan to Kushner were.' 

Kushner, a real estate investor by background, cashed in with a $2 billion deal with the Saudis shortly after Trump left office, and that Trump took in business from foreign actors who stayed at his properties

Kushner, a real estate investor by background, cashed in with a $2 billion deal with the Saudis shortly after Trump left office, and that Trump took in business from foreign actors who stayed at his properties

'We write to urge you to convene a hearing regarding Jared Kushner's apparent influence peddling and quid pro quo deals involving investments in exchange for official actions and to examine the resulting threats to our national security,' Raskin and Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif., wrote in a letter to Comer this spring. 

In March the New York Times reported that Kushner was closing in on lucrative real estate deals in Albania and Serbia.

The plans in the Balkans capitalize off relationships Kushner made during the Trump administration: they are being worked up with Ric Grenell, who served as acting director of national intelligence under Trump and as ambassador to Germany and special envoy to the Balkans.

Kushner's firm already took heat from Democrats for its $2 billion in funding from Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund. A New York Times report claimed Saudis on the panel had raised concerns about Kushner's lack of experience in private equity. 

Kushner was closely involved in Trump's Middle East policy during his presidency and capitalized on relationships he developed during that time to close the deals, including a tight relationship with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia.

 Kushner helped Saudia Arabia secure a $110 billion arms deal was among the Saudi royal family's staunchest defenders within the administration amid international outrage over its murder of US-based journalist and MBS critic Jamal Khashoggi.