Matt Gaetz on the hook for NEW allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use - as he tries to pin blame for 'frivolous' investigation on his foe Kevin McCarthy

The House Ethics Committee in a rare public statement announced they would conduct 'further review' into Rep. Matt Gaetz on charges that include sex abuse and illicit drug use. 

Gaetz on Monday had said the committee was opening 'new frivolous investigations' into him which he blamed on former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The allegations the committee said it is conducting further review on include whether Gaetz 'engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, accepted improper gifts, dispensed special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship, and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct.'

The new investigation is the obstruction probe. All others have been ongoing.  

Gaetz has denied all of the allegations and the committee said he has been 'difficult' to obtain information from. They've already spoken with more than a dozen witnesses, issued 25 subpoenas and reviewed thousands of pages of documents. 

The House Ethics Committee in a rare public statement announced they would conduct 'further review' into Rep. Matt Gaetz on charges that include sex abuse and illicit drug use.

The House Ethics Committee in a rare public statement announced they would conduct 'further review' into Rep. Matt Gaetz on charges that include sex abuse and illicit drug use.

The committee confirmed they will no longer conduct further review into whether Gaetz 'shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe or improper gratuity.' 

Gaetz sounded off about the committee on X: 'The House Ethics Committee has closed four probes into me, which emerged from lies intended solely to smear me. Instead of working with me to ban Congressional stock trading, the Ethics Committee is now opening new frivolous investigations. They are doing this to avoid the obvious fact that every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.'

'This is Soviet. Kevin McCarthy showed them the man, and they are now trying to find the crime. I work for Northwest Floridians who won't be swayed by this nonsense and McCarthy and his goons know it.'

McCarthy insisted that Gaetz launched the motion to vacate him from the speakership because he was angry that McCarthy would not end the Ethics probe into him.  

The committee previously paused then restarted its probe into Gaetz so as not to interfere with a separate Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation. The DOJ opted not to indict Gaetz over claims he sex trafficked a 17-year-old girl. 

Gaetz has consistently denied allegations he helped a local Florida tax collector friend Joel Greenberg traffic the girl across state lines

Greenberg was sentenced to 11 years in prison in December 2022 after he pled guilty in a plea deal. 

Gaetz on Monday had said the committee was opening 'new frivolous investigations' into him which he blamed on former Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Gaetz on Monday had said the committee was opening 'new frivolous investigations' into him which he blamed on former Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Gaetz first came to investigators' attention because of his friendship with Greenberg, described as his 'wingman', who last year pleaded guilty to six counts of fraud and sexual offenses.

Greenberg told investigators that Gaetz and at least two other men had sexual contact with a 17-year-old girl.

He has told them that they both gave women cash and gifts in exchange for sex.

Greenberg pleaded guilty to identity theft, stalking, wire fraud, conspiracy to bribe a public official and sex trafficking of a minor.