Showing posts with label announcements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label announcements. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Website

Well its been a while...

Perhaps i should rename this blog "Its been a while..."

Moving on, The Black Hoof and Hoof cafe are finally getting a website.
Yes i know, its about freakin' time.
What kind of restaurant in a major metropolitan city doesn't have a website? The only one i can think of is our restaurant. But the time has come and i feel good about this one.
You see this isn't the first time we've embarked on this journey of HTML.
But this is definately the most promising one of them all.

I think what all the past web designers have been lacking is kowledge of what Black Hoof is. Who we are. What food we serve. The environment, the culture, the vibe, and our passion. So, we've finally secured, and by secured i mean we havn't paid them nor have they started the website yet, a duo of web geeks, errr guys, who dine enough at our restaurant to get it and there past work gives me good hope to expect something refreshing compared to the stale typical restaurant website.

This website will be a look into our restaurant, the people who make it all possible, the staff, the dishwasher, our suppliers. It will be interactive. No flash. No bullshit. Hours of operation and contact info will be fully displayed so hopefully people dont continue to show up on tuesdays and wednesdays, because it breaks my heart having to watch them from across the street through the kitchen window of the cafe as i prep on my days off.

I havn't posted in a while since we decided to embark on this "getting our act together website thing" because blogspot is so fucking depressing and all i keep thinking about is this website Jen and I have been designing in our heads.

But, i came on tonight and checked this new blog counter/stalker/CIA thing i added a while back and was surprised at how many people actually read this page. Malta? Australia? UK?
Ok, for real, who's in Malta makin charcuterie....? Show yourself!
Anyways, i've had so much stuff stockpiled these days, so many pics, so many stories, and i was hoping this was going to be a week long web construction but apparently html stuff takes time.
My web guys gave me an itinerary of all there objectives and projected dates.
These guys have there shit together broken down into how many hours they distribute amongst various duties, etc...
And the projected launch date is in april.
So I will have to be patient.
And despite the fact that i cure meat for a living, patience is not one of my virtues....i want everything now now now!

So, to sum it up. Charcuterie Sundays will be integrated into our new site. This Blog on blogspot will no longer exist. It will be much more interactive, pictures will be better, and Jen (My biz partner, not my girlfriend contrary to popular belief) will be sharing her gift in concocting drinks as well. We still have a month and a 1/2 or so left but I will let you know when things change.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Hoof Cafe

So, its been a while. Infact its been 3 weeks from my last post. I'm not a writer, so if im not in the mood it doesn't happen. But with all the sun and new veg arriving in the markets expect lots of activity this summer. Now back to the posts title. Jen and myself are pleased to announce that we have acquired the place directly across the street (formerly the Chelsea Room) from the Black Hoof. We have big plans for The Hoof Cafe and although its a little earlier then we would have liked, the space came available and we had to swoop it up. We're not restauranteurs. We dont have dreams of owning 10 restaurants. People who own 10 restaurants rarely excel at any(unless were talking about Mario Batali. He kicks ass and all his restaurants are great). We're looking at this new venture as an extention to the Black Hoof and a place to do everything we would have liked to do with that space that we couldn't. If you've been to the hoof, you've seen the kitchen. Theres nothing downstairs, no prep kitchen, very little storage and ceilings that feel about 4 feet tall. The cooks and i come in a 10 am and leave at 2-3 in the morning, not because we do double the prep, but because everythings a hassle, and hassles=time. 

The Hoof Cafe will hopefully solve this problem. 

So ill keep this short as i have a lot of catching up to do but the Hoof Cafe plans to do Brunch. Cocktails. and Retail 

Brunch. Im not talking about your typical eggs beny. I'm talking hoof inspired brunch. Expect blood sausage crepes, suckling pig beny, rabbit pancakes, and a ton of other tasty things. One thing i should let u know is that i have never been more psyched to cook breakfast. (Brunch on mondays too!)

Cocktails. Jen makes amazing cocktails, without all the bullshit and pricy price tags. She makes everything she can in house, including bitters, alcohol infusions, and a bunch of other crazy stuff (i dont drink much, but it looks crazy). So expect this to be a venue at night to truly showcase what she loves to do. So if by chance you do have to wait for a table, you wont have to do it at a grungy bar. We will be serving a bit of small tapas plates as well to tide you over. 

Third Retail. I'm not talking T-shirts, cookbooks and cold pasta salads. I'm talking charcuterie. Selling charcuterie retail is a bitch, but im on it, and i wont stop till i make it happen. 

So thats the Hoof Cafe in a nutshell. Just as we are recovering from the Black hoof reno's and start up here we go throwing ourselves into another place that needs alot of work. Im exhausted, Jen's exhausted, but were excited, and our staff who are the most passionate people ive ever worked with are excited, and together, with some pizza and some cheap beer, will demolish this building and rebuild it from the basement up. 

Summer? What summer? :)