Showing posts with label Restaurant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Restaurant. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hours of Operation

Since we dont have a website and more people then i thought read this blog i figured this would be a good place to post our Hours of Operation. First off, we are closed Tuesday's and Wednesday's. Last call for food on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. is at 1am, but the bar stays open till 2am. Last call for food on sunday/monday is 11:30 pm. with the bar closing at 12am. 
This Monday June 15th we will be closed for a private event off site.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back from New york

Its been a while since my last post and id love to say i just got back from vacation but ive actually been in the kitchen  cooking. New york was fun...., expensive, but fun. I went to a nice restaurant each day i was there. After spending a couple grand on food, my favorite meal was a grilled corn with chilli pepper, mayo and grated spanish cheese for $1.90 from a little take out place called Cafe habana. Go figure. 
Bar boulud was good. His Charcutier is a master at his craft. We had a lot of meat, but it was missing cold cuts. It was all baked terrines. Too much by the end of it. But it was worth it as i understand the skill and labour that has to go in to those. 
The best thing about our time off (we closed down for 18 days) was the fact that none of my cured meats got used up. It was refreshing to walk into the kitchen and see a whole shit load of cured meats ready to harvest, which means vac packing and making room for more meat. One thing i've learned over the last few months is that as soon as i get comfortable with my stock i have to keep on producing. Its difficult forecasting how much i'll go through in the future and something i'm still trying to juggle. As for updates, The bear salami turned out just how i had hoped. The balance of salt and pepper was just enough to flavour the meat but still showcase the gaminess of its flavor. I'm happy with it for sure, but like most chefs, the conception of an idea is the most exciting part and now im over it and looking for my next fix. I did an ostrich salami with red wine and thyme and it turned out great as well. Actually i think its my new favorite. For now. 
I'm looking forward to the stuffed lonzino which hopefully will be ready in a month as well as the pork liver salami. I brought in a box of lamb loins to cure up for bresoala after tasting some at a friends restaurant. I plan to tackle those tomorrow and because they are so small, it shouldn't be too long till they're ready. 
The new menu has been pretty exhausting. I've scrapped printed menu's and gone strictly black boards at the Hoof so i can change it as often as i want. 
This week we are serving up homemade cottechino, testina, cassoulet, and pickled octopus with chorizo. 
Next week im excited for a smoked ham hock dish thats been braised, pulled off the bone, pressed and then roasted and glazed with a piri piri spice and pimento paste glaze. That will be going on a salt cod risotto. I doubt it will bring in the local portuguese from the neighbourhood but i suspect it will be tasty. 
The blackboard menu has been a learning experience. Its given me the ability to try new things as they come and also really tells me about my customer base.  Its taught me that people dont come here for green salads and side dishes. I tried it and had lettuce rot in my fridge. I just thought with all that meat it would be nice to have a little greens to lighten things up. Apparently not. 
The newest hit is the black hoofs Tongue sandwich. A shit load of tongue in between  toasted brioche with gherkins, tarragon cream, purple mustard, and some pickled celery. Which by the way is my newest fascination. 
Out of all the pickles i've done, celery is now my new favorite. 
Try it. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

In the mean time...

Seeing that the Cave isn't ready for use yet, i've been storing all the charcuterie in my walk in. 
I just bought this metro style rack and its already filling up way to quickly. I wish i could stick another one in there, which i could, if i didn't need to save the other side for kegs. This is unfortunate, but it would be more unfortunate if we couldn't serve a nice cold pint of Belgium beer with the charcuterie:) The fridge guy is coming by the restaurant tomorrow to see if he can raise the temperature to an ideal of 10-13 degrees celsius (50-55 F)
I'll have a big load of capicollo, pancetta and venison bresaola coming shortly. Better make room soon!

The Cave

Construction at the new place is coming along. I still cant tell whether were on schedule to open for Oct. 2, but im sure things will come together closer to the date. i wouldn't mind a couple extra weeks to be honest:) i didn't even know about this space at first. It was tucked away through a trap door and a little walkway covered in spiderwebs. As soon as i saw it, i saw the potential for curing meats in an ideal environment, finally. It smells a little dusty and funky right now, but as soon as a plumbing problem is fixed next week i'll have my work cut out for me cleaning and patching the brick and getting it sterile for hanging meats.