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WAAY 31 spots social media star 'Ram on the lam' in Arab

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Many of you in Arab have seen a "ram-bunctious" animal on the loose! It's been called a goat, a sheep, even Arab's unofficial mascot.

The furry friend has taken over social media in North Alabama. Folks say they've seen him all around town, but say he disappears quickly.

So, we sent WAAY 31 Reporter Jillian Kay out there to learn more, and she found him!

Karen Smith has lived in Arab for decades. One day, she looked out her window and saw a ram resting in her front yard.

"It's the one everybody's been talking about on the social media," Smith said. "I was like, 'I can't believe this!'"

The "Ram on the lam," "The Peeping Sheep," or whatever name you've heard folks call him, Smith says this ram's got a sweet personality. 

She doesn't get too close and has no idea where her four-legged friend came from. However, for the last six weeks, Smith says her buddy's made himself at home on her front yard.

"I don't know why he does, but it kind of makes you feel good," Smith said.

Smith and her neighbors make sure this ram's well taken care of. He roams the neighborhood, and even the city, racking up many Facebook followers along the way.

He's known for peeping in people's windows, sitting back in the shade, and staring at anything that passes by.

Smith says it's all just part of the quirky character she's fallen in love with.

"Apparently, his owner doesn't care about him anymore," Smith said. "But, he's found a whole neighborhood here that loves to take care of him."

When she hears folks talk about catching him, she hopes they'll realize he's happy where he's at, with kind people like Smith watching over him.

"He's a good guy," Smith explained. "He just needs to live his best life, and just be free."

Arab's police chief tells me that Smith's friend is indeed a ram. He says it hasn't shown any signs of aggressive behavior, but it's still a wild animal.

If you come face to face with it, he suggests keeping your distance.

Ram on the lam in Arab!

WAAY 31 Reporter Jillian Kay spotted the Facebook famous Arab ram roaming through a neighborhood!

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Jillian Kay is a Southern California native and a proud graduate of Emerson College in Boston, where she earned a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism with a minor in comedy writing and performance.

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