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WAAY 31 Special Report: Looking at risks and realities of intermittent fasting

WAAY 31's Georgia Clark has this special report on the risks and realities when it comes to intermittent fasting.

Diet culture has always been prominent in modern society, and a new study suggests one of the latest trends could be deadly.

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity among social media influencers in the past few years and has made its way into the mainstream. However, a recent study suggests it could have lasting, deadly consequences. This study, conducted by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, found that people who limit their eating to an 8-hour window are 91 percent more likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

I spoke with Tammy Beasley, a registered dietician and nutritionist for 30 years. She said not everything is always as it seems.

"What we don't know is what these thousands of people were actually truly eating in their 8-hour window," Beasley said. "It was a self-report, which is always questionable - we do tend to like to report what you think you want to hear."

The researchers sampled responses from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Study from 2003 to 2018 and cross-referenced it to the National Death Index for 2019. This is how they got their sample of 20,000. So, it is a study of studies that also lacks a peer review, which makes this all preliminary information.

Beasley said it is always wise to stay curiously cautious when it comes to research. An important thing to note is that most scientific research on intermittent fasting has been done on animals, not humans. Beasley said that when you are looking into a new diet, always look at your life as a whole first.

"Does this truly fit my lifestyle? Am I really doing this for something that's going to encourage my relationship with food? That's going to fit into my family, fit into my value system," Beasley said.

Beasley specializes in disordered eating, which is her biggest concern when it comes to intermittent fasting.

"Heading into an eating disorder - one of the patterns that begin is skipping meals, is shortening that window," Beasley said. "Against what your body might need, like choosing - I'm really hungry at breakfast, but I'm intermittent fasting, so I can't eat breakfast."

Social media influencers and fitness gurus have been talking about intermittent fasting for years now, and there have been some impressive results.

Nicklaus Chrysson said he lost 25 pounds over three months fasting. To him, it is all a mind game, but he added that fasting is not the only factor in his success.

"I think fasting, for me, has been a great tool in helping me shed some pounds, shed some body fat, getting ready for the summer," Chrysson said. "But it's not all I rely on. I'm in the gym five days a week, resting, eating right."

If you are considering a new diet, make sure you look beyond the headlines and examine the research and the methods researchers use to reach their conclusions. If you will not talk to a dietician or nutritionist, make sure to at least discuss your diet with your doctor.

To read more about the preliminary study on intermittent fasting and its effect on your heart, click HERE.

For more information on intermittent fasting, click HERE.


WAAY 31 Breaking News Anchor Georgia Clark tackles this hot topic.

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