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Remembering the SCItanic 40 years later

July 7, 1984, began as a normal day for boaters on the Tennessee River, but by the end of that day, and for decades to come, the SCItanic and its ironic name would become a boat discussed by people across the U.S. 11 people died. Subscribe to WAAY on YouTube:

July 7, 1984, began as an average day for boaters on the Tennessee River, but by the end of that day, and for decades to come, the SCItanic would become a boat discussed by people across the U.S.

The SCItanic, a triple-decked paddlewheel boat owned by SCI Systems - a large Huntsville electronics company, was taking employees and their families on a river excursion that morning. Fifteen people and three crew members were on the boat that left from Ditto Landing.

As Mother Nature would have it, strong thunderstorms began to rapidly develop across the Tennessee Valley. 

After noticing the darkened sky and hearing the warning on the weather radio, the SCItantic's captain turned the boat around and headed back to Ditto Landing, but it never made it. The boat was capsized by a rare weather phenomenon known as a microburst. Eleven people died.

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The SCIantic

Source: Huntsville Times 

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