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Huntsville PD using DUI checkpoints to keep drivers safe

Huntsville Police are on high alert this holiday weekend. They are looking for any unsafe driving with several checkpoints set up across the city.

Sgt. Antonio Shorter said the checkpoints are not just for those driving under the influence and not just at night.

“Impaired driving happens all day and all night, there is no set time limit,” Shorter said.

The most important detail he pays attention to during a traffic stop, the eyes.

“The eyes never lie,” said Shorter.

Believe it or not, Shorter said law enforcement officers give a lot of grace. “We are here to make sure you are okay and when you need us, we are the first ones to show up.”

Still, there are misconceptions surrounding checkpoints.

“We don't just randomly say, ‘Oh, I like that car so I'm going to go stop it.’ No, there has to be probable cause, there has to be reasonable suspicion. There has to be elements as to why I'm choosing to stop this particular vehicle,” he explained.

And when it comes to stopping a drunk driver, it isn't just about the risk to other drivers and passengers.

“Most people don't really understand there is a very thin line between DUI and fatality. The highest charge you can get is murder.”

If you see someone driving under the influence, don't be afraid to call 911 - it could be the difference between life and death.


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