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Alabama Original: Huntsville's historic Lowry House

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Lowry House

Huntsville's Historic Lowry House

Alabama Original Lowry House

The wedding bells ring at Huntsville's historic Lowry House.

"We do tours, we have parties, even weddings," owner Jane Tippett said.

The historic venue is filled with Huntsville history.

"Everything in the house is original, the floors and all," Tippett said.

Century-old pieces line the walls of the house on Kildare Street. It's all for children on field trips, tourists, brides & grooms to take in and learn from.

"If we don't preserve our history, we just don't know where we've come from," Tippett said.

The history of the home, the authentic pieces hung, the beautiful scenery, it's all breathtaking; but, sometimes, you may have more company at the Lowry House than just who's on the invite list.

"We have our...ghost hunts I'd guess you say," Tippett said. "A young lady was killed here in front of the house."

There's stories of people losing things without explanation, rumbling in the pantry when no one is inside of it, even figures appearing in photos taken inside the house. If you want to spend some time at the Lowry House, you may be run off before nightfall comes.

"Sometimes things fall around here and you can't find out what it is," Tippett said. "You think you hear something and there's nothing there."

The hauntings have become so prevalent in the house, paranormal investigators "The Southern Ghost Girls" are coming to do an investigation and try to find out exactly what's behind the unexplained happenings.

It's rumored one of the original homeowners, Elizabeth Lowry, died in the home of natural causes. 

Another man supposedly hung himself in a tree in the yard after a breakup.

During the Civil War, a woman was murdered in front of the house.

Where did the spirits of these three go? Maybe, not far.

"Do I have a theory as to why they are here," Tippett asked. "Because this is their home and they enjoy it."

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