Mindfulness and Meditation

Mediation has many health benefits like calming your body and improving your immune system. And there's no right way to meditate, either. In fact, there are many different techniques from sound baths to manifestation meditation. There's a form of meditation for just about everyone. Learn how to use meditation to relieve stress and tension, relax the body, find focus, and center your mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of meditation?

    Meditation has many benefits, including lowering stress, improving immune function, and slowing mental aging. Your physical and emotional stress can melt away by learning to calm your body and mind. This leaves you feeling better, refreshed, and ready to face the challenges of your day with a healthy attitude.

  • What's the difference between mindfulness and meditation?

    Mindfulness and meditation are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they're not exactly the same. Mindfulness is the mental state in which you focus your awareness on the present. Meditation is a tool we can use to develop a regular practice of mindfulness.

  • How long should you meditate for?

    The ideal length of time to meditate per session varies among individuals and practices. Generally, however, experts recommend meditating for between five and 45 minutes per day. If you're a beginner, start with short sessions of a few minutes, and add time as you develop your meditating skills.

  • What are some common meditation techniques?

    Here are five beginner-friendly meditation techniques (that also work for experienced meditators, too!): basic meditation, focused meditation, activity-oriented meditation, mindfulness meditation, and spiritual meditation.

Key Terms