28 June 2024

Investments in health and hope

Every child, no matter where they live, has a right to the best health care possible. At the heart of this work, community health workers play a vital role in connecting with families. Whether travelling by foot, boat, caravan or motorcycle, community health workers are reaching children with life-saving vaccines and essential health services in…, Colombia, Esperanza vaccinates a young boy in the community of Marilou. Esperanza vaccinates a young boy in the community of Marilou. Esperanza's local and community connections as a Wayuu help her to create meaningful connections with the indigenous population she serves. In Colombia, a community health worker with deep roots in Wayuu, an indigenous…, India, Two health workers ride on a motorcycle with blue cold coolers, filled with vaccines and health supplies, strapped to the sides. A health worker carries vaccines to the remotest areas carefully stored inside cold boxes. This work ensures that children in Darrang district, India aren't deprived of the routine immunizations. In India, dedicated…, Morocco, A young women speaks with a father about health in Souk Beni Ayat in the Azilal region. In Oct 2023, field workers carried out the project “Community Responsibility for the Prevention of COVID-19 The Promotion of Anti-COVID-19 Vaccination” in partnership between UNICEF and the Tadamoun Association (solidarity) thanks to Canada via Canvax funds. In…, Myanmar, A mother crouches down next to her two young children in Myanmar. Daw Ni Ni, a displaced mother in Kalay, Myanmar poses with her children. Through a pilot initiative supported by UNICEF, she was able to vaccinate her one-year-old for the first time. In Myanmar, amid escalating conflict and insecurity, access to critical health services has become…, Ukraine, A young girl in a pink coat walks outside holding hands with her parents. She looks back at the camera with a smile. A five year old girl walks outdoors with her parents who took part in human-centered immunization sessions supported by UNICEF. In Ukraine, efforts to integrate vaccines into primary healthcare and to train community health workers…
27 June 2024

5 actions for a malaria-free world

Every day over 1,200 children die from malaria, a disease that is both preventable and treatable.   Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted through the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito. It is one of the leading killers of children under five and disproportionately affects vulnerable communities. Malaria also has severe economic…, 1. Life-saving malaria vaccines, Malaria vaccines represent a breakthrough in protecting the most vulnerable children from severe forms of malaria and even death. With support from UNICEF, 22 countries are preparing to, or are alraedy rolling out these life-saving vaccines. Two malaria vaccines, RTS,S/AS01 and R21/Matrix-M, are considered highly effective, reducing clinical…, 2. Mosquito bed nets, Sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets is one of the most effective ways to prevent malaria transmission. These nets create a protective barrier against mosquito bites during the night, saving countless lives, especially among young children, pregnant women and families living in areas with high rates of transmission.   For decades, UNICEF…, 3. Early malaria diagnosis and treatment, Ensuring access to early malaria diagnosis and effective treatments is critical to child survival, especially in hard-to-reach areas where access to care is challenging.   UNICEF collaborates with governments to provide diagnostic tests and antimalarial medications as part of integrated health care programmes that identify and address a range of…, 4. Community awareness and empowerment, Community awareness and Social and behaviour change social behaviour change is an essential part of malaria prevention and control.  UNICEF works with local leaders and health workers, as well as trusted networks of women, youth, faith groups and schools, to spread awareness about malaria prevention and control: understanding symptoms, seeking…, 5. Partnering for scale, innovation and impact, UNICEF collaborates with other organizations, national governments, local partners and other stakeholders to enhance malaria control efforts. These partnerships enable the sharing of resources, expertise and innovative solutions, like the introduction and scale-up of malaria vaccines. By working together, we can maximize our impact, driving down…
20 June 2024

Transforming lives with flexible funding

The unpredictability, volatility, and protracted nature of emergencies today is taking a heavy toll on children and families. From violence in Haiti , to massive flooding in Nigeria , to displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , emergencies can strike or escalate with little or no warning. An overstretched humanitarian system – which…, Democratic Republic of Congo, A girl fills a yellow cannister at a waterpoint with tents in the background. A child draws water from a standpipe installed by UNICEF at the Bulengo site for displaced people, near Goma, in North Kivu Province. The eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo continue to grapple with insecurity stemming from armed conflicts, militia…, Yemen, A girl smiles as holds up a pink towel to wipe her face. A child uses a towel from the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) kit and hygiene supplies her mother just received from UNICEF in Abyan Governorate. After more than nine years of conflict, Yemen remains one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world . More than 2 million of the country’s…, Myanmar, Myanmar: A boy and two girls sit on a carpeted floor reading colorful story books. Children read story books at a UNICEF-supported learning hub in Mong Yawng township, eastern Shan State. Three years since the military takeover, the conflict in Myanmar is rapidly escalating. An unprecedented more than 3 million people are now internally displaced…, Haiti, A woman pulls a large trolley suitcase walks along a road with a girl carrying a large black rucksack. Families lug their belongings along the street after fleeing their homes following attacks by armed groups in Solino in Port-au-Prince. Children and families in Haiti are enduring relentless waves of brutal violence perpetrated by armed groups.…, Nigeria, Nigeria. A boy points at his school, which has been partially submerged in floodwaters, in Adamawa state. A boy points at his school, which has been partially submerged in floodwaters, in Adamawa state. Tens of thousands of people in Nigeria’s Adamawa State were left in need of humanitarian assistance in late 2023 following severe flooding. Many…, Serbia, Serbia. A teenager sits outside a UNICEF-supported partner office in Belgrade, Serbia. Diar Ahmad, 18, sits outside the office of Info Park NGO, a UNICEF-supported partner, in Belgrade, Serbia. Refugees and migrants continue to take dangerous routes to Europe as they flee conflict, persecution, and poverty. In 2023, more than 100,000 refugees and…, Nicaragua, Honduras. Migrants carrying suitcases and backpacks enter Honduras from Nicaragua as they travel north. Migrants enter Honduras on foot from Nicaragua as they travel north. Millions of children and their families across Latin America and the Caribbean have left their schools, homes, and communities as they flee violence, poverty, the collapse of…