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TwiML™ Voice: <VirtualAgent>



This Twiml Verb is not currently available when using Twilio Regions Ireland (IE1) or Australia (AU1). This is currently only supported with the default US1 region. A full list of unsupported products and features with Twilio Regions is documented here.


The <VirtualAgent> TwiML noun, which nests inside a <Connect> verb, allows you to connect callers to a Google Dialogflow VirtualAgent. <VirtualAgent> currently supports Dialogflow CX.

This document outlines the steps to integrate your Dialogflow agents with Twilio and provides links to the specific documentation for working with <VirtualAgent> and Dialogflow CX agents.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VirtualAgent connectorName="project"/>

To use <VirtualAgent>, you must connect your Dialogflow agent to Twilio using a Twilio One-click telephony integration in the Google Dialogflow cloud console. The One-click process is different for Dialogflow CX, so please see the sections below on how to complete the integration steps.

Once you've completed those integration steps, Twilio will add a Dialogflow CX Connector and create a new Studio Flow containing a Connect Virtual Agent Widget that is connected to your selected Dialogflow agent.

You can review all of your Dialogflow CX connections in your Installed Add-Ons in the Twilio Console.

Set up the integration between Twilio and Dialogflow CX

See the full onboarding guide here. The onboarding guide discusses prerequisites, integration steps, and specifics about Dialogflow CX features enabled with the Twilio integration.

Use <VirtualAgent> with Dialogflow CX

Review the supporting documentation to get started with the Dialogflow integration:

  • Dialogflow CX

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