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SHAKEN/STIR Onboarding



This page provides information about Twilio's SHAKEN/STIR onboarding process and links to onboarding directions.

If you're looking for information on SHAKEN/STIR and implementation details, go to the Trusted Calling with SHAKEN/STIR page.

There are two different options for enabling SHAKEN/STIR on your account(s):

  1. Using the Twilio Console
  2. Twilio's Trust Hub REST API.

For both methods, you will need to know whether you are a direct customer or an ISV/Reseller.

  • You are considered a Direct Customer if your employees are reponsible for making the calls. This includes Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Call Centers.
  • You are considered an Independent Software Vendor (ISV)/Reseller if your customers are responsible for making the calls using your product.

SHAKEN/STIR Onboarding in the Twilio Console

If you want to use the Twilio Console to enable SHAKEN/STIR, refer to the SHAKEN/STIR Console Onboarding Instructions.

SHAKEN/STIR Onboarding with the Trust Hub REST API

If you'd prefer to use the Trust Hub REST API, choose the instructions that correspond to your business structure.

Vetting and Attestation Levels

The Twilio onboarding process for SHAKEN/STIR involves a vetting process.



Twilio's Compliance operations team is responsible for vetting the Business Profile and the SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product. The time to vet is 24 hours for Business Profile and 72 hours for SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product.

When will a Twilio call be signed with level A attestation?

When a customer has the following, the call will be signed with A level attestation:

  • Approved Business Profile
  • Approved SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product that is linked to the Business Profile
  • Phone number(s) assigned to both the Business Profile & SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product (only calls from those assigned Phone Numbers will be signed "A")

When will a Twilio call be signed with level B attestation?

When a customer has at a minimum the following, their calls from Parent and Sub-Accounts will be signed with B level attestation:

  • Approved Primary Business Profile
  • Approved SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product linked to their Parent Account

    • Note: There is no need to assign Phone Numbers or use Secondary Business Profiles to achieve B level attestation.
  • This would also be the highest level of attestation possible if a customer is using non-Twilio phone numbers,

    • This is because Twilio cannot attest to a customer's right to use a phone number if it is not a Twilio phone number. Twilio is currently investigating solutions to this.

When will a Twilio call be signed with level C attestation?

When a customer does the following, their calls will be signed with C level attestation:

  • No approved Business Profile(s) and SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product(s) (ie if customer does nothing) OR Rejected Business Profile(s) and SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product(s)


Today, Twilio is signing all US calls with the appropriate attestation in order to meet our obligations per the TRACED ACT.

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