Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge

730 13th Ave, Campbell River, British Columbia V9W 6J3 Kanada
On the Water You Never Feel So Grounded
Kolam Renang & Pantai (62)
Classic cedar twin room
Kamar & Suite (13)
Group meals
Bersantap (9)

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No. 4 dari 5 penginapan di Campbell River
Beri saran perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan tampilan kami.Sempurnakan daftar ini
Baik untuk diketahui
Tempat yang Belum Dikenal
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Internet Kecepatan Tinggi Gratis (Wi-Fi)
Bathtub air panas


730 13th Ave, Campbell River, British Columbia V9W 6J3 Kanada
Agak mudah untuk pejalan kaki
Tempat menginap dinilai berdasarkan skala 0-100. Semakin tinggi nilai, semakin mudah bagi wisatawan untuk menemukan restoran dan hal yang dapat dilakukan terdekat.
Nilai: 77 dari 100
Campbell River Airport
Comox Airport
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Domingo A V menulis ulasan Sep 2022
I spent two consecutive trips for 11 days fishing with my 13 year old son. Then, It was so awesome that I book another trip for an additional week and brought my older son and several friends for it.

Fishing was superb, service at the docks (you drive and fish by yoursel, on 2-3 persons at a time 16’ boat with a 40 hp yamaha engine, very comfortable and seaworthy). Hospitality service as well as food and drinks were also great.

I would definitely recommend this fishing lodge, built on top of a big barge, with all imaginable services available and a hardworking and capable crew. Just the scenery of the area is worth the trip.
Tanggal menginap: Agustus 2022Jenis trip: Bepergian dengan keluarga
Tips Kamar: Pack light, august temperatures are mild, quite comfortable. Take a light jacket, plenty of...
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Bryan C menulis ulasan Nov 2019
I have visited Ole's at least 10 times since the 1980's. In that time the lodge has grown a bit from the original, but this is still the best lodge on the coast for the serious fisherman - someone who spends 10 to 12 hours on the water every day. Like me. It is located on legendary Hakai Pass and is mere minutes from fantastic fishing for springs and cohoes. There is also one other thing to keep in mind: the lodge is 20 minutes away from Odlum Point where the largest salmon ever taken on rod and reel was caught - a giant 88 pounds. You fish all day with your coolers full of food and beverages, then come back to the most wonderful cuisine for dinner. Meanwhile the crew, who are so helpful you can't believe it, take extra special care of your catch, cleaning, vacuum-packing,and freezing it for your trip home. In July and August the salmon runs are frequent and big. I cannot think of anything I would complain about at Ole's except after your time is up you have to leave and go home, so some other lucky fishermen can take your spot. But you can always come back next year. And so many guests do. Tip: Book early!
Tanggal menginap: Agustus 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Miscifu menulis ulasan Apr 2016
Santo Domingo, Republik Dominika
Since 2003 I have visited Ole's Hakai pass FIshing Lodge every year (except 2004). I will continue to do so for years to come. The lodge is located in a built-up barge that is placed in location during the fishing season. The barge has two seperate buildings, one is living room, kitchen and dinning area. The other building houses 4 single occupancy rooms and 10 double occupancy rooms. It has a large deck with a hot tub and hammacks. While the rooms are comfortable, service and fishing is what they excel at. Each 2 guests are assigned their own boat and fishing is unguided but advice is there if needed. There is a staff member in a bigger boat that circulates around the fishing areas, offering fresh bait and assitance if required. There are 5 to 6 great fishing spots just minutes from the lodge. Food is superb and General Manager Ernie is a great host that will spend lot's of time with the guests. The crew is young, energetic and polite. If you go once, you are bound to return.
Tanggal menginap: Agustus 2015
Kualitas Tidur
Jenis trip: Bepergian dengan teman
Tips Kamar: Best rooms are in the upper deck, or lower deck rooms 1, 2, 3 and 11 that have balconies.
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Tanggapan dari Joan C, Administration and guest Liason di Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge
Ditanggapi 25 Apr 2016
Thank you so much for the great review, it is always nice to hear from guests and we look forward to your return to the lodge. Our best and Tight Lines, <")))))>< Ernie and Joan
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OLE'S HAKAI PASS FISHING LODGE (Campbell River, Kanada) - Ulasan Penginapan - Tripadvisor

Tanya Jawab tentang Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge
Apa saja objek wisata populer yang dekat dengan Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge?
Objek wisata terdekat antara lain Wei Wai Kum House of Treasures (0,4 km), Tidemark Theatre (0,4 km), dan Campbell River Art Gallery (0,4 km).
Apa saja fasilitas properti yang tersedia di Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge?
Beberapa fasilitas lebih populer yang ditawarkan antara lain wi-fi gratis, restoran, dan bathtub air panas.
Apa saja pilihan makanan & minuman yang tersedia di Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge?
Selama menginap, tamu dapat menikmati restoran.
Apa saja restoran yang dekat dengan Ole's Hakai Pass Fishing Lodge?
Restoran dengan lokasi strategis antara lain Beach Fire Brewing Company, Spice Hut Indian Cuisine., dan Sunny Day Cafe.
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