A Queer Guide to Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Strategies to Manage It

Seasonal Affective Disorder can feel especially daunting for LGBTQ+ people, who already face disproportionate rates of isolation. Queer experts told us ways to cope with it.
Seasonal Affective Disorder can feel especially daunting to LGBTQ people.
Seasonal Affective Disorder can feel especially daunting to LGBTQ+ people. Hayley Wall

For some people, winter is full of cold weather fun, with coffee dates, snowy adventures, and cozy movie nights being the reason for the season. But for others, winter can leave us feeling zapped of energy. And while it’s normal for shorter days and lower temperatures to impact your mood, this fatigue and sadness can affect some people in profound ways, leaving them feeling drained in a way that goes beyond what’s normal. If that sounds like you, and you experience depression at the same time every year, you might have seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a kind of depression that’s linked to changing seasons.

Seasonal affective disorder can be hard to diagnose because it presents in a similar way as depression or anxiety. People impacted by SAD often feel listless and down, have low energy, and lose interest in activities they tend to enjoy. This can be especially hard for queer and trans people, who already face disproportionate rates of depression, anxiety, and isolation

While a SAD lamp — a bright light used specifically to treat seasonal affective disorder — is often the first treatment that comes to mind for seasonal affective disorder, there are plenty of other ways to tackle the condition. From simple steps like understanding how SAD shows up for you to using tools like art therapy and exercise to reinvigorate yourself, trying out different approaches to handling your seasonal blues can help you find what works best. Read on for a list of ways to combat SAD, according to queer mental health professionals.

What is seasonal affective disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder refers to a kind of depression that occurs at the same time every year, usually during cold weather months. For most people, it may be felt most acutely during the fall and winter, but others can experience its symptoms in the spring and summer as well. 

Common symptoms of SAD include: 

  • Feeling sad and lethargic every day 
  • Having low energy
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Appetite changes 
  • Agitation 
  • Anxiety 
  • Increased Irritability
  • Change in sleep patterns (like oversleeping or insomnia)

SAD can manifest differently depending on the time of year. People who experience SAD in the fall and winter might feel exhausted and sleep more, while those who suffer from SAD in the spring and summer might deal with insomnia, poor appetite, and increased anxiety and irritability. 

What makes seasonal affective disorder different from depression and anxiety?

While symptoms of SAD might come about year-round for people with depression and anxiety, they are usually indicative of SAD if they're especially strong during a particular season. Somebody might have general depression, but if they find that it gets noticeably worse every October or March, they should talk to a mental health professional about SAD as well, and how to find coping mechanisms that can help them combat this yearly cycle.

Image may contain: Drink, Cocktail, Alcohol, and Beverage
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Veronica Chin Hing-Michaluk, a queer psychotherapist who works with patients dealing with SAD, says seasonal affective disorder is both serious and common, much like chronic depression.

“Whether a person is navigating chronic or seasonal depressive symptoms, one of my goals as a licensed mental health counselor is to normalize the negative spectrum emotions that are a rational and healthy part of the human experience,” Chin Hing-Michaluk tells Them

Seasonal affective disorder can be especially hard-hitting for queer and trans people, who are twice as likely to experience some form of mental illness as their cishet peers. Queer people also tend to feel lonelier and be more isolated than the general population. SAD can easily play off of and exacerbate feelings of separation, especially during the winter months, where inclement weather can make it harder to go outside and interact with others. 

What are some treatments for seasonal affective disorder?

While there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for SAD, trying out different strategies can allow you to see what works best for your seasonal blues. For some people, daily walks with friends can help them feel less isolated. For others, SAD lamps and medication work wonders to reduce their symptoms. There’s no perfect list of things that always work for seasonal affective disorder, which is why it’s important to keep track of what has or hasn’t helped you each year.

Observe how SAD may come up for you

Anisah Miley, a queer psychotherapist, says the first step to treating SAD is often as simple as accepting that you have it and observing how it manifests for you. 

“The first thing to do is to begin connecting with how you experience seasonal affective disorder and accept that it’s a pattern before even moving to what to do,” Miley tells Them. “If you're not curious and tuned in to this part of yourself, then every year, you're back at this place where you're knocked off your feet from October to April.”

The simple act of observing and acknowledging how SAD affects you can put you on much better footing to address it in your daily life. If you find yourself waking up with a feeling of listlessness or dread during winter months, start by simply feeling those feelings and noticing how they manifest in your body. If you feel tired throughout the day, just note to yourself that you feel tired. Try to explore how you’re feeling throughout the day with an open mind and without judging yourself: What’s going on with the different parts of my body? How am I feeling right now? Simply taking a moment to check in with yourself can help symptoms of SAD feel a little less overwhelming.

Miley also points out that the pandemic has strengthened feelings of isolation for many people. Being alone might compound the effects of SAD in the wintertime, which is another thing it might be useful to check in with yourself about. Additionally, it’s important to think about how your existing mental health concerns may compound with SAD symptoms. You might have depression year round, but it’s good to notice when it’s worsening, or when in the year you might expect the feelings and effects of depression to intensify.

Try light therapy with an SAD lamp 

For some people, light therapy has been found to be an effective treatment for their seasonal depression. By using a special light called a SAD lamp, you can treat insomnia, anxiety, and other symptoms of seasonal depression by mimicking the positive benefits of outdoor light and altering your brain chemistry.

Typically, SAD lamps use a white fluorescent light with a plastic cover to block harmful UV rays. Because they can be up to 20 times brighter than the average light bulb, sitting in front of a SAD lamp for 15 to 30 minutes every day can reduce the symptoms of seasonal depression. Generally, the out-of-pocket cost of these lamps can range from $40 to upwards of $200, though it’s important to note that very few legitimate SAD lamps, which must have a brightness level of 10,000 lux of white light, cost less than $100. According to the Mayo Clinic, most insurance companies unfortunately do not cover the cost of an SAD lamp or light box. 

A person on a yoga mat.
Through massage, breathwork, bodily awareness, and more, these techniques will help you decompress and unwind during these stressful times.

For those who benefit from SAD lamps, Miley recommends using one as just one part of a treatment plan, as opposed to the only component of it. While SAD lamps can be helpful, people should also make an effort to understand and hold compassion for their seasonal blues before jumping into treatment.

“Something powerful happens when you connect with your parts — the sad parts, the angry parts, the dissociated parts — with curiosity and compassion,” Miley says. “It builds confidence and self-leadership. It might eventually give you the agency to explore options for healing. The UV lamp alone isn't helping a person to feel better. It's the UV lamp combined with the hope that emerges from seeing yourself as an agent of change in your life that could make you feel better.”

It’s important to note that SAD lights are by all means not the only approach or best approach for everyone. Research has found that SAD lights may trigger mania for people who also have bipolar disorder. People with diabetes or retina conditions should also be cautious in how they use SAD lamps, as some research suggests they can cause damage to your vision. If you aren’t sure how an SAD lamp will interact with your other health concerns, you should consult a professional. 

Utilize physical activities like exercise, creating art, and even sex

Sometimes, getting outside the house and connecting with community can be a great way to manage the isolation that accompanies SAD. While this can look like joining a workout group or going for more walks with friends, Chin Hing-Michaluk says you can get really imaginative with how you engage in community.

“Because I run an affirming sex therapy practice, I hear a lot of creative ways that clients are honoring their mental health baselines and navigating SAD in the community,” Chin Hing-Michaluk says. “That can include daily beach walks with their pups, making rock climbing or bouldering friends, joining open art studios, playing with partners at a kink party, exploring needlework groups, and anything else that can serve as a warming anchor.”

Seek mental health support from a professional

Sometimes, people need additional interventions to manage their SAD symptoms, like medication or supplements to help balance their brain chemistry. For some, antidepressants can help boost serotonin levels, which is a common treatment for anxiety and depression symptoms. Others have anecdotally reported benefits from taking Vitamin D supplements to boost their energy levels when it’s difficult to get your daily dose of sunlight. It’s important to note that research is inconclusive on whether dietary supplements can treat the disorder. 

If you find medication to be helpful for you, remember that it’s best to use these tools alongside other support systems that work for you, like talk therapy, outdoor activities, and being social. Because there’s no one way to treat SAD, it’s important to check in with yourself when you’re trying out these coping mechanisms. If possible, consult with a therapist or other behavioral health professional that you trust while figuring out what works best for you. 

Chin Hing-Michaluk says their current approach to helping clients with SAD involves personalized care, and they’ve found that, for their clients, many one-size-fits-all supplements and medications aren’t as helpful. 

“These days, I work with clients to cultivate their very own wellness team and individualized winter practices that might include gender-affirming acupuncturists, BIPOC-identified nutritionists, or WPATH-certified prescribers able to assess for medication as an adjunct therapy,” Chin Hing-Michaluk says. “Antidepressants, walks outside, and journaling may not be a cure-all for the intensity of SAD, so it's important to observe your own seasonal shifts and consult with a professional if you're struggling and feeling alone.” 

The only person who is able to fully know what is working for you is you. It might feel hard to check in with yourself regularly, but finding someone you trust to help you with the process can make it feel so much easier. Make a list of people you can reach out to if you ever feel overwhelmed in any way, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a licensed mental health professional if you need additional support. 

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