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SQL Saturday
  Working with
SQL Server Agent

   Σάββαην 17/09/2011
Η παξνπζίαζε απηή θαηαγξάθεηαη ώζηε λα είλαη δηαζέζηκε ζε
   όζνπο ζέινπλ λα ηελ μαλαδνύλ, ή δελ είραλ ηελ δπλαηόηεηα λα
   ηελ παξαθνινπζήζνπλ ζε πξαγκαηηθό ρξόλν. Εάλ θάπνηνο
   από ηνπο παξαβξηζθόκελνπο ζηελ παξνπζίαζε απηή έρεη ην
   νπνηνδήπνηε πξόβιεκα ή αληίξξεζε λα είλαη κέζα ζηελ
   θαηαγξαθή απηήο, παξαθαιείηαη λα απνρωξήζεη άκεζα.
   Σε δηαθνξεηηθή πεξίπηωζε ε παξνπζία ηνπ εθιακβάλεηαη ωο
   απνδνρή ηεο θαηαγξαθήο.
   Η παξνπζίαζε απηή διατίθεται δωρεάν,
   θαη ζα αξρίζεη ζε 1 ιεπηό…

SQL Saturday Night #11
Απηή ηελ ζηηγκή ν παξνπζηαζηήο κηιάεη θαη ζαο δεηάεη λα
   βεβαηώζεηε όηη ηνλ αθνύηε.
   Εάλ απηό δελ είλαη δπλαηόλ παξαθαιείζηε λα αιιάμεηε ην
   ρξώκα ηεο θάξηαο ζαο ζην αληίζηνηρν ρξώκα ώζηε λα ηνλ
   Απηό κπνξεί λα γίλεη παηώληαο ηελ αληίζηνηρε επηινγή πνπ
   βξίζθεηαη ζην πάλω δεμί κέξνο ηνπ πεξηβάιινληνο ηνπ live
   Σαο επραξηζηνύκε γηα ηελ ζπλεξγαζία.

SQL Saturday Night #11
Working with
                                        SQL Server Agent
                                                        SQL Saturday Night #11
                                                                 Sep 17, 2011

            Antonios Chatzipavlis
            Solution Architect - Principal Consultant
            SQL Server Evangelist & MVP

SQL Saturday Night #11
Antonios G. Chatzipavlis
 • 1982 – The first contact with computers.
 • 1988 – I started my professional carrier in IT, especially in
   software development.
 • 1998 – I earned my 1st Certification as MCSD (3rd in Greece)
      • Since then I certified as MCP, MCSD, MCT, MCDBA, MCAD, MCTS,
        MCITP, MCPD, MCSA, and OCA.
 • 1999 – I started my Trainer carrier as MCT
      • Since then I have more than 13.500 hours of training
 • 2010 – I became for first time Microsoft MVP on SQL Server.
 • Leader of MCT Europe Greek Chapter
 • Moderator of
 • Member of the

SQL Saturday Night #11
 • What is the SQL Server Agent
 • Configuring SQL Server Agent
 • Security for SQL Server Administration
 • Tools for Automating Administrations
 • Monitoring and Responding to Events
 • Automating Administration Across an Enterprise

SQL Saturday Night #11
What is the SQL Server Agent
                         •   Overview of SQL Server Agent

                         •   Components of Automatic Administration
                             • Jobs
                             • Schedules
                             • Alerts
                             • Operators

SQL Saturday Night #11
Overview of SQL Server Agent
      SQL Server Agent is the component of SQL Server
             that is responsible for automation

  • Run as Windows Service
  • Must be running to
       • Execute jobs
       • Fire alerts
       • Contact operators
  • Start Mode should be set to Automatic

SQL Saturday Night #11
                         A job is a specified series of actions
                           that SQL Server Agent performs

 • You can run jobs in several ways:
      • According to one or more schedules
      • In response to one or more alerts
      • By executing the sp_start_job stored procedure

SQL Saturday Night #11
            A schedule specifies when a job runs.
      More than one job can run on the same schedule,
      more than one schedule can apply to the same job.

 • A schedule can define the following conditions for
   the time when a job runs:
      • Whenever SQL Server Agent starts.
      • Whenever CPU utilization of the computer is at a level you
        have defined as idle.
      • One time, at a specific date and time.
      • On a recurring schedule.

SQL Saturday Night #11
                         An alert is an automatic response
                                to a specific event.

 • An alert can respond to one of the following
      • SQL Server events
      • SQL Server performance conditions
      • WMI events on the computer where SQL Server Agent is
 • An alert can perform the following actions:
      • Notify one or more operators
      • Run a job

SQL Saturday Night #11
              An operator defines contact information for
             an individual responsible for the maintenance
               of one or more instances of SQL Server.

 • SQL Server can notify operators of alerts through
   one or more of the following:
      • E-mail
      • Pager (through e-mail)
      • net send

SQL Saturday Night #11
Configuring SQL Server Agent
                         •   Starting, Stopping, and Pausing SQL Server Agent Service

                         •   Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service

                         •   Service Account Types Supported for SQL Server Agent

                         •   Windows Domain Account Permissions

                         •   Using the SQL Server Agent Error Log

                         •   Managing Services

                         •   Using Performance Objects

SQL Saturday Night #11
Starting, Stopping, and Pausing
 SQL Server Agent Service
 • Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
 • net Commands

SQL Saturday Night #11
Selecting an Account for the
 SQL Server Agent Service
 • Built-in accounts
                Local System                   Local Service                  Network Service
   •    The name of NT                • The SQL Server Agent service The name of NT
        AUTHORITYSystem windows cannot be run under this account.       AUTHORITYNetworkService
        account                       • It is not supported because it   windows account
   •    Has unrestricted access to all local                           •
                                          accesses network resources as aAll services that run under the
        system resources                  session with no credentials    Network Service account are
   •    Member of Windows Administrators                                 authenticated to network resources
        group on local computer                                          as the local computer
   •    Member of SQL Server sysadmin                                  • Because multiple services can use
        server role                                                      the Network Service account, it is
   •    Provided for backward compatibility                              difficult to control which services
   •    Has permissions that SQL Server                                  have access to network resources
        Agent does not require

 • This account (Windows Account)
       • Recommended option
       • Use a Windows user account that is not a member of the
         Windows Administrators group
SQL Saturday Night #11
Service Account Types Supported for
 SQL Server Agent
                                                                                Non-clustered      Clustered
   Service account type                                                                                         controller
                                                                                Server             server

   Microsoft Windows domain account
                                                                                   Supported       Supported      Supported
   (member of Windows Administrators group)

   Windows domain account                                                          Supported       Supported      Supported
   (non-administrative)                                                               1               1              1

   Network Service account                                                         Supported           Not           Not
   (NT AUTHORITYNetworkService)                                                    1, 3, 4         supported     supported

   Local user account                                                              Supported           Not           Not
   (non-administrative)                                                               1             supported     applicable

   Local System account                                                            Supported           Not        Supported
   (NT AUTHORITYSystem)                                                              2             supported        2

   Local Service account                                                              Not              Not           Not
   (NT AUTHORITYLocalService)                                                     supported        supported     supported

   1.   Using Non-administrative Accounts for Multiserver Administration
   2.   Using the Local System Account for Multiserver Administration
   3.   Using the Network Service Account When It Is a SQL Server User
   4.   Using the Network Service Account When SQL Server Reporting Services Is Running on the Same Computer
SQL Saturday Night #11
Windows Domain Account Permissions
 • Log on as a service
 • Must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.
 • To use multiserver job processing, must be:
      • a member of the TargetServersRole database role in msdb on
        the master server

 • Required permissions for SQL Server Agent proxies
      • Permission to act as part of the operating system (SeTcbPrivilege) (only
        on Windows 2000)
      • Permission to bypass traverse checking (SeChangeNotifyPrivilege)
      • Permission to replace a process-level token
      • Permission to adjust memory quotas for a process
      • Permission to log on using the batch logon type (SeBatchLogonRight).
SQL Saturday Night #11
Using the SQL Server Agent Error Log
 • Error log records warnings and errors by default.
 • Warnings and errors displayed in the log:
      • Warning messages that provide information about potential
      • Error messages that usually require intervention by a
        system administrator
 • SQL Server maintains up to nine SQL Agent error
 • Execution trace messages are not written to error
      • Consider carefully what value you obtain by capturing
        execution trace messages to the error log
 • You can cycle the SQL Server Agent log at any time
SQL Saturday Night #11
                         SQL Server Agent Error Log

SQL Saturday Night #11
Managing Services
 • The SQL Server Agent service and the SQL Server service
   monitor each other.
      • After both services have started, if one service fails, the other service
        restarts the failed service
 • Auto-restart should not be enabled for the SQL Server service
   or the SQL Server Agent service on failover cluster instances.
 • Jobs that are running at the time of a failover event on a SQL
   Server failover cluster instance do not resume after failover to
   another failover cluster node.
 • Jobs that are running at the time a Hyper-V node is paused
   do not resume if the pause causes a failover to another node.
 • Jobs that begin but fail to complete because of a failover
   event are logged as started,
      • Do not show additional log entries for completion or failure.
      • SQL Server Agent jobs in these scenarios appear to have never ended.

SQL Saturday Night #11
Using Performance Objects
 • SQLAgent:Jobs
      • Performance information about jobs that have been started,
        success rates, and current status
 • SQLAgent:JobSteps
      • Status information about job steps
 • SQLAgent:Alerts
      • Information about number of alerts and notifications
 • SQLAgent:Statistics
      • General performance information

SQL Saturday Night #11
Security for
                         SQL Server Administration
                            •   SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles

                            •   SQL Server Agent Proxies

                            •   SQL Server Agent Subsystems

SQL Saturday Night #11
SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles
 • SQLAgentUserRole
      • Control permission for jobs and schedules that they own
 • SQLAgentReaderRole
      • All permissionsSQLAgentUserRole SQLAgentReaderRole SQLAgentReaderRole
                          of the SQLAgentUserRole plus permission
        to view the list of all available jobs and job schedules

                                                                (owned schedules
                                            (owned jobs only)

                                                                                                                      Job schedules

                                                                                                                                                                         Job schedules
                                                                  Job schedules

                                                                                                                                                            Local jobs
                                               Local jobs

                                                                                                         Local jobs




 • SQLAgentOperatorRole

      • Permission to manage local jobs , view properties for
        operators and proxies, and enumerate Y N N proxies
        Create/modify/delete  N Y Y N N Y  N  available Y N
        and alerts
        View list (enumerate) Y Y Y Y Y Y  Y  Y   Y  Y   Y   Y
           Enable/disable       N               Y                    Y             NA        N           Y            N               Y         N           N            Y               N
           View properties      N               Y                    Y             N         N           Y            Y               Y         Y           Y            Y               Y
           Execute/stop/start   NA              Y                  NA              NA        N           Y            N               Y         N           N            Y               N
           View job history     NA              Y                  NA              NA        NA          Y            N               NA        NA          NA           Y               N
           Delete job history   NA              N                  NA              NA        NA          Y            Y               NA        NA          NA           Y               Y
           Attach/detach        NA           NA                      Y             NA        NA          N            N               NA        NA          NA           Y               N

SQL Saturday Night #11
SQL Server Agent Proxies
 • SQL Server Agent uses proxies to manage security
 • Each proxy corresponds to a security credential.
 • Credentials to store information about Windows user
 • The user specified in the credential must have "Log
   on as a batch job" permission on the computer on
   which SQL Server is running.
 • Each proxy can be associated with a set of
   subsystems and a set of logins.
 • The proxy can be used only for job steps that use a
   subsystem associated with the proxy.
SQL Saturday Night #11
SQL Server Agent Subsystems
 • Is a predefined object that represents a set of
   functionality available to a SQL Server Agent proxy
 • Subsystems provide security because they delimit
   access to the functionality that is available to a proxy
  Subsystem name                      Description
  Microsoft ActiveX Script            Run an ActiveX scripting job step. REMOVED IN FUTURE VERSIONS
  Operating System (CmdExec)          Run an executable program.
  PowerShell                          Run a PowerShell scripting job step.
     Because Transact-SQL jobthe replication Distribution Agent.
  Replication Distributor  Run a job step that activates steps do not use
  Replication Merge        Run a job step that activates the replication Merge Agent.
             proxies, there job step that SQLthe replication Queue Reader Agent.
  Replication Queue Reader Run a
                                  is no activates Server Agent
            subsystem fora job step that activates the replication Snapshot Agent.
  Replication Snapshot     Run Transact-SQL job steps.
  Replication Transaction Log Reader Run a job step that activates the replication Log Reader Agent.
  Analysis Services Command           Run an Analysis Services command.
  Analysis Services Query             Run an Analysis Services query.
  SSIS package execution              Run an SSIS package.
SQL Saturday Night #11
Tools for
                         Automating Administrations
                             •   Maintenance Plan

                             •   Implementing Jobs

                             •   Monitoring Jobs Activity

SQL Saturday Night #11
Maintenance Plan
 • Helps you set up the core maintenance tasks to
   make sure that your database performs well
 • To create or manage maintenance plans, you must
   be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role
 • You can perform the following tasks:
      • Reorganize the data on the data and index pages by
        rebuilding indexes
      • Compress data files by removing empty database pages
      • Update index statistics
      • Perform internal consistency checks
      • Back up the database and transaction log files
      • Run SQL Server Agent jobs

SQL Saturday Night #11
                         Maintenance Plan

SQL Saturday Night #11
Implementing Jobs
 • A job is a specified series of operations performed
 • A job can perform a wide range of activities
 • Jobs can run repetitive or schedulable tasks
 • Automatically notify users of job status
 • To create a job user must be a member of one of
      • SQLAgentUserRole
      • SQLAgentReaderRole
      • SQLAgentOperatorRole
      • or sysadmin fixed server role.
 • A job can be edited only by its owner or members of the
   sysadmin role
 • Jobs can be written to run on the local instance of SQL
   Server or on multiple instances across an enterprise
SQL Saturday Night #11
                         Creating Jobs

SQL Saturday Night #11
Monitoring Jobs Activity
 • SQL Server Agent creates a new session each time
   the service starts.
 • Information about these sessions is stored in the
   syssessions table of the msdb database
 • When a new session is created, the sysjobactivity
   table in the msdb database is populated with all the
   existing defined jobs.
 • Jobs Activity Monitor

SQL Saturday Night #11
                         Monitoring Jobs Activity

SQL Saturday Night #11
Monitoring and Responding
                                          to Events
                             •   Overview of Alerts

                             •   Alert Event Types

                             •   Overview of Operators

                             •   Fail-Safe Operator

SQL Saturday Night #11
Overview of Alerts
 • Events are generated by SQL Server and entered
   into the Microsoft Windows application log.
 • SQL Server Agent reads the application log and
   compares events written there to alerts that you
   have defined.
 • When SQL Server Agent finds a match, it fires an
   alert, which is an automated response to an event.

SQL Saturday Night #11
Alert Event Types
 • SQL Server events
      •    Error number
      •    Severity level
      •    Database
      •    Event text
 • SQL Server performance conditions
      •    Object
      •    Counter
      •    Instance
      •    Alter if counter and Value
 • WMI events
      • Namespace
      • Query

SQL Saturday Night #11
Overview of Operators
 • Operators are aliases for people or groups that can
   receive electronic notification when jobs have
   completed or alerts have been raised
 • Operators can be notified by
      • Email
           • DB Mail (SMTP)
           • SQL Mail (Extended MAPI)
      • Pager
           • Paging is implemented by e-mail
           • Must install software on the mail server that processes inbound mail
             and converts it to a pager message
      • net send command
           • net send is NOT available in Windows Server 2008 R2

   Pager & net send will be removed in a future versions
SQL Saturday Night #11
Fail-Safe Operator
 • The fail-safe operator receives an alert notification after
   all pager notifications to the designated operators have
 • The fail-safe operator is notified when:
      • The operators responsible for the alert could not be paged.
           • Reasons for failure to reach primary operators include incorrect pager
             addresses and off-duty operators.
      • SQL Server Agent cannot access system tables in the msdb
           • The sysnotifications system table specifies operator responsibilities for

 • The fail-safe operator is a security feature.
 • You cannot delete the operator assigned to fail-safe duty
   without reassigning fail-safe duty to another operator, or
   deleting the fail-safe assignment altogether.
SQL Saturday Night #11
                         Alerts & Operators

SQL Saturday Night #11
Automating Administration Across
                      an Enterprise
                         •   Overview of Multiserver Environment

                         •   Choosing the Right SQL Server Agent Service Account for
                             Multiserver Environments

                         •   Setting Encryption Options on Target Servers

                         •   Polling Intervals

                         •   Event forwarding

SQL Saturday Night #11
Overview of Multiserver Environment
 • One master server
 • At least one target server
 • Master server distributes jobs to, and receives
   events from, target servers.
 • Master server also stores the central copy of job
   definitions for jobs that are run on target servers.
 • Target servers connect periodically to the master
   server to update their schedule of jobs.
      • If a new job exists on the master server, the target server
        downloads the job.
      • After the target server completes the job, it reconnects to
        the master server and reports the status of the job
SQL Saturday Night #11
Choosing the Right SQL Server Agent Service
 Account for Multiserver Environments
 • If you run the SQL Server Agent service under an
   account that is not a member of the local Windows
   Administrators group, enlisting target servers to master
   servers may fail
      • "The enlistment operation failed."
           • Restart the SQL Server and the SQL Server Agent services to resolve
             this issue.

 • When the SQL Server Agent service is run under the
   Local System account, master server-target server
   operations are supported only if both the master server
   and the target server reside on the same computer
      • "Ensure the agent start-up account for
        <target_server_computer_name> has rights to log on as
           • You can ignore this informational message. The enlistment operation
             should complete successfully.

SQL Saturday Night #11
Setting Encryption Options on Target
 • If you cannot use a certificate for Secure Sockets
   Layer (SSL) encrypted communications between
   master servers and some or all of your target
   servers, but you want to encrypt the channel
   between them
    Microsoft SQL Server
  Value Description
              Disables encryption between this target server and the master server. Choose this option only
      0       when the channel between the target server and master server is secured by another means.
              Enables encryption only between this target server and the master server, but no certificate
      1       validation is required.
              Enables full SSL encryption and certificate validation between this target server and the master
      2       server. This setting is the default. Unless you have specific reason to choose a different value, we
              recommend not changing it.

SQL Saturday Night #11
Polling Intervals
 • The polling interval controls how frequently the
   target server connects to the master server to
   download instructions and upload the results of job
 • Target server polls the master server and reads the
   operations assigned to from the sysdownloadlist
   table in the msdb database.
 • Operations are posted to the sysdownloadlist table
   in either of the following ways:
      • Explicitly by using the sp_post_msx_operation stored
      • Implicitly by using other job stored procedures.
SQL Saturday Night #11
Event forwarding
 • Advantages                Guidelines for Using an Event forwarding
      • Centralization
                            • Avoid running critical or heavily used
      • Scalability.          applications on the alerts management
      • Efficiency.           server.
                            • Carefully plan for the network traffic
 • Disadvantages              involved in configuring many servers to
      • Increased traffic     share the same alerts management
      • Single point of
        failure.            • Define alerts on the local instance of
      • Server load.          SQL Server that require a server-
                              specific response, instead of forwarding
                              the alerts to the alerts management
                            • After configuring your alert system,
                              periodically check the Microsoft
                              Windows application log for SQL Server
                              Agent events.
SQL Saturday Night #11
                         Implementing Multiserver Environment

SQL Saturday Night #11
SQL Saturday Night #11
Contact Me – Follow me

   Twitter: antoniosch



SQL Saturday Night #11
Σας Εσταριστώ

   w w w. s q l s c h o o l . g r

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working with sql server agent-2

  • 1. SQL Saturday #11 Night Working with SQL Server Agent Σάββαην 17/09/2011
  • 2. Η παξνπζίαζε απηή θαηαγξάθεηαη ώζηε λα είλαη δηαζέζηκε ζε όζνπο ζέινπλ λα ηελ μαλαδνύλ, ή δελ είραλ ηελ δπλαηόηεηα λα ηελ παξαθνινπζήζνπλ ζε πξαγκαηηθό ρξόλν. Εάλ θάπνηνο από ηνπο παξαβξηζθόκελνπο ζηελ παξνπζίαζε απηή έρεη ην νπνηνδήπνηε πξόβιεκα ή αληίξξεζε λα είλαη κέζα ζηελ θαηαγξαθή απηήο, παξαθαιείηαη λα απνρωξήζεη άκεζα. Σε δηαθνξεηηθή πεξίπηωζε ε παξνπζία ηνπ εθιακβάλεηαη ωο απνδνρή ηεο θαηαγξαθήο. Η παξνπζίαζε απηή διατίθεται δωρεάν, θαη ζα αξρίζεη ζε 1 ιεπηό… SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 3. Απηή ηελ ζηηγκή ν παξνπζηαζηήο κηιάεη θαη ζαο δεηάεη λα βεβαηώζεηε όηη ηνλ αθνύηε. Εάλ απηό δελ είλαη δπλαηόλ παξαθαιείζηε λα αιιάμεηε ην ρξώκα ηεο θάξηαο ζαο ζην αληίζηνηρν ρξώκα ώζηε λα ηνλ ελεκεξώζεηε. Απηό κπνξεί λα γίλεη παηώληαο ηελ αληίζηνηρε επηινγή πνπ βξίζθεηαη ζην πάλω δεμί κέξνο ηνπ πεξηβάιινληνο ηνπ live meeting. Σαο επραξηζηνύκε γηα ηελ ζπλεξγαζία. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 4. Working with SQL Server Agent SQL Saturday Night #11 Sep 17, 2011 Antonios Chatzipavlis Solution Architect - Principal Consultant SQL Server Evangelist & MVP MCT, MCITP, MCPD, MCSD, MCDBA, MCSA, MCTS, MCAD, MCP, OCA SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 5. Antonios G. Chatzipavlis • 1982 – The first contact with computers. • 1988 – I started my professional carrier in IT, especially in software development. • 1998 – I earned my 1st Certification as MCSD (3rd in Greece) • Since then I certified as MCP, MCSD, MCT, MCDBA, MCAD, MCTS, MCITP, MCPD, MCSA, and OCA. • 1999 – I started my Trainer carrier as MCT • Since then I have more than 13.500 hours of training • 2010 – I became for first time Microsoft MVP on SQL Server. also • Leader of MCT Europe Greek Chapter • Moderator of • Member of the SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 6. Agenda • What is the SQL Server Agent • Configuring SQL Server Agent • Security for SQL Server Administration • Tools for Automating Administrations • Monitoring and Responding to Events • Automating Administration Across an Enterprise SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 7. What is the SQL Server Agent • Overview of SQL Server Agent • Components of Automatic Administration • Jobs • Schedules • Alerts • Operators SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 8. Overview of SQL Server Agent SQL Server Agent is the component of SQL Server that is responsible for automation • Run as Windows Service • Must be running to • Execute jobs • Fire alerts • Contact operators • Start Mode should be set to Automatic SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 9. Jobs A job is a specified series of actions that SQL Server Agent performs • You can run jobs in several ways: • According to one or more schedules • In response to one or more alerts • By executing the sp_start_job stored procedure SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 10. Schedules A schedule specifies when a job runs. More than one job can run on the same schedule, and more than one schedule can apply to the same job. • A schedule can define the following conditions for the time when a job runs: • Whenever SQL Server Agent starts. • Whenever CPU utilization of the computer is at a level you have defined as idle. • One time, at a specific date and time. • On a recurring schedule. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 11. Alerts An alert is an automatic response to a specific event. • An alert can respond to one of the following conditions: • SQL Server events • SQL Server performance conditions • WMI events on the computer where SQL Server Agent is running • An alert can perform the following actions: • Notify one or more operators • Run a job SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 12. Operators An operator defines contact information for an individual responsible for the maintenance of one or more instances of SQL Server. • SQL Server can notify operators of alerts through one or more of the following: • E-mail • Pager (through e-mail) • net send SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 13. Configuring SQL Server Agent • Starting, Stopping, and Pausing SQL Server Agent Service • Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service • Service Account Types Supported for SQL Server Agent • Windows Domain Account Permissions • Using the SQL Server Agent Error Log • Managing Services • Using Performance Objects SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 14. Starting, Stopping, and Pausing SQL Server Agent Service • Using SQL Server Configuration Manager (preferred) • net Commands SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 15. Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service • Built-in accounts Local System Local Service Network Service • The name of NT • The SQL Server Agent service The name of NT • AUTHORITYSystem windows cannot be run under this account. AUTHORITYNetworkService account • It is not supported because it windows account • Has unrestricted access to all local • accesses network resources as aAll services that run under the null system resources session with no credentials Network Service account are • Member of Windows Administrators authenticated to network resources group on local computer as the local computer • Member of SQL Server sysadmin • Because multiple services can use server role the Network Service account, it is • Provided for backward compatibility difficult to control which services • Has permissions that SQL Server have access to network resources Agent does not require • This account (Windows Account) • Recommended option • Use a Windows user account that is not a member of the Windows Administrators group SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 16. Service Account Types Supported for SQL Server Agent Domain Non-clustered Clustered Service account type controller Server server (non-clustered) Microsoft Windows domain account Supported Supported Supported (member of Windows Administrators group) Windows domain account Supported Supported Supported (non-administrative) 1 1 1 Network Service account Supported Not Not (NT AUTHORITYNetworkService) 1, 3, 4 supported supported Local user account Supported Not Not (non-administrative) 1 supported applicable Local System account Supported Not Supported (NT AUTHORITYSystem) 2 supported 2 Local Service account Not Not Not (NT AUTHORITYLocalService) supported supported supported 1. Using Non-administrative Accounts for Multiserver Administration 2. Using the Local System Account for Multiserver Administration 3. Using the Network Service Account When It Is a SQL Server User 4. Using the Network Service Account When SQL Server Reporting Services Is Running on the Same Computer SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 17. Windows Domain Account Permissions • Log on as a service • Must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. • To use multiserver job processing, must be: • a member of the TargetServersRole database role in msdb on the master server • Required permissions for SQL Server Agent proxies support: • Permission to act as part of the operating system (SeTcbPrivilege) (only on Windows 2000) • Permission to bypass traverse checking (SeChangeNotifyPrivilege) • Permission to replace a process-level token (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege) • Permission to adjust memory quotas for a process (SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege) • Permission to log on using the batch logon type (SeBatchLogonRight). SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 18. Using the SQL Server Agent Error Log • Error log records warnings and errors by default. • Warnings and errors displayed in the log: • Warning messages that provide information about potential problems • Error messages that usually require intervention by a system administrator • SQL Server maintains up to nine SQL Agent error logs • Execution trace messages are not written to error log • Consider carefully what value you obtain by capturing execution trace messages to the error log • You can cycle the SQL Server Agent log at any time SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 19. demo SQL Server Agent Error Log SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 20. Managing Services • The SQL Server Agent service and the SQL Server service monitor each other. • After both services have started, if one service fails, the other service restarts the failed service • Auto-restart should not be enabled for the SQL Server service or the SQL Server Agent service on failover cluster instances. • Jobs that are running at the time of a failover event on a SQL Server failover cluster instance do not resume after failover to another failover cluster node. • Jobs that are running at the time a Hyper-V node is paused do not resume if the pause causes a failover to another node. • Jobs that begin but fail to complete because of a failover event are logged as started, • Do not show additional log entries for completion or failure. • SQL Server Agent jobs in these scenarios appear to have never ended. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 21. Using Performance Objects • SQLAgent:Jobs • Performance information about jobs that have been started, success rates, and current status • SQLAgent:JobSteps • Status information about job steps • SQLAgent:Alerts • Information about number of alerts and notifications • SQLAgent:Statistics • General performance information SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 22. Security for SQL Server Administration • SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles • SQL Server Agent Proxies • SQL Server Agent Subsystems SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 23. SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles • SQLAgentUserRole • Control permission for jobs and schedules that they own • SQLAgentReaderRole msdb • All permissionsSQLAgentUserRole SQLAgentReaderRole SQLAgentReaderRole of the SQLAgentUserRole plus permission to view the list of all available jobs and job schedules (owned schedules (owned jobs only) Job schedules Job schedules Job schedules Local jobs Local jobs Local jobs Operators Operators Operators Proxies Proxies Proxies • SQLAgentOperatorRole only) Action • Permission to manage local jobs , view properties for operators and proxies, and enumerate Y N N proxies Create/modify/delete N Y Y N N Y N available Y N and alerts View list (enumerate) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Enable/disable N Y Y NA N Y N Y N N Y N View properties N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Execute/stop/start NA Y NA NA N Y N Y N N Y N View job history NA Y NA NA NA Y N NA NA NA Y N Delete job history NA N NA NA NA Y Y NA NA NA Y Y Attach/detach NA NA Y NA NA N N NA NA NA Y N SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 24. SQL Server Agent Proxies • SQL Server Agent uses proxies to manage security contexts • Each proxy corresponds to a security credential. • Credentials to store information about Windows user accounts. • The user specified in the credential must have "Log on as a batch job" permission on the computer on which SQL Server is running. • Each proxy can be associated with a set of subsystems and a set of logins. • The proxy can be used only for job steps that use a subsystem associated with the proxy. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 25. SQL Server Agent Subsystems • Is a predefined object that represents a set of functionality available to a SQL Server Agent proxy • Subsystems provide security because they delimit access to the functionality that is available to a proxy Subsystem name Description Microsoft ActiveX Script Run an ActiveX scripting job step. REMOVED IN FUTURE VERSIONS Operating System (CmdExec) Run an executable program. PowerShell Run a PowerShell scripting job step. Because Transact-SQL jobthe replication Distribution Agent. Replication Distributor Run a job step that activates steps do not use Replication Merge Run a job step that activates the replication Merge Agent. proxies, there job step that SQLthe replication Queue Reader Agent. Replication Queue Reader Run a is no activates Server Agent subsystem fora job step that activates the replication Snapshot Agent. Replication Snapshot Run Transact-SQL job steps. Replication Transaction Log Reader Run a job step that activates the replication Log Reader Agent. Analysis Services Command Run an Analysis Services command. Analysis Services Query Run an Analysis Services query. SSIS package execution Run an SSIS package. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 26. Tools for Automating Administrations • Maintenance Plan • Implementing Jobs • Monitoring Jobs Activity SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 27. Maintenance Plan • Helps you set up the core maintenance tasks to make sure that your database performs well • To create or manage maintenance plans, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role • You can perform the following tasks: • Reorganize the data on the data and index pages by rebuilding indexes • Compress data files by removing empty database pages • Update index statistics • Perform internal consistency checks • Back up the database and transaction log files • Run SQL Server Agent jobs SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 28. demo Maintenance Plan SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 29. Implementing Jobs • A job is a specified series of operations performed sequentially. • A job can perform a wide range of activities • Jobs can run repetitive or schedulable tasks • Automatically notify users of job status • To create a job user must be a member of one of • SQLAgentUserRole • SQLAgentReaderRole • SQLAgentOperatorRole • or sysadmin fixed server role. • A job can be edited only by its owner or members of the sysadmin role • Jobs can be written to run on the local instance of SQL Server or on multiple instances across an enterprise SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 30. demo Creating Jobs SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 31. Monitoring Jobs Activity • SQL Server Agent creates a new session each time the service starts. • Information about these sessions is stored in the syssessions table of the msdb database • When a new session is created, the sysjobactivity table in the msdb database is populated with all the existing defined jobs. • Jobs Activity Monitor SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 32. demo Monitoring Jobs Activity SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 33. Monitoring and Responding to Events • Overview of Alerts • Alert Event Types • Overview of Operators • Fail-Safe Operator SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 34. Overview of Alerts • Events are generated by SQL Server and entered into the Microsoft Windows application log. • SQL Server Agent reads the application log and compares events written there to alerts that you have defined. • When SQL Server Agent finds a match, it fires an alert, which is an automated response to an event. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 35. Alert Event Types • SQL Server events • Error number • Severity level • Database • Event text • SQL Server performance conditions • Object • Counter • Instance • Alter if counter and Value • WMI events • Namespace • Query SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 36. Overview of Operators • Operators are aliases for people or groups that can receive electronic notification when jobs have completed or alerts have been raised • Operators can be notified by • Email • DB Mail (SMTP) • SQL Mail (Extended MAPI) • Pager • Paging is implemented by e-mail • Must install software on the mail server that processes inbound mail and converts it to a pager message • net send command • net send is NOT available in Windows Server 2008 R2 Pager & net send will be removed in a future versions SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 37. Fail-Safe Operator • The fail-safe operator receives an alert notification after all pager notifications to the designated operators have failed • The fail-safe operator is notified when: • The operators responsible for the alert could not be paged. • Reasons for failure to reach primary operators include incorrect pager addresses and off-duty operators. • SQL Server Agent cannot access system tables in the msdb database. • The sysnotifications system table specifies operator responsibilities for alerts. • The fail-safe operator is a security feature. • You cannot delete the operator assigned to fail-safe duty without reassigning fail-safe duty to another operator, or deleting the fail-safe assignment altogether. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 38. demo Alerts & Operators SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 39. Automating Administration Across an Enterprise • Overview of Multiserver Environment • Choosing the Right SQL Server Agent Service Account for Multiserver Environments • Setting Encryption Options on Target Servers • Polling Intervals • Event forwarding SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 40. Overview of Multiserver Environment • One master server • At least one target server • Master server distributes jobs to, and receives events from, target servers. • Master server also stores the central copy of job definitions for jobs that are run on target servers. • Target servers connect periodically to the master server to update their schedule of jobs. • If a new job exists on the master server, the target server downloads the job. • After the target server completes the job, it reconnects to the master server and reports the status of the job SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 41. Choosing the Right SQL Server Agent Service Account for Multiserver Environments • If you run the SQL Server Agent service under an account that is not a member of the local Windows Administrators group, enlisting target servers to master servers may fail • "The enlistment operation failed." • Restart the SQL Server and the SQL Server Agent services to resolve this issue. • When the SQL Server Agent service is run under the Local System account, master server-target server operations are supported only if both the master server and the target server reside on the same computer • "Ensure the agent start-up account for <target_server_computer_name> has rights to log on as targetServer." • You can ignore this informational message. The enlistment operation should complete successfully. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 42. Setting Encryption Options on Target Servers • If you cannot use a certificate for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted communications between master servers and some or all of your target servers, but you want to encrypt the channel between them • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft Microsoft SQL Server <instance_name>SQLServerAgent MsxEncryptChannelOptions(REG_DWORD) Value Description Disables encryption between this target server and the master server. Choose this option only 0 when the channel between the target server and master server is secured by another means. Enables encryption only between this target server and the master server, but no certificate 1 validation is required. Enables full SSL encryption and certificate validation between this target server and the master 2 server. This setting is the default. Unless you have specific reason to choose a different value, we recommend not changing it. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 43. Polling Intervals • The polling interval controls how frequently the target server connects to the master server to download instructions and upload the results of job execution. • Target server polls the master server and reads the operations assigned to from the sysdownloadlist table in the msdb database. • Operations are posted to the sysdownloadlist table in either of the following ways: • Explicitly by using the sp_post_msx_operation stored procedure. • Implicitly by using other job stored procedures. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 44. Event forwarding • Advantages Guidelines for Using an Event forwarding • Centralization • Avoid running critical or heavily used • Scalability. applications on the alerts management • Efficiency. server. • Carefully plan for the network traffic • Disadvantages involved in configuring many servers to • Increased traffic share the same alerts management server. • Single point of failure. • Define alerts on the local instance of • Server load. SQL Server that require a server- specific response, instead of forwarding the alerts to the alerts management server. • After configuring your alert system, periodically check the Microsoft Windows application log for SQL Server Agent events. SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 45. demo Implementing Multiserver Environment SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 47. Contact Me – Follow me Twitter: antoniosch Blog: Email: SQL Saturday Night #11
  • 49. ROCKING WITH KNOWLEDGE IN SQL SERVER w w w. s q l s c h o o l . g r

Editor's Notes

  1. Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service
  2. To view SQL Server Agent error logIn Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.Expand SQL Server Agent, expand Error Logs, right-click the error log you want to view, and then click View Agent Log.In the Select logs pane, click a type of logged item to filter the log contents.Optionally, click the Filter button and enter parameter values in the Filter Settings dialog box to filter the log contents.Check Apply Filter if you have selected filter parameters, and click OK in the Filter Settings dialog box.Under Log file summary, view the log contents.To rename a SQL Server Agent error logIn Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.Expand SQL Server Agent.Right-click Error Logs and select Configure.In the Error log file box, enter the new path and file name, or find it using the browse (...) button.SQL Server Agent will not write to the new log file until the SQL Server Agent service is restarted.To send SQL Server Agent error messagesIn Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.Right-click SQL Server Agent, and then click Properties.On the General page, in the Net send recipient box, type the user name or computer name. The Microsoft Windows Messenger service must be running to receive net send events.To write execution trace messages to the SQL Server Agent error logIn Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.Right-click SQL Server Agent, and then click Properties.On the General page, check Include execution trace messages.Because this option can cause the error log to become large, set it only when investigating a specific SQL Server Agent problem.
  3. Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service
  4. Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service
  5. Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service
  6. select * from msdb.dbo.sysjobactivityselect * from msdb.dbo.syssessionsShow job activity monitor