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Tuning Solr for Logs: Presented by Radu Gheorghe, Sematext
Tuning Solr for Logs 
Radu Gheorghe 
@radu0gheorghe @sematext
/me does... 
search consulting + Logsene = logging consulting
Tuning. Is it worth it? 
baseline last run 
# of logs 10M 310M 
EC2 bill/month 700 450
What to optimize for? 
capacity: how many logs 
the same hardware can keep 
while still providing decent 
What's decent performance? “It depends” 
indexing: enough to keep up with generated logs* 
search concurrency 
search latency: 2s for debug queries, 5s for charts 
*account for spikes!
Enough theory, let's start testing! 
Solr instance 
m3.2xlarge (8CPU, 30GB RAM, 2x80GB SSD) 
Solr 4.10.1 
Feeder instance 
c3.2xlarge (8CPU, 15GB RAM, 2x80GB SSD) 
apache access logs 
python script to parse and feed them
Baseline test 
15GB heap 
debug query 
status:404 in the last hour 
charts query 
all time status counters 
all time top IPs 
user agent word cloud
Baseline result 
100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M 
100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M 
Baseline result 
100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M 
Baseline result 
bottleneck: facets eat CPU
100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M 
Baseline result 
on average, bottleneck: facets eat CPU 
100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M 
indexing limited 
because python 
scripts eats 
feeder CPU 
Baseline result 
bottleneck: facets eat CPU 
on average, 
Indexing throughput: is it enough? 
“it depends” 
how long do you keep your logs? 
1M logs/day * 10 days <> 0.3M logs/day * 30 days. Both need 10M capacity 
1M logs/day * 30 days? Needs 3 servers, each getting 0.3M logs/day 
Baseline run: 10M index fills up in <1/2h at 7K EPS
Indexing throughput: is it enough? 
“it depends” 
how long do you keep your logs? 
1M logs/day * 10 days <> 0.3M logs/day * 30 days. Both need 10M capacity 
1M logs/day * 30 days? Needs 3 servers, each getting 0.3M logs/day 
how big are your spikes? (assumption: 10x regular load) 
7K EPS is enough for 10M capacity if you keep logs >5h
1.5M 3M 5M 8M 11M 
Rare commits 
10% above baseline 
auto soft commits every 5 seconds 
auto hard commits every 30 minutes 
RAMBufferSize=200MB; maxBufferedDocs=10M
Same results with 
even rarer commits (auto-soft every 30s, 500MB buffer) 
omitNorms + omitTermFreqAndPositions 
larger caches 
cache autowarming 
THP disabled 
mergeFactor 5 
mergeFactor 20 
but indexing 
was cheaper 
manually ran 
queries, too
1.5M 3M 5M 8M 10M 12M 
DocValues on IP and status code 
20% above baseline
3M 10M 18M 24M 31M 36M 
Detour: what if user agent was string? 
3.6x baseline
8M 16M 24M 32M 40M 48M 56M 64M 67M 69M 70M 70.5M 
… and if user agent used DocValues? 
6.7x baseline 
reducing indexing 
adds 5% capacity
3M 7M 11M 15M 19M 23M 27M 28M 
OOM (150 collections) 
Time based collections (1 minute) 
2.7x baseline
10M 40M 70M 100M 130M 160M 190M 213M 
still OOM 
(~100 collections) 
Time based collections (10 minutes) 
21x baseline
10min collections: 20GB heap; optimize old 
50M 100M 150M 200M 250M 300M 310M 330M 340M 
31x baseline, 
5 days projected retention 
with 10x spikes 
no more OOM, 
just slower queries 
34x baseline, 
10 days projected 
retention (10x)
Software optimizations recap 
Definitely worth it Nice to have I wouldn't bother 
noop I/O scheduler merge policy tuning 
DocValues omit norms, term 
frequencies and 
rare soft commits optimize “old” 
super-rare soft 
disable THP
r3.2xlarge: +30GB RAM, +$0.14/h, 1x160GB SSD 
20M 70M 120M 170M 220M 270M 320M 372M 
less indexing throughput 
than m3.2xlarge 
37x baseline, 
9 days projected retention 
with 10x spikes
20M 50M 80M 110M 140M 170M 177M 
c3.2xlarge: -15GB RAM, -$0.14/h 
17x baseline, 
5 days projected retention 
with 10x spikes
Monthly EC2 cost per 1M logs* 
m3.2xlarge: $1.3 
r3.2xlarge: $1.33 
c3.2xlarge: $1.78 
TODO (a.k.a. truth always messes with simplicity): 
more/expensive facets => more CPU => c3 looks better 
less/cheap facets => not enough instance storage 
=> EBS (magnetic/SSD/provisioned IOPS)? 
=> storage-optimized i2? 
=> old-gen instances with magnetic instance storage? 
use different instance types for “hot” and “cold” collections? 
*on-demand pricing at 2014-11-07
How NOT to build an indexing pipeline 
custom script: 
reads apache logs from files 
parses them using regex 
takes 100% CPU and 100% RAM 
from a c3.2xlarge instance 
maxes out at 7K EPS
Enter Apache Flume* 
agent.sources = spoolSrc 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.type = spooldir 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.spoolDir = /var/log 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.channels = solrChannel 
agent.channels = solrChannel 
agent.channels.solrChannel.type = file = solrChannel 
put Solr and Morphline 
jars in lib/ 
agent.sinks = solrSink 
agent.sinks.solrSink.type = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.MorphlineSolrSink 
agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineFile = conf/morphline.conf 
agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineId = 1 
*Or Logstash. Or rsyslog. Or syslog-ng. Or any other specialized event processing tool 
morphline.conf (think Unix pipes) 
morphlines : [ 
{ id : 1 
commands : [ 
same ID as in the flume.conf 
sink definition 
{ readLine { charset : UTF-8 } } 
grok { 
dictionaryFiles : [conf/grok-patterns] 
expressions : { 
message : """%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}""" 
{ generateUUID { field : id } } 
loadSolr { 
solrLocator : { 
collection : collection1 
solrUrl : "" 
process one line at a time 
(there's also readMultiLine) 
parses each property 
(eg: IP, status code) 
Solr can in its own field 
do it, too* 
use zkHost 
for SolrCloud 
Result: 2.4K EPS, feeder machine almost idle
2.4K EPS is typically enough for this 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
scales nicely with # of servers 
but all buffering and processing 
is done here
but not for this 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
centralized buffering 
and processing 
Flume agent 
Flume agent
or this 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
application server 
+ Flume agent 
buffer, then process (separately) 
Flume agent 
Flume agent 
Flume agent
Increase throughput: batch sizes; memory channel 
agent.sources = spoolSrc 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.type = spooldir 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.spoolDir = /var/log 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.batchSize = 5000 
make sure you have enough heap 
agent.sources.spoolSrc.channels = solrChannel 
agent.channels = solrChannel 
agent.channels.solrChannel.type = file memory 
agent.channels.solrChannel.capacity = 1000000 
agent.channels.solrChannel.transactionCapacity = 5000 = solrChannel 
solrLocator : { 
collection : collection1 
solrUrl : "" 
batchSize : 5000 
agent.sinks = solrSink 
agent.sinks.solrSink.type = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.MorphlineSolrSink 
agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineFile = conf/morphline.conf 
agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineId = 1 
agent.sinks.solrSink.batchSize = 5000
Result: 10K EPS, 6%CPU usage (2x baseline)
More throughput? Parallelize 
Depends* on the bottleneck 
source channel sink 
more threads 
(if applicable) 
more sources 
*last time I use this word, I promise 
channel selector 
more threads 
(if applicable) 
load balancing 
sink processor 
Source1 C1 
C1 Sink1 
Result: default Solr install maxed out at 24K EPS
TODO: log in JSON where you can 
Then, in morphline.conf, replace the grok command with the much ligher: 
readJson {} 
Easy with apache logs, maybe not for other apps: 
LogFormat "{  
"@timestamp": "%{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z}t",  
"message": "%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b",  
"method": "%m",  
"referer": "%{Referer}i",  
"useragent": "%{User-agent}i"  
}" ls_apache_json 
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/logstash_test.ls_json ls_apache_json 
More details at:
Use time-based collections and DocValues 
Rare soft&hard commits are good 
Pushing them too far is probably not worth it 
Hardware: test and see what works for you 
A balanced, SSD-backed machine (like m3) is a good start 
Use specialized event processing tools 
Apache Flume is a fine example 
Processing and buffering on the application server side scales better 
Buffer before [heavy] processing 
Mind your batch sizes, buffer types and parallelization 
Log in JSON where you can
Thank you! 
Feel free to poke me @radu0gheorghe 
Check us out at the booth, and @sematext 
We're hiring, too!

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Tuning Solr for Logs: Presented by Radu Gheorghe, Sematext

  • 2. Tuning Solr for Logs Radu Gheorghe @radu0gheorghe @sematext
  • 3. /me does... .com/logsene search consulting + Logsene = logging consulting
  • 4. Tuning. Is it worth it? baseline last run # of logs 10M 310M EC2 bill/month 700 450
  • 5. What to optimize for? capacity: how many logs the same hardware can keep while still providing decent performance
  • 6. What's decent performance? “It depends” Assumptions indexing: enough to keep up with generated logs* search concurrency search latency: 2s for debug queries, 5s for charts *account for spikes!
  • 7. Enough theory, let's start testing! Solr instance m3.2xlarge (8CPU, 30GB RAM, 2x80GB SSD) Solr 4.10.1 Feeder instance c3.2xlarge (8CPU, 15GB RAM, 2x80GB SSD) apache access logs python script to parse and feed them
  • 8. Baseline test 15GB heap debug query status:404 in the last hour charts query all time status counters all time top IPs user agent word cloud
  • 9. Baseline result 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M debug charts EPS
  • 10. 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M debug charts EPS Baseline result capacity
  • 11. 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M debug charts EPS Baseline result capacity bottleneck: facets eat CPU
  • 12. 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M debug charts EPS Baseline result capacity on average, bottleneck: facets eat CPU CPU is OK
  • 13. 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 100K 2.5M 4M 6M 9M 10M indexing limited because python scripts eats feeder CPU debug charts EPS Baseline result capacity bottleneck: facets eat CPU on average, CPU is OK
  • 14. Indexing throughput: is it enough? “it depends” how long do you keep your logs? 1M logs/day * 10 days <> 0.3M logs/day * 30 days. Both need 10M capacity 1M logs/day * 30 days? Needs 3 servers, each getting 0.3M logs/day Baseline run: 10M index fills up in <1/2h at 7K EPS
  • 15. Indexing throughput: is it enough? “it depends” how long do you keep your logs? 1M logs/day * 10 days <> 0.3M logs/day * 30 days. Both need 10M capacity 1M logs/day * 30 days? Needs 3 servers, each getting 0.3M logs/day how big are your spikes? (assumption: 10x regular load) 7K EPS is enough for 10M capacity if you keep logs >5h
  • 16. 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1.5M 3M 5M 8M 11M charts EPS debug Rare commits 10% above baseline auto soft commits every 5 seconds auto hard commits every 30 minutes RAMBufferSize=200MB; maxBufferedDocs=10M
  • 17. Same results with even rarer commits (auto-soft every 30s, 500MB buffer) omitNorms + omitTermFreqAndPositions larger caches cache autowarming THP disabled mergeFactor 5 mergeFactor 20 but indexing was cheaper manually ran queries, too
  • 18. 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1.5M 3M 5M 8M 10M 12M charts EPS debug DocValues on IP and status code 20% above baseline
  • 19. 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 3M 10M 18M 24M 31M 36M charts EPS debug Detour: what if user agent was string? 3.6x baseline
  • 20. 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 8M 16M 24M 32M 40M 48M 56M 64M 67M 69M 70M 70.5M charts EPS debug … and if user agent used DocValues? 6.7x baseline reducing indexing adds 5% capacity
  • 21. 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 3M 7M 11M 15M 19M 23M 27M 28M OOM (150 collections) charts EPS debug Time based collections (1 minute) 2.7x baseline
  • 22. 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 10M 40M 70M 100M 130M 160M 190M 213M still OOM (~100 collections) charts EPS debug Time based collections (10 minutes) 21x baseline
  • 23. 10min collections: 20GB heap; optimize old 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 50M 100M 150M 200M 250M 300M 310M 330M 340M charts EPS debug 31x baseline, 5 days projected retention with 10x spikes no more OOM, just slower queries 34x baseline, 10 days projected retention (10x)
  • 24. Software optimizations recap Definitely worth it Nice to have I wouldn't bother time-based collections noop I/O scheduler merge policy tuning DocValues omit norms, term frequencies and positions autowarm rare soft commits optimize “old” collections super-rare soft commits disable THP
  • 25. r3.2xlarge: +30GB RAM, +$0.14/h, 1x160GB SSD 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 20M 70M 120M 170M 220M 270M 320M 372M less indexing throughput than m3.2xlarge charts EPS debug 37x baseline, 9 days projected retention with 10x spikes
  • 26. 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 20M 50M 80M 110M 140M 170M 177M charts EPS debug c3.2xlarge: -15GB RAM, -$0.14/h 17x baseline, 5 days projected retention with 10x spikes
  • 27. Monthly EC2 cost per 1M logs* m3.2xlarge: $1.3 r3.2xlarge: $1.33 c3.2xlarge: $1.78 TODO (a.k.a. truth always messes with simplicity): more/expensive facets => more CPU => c3 looks better less/cheap facets => not enough instance storage => EBS (magnetic/SSD/provisioned IOPS)? => storage-optimized i2? => old-gen instances with magnetic instance storage? use different instance types for “hot” and “cold” collections? *on-demand pricing at 2014-11-07
  • 28. How NOT to build an indexing pipeline custom script: reads apache logs from files parses them using regex takes 100% CPU and 100% RAM from a c3.2xlarge instance maxes out at 7K EPS
  • 29. Enter Apache Flume* agent.sources = spoolSrc agent.sources.spoolSrc.type = spooldir agent.sources.spoolSrc.spoolDir = /var/log agent.sources.spoolSrc.channels = solrChannel agent.channels = solrChannel agent.channels.solrChannel.type = file = solrChannel put Solr and Morphline jars in lib/ agent.sinks = solrSink agent.sinks.solrSink.type = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.MorphlineSolrSink agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineFile = conf/morphline.conf agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineId = 1 *Or Logstash. Or rsyslog. Or syslog-ng. Or any other specialized event processing tool source channel sink
  • 30. morphline.conf (think Unix pipes) morphlines : [ { id : 1 commands : [ same ID as in the flume.conf sink definition { readLine { charset : UTF-8 } } { grok { dictionaryFiles : [conf/grok-patterns] expressions : { message : """%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}""" } } } { generateUUID { field : id } } { loadSolr { solrLocator : { collection : collection1 solrUrl : "" } } } ] } ] process one line at a time (there's also readMultiLine) parses each property (eg: IP, status code) Solr can in its own field do it, too* use zkHost for SolrCloud *
  • 31. Result: 2.4K EPS, feeder machine almost idle
  • 32. 2.4K EPS is typically enough for this application server + Flume agent application server + Flume agent application server + Flume agent scales nicely with # of servers but all buffering and processing is done here
  • 33. but not for this application server + Flume agent application server + Flume agent application server + Flume agent centralized buffering and processing Flume agent Flume agent
  • 34. or this application server + Flume agent application server + Flume agent application server + Flume agent buffer, then process (separately) Flume agent Flume agent Flume agent
  • 35. Increase throughput: batch sizes; memory channel agent.sources = spoolSrc agent.sources.spoolSrc.type = spooldir agent.sources.spoolSrc.spoolDir = /var/log agent.sources.spoolSrc.batchSize = 5000 make sure you have enough heap agent.sources.spoolSrc.channels = solrChannel agent.channels = solrChannel agent.channels.solrChannel.type = file memory agent.channels.solrChannel.capacity = 1000000 agent.channels.solrChannel.transactionCapacity = 5000 = solrChannel solrLocator : { collection : collection1 solrUrl : "" batchSize : 5000 } agent.sinks = solrSink agent.sinks.solrSink.type = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.MorphlineSolrSink agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineFile = conf/morphline.conf agent.sinks.solrSink.morphlineId = 1 agent.sinks.solrSink.batchSize = 5000
  • 36. Result: 10K EPS, 6%CPU usage (2x baseline)
  • 37. More throughput? Parallelize Depends* on the bottleneck source channel sink more threads (if applicable) more sources *last time I use this word, I promise multiplexing channel selector more threads (if applicable) load balancing sink processor Source1 C1 Source1 C1 Source2 Source1 C1 C2 C1 Sink1 C1 Sink1 Sink2
  • 38. Result: default Solr install maxed out at 24K EPS
  • 39. TODO: log in JSON where you can Then, in morphline.conf, replace the grok command with the much ligher: readJson {} Easy with apache logs, maybe not for other apps: LogFormat "{ "@timestamp": "%{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z}t", "message": "%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b", ... "method": "%m", "referer": "%{Referer}i", "useragent": "%{User-agent}i" }" ls_apache_json CustomLog /var/log/apache2/logstash_test.ls_json ls_apache_json More details at:
  • 40. Conclusions Use time-based collections and DocValues Rare soft&hard commits are good Pushing them too far is probably not worth it Hardware: test and see what works for you A balanced, SSD-backed machine (like m3) is a good start Use specialized event processing tools Apache Flume is a fine example Processing and buffering on the application server side scales better Buffer before [heavy] processing Mind your batch sizes, buffer types and parallelization Log in JSON where you can
  • 41. Thank you! Feel free to poke me @radu0gheorghe Check us out at the booth, and @sematext We're hiring, too!