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IBM Confidential 1
Apache Flink Cluster Deployment
On Docker and Docker-Compose
Simon Laws
© 2014 IBM Corporation
What We’re Going To Build
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
© 2014 IBM Corporation
© 2014 IBM Corporation
IBM Bluemix
Sign up for a free
account and experiment
© 2014 IBM Corporation
IBM Bluemix Signup
Sign up for a free
account and experiment
Various options for
academics, startups etc.
Prices here for when
you go over free
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Apache Flink and Docker
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Install Ubuntu Using VirtualBox
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Setting Up The Host Operating System
 If you’re on Linux you’re probably good to go
 If you’re on Windows or OSX you need to run Linux on a VM
 As an alternative you could do this on a VM in the new VM service in Bluemix. It’s in Beta at the moment.
 Get VirtualBox
 Create a Linux VM (I used Ubuntu)
 Install Docker
 Download Flink Source
 Try a Flink example
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Get VirtualBox
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Get Linux Distro (I went for Ubuntu 14.04)
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Create VM from ISO in VirtualBox (and set port forwarding)
End result is that I can now SSH into the instance of
Ubuntu running inside VitualBox. Everything for this
point on happens inside this Ubuntu VM
To start with make sure that Ubuntu is up to date
> sudo su -
> apt-get update
sudo su -
apt-get updatesudo su -
apt-get update
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Install Docker and Flink
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Install Docker and Docker-Compose
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Download Flink Source
git clone
cd flink/flink-contrib/docker-flink The base Docker image
Builds the “base” and “flink”
The flink Docker image
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Docker Images and Containers
docker build docker run
What Images
Do I have?
docker images
What Containers
Do I have running?
Push elsewhere (Docker Hub)
To share with others
ssh or
docker exec
docker psDockerfile
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Dockerfiles – The Recipe for a Docker Image
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Build Docker Images
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Building The Images From the Docker Files
If you look in the script it use the “docker build” command to build a “base” image and a
“flink” image
This failed for me on the first attempt with the base build reporting
chpasswd: (user root) pam_chauthtok() failed, error:
System error
chpasswd: (line 1, user root) password not changed
It turned out I had an old version of Docker so I updated to latest and it worked
© 2014 IBM Corporation
The Built Images
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Run Docker Containers
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Running Linked Images Manually (To See What’s Going On)
docker run -d -p 48080:8080 -p 48081:8081 --expose 6123 --name
jobmanager flink /usr/local/flink/bin/ jobmanager
docker run -d --expose 6121 --expose 6122 --link jobmanager --name
taskmanager1 flink
The job manager
Add a task manager
This failed at first with a strange “Exec format exception”. I made a local fix by removing
the comment from the top of the flink/ file leaving
As the first line
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Flink up and Running
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Running a Test
I had previously uploaded flink-java-examples-0.9.1-WordCount.jar from my local Windows install of Flink
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Accessing Containers with Docker Exec
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Making Things Simpler With Docker-Compose
docker-compose up –d
docker-compose scale taskmanager=3
docker-compose kill
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Connecting To Bluemix
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Running the Images On Bluemix
Log in to Bluemix: login
Run the IBM Containers cf CLI plug-in. ic login
Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your app source files. Learn more about Dockerfiles.
Build an image from your Dockerfile. The command returns an image ID.
3. docker build -t image_name
Tag the image with your private namespace in the IBM Containers registry.
4. docker tag image_name
The image name is optional. If it is not specified, the image is tagged with latest.
Push this image to the IBM Containers registry:
5. docker push
You can create a container from this image in the Bluemix Catalog, or with the following command:
6. cf ic run --name container_name
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Install The Cloud Foundary Client Software
In the Ubuntu VM we have been using to run Flink using Docker get and install the Cloud
Foundary client tool
wget --output-document=cfcli.deb
dpkg -i cfcli.deb
In the Ubuntu VM we have been using to run Flink using Docker get
and install the Cloud Foundary client
cf install-plugin
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Log Into Bluemix – Web User Interface
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Log Into Bluemix – Command Line Using CF Tool
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Log Into Bluemix Containers – Command Line Using CF Tool
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Push Image Up To Bluemix
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Tag and Push Up Our Images
docker tag flink
docker push
© 2014 IBM Corporation
List Images Now Up On Bluemix
cf ic images
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Run Containers On Bluemix
Windows 7 IBM Bluemix
VirtualBox 4.3.18
Ubuntu 14.04
Docker 4.3.18
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Creating Containers in Bluemix via User Interface
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Creating Containers in Bluemix via CF Command Line
Option 1) Leverage this Cloud Foundry IBM Containers plugin without affecting the local docker environment:
Example Usage:
cf ic ps
cf ic images
Option 2) Leverage the docker CLI directly. In this shell, override local docker environment to connect to IBM
Containers by setting these variables,
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/root/.ice/certs
Example Usage:
docker ps
docker images
© 2014 IBM Corporation39
Create jobmanager Container in Bluemix via CF Command Line
cf ic run -p 22:22 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 6123:6123 --expose
6123 --name jobmanager
/usr/local/flink/bin/ jobmanager
Assign a public IP
so you can get
to the console
© 2014 IBM Corporation40
Create taskmanager Container in Bluemix via CF Command Line
cf ic run -p 22:22 -p 6121:6121 -p 6122:6122 --expose 6121 --
expose 6122 --name taskmanager1 --link jobmanager:jobmanager /usr/local/flink/bin/config- taskmanager
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Running The Flink Cluster
© 2014 IBM Corporation

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Simon Laws – Apache Flink Cluster Deployment on Docker and Docker-Compose

  • 1. IBM Confidential 1 Apache Flink Cluster Deployment On Docker and Docker-Compose Simon Laws
  • 2. © 2014 IBM Corporation What We’re Going To Build 2 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 3. © 2014 IBM Corporation Docker 3
  • 4. © 2014 IBM Corporation Docker 4 whatisdocker
  • 5. © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Bluemix Sign up for a free account and experiment 5
  • 6. © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Bluemix Signup Sign up for a free account and experiment Various options for academics, startups etc. Prices here for when you go over free allocation 6
  • 7. © 2014 IBM Corporation Apache Flink and Docker 7 flink/tree/master/ flink-contrib/ docker-flink
  • 8. © 2014 IBM Corporation Install Ubuntu Using VirtualBox 8 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 9. © 2014 IBM Corporation Setting Up The Host Operating System  If you’re on Linux you’re probably good to go  If you’re on Windows or OSX you need to run Linux on a VM  As an alternative you could do this on a VM in the new VM service in Bluemix. It’s in Beta at the moment.  Get VirtualBox  Create a Linux VM (I used Ubuntu)  Install Docker  Download Flink Source  Try a Flink example 9
  • 10. © 2014 IBM Corporation Get VirtualBox 10
  • 11. © 2014 IBM Corporation Get Linux Distro (I went for Ubuntu 14.04) 11
  • 12. © 2014 IBM Corporation Create VM from ISO in VirtualBox (and set port forwarding) 12 End result is that I can now SSH into the instance of Ubuntu running inside VitualBox. Everything for this point on happens inside this Ubuntu VM To start with make sure that Ubuntu is up to date > sudo su - > apt-get update sudo su - apt-get updatesudo su - apt-get update
  • 13. © 2014 IBM Corporation Install Docker and Flink 13 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 14. © 2014 IBM Corporation Install Docker and Docker-Compose 14 flink/tree/master/ flink-contrib/ docker-flink
  • 15. © 2014 IBM Corporation Download Flink Source 15 git clone cd flink/flink-contrib/docker-flink The base Docker image source Builds the “base” and “flink” images The flink Docker image source Docker-Compose configuration
  • 16. © 2014 IBM Corporation Docker Images and Containers 16 Source Docker Image Docker Container docker build docker run What Images Do I have? docker images What Containers Do I have running? Push elsewhere (Docker Hub) To share with others ssh or docker exec docker psDockerfile
  • 17. © 2014 IBM Corporation Dockerfiles – The Recipe for a Docker Image 17
  • 18. © 2014 IBM Corporation Build Docker Images 18 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 19. © 2014 IBM Corporation Building The Images From the Docker Files 19 ./ If you look in the script it use the “docker build” command to build a “base” image and a “flink” image This failed for me on the first attempt with the base build reporting chpasswd: (user root) pam_chauthtok() failed, error: System error chpasswd: (line 1, user root) password not changed It turned out I had an old version of Docker so I updated to latest and it worked
  • 20. © 2014 IBM Corporation The Built Images 20
  • 21. © 2014 IBM Corporation Run Docker Containers 21 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 22. © 2014 IBM Corporation Running Linked Images Manually (To See What’s Going On) 22 docker run -d -p 48080:8080 -p 48081:8081 --expose 6123 --name jobmanager flink /usr/local/flink/bin/ jobmanager docker run -d --expose 6121 --expose 6122 --link jobmanager --name taskmanager1 flink The job manager Add a task manager This failed at first with a strange “Exec format exception”. I made a local fix by removing the comment from the top of the flink/ file leaving #!/bin/bash As the first line
  • 23. © 2014 IBM Corporation Flink up and Running 23
  • 24. © 2014 IBM Corporation Running a Test 24 I had previously uploaded flink-java-examples-0.9.1-WordCount.jar from my local Windows install of Flink
  • 25. © 2014 IBM Corporation Accessing Containers with Docker Exec 25
  • 26. © 2014 IBM Corporation Making Things Simpler With Docker-Compose 26 docker-compose up –d docker-compose scale taskmanager=3 docker-compose kill
  • 27. © 2014 IBM Corporation Connecting To Bluemix 27 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 28. © 2014 IBM Corporation Running the Images On Bluemix 28 Log in to Bluemix: login Run the IBM Containers cf CLI plug-in. ic login Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your app source files. Learn more about Dockerfiles. Build an image from your Dockerfile. The command returns an image ID. 3. docker build -t image_name Tag the image with your private namespace in the IBM Containers registry. 4. docker tag image_name The image name is optional. If it is not specified, the image is tagged with latest. Push this image to the IBM Containers registry: 5. docker push You can create a container from this image in the Bluemix Catalog, or with the following command: 6. cf ic run --name container_name
  • 29. © 2014 IBM Corporation Install The Cloud Foundary Client Software 29 In the Ubuntu VM we have been using to run Flink using Docker get and install the Cloud Foundary client tool wget --output-document=cfcli.deb b-rel dpkg -i cfcli.deb In the Ubuntu VM we have been using to run Flink using Docker get and install the Cloud Foundary client cf install-plugin
  • 30. © 2014 IBM Corporation Log Into Bluemix – Web User Interface 30
  • 31. © 2014 IBM Corporation Log Into Bluemix – Command Line Using CF Tool 31
  • 32. © 2014 IBM Corporation Log Into Bluemix Containers – Command Line Using CF Tool 32
  • 33. © 2014 IBM Corporation Push Image Up To Bluemix 33 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 34. © 2014 IBM Corporation Tag and Push Up Our Images 34 docker tag flink docker push
  • 35. © 2014 IBM Corporation List Images Now Up On Bluemix 35 cf ic images
  • 36. © 2014 IBM Corporation Run Containers On Bluemix 36 Windows 7 IBM Bluemix VirtualBox 4.3.18 Ubuntu 14.04 Docker 4.3.18 Cygwin ssh Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Cloudfoundry Client Docker Flink image Flink Jobmanager container Flink Taskmanager container Flink image
  • 37. © 2014 IBM Corporation Creating Containers in Bluemix via User Interface 37
  • 38. © 2014 IBM Corporation Creating Containers in Bluemix via CF Command Line 38 Option 1) Leverage this Cloud Foundry IBM Containers plugin without affecting the local docker environment: Example Usage: cf ic ps cf ic images Option 2) Leverage the docker CLI directly. In this shell, override local docker environment to connect to IBM Containers by setting these variables, export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/root/.ice/certs export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 Example Usage: docker ps docker images
  • 39. © 2014 IBM Corporation39 Create jobmanager Container in Bluemix via CF Command Line cf ic run -p 22:22 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 6123:6123 --expose 6123 --name jobmanager /usr/local/flink/bin/ jobmanager Assign a public IP so you can get to the console
  • 40. © 2014 IBM Corporation40 Create taskmanager Container in Bluemix via CF Command Line cf ic run -p 22:22 -p 6121:6121 -p 6122:6122 --expose 6121 -- expose 6122 --name taskmanager1 --link jobmanager:jobmanager /usr/local/flink/bin/config- taskmanager
  • 41. © 2014 IBM Corporation Running The Flink Cluster 41
  • 42. © 2014 IBM Corporation QUESTIONS? 42