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Owen O’Malley
September 2019
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 2
• First committer added to Hadoop
 Working at Yahoo in 2006
 Original VP when Hadoop became a TLP
• Committer & PMC member on
 Ambari
 Hadoop
 Hive
• Mentor for: Giraph, Kafka, Knox, Kylin, Iceberg, Metron, Ranger, Reef, & Tez
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 4
• Starting a project as GitHub repositories is very easy
Start developing immediately!
Allows building community before entering Apache
• But… getting lawyers to sign a code grant takes time
Need legal sign offs from each contributors company
Apache requires code grants for large chunks of code
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 5
• When Hortonworks & Vertica developed a C++ ORC reader
Always intended to move to Apache
Only two companies
Still took a couple months to get the code grant signed
• Get IP agreements before committing code!
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 6
• Open source is a vibrant ecosystem
Projects fill niches in that ecosystem
Creates choices for users and developers
• Your project is competing with many others
Apache doesn’t pick winners and losers
Fighting for attention
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 7
• Advertise your project!
• Make building a good project website a priority!
Take down the old site
• Give conference talks
Tell users about new features
• Write blogs
Use cases
Experience in production
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 8
• Apache is of two minds with respect to employers
Apache doesn’t care who your employer is.
Projects should encourage a diverse set of employers
• Your karma is yours, not your employer’s
Expected to keep your “hats” separate
• Avoid group-think
More voices and viewpoints are very very good
Happy users make your project grow
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 9
• Don’t assume all smart people work at your company
Innovation happens everywhere
• Separate the company’s goals from the project’s
Don’t shoot down proposals because
• They compete with your proprietary products
• Would create work for your proprietary products
• Don’t promise features in upcoming versions
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 10
• Excludes remote people
• Even video meetings are hard for different time zones
• Holding roadmap meetings are particularly problematic
Need to ensure full access to the community
Bring discussion back to the email list before finalizing
• When writing to the lists, use “I” instead of “we”
You are presenting your opinion, not a group’s
• Make your project website welcoming & helpful
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 11
• Many projects make source and binary release artifacts
• Binary artifacts are hard to review and get right
Make reproducible builds
Licensing for binary artifacts is the transitive closure
Watch Docker file artifact versions
• Far better to make only source release artifacts
Can make convivence binary artifacts after release vote
Even better is to make downstream binary artifacts
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 13
• Some projects require a lot of patches to make committer
• Much worse if project has a large patch queue
Really hard if you don’t know or work with a committer
3.6k uncommitted patches on Hadoop’s Jiras since 2006
• A committer shortage makes the patch queue worse
• Most important for becoming a committer should be:
Good technical taste
Knowing their own limits
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 14
• Make sure that your project doesn’t use another trademark
Often comes down to a judgement call about risks
Changing early is much better than later
• Ensure people don’t abuse your trademark
Very hard if it is a user/non-project member
Project members need to fix their company’s behavior
• Board has removed PMC members
• Hold training classes for engineers and marketing
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 15
• If employees work on open source projects:
• Make and measure the engineer’s objectives reflect this
Code contributions
Documentation contributions
Code reviews – include other companies’ patches
Conference presentations
• Make the managers’ goals also reflect the community time
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 16
• Developing off-line breaks the community
Cuts community off from participation
Forward motion stops & release train stalls
• Yahoo developed Hadoop Security privately
0.18, 0.19, 0.20 were ~3-4 months
0.21 was 12 months, Facebook & LinkedIn forked
0.20.203 was 24 months from 0.20
1.0 was 8 more months
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 17
• Your project should have source with permissive licenses
Eg. Apache, BSD, MIT
• Can have binary dependency on weak-copyleft licenses
Eg. Eclipse, Mozilla, Creative Commons Attribution
• Can only use Category X in very specific cases
Must be an optional, build tool, or system provided
• Includes recursive dependencies!
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 18
• Can sneak up on you
Updated aircompressor dependency from 0.10 to 0.15
Started using the new zstd codec
Previously excluded slice dependency was now required
Slice depends on jol-core, which is GPL.
• Fortunately, the use of slice was for one method
Worked with aircompressor to get a fix
• Copying code from stack overflow has the same problem!
© 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 19
• Build your community
Give talks
Make the website
Make the project easy to build
Make the community friendly – look at Beam talk
• Do your work in the open
• Train your employees in Apache & open source
Hortonworks training -
Owen O’Malley

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Running An Apache Project: 10 Traps and How to Avoid Them

  • 1. RUNNING AN APACHE PROJECT: 10 TRAPS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM Owen O’Malley September 2019 @owen_omalley
  • 2. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 WHO AM I? • First committer added to Hadoop  Working at Yahoo in 2006  Original VP when Hadoop became a TLP • Committer & PMC member on  Ambari  Hadoop  Hive  ORC • Mentor for: Giraph, Kafka, Knox, Kylin, Iceberg, Metron, Ranger, Reef, & Tez
  • 4. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 MISTAKE 1. STARTING ON GITHUB WITHOUT AN IP AGREEMENT • Starting a project as GitHub repositories is very easy Start developing immediately! Allows building community before entering Apache • But… getting lawyers to sign a code grant takes time Need legal sign offs from each contributors company Apache requires code grants for large chunks of code
  • 5. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 MISTAKE 1. STARTING ON GITHUB WITHOUT AN IP AGREEMENT (CONT.) • When Hortonworks & Vertica developed a C++ ORC reader Always intended to move to Apache Only two companies Still took a couple months to get the code grant signed • Get IP agreements before committing code!
  • 6. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 MISTAKE 2. KEEPING YOUR PROJECT SECRET • Open source is a vibrant ecosystem Projects fill niches in that ecosystem Creates choices for users and developers • Your project is competing with many others Apache doesn’t pick winners and losers Fighting for attention
  • 7. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 MISTAKE 2. KEEPING YOUR PROJECT SECRET (CONT.) • Advertise your project! • Make building a good project website a priority! Take down the old site • Give conference talks Tell users about new features • Write blogs Use cases Experience in production
  • 8. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 MISTAKE 3. NOT FOSTERING DIVERSITY • Apache is of two minds with respect to employers Apache doesn’t care who your employer is. Projects should encourage a diverse set of employers • Your karma is yours, not your employer’s Expected to keep your “hats” separate • Avoid group-think More voices and viewpoints are very very good Happy users make your project grow
  • 9. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 MISTAKE 3. NOT FOSTERING DIVERSITY (CONT.) • Don’t assume all smart people work at your company Innovation happens everywhere • Separate the company’s goals from the project’s Don’t shoot down proposals because • They compete with your proprietary products • Would create work for your proprietary products • Don’t promise features in upcoming versions
  • 10. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 MISTAKE 4. HOLDING FACE TO FACE DEVELOPER MEETINGS • Excludes remote people • Even video meetings are hard for different time zones • Holding roadmap meetings are particularly problematic Need to ensure full access to the community Bring discussion back to the email list before finalizing • When writing to the lists, use “I” instead of “we” You are presenting your opinion, not a group’s • Make your project website welcoming & helpful
  • 11. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 MISTAKE 5. INCLUDING BINARY RELEASE ARTIFACTS • Many projects make source and binary release artifacts • Binary artifacts are hard to review and get right Make reproducible builds Licensing for binary artifacts is the transitive closure Watch Docker file artifact versions • Far better to make only source release artifacts Can make convivence binary artifacts after release vote Even better is to make downstream binary artifacts
  • 13. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 13 MISTAKE 6. HOLDING A HIGH BAR FOR COMMITTER AND PMC MEMBERS • Some projects require a lot of patches to make committer • Much worse if project has a large patch queue Really hard if you don’t know or work with a committer 3.6k uncommitted patches on Hadoop’s Jiras since 2006 • A committer shortage makes the patch queue worse • Most important for becoming a committer should be: Good technical taste Knowing their own limits
  • 14. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 MISTAKE 7. IGNORING TRADEMARKS • Make sure that your project doesn’t use another trademark Often comes down to a judgement call about risks Changing early is much better than later • Ensure people don’t abuse your trademark Very hard if it is a user/non-project member Project members need to fix their company’s behavior • Board has removed PMC members • Hold training classes for engineers and marketing
  • 15. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 MISTAKE 8. NOT REWARDING OPEN SOURCE WORK • If employees work on open source projects: • Make and measure the engineer’s objectives reflect this Code contributions Documentation contributions Code reviews – include other companies’ patches Conference presentations • Make the managers’ goals also reflect the community time
  • 16. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 16 MISTAKE 9. STEALTH DEVELOPMENT • Developing off-line breaks the community Cuts community off from participation Forward motion stops & release train stalls • Yahoo developed Hadoop Security privately 0.18, 0.19, 0.20 were ~3-4 months 0.21 was 12 months, Facebook & LinkedIn forked 0.20.203 was 24 months from 0.20 1.0 was 8 more months
  • 17. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 MISTAKE 10. LICENSING PROBLEMS • Your project should have source with permissive licenses Eg. Apache, BSD, MIT • Can have binary dependency on weak-copyleft licenses Eg. Eclipse, Mozilla, Creative Commons Attribution • Can only use Category X in very specific cases Eg. GPL, LGPL, JSON, CC-BY-A Must be an optional, build tool, or system provided • Includes recursive dependencies!
  • 18. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 18 MISTAKE 10. LICENSING PROBLEMS (CONT.) • Can sneak up on you Updated aircompressor dependency from 0.10 to 0.15 Started using the new zstd codec Previously excluded slice dependency was now required Slice depends on jol-core, which is GPL. • Fortunately, the use of slice was for one method Worked with aircompressor to get a fix • Copying code from stack overflow has the same problem!
  • 19. © 2019 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 19 SUMMARY • Build your community Give talks Make the website Make the project easy to build Make the community friendly – look at Beam talk • Do your work in the open • Train your employees in Apache & open source Hortonworks training -