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Fine Grained Access Control for Big
Data: ORC Column Encryption
Owen O’Malley
March 2019
Srikanth Venkat
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Who Are We?
• Owen
• Worked on Hadoop since Jan 2006
• MapReduce, Security, Hive, and ORC
• Founder & Technical Fellow
• Srikanth
• Senior Director, Product Management (Security &
Governance portfolio)
• Apache Ranger, Apache Knox, Apache Atlas, ODPi
• Security, Data Stewardship, Metadata, Governance areas
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Security & Data Protection in Hadoop
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Example Data Lake Scenario
medical records
(Structured)(Structured) (Structured) (Structured) (Structured)
Cluster 1: Dublin Cluster 2: San Francisco
Cluster 3: Prague
On Premise Data Lakes
(Unstructured)(Structured) (Unstructured) (Structured)
Cloud Data Lakes
Weblogs & Feeds
Personal Data
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What’s different about the Big Data context?
 Breaking down silos: fantastic for analytics, but leads to increased security
– Centralized data lake with multi-tenancy requires secure (and easy) authentication and fine-
grained authorization
 Data democratization and the Data Scientist role (often a data superuser
with elevated privileges)
 Data is maintained over a long duration
 Cloud and Hybrid architectures spanning data center and (multiple) public
clouds further broaden the attack surface area and present novel
authentication and authorization challenges
 Along with adherence to security fundamentals and defense in-depth, a
data-centric approach to security becomes critical
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Watch Towers
Limited Entry Points
Securing your data lake
High Hard Walls
Check Identity
Inner Walls
Encryption, TLS, Key
Trustee, Navigator
Encrypt, Ranger KMS
Apache Knox: AuthN, API
Gateway, Proxy, SSO
Apache Ranger : ABAC
AuthZ, Audits,
Apache Sentry: RBAC
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Data Protection in Hadoop
must be applied at three different layers
in Apache Hadoop
Storage: encrypt data while it is at rest
Transparent Data Encryption in HDFS, Navigator Key Trustee, Navigator
Encrypt, Ranger KMS + HSM, Partner Products (HPE Voltage, Protegrity,
Transmission: encrypt data as it is in motion
Wire encryption (TLS, SASL,..)
Upon Access: apply restrictions when accessed
Apache Ranger (Dynamic Column Masking + Row Filtering), Partner
Masking + Encryption
Data Protection
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Encryption of Data in Hadoop
Protects data after physical theft
or accidental loss of a disk volume.
Entire volume is encrypted: very
coarse-grained security
Does not protect against viruses or
other attacks that occur while a
system is running.
level encryption
Encryption within an application
running on top of Hadoop
Supports a higher level of
granularity and prevents "rogue
admin" access
Adds a layer of complexity to the
application architecture.
HDFS data-at-
rest encryption
Encrypts selected files and
directories stored ("at rest") in
Uses specially designated HDFS
directories known as "encryption
End-to-end encryption of data
read from and written to HDFS.
HDFS does not have access to
unencrypted data or keys.
9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
Dynamic Row Filtering & Column Masking With Apache Ranger & Apache Hive
User 2: Ivanna
Location : EU
Group: HR
User 1: Joe
Location : US
Group: Analyst
Original Query:
SELECT country, nationalid,
ccnumber, mrn, name FROM
Country National ID CC No DOB MRN Name Policy ID
US 232323233 4539067047629850 9/12/1969 8233054331 John Doe nj23j424
US 333287465 5391304868205600 8/13/1979 3736885376 Jane Doe cadsd984
Germany T22000129 4532786256545550 3/5/1963 876452830A Ernie Schwarz KK-2345909
Country National ID CC No MRN Name
US xxxxx3233 4539 xxxx xxxx
null John Doe
US xxxxx7465 5391 xxxx xxxx
null Jane Doe
Ranger Policy Enforcement
Query Rewritten based on Dynamic Ranger
Filter rows by region & apply relevant column
Users from US Analyst group see data for
US persons with CC and National ID
(SSN) as masked values and MRN is
Country National ID Name MRN
Germany T22000129 Ernie Schwarz 876452830A
EU HR Policy Admins can see
unmasked but are restricted by
row filtering policies to see data
for EU persons only
Original Query:
SELECT country,
nationalid, name, mrn
FROM ww_customers
HR Marketing
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Framing the Problem…..
• Related data, different security requirements
• Authorization – who can see it
• Audit – track who read it
• Encrypt on disk – regulatory
• File-level (or blob) granularity isn’t enough
• File systems don’t understand columns
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• Readers should transparently decrypt data
• If and only if the user has access to the key
• The data must be decrypted locally
• Columns are only decrypted as necessary
• Master keys must be managed securely
• Support for Key Management Server & hardware
• Support for key rolling
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Partial Solutions
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Partial Solution – HDFS Encryption
• Transparent HDFS Encryption
• Encryption zones
• HDFS directory trees
• Unique master key for each zone
• Client decrypts data
• Key Management via KeyProvider API
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HDFS Encryption Limitations
• Very coarse protection
• Only entire directory subtrees
• No ability to protect columns
• A lot of users need access to keys
• Moves between zones is painful
• When writing with Hive, data is moved
multiple times per a query
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Hive Server 2 Limitations
• Limits access to Hive SQL
• Only user ‘hive’ has access
• Breaks Hadoop’s multi-paradigm data access
• Many customers use both Hive & Spark
• JDBC is not distributed
• New Spark to LLAP connector addresses this
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Partial Solution – Separate tables
• Split private information out of tables
• Separate directories in HDFS
• HDFS and/or HS2 authorization
• Enables HDFS encryption
• Limitations
• Need to join with other tables
• Higher operational overhead
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Partial Solution – Encryption UDF
• Hive has user defined functions
• aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt
• Limitations
• Key management is problematic
• Encryption is not seeded
• Size of value leaks information
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19 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
Columnar Encryption
• Columnar file formats (eg. ORC)
• Write data in columns
• Column projection
• Better compression
• Encryption works really well
• Only encrypt bytes for column
• Can store multiple variants of data
20 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
ORC File Format
File Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
~200MBStripe Column 1
Column 2
Column 7
Column 8
Column 3
Column 6
Column 4
Column 5
Column 1
Column 2
Column 7
Column 8
Column 3
Column 6
Column 4
Column 5
Stream 2.1
Stream 2.2
Stream 2.3
Stream 2.4
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User Experience
• Set table properties for encryption
• orc.encrypt.pii = ”ssn,email”
• = “card_info”
• Define where to get the encryption keys
• Configuration defines the key provider via URI
22 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
Key Management
• Create a master key for each use case
• “pii”, “pci”, or “hipaa”
• Each column in each file uses unique local key
• Allows audit of which users read which files
• Ranger policies limit access to keys
• Who, What, When, Where
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KeyProvider API
• Provides limited access to encryption keys
• Encrypts or decrypts local keys
• Users are never given master keys
• Key versions and key rolling of master keys
• Allows 3rd party plugins
• Supports Cloud, Hadoop or Ranger KMS
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Encryption Data Flow
25 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
Encryption Flow
• Local key
• Random for each encrypted column in file
• Encrypted w/ master key by KMS
• Encrypted local key is stored in file metadata
• IV is generated to be unique
• Column, kind, stripe, & counter
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Static Data Masking
• What happens without key access?
• Define static masks
• Nullify – all values become null
• Redact – mask values ‘Xxxxx Xxxxx!’
• Can define ranges to unmask
• SHA256 – replace with SHA256
• Custom - user defined
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Data Masking
• Anonymization is hard!
• AOL search logs
• Netflix prize datasets
• NYC taxi dataset
• Always evaluate security tradeoffs
• Tokenization is a useful technique
• Assign arbitrary replacements
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Key Disposal
• Often need to keep data for 90 days
• Currently the data is written twice
• With column encryption:
• Roll keys daily
• Delete master key after 90 days
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ORC Encryption Design
• Write both variants of streams
• Masked unencrypted
• Unmasked encrypted
• Encrypt both data and statistics
• Maintain compatibility for old readers
• Read unencrypted variant
• Preserve ability to seek in file
30 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
ORC Write Pipeline
• Streams go through pipeline
• Run length encoding
• Compression (zlib, snappy, or lzo)
• Encryption
• Encryption is AES/CTR
• Allows seek
• No padding
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32 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
• ORC column encryptions provides
• Transparent encryption
• Multi-paradigm column security
• Audit logging (via KMS logging)
• Static masking
• Supports file merging
• Different stripes with different local key
33 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
Integration with Other Tools
• Hive & Spark
• No change other than defining table properties
• Apache Hive’s LLAP
• Cache and fast processing of SQL queries
• Column encryption changes internal interfaces
• Cache both encrypted and unencrypted variants
• Ensure audit log reflects end-user and what they
34 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
• Need encryption policy for write
• Current Atlas & Ranger tags lag data
• Auto-discovery requires pre-access
• Changes to masking policy
• Need to re-write files
• Need additional data masks
• Credit card, addresses, etc.
• Decrypted local keys could be saved
35 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved
Thank you!
Twitter: @owen_omalley

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Fine Grain Access Control for Big Data: ORC Column Encryption

  • 1. Fine Grained Access Control for Big Data: ORC Column Encryption Owen O’Malley @owen_omalley March 2019 Srikanth Venkat @srikvenk
  • 2. 2 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Who Are We? • Owen • Worked on Hadoop since Jan 2006 • MapReduce, Security, Hive, and ORC • Founder & Technical Fellow • Srikanth • Senior Director, Product Management (Security & Governance portfolio) • Apache Ranger, Apache Knox, Apache Atlas, ODPi • Security, Data Stewardship, Metadata, Governance areas
  • 3. 3 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Security & Data Protection in Hadoop
  • 4. 4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Example Data Lake Scenario Marketing Demographics Electronic medical records CRM POS (Structured)(Structured) (Structured) (Structured) (Structured) Cluster 1: Dublin Cluster 2: San Francisco (Unstructured)(Unstructured)(Unstructured) Cluster 3: Prague (Structured) On Premise Data Lakes (Unstructured)(Structured) (Unstructured) (Structured) Cloud Data Lakes Social Weblogs & Feeds Transactional Mobile IoT Personal Data
  • 5. 5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved What’s different about the Big Data context?  Breaking down silos: fantastic for analytics, but leads to increased security challenges – Centralized data lake with multi-tenancy requires secure (and easy) authentication and fine- grained authorization  Data democratization and the Data Scientist role (often a data superuser with elevated privileges)  Data is maintained over a long duration  Cloud and Hybrid architectures spanning data center and (multiple) public clouds further broaden the attack surface area and present novel authentication and authorization challenges  Along with adherence to security fundamentals and defense in-depth, a data-centric approach to security becomes critical
  • 6. 6 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Watch Towers Limited Entry Points Moat Kerberos Securing your data lake High Hard Walls Check Identity Inner Walls Firewall Encryption, TLS, Key Trustee, Navigator Encrypt, Ranger KMS LDAP/AD Apache Knox: AuthN, API Gateway, Proxy, SSO Apache Ranger : ABAC AuthZ, Audits, Anonymization Apache Sentry: RBAC AuthZ
  • 7. 7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Data Protection in Hadoop must be applied at three different layers in Apache Hadoop Storage: encrypt data while it is at rest Transparent Data Encryption in HDFS, Navigator Key Trustee, Navigator Encrypt, Ranger KMS + HSM, Partner Products (HPE Voltage, Protegrity, Dataguise) Transmission: encrypt data as it is in motion Wire encryption (TLS, SASL,..) Upon Access: apply restrictions when accessed Apache Ranger (Dynamic Column Masking + Row Filtering), Partner Masking + Encryption Data Protection
  • 8. 8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Encryption of Data in Hadoop Volume Encryption Protects data after physical theft or accidental loss of a disk volume. Entire volume is encrypted: very coarse-grained security Does not protect against viruses or other attacks that occur while a system is running. Application- level encryption Encryption within an application running on top of Hadoop Supports a higher level of granularity and prevents "rogue admin" access Adds a layer of complexity to the application architecture. HDFS data-at- rest encryption Encrypts selected files and directories stored ("at rest") in HDFS. Uses specially designated HDFS directories known as "encryption zones.” End-to-end encryption of data read from and written to HDFS. HDFS does not have access to unencrypted data or keys.
  • 9. 9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Dynamic Row Filtering & Column Masking With Apache Ranger & Apache Hive User 2: Ivanna Location : EU Group: HR User 1: Joe Location : US Group: Analyst Original Query: SELECT country, nationalid, ccnumber, mrn, name FROM ww_customers Country National ID CC No DOB MRN Name Policy ID US 232323233 4539067047629850 9/12/1969 8233054331 John Doe nj23j424 US 333287465 5391304868205600 8/13/1979 3736885376 Jane Doe cadsd984 Germany T22000129 4532786256545550 3/5/1963 876452830A Ernie Schwarz KK-2345909 Country National ID CC No MRN Name US xxxxx3233 4539 xxxx xxxx xxxx null John Doe US xxxxx7465 5391 xxxx xxxx xxxx null Jane Doe Ranger Policy Enforcement Query Rewritten based on Dynamic Ranger Policies: Filter rows by region & apply relevant column masking Users from US Analyst group see data for US persons with CC and National ID (SSN) as masked values and MRN is nullified Country National ID Name MRN Germany T22000129 Ernie Schwarz 876452830A EU HR Policy Admins can see unmasked but are restricted by row filtering policies to see data for EU persons only Original Query: SELECT country, nationalid, name, mrn FROM ww_customers Analysts HR Marketing
  • 10. 10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Framing the Problem….. • Related data, different security requirements • Authorization – who can see it • Audit – track who read it • Encrypt on disk – regulatory • File-level (or blob) granularity isn’t enough • File systems don’t understand columns
  • 11. 11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Requirements • Readers should transparently decrypt data • If and only if the user has access to the key • The data must be decrypted locally • Columns are only decrypted as necessary • Master keys must be managed securely • Support for Key Management Server & hardware • Support for key rolling
  • 12. 12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Partial Solutions
  • 13. 13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Partial Solution – HDFS Encryption • Transparent HDFS Encryption • Encryption zones • HDFS directory trees • Unique master key for each zone • Client decrypts data • Key Management via KeyProvider API
  • 14. 14 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved HDFS Encryption Limitations • Very coarse protection • Only entire directory subtrees • No ability to protect columns • A lot of users need access to keys • Moves between zones is painful • When writing with Hive, data is moved multiple times per a query
  • 15. 15 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Hive Server 2 Limitations • Limits access to Hive SQL • Only user ‘hive’ has access • Breaks Hadoop’s multi-paradigm data access • Many customers use both Hive & Spark • JDBC is not distributed • New Spark to LLAP connector addresses this
  • 16. 16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Partial Solution – Separate tables • Split private information out of tables • Separate directories in HDFS • HDFS and/or HS2 authorization • Enables HDFS encryption • Limitations • Need to join with other tables • Higher operational overhead
  • 17. 17 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Partial Solution – Encryption UDF • Hive has user defined functions • aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt • Limitations • Key management is problematic • Encryption is not seeded • Size of value leaks information
  • 18. 18 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Solution
  • 19. 19 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Columnar Encryption • Columnar file formats (eg. ORC) • Write data in columns • Column projection • Better compression • Encryption works really well • Only encrypt bytes for column • Can store multiple variants of data
  • 20. 20 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved ORC File Format File Footer Postscript Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~200MBStripe Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~200MBStripe Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~200MBStripe Column 1 Column 2 Column 7 Column 8 Column 3 Column 6 Column 4 Column 5 Column 1 Column 2 Column 7 Column 8 Column 3 Column 6 Column 4 Column 5 Stream 2.1 Stream 2.2 Stream 2.3 Stream 2.4
  • 21. 21 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved User Experience • Set table properties for encryption • orc.encrypt.pii = ”ssn,email” • = “card_info” • Define where to get the encryption keys • Configuration defines the key provider via URI
  • 22. 22 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Key Management • Create a master key for each use case • “pii”, “pci”, or “hipaa” • Each column in each file uses unique local key • Allows audit of which users read which files • Ranger policies limit access to keys • Who, What, When, Where
  • 23. 23 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved KeyProvider API • Provides limited access to encryption keys • Encrypts or decrypts local keys • Users are never given master keys • Key versions and key rolling of master keys • Allows 3rd party plugins • Supports Cloud, Hadoop or Ranger KMS
  • 24. 24 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Encryption Data Flow
  • 25. 25 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Encryption Flow • Local key • Random for each encrypted column in file • Encrypted w/ master key by KMS • Encrypted local key is stored in file metadata • IV is generated to be unique • Column, kind, stripe, & counter
  • 26. 26 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Static Data Masking • What happens without key access? • Define static masks • Nullify – all values become null • Redact – mask values ‘Xxxxx Xxxxx!’ • Can define ranges to unmask • SHA256 – replace with SHA256 • Custom - user defined
  • 27. 27 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Data Masking • Anonymization is hard! • AOL search logs • Netflix prize datasets • NYC taxi dataset • Always evaluate security tradeoffs • Tokenization is a useful technique • Assign arbitrary replacements
  • 28. 28 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Key Disposal • Often need to keep data for 90 days • Currently the data is written twice • With column encryption: • Roll keys daily • Delete master key after 90 days
  • 29. 29 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved ORC Encryption Design • Write both variants of streams • Masked unencrypted • Unmasked encrypted • Encrypt both data and statistics • Maintain compatibility for old readers • Read unencrypted variant • Preserve ability to seek in file
  • 30. 30 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved ORC Write Pipeline • Streams go through pipeline • Run length encoding • Compression (zlib, snappy, or lzo) • Encryption • Encryption is AES/CTR • Allows seek • No padding
  • 31. 31 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Conclusions
  • 32. 32 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Conclusions • ORC column encryptions provides • Transparent encryption • Multi-paradigm column security • Audit logging (via KMS logging) • Static masking • Supports file merging • Different stripes with different local key
  • 33. 33 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Integration with Other Tools • Hive & Spark • No change other than defining table properties • Apache Hive’s LLAP • Cache and fast processing of SQL queries • Column encryption changes internal interfaces • Cache both encrypted and unencrypted variants • Ensure audit log reflects end-user and what they accessed
  • 34. 34 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Limitations • Need encryption policy for write • Current Atlas & Ranger tags lag data • Auto-discovery requires pre-access • Changes to masking policy • Need to re-write files • Need additional data masks • Credit card, addresses, etc. • Decrypted local keys could be saved
  • 35. 35 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2019. All Rights Reserved Thank you! Twitter: @owen_omalley Email: