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Tereos Internacional Second Quarter 2014/15 Results 
São Paulo – November 12th, 2014
 Operational 
 Sugarcane Brazil: 
 H1 crushing volumes up +5% YoY. Tonnes of ATR/ha at Guarani 26% above average of C/S region, 
thanks to improvements in agricultural performance 
 Own energy sales up 35% YoY to 344 GWh in Q2 14/15, due to start of cogeneration in Tanabi and 
the ramp-up of Mandu and São José mills 
 Inventories up on last year (+7% in sugar and +34% in ethanol, in volume) 
 Efforts continue on “Guarani 2016” program 
 Sugarcane Indian Ocean/Africa: Lower volumes on delayed shipments in Indian Ocean, and slower 
progress on crushing in Mozambique due to rainfall 
 Cereal Europe: Improved profitability thanks to “Performance 2015” benefits on track, despite 
continuously soft demand in Europe 
 Cereal Brazil: Ramp-up progressing satisfactorily, with corn grinding up 32% sequentially. Plant 
reached nominal capacity level in August 
 Cereal Asia: Improvements on corn grinding and stability of production at Tieling. Performance 
improvements at Redwood 
 Financial 
 Guarani: R$240.2 million capital injection from Petrobras completed in October, 2014 as planned. 
Tereos Internacional’s stake in Guarani now at 57.1% 
 Indonesia: Results of Redwood fully consolidated from this quarter 
 Strategy 
 Tereos Group (TI controlling shareholder): creation of Tereos Commodities, entity responsible for the 
trading activity and distribution of white sugar for the entire group 
Key initiatives and major developments in Q2 2014/15
 During the quarter raw sugar prices dropped to 13.5 USDc/lb on 
September 9th, the lowest level since December 2010 
 Prices rebounded from these low levels on the back of UNICA’s 
recent estimates for a lower Brazilian Center-South crop output 
 Prices remain however at low levels, with March 15 NY#11 around 
16 USDc/lb currently 
 Expectations of large crops in the US and in Europe pressured 
corn and wheat prices down, which decreased 19% and 17% 
respectively during the quarter 
 Market demand for Starch & Sweeteners suffering from weak 
economic conditions in Europe 
 In Brazil, anhydrous and hydrous ethanol prices remained 
relatively stable around 1.35 and 1.20 R$/liter, respectively. Market 
observers continue to await clarifications on various potential 
incentive measures 
 In Europe, FOB Rotterdam prices recovered temporarily by 13% in 
the quarter but have since dropped below 500€/T again 
Source: Bloomberg 
Q2 2014/15 Market Highlights 
Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 
LIFFE#5 NY#11 
US$/MT US$ Cts/lb 
Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 
Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 
Brazil ESALQ Europe Rotterdam 
R$/m³ €/m³
246 117 
Q2 2013/14 Q2 2014/15 
Africa/Indian Ocean 
Starch & Sweeteners 
Alcohol & Ethanol 
Lower revenues mostly due to the end of ethanol trading activity and lower S&S prices 
Net Revenues (R$ MM) 
 Lower revenues in the quarter driven by: 
 Declining cereal prices and soft demand setting the tone for lower S&S and ethanol prices in Europe 
 Ethanol trading sales for Tereos Group no longer consolidated at TI level (-R$ 88 million) 
 Slightly lower sugar sales in the quarter leading to increased inventories to be sold in H2 
 Somehow compensated by: 
 Higher co-generation revenues in the quarter, due to higher volume and prices 
 Increased ethanol sales volumes at higher prices 
 Higher starch and syrups volumes at Syral Halotek with factory ramp-up and customer portfolio expansion 
 Perimeter effect due to the first time consolidation of Redwood 
(19) (61) 
Q2 2013/14 Currency Volume Price & Mix Others Q2 2014/15
+15 +12 
Brazil Africa/IO S&S A&E 
Holding Q2 
-3 -4 2014/15 
27 39 
Q2 2013/14 Q2 2014/15 
Africa/Indian Ocean 
Starch & Sweeteners 
Alcohol & Ethanol 
Adjusted EBITDA 
Improved profitability of Cereals; lower Sugarcane performance 
 Adjusted EBITDA down YoY as a consequence of: 
 Lower sugar volume sold at Guarani, and higher costs, as benefits from “Guarani 2016” were limited by 
impact of drought this year 
 Reduced margins in Indian Ocean and Mozambique, on delayed raw sugar sales 
 But partially compensated by: 
 Benefits from “Performance 2015” initiatives in Cereal division 
Adjusted EBITDA (R$ MM) 
Margin 15.5% Margin 13.7% 
Sugarcane Crushing (MM t) Sugar Sales (‘000 t) Ethanol Sales (‘000 m³) 
-7.5% YoY + 30.3% YoY 
Sugarcane Brazil – Production & Sales 
YTD crushing remains higher 
Energy Sales (‘000 MWh) 
+1.5% YoY 
 Crushing 
 Crushing slightly down in the quarter, but +5% YoY in H1 at 14 million tonnes (equity consolidation) 
 Good agricultural performance with tonnes of ATR/ha at 12.6 in H1, +26% above the average of the C/S 
region, although yields were 7% lower than LY due to the impact of the drought 
 Improvement in production 
 H1 overall production (expressed in TRS) up 10% to 1,992 k tonnes (higher cane crushed and better 
sugar content YoY) 
 Mix more oriented towards ethanol in Q2, ratio up to 41% in H1 14/15 vs. 35% in H1 LY 
 Sugar Production: 1,129 k tons; slightly up YoY – Inventories : 428 k tons, +7% vs. September 2013 
 Ethanol Production: 479 k m³; +27% YoY – Inventories : 277 k m³ , +34% vs. September 2013 
 Progress on cogeneration 
 Own energy production up 35% at 344 GWh in Q2 14/15 vs. LY 
-2.9% YoY 
7,7 7,5 
470 435 
339 344 
591 574 
Price & 
Volume Price & 
Volume Others Q2 
Sugarcane Brazil – Financials 
Lower sugar revenues on higher costs pressured results 
* includes Cogeneration, Agricultural Products, Hedging and Ethanol Resale 
(1) Tereos Internacional allocates tilling expenses as cost. 
If tilling expenses were allocated as investment, Adjusted 
EBITDA for Q2 14/15 would have reached R$158 million. 
Net Revenues (R$ MM) 
Sugar Ethanol 
 Sugar: 62% of total net revenues 
 Volumes reduced 7% to 435 k tonnes 
 Average prices down 7% YoY at 817 R$/tonne 
 Ethanol: 25% of total net revenues 
 Volume sold up 30% to 116 k m3 
 Prices up 11% YoY at 1,214 R$/m3 
 Cogeneration: R$64 million vs. R$49 million, on 
average realized prices +24% up and higher own 
electricity production (+35%) 
 Adjusted EBITDA: R$112 million, -41% 
 Lower sugar sales combined with higher 
costs (inflation effect, standing cane and 
non-recurring expenses) impacted results; 
benefits from “Guarani 2016” limited by 
impact of drought this year 
 Adjusted EBITDA Margin1 for Q2 14/15 
including tilling as depreciation: 27.6% 
Key Figures 
In R$ Million 
Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change 
Revenues 574 591 -3% 
Gross Profit 103 121 -15% 
Margin 17.9% 20.5% 
EBIT (3) 37 -109% 
Margin (0.6%) 6.3% 
Adjusted EBITDA 112 189 -41% 
Margin 19.5% 31.9%
-0.2% YoY 
Sugarcane Indian Ocean/Africa – Production and Financials 
Lower sugar volumes drove results down 
Sugarcane Crushing (’000 t) Sugar sales (‘000 t) 
-32.7% YoY 
Revenue Breakdown by Product  Sugarcane crushing 
 Indian Ocean: similar crushing than LY expected 
for the whole crop as drought impacts yields 
 Africa: rainy weather delayed crushing (-21% 
YTD), but overall crop expected to be materially 
up on LY 
 Revenues: -11% YoY 
 Lower sales on delayed shipment in Reunion 
Island and reduced sales volumes in Mozambique 
 Adjusted EBITDA: -22% YoY 
 Drop in sales/trading margins in Indian Ocean 
together with low cost dilution in Mozambique 
Key Figures 
In R$ Million 
Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change 
Revenues 231 258 -11% 
Gross Profit 48 66 -27% 
Margin 20.8% 25.6% 
EBIT 13 30 -56% 
Margin 5.8% 11.8% 
Adjusted EBITDA 63 81 -22% 
Margin 27.2% 31.3% 
1.249 1.247 
Sugar Indian 
Ocean 28% 
Sugar Africa 
Trading and 
others 56%
69 64 
Own Sales Trading 
Cereal Segment - Production and Sales 
Softness in Europe volumes, but increased volume contribution from Brazil and Asia 
Cereal Grinding 
(‘000 t) 
Starch & Sweeteners 
Sales (‘000 t) 
+7.2% YoY +13.7% YoY 
Alcohol & Ethanol 
Sales (‘000 m3) 
-44.1% YoY 
 Grinding in Q2 14/15: +7% to 908 k tonnes 
 Starch & Sweeteners sales: +14% Increased volumes from Cereal Brazil and Indonesia, but soft 
market conditions continue in Europe 
 Alcohol & Ethanol sales: -7% End of ethanol trading sales for Tereos Group last year and 
soft market for ethanol in Europe 
Co-products Sales 
(‘000 t) 
+ 6.1% YoY 
293 311 
847 908 
468 533 
Starch & Sweeteners – Financials 
Benefits from “Performance 2015” despite continuing soft environment 
Net Revenues (R$ MM) 
 Revenues: R$1,066 million, slightly down YoY 
 Prices lower YoY following cereal prices downward trend (and sugar price trend for isoglucose) 
 Slightly lower volumes in Europe on soft market environment, positive perimeter effect of 
Redwood plant in Indonesia (first time consolidation) and Syral Halotek ramp-up, reaching 
nominal capacity in August (corn grinding +32% sequentially) 
 Adjusted EBITDA: R$63 million, up 30% YoY 
 YoY, benefits from “Performance 2015” initiatives in Cereals division (notably through optimized 
energy consumption and lower energy unitary prices achieved) 
 Vs. Q1 14/14, margins on raw material costs have gradually benefitted from lower cereal prices 
and improved margin management 
Key Figures 
In R$ Million 
Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change 
Revenues 1,066 1,112 -4% 
Gross Profit 176 174 +1% 
Margin 16.6% 15.7% 
EBIT 15 6 +172% 
Margin 1.4% 0.5% 
Adjusted EBITDA 63 49 +30% 
Margin 5.9% 4.4% 
1112 1066 
Q2 2013/14 Currency Volume Price & Mix Others Q2 2014/15
Alcohol & Ethanol Europe – Financials 
Benefits from “Performance 2015” but lower ethanol prices and weak market 
 Revenues: R$117 million, down R$ 129 million 
 Termination of trading activities for Tereos Group (-R$ 88 million) 
 Ethanol prices down on Q2 13/14 (-13%) and volumes impacted by weak demand and competition 
from imports (-6%) 
 Adjusted EBITDA: R$39 million, up 46% 
 Results positively impacted by “Performance 2015”, although benefits lowered by T2 Rotterdam prices 
drop vs. Q2 LY 
 Strong improvement sequentially principally reflects the difference in proportion of wheat purchased at 
convention price (from 0% to 90% this quarter) 
Net Revenues (R$ MM) 
Key Figures 
In R$ Million 
Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change 
Revenues 117 246 -52% 
Gross Profit 36 28 +29% 
Margin 30.5% 11.3% 
EBIT 28 17 +61% 
Margin 23.7% 7.0% 
Adjusted EBITDA 39 27 +46% 
Margin 33.3% 10.9% 
(18) (12) 
Q2 2013/14 Currency Volume Price & Mix Others Q2 2014/15
(29) (2) 
(29) (1) 
Q2 2013/14 Brazil Africa/IO S&S A&E 
Q2 2014/15 
Capital Expenditures 
Substantial reduction in CAPEX levels at major divisions 
 Brazil: R$68 million 
 Lower plantation and intercrop maintenance 
reduced overall segment Capex 
 97% of the expansion program completed 
 Starch & Sweeteners: R$29 million 
 ¾ related to maintenance and Performance 
2015 initiatives 
 No major capacity increase projects 
CAPEX Breakdown CAPEX (R$ MM) 
Starch & 
Alcohol & 
Cash Flow Reconciliation & Debt Composition 
Increased working capital needs due to higher inventories 
 Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA: 4.8x vs. 4.5x on September 30th, 2013 
 Mostly on the back of seasonal working capital for sugarcane division (on higher 
inventories), negative forex impact, and lower Adjusted EBITDA 
Cash Flow 
In R$ Million 
H1 14/15 
Adjusted EBITDA 446 
Working capital variance (609) 
Financial interests (125) 
Others (38) 
Operating Cash Flow (326) 
Recurring Capex (180) 
Recurring Cash Flow (506) 
Growth Capex (111) 
Dividends paid and 
Others (80) 
Free Cash Flow (702) 
Others (inc. Forex impact) (117) 
Net Debt Variation (819) 
In R$ Million 
September 30th, 
March 31st, 
Current 2,350 1,523 +54.3% 
Non-current 2,496 2,734 -8.7% 
Amortized cost (19) (23) -17.4% 
Total Gross Debt 4,827 4,234 +14.0% 
In € 1,562 1,413 +10.5% 
In USD 2,056 1,890 +8.8% 
In R$ 1,220 935 +30.5% 
Other currencies 8 19 -57.9% 
Cash and Cash Equivalent (748) (1) (682) +9.7% 
Total Net Debt 4,079 3,551 +14.9% 
Related Parties Net Debt 65 15 +333.3% 
Total Net Debt + Related 
4,144 3,566 +16.2% 
(1) Cash and cash equivalent of September 30th 2014 restated to include capital increase of R$240 million from PBio into Guarani.
 Sugarcane Brazil: 
 H2 sales volume to benefit from higher starting inventory (sugar +26kt and ethanol + 71km3 vs. 
September 2013) 
 Progress in co-generation, to reach over 1,000 GWh sales also boosted by efforts to optimize own 
energy consumption 
 Benefits in H2 from Reintegra tax credit (3% of exports revenues) and a recent increase in gasoline 
price. Possible increase in the ethanol blend ratio (from 25% to 27.5%) could be a positive 
development to support the S&E industry 
 Sugarcane Africa/Indian Ocean: 
 Indian Ocean crop volumes expected to be in line with last year despite drier than usual weather 
 Yields in Africa to be better YoY as a result of improved agricultural performance and favorable rain 
 Impact of lower European sugar prices to be more pronounced in H2 
 Cereals: 
 Europe: 
 Benefits of “Performance 2015” to continue 
 Despite lower cereal prices, soft demand for starch and lower isoglucose prices (following 
European sugar prices) somewhat hinder potential for margin restoration 
 Gradual phasing out of raw material conventional price mechanism and current lower ethanol prices 
to limit improvements in Alcohol & Ethanol segment’s profits in H2 
 International: 
 Brazil: Focus on stability of plant performance at full capacity, and customer portfolio optimization 
 Asia: In China, Dongguan facility to start production in H1 2015 (500k tons/year grinding capacity). 
In Indonesia, capacity expansion and product diversification for Redwood being developed 

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Resultados do 2T 14/15
Resultados do 4T 2013/14
Resultados do 4T 2013/14Resultados do 4T 2013/14
Resultados do 4T 2013/14
Tereos internacional presentation_port_3_m
Tereos internacional presentation_port_3_mTereos internacional presentation_port_3_m
Tereos internacional presentation_port_3_m
20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
20131212 reuniao apimec_2013
20131212 reuniao apimec_201320131212 reuniao apimec_2013
20131212 reuniao apimec_2013
20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
2 q08 earnings release eng (apresentação)
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2 q08 earnings release eng (apresentação)
Divulgação de resultados 2 t08 port (apresentação)
Divulgação de resultados 2 t08 port (apresentação)Divulgação de resultados 2 t08 port (apresentação)
Divulgação de resultados 2 t08 port (apresentação)
Tereos apresentacao 1_t14_port
Tereos apresentacao 1_t14_portTereos apresentacao 1_t14_port
Tereos apresentacao 1_t14_port
Apresentação teleconferência 200809
Apresentação teleconferência 200809Apresentação teleconferência 200809
Apresentação teleconferência 200809
Apresentação teleconferência 1 t 0910
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Apresentação teleconferência 2 t 0910
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Apresentação teleconferência 3 t 0910
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Apresentação teleconferência 200910Apresentação teleconferência 200910
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Apresentação teleconferência resultados 1 t 1011
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20131113 tereos internacional_presentation_port_final
2 q08 earnings release eng (apresentação)
2 q08 earnings release eng (apresentação)2 q08 earnings release eng (apresentação)
2 q08 earnings release eng (apresentação)
Divulgação de resultados 2 t08 port (apresentação)
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Divulgação de resultados 2 t08 port (apresentação)
Tereos apresentacao 1_t14_port
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Apresentação teleconferência 200809
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2Q 14/15 Earnings

  • 1. Tereos Internacional Second Quarter 2014/15 Results São Paulo – November 12th, 2014
  • 2. 2  Operational  Sugarcane Brazil:  H1 crushing volumes up +5% YoY. Tonnes of ATR/ha at Guarani 26% above average of C/S region, thanks to improvements in agricultural performance  Own energy sales up 35% YoY to 344 GWh in Q2 14/15, due to start of cogeneration in Tanabi and the ramp-up of Mandu and São José mills  Inventories up on last year (+7% in sugar and +34% in ethanol, in volume)  Efforts continue on “Guarani 2016” program  Sugarcane Indian Ocean/Africa: Lower volumes on delayed shipments in Indian Ocean, and slower progress on crushing in Mozambique due to rainfall  Cereal Europe: Improved profitability thanks to “Performance 2015” benefits on track, despite continuously soft demand in Europe  Cereal Brazil: Ramp-up progressing satisfactorily, with corn grinding up 32% sequentially. Plant reached nominal capacity level in August  Cereal Asia: Improvements on corn grinding and stability of production at Tieling. Performance improvements at Redwood  Financial  Guarani: R$240.2 million capital injection from Petrobras completed in October, 2014 as planned. Tereos Internacional’s stake in Guarani now at 57.1%  Indonesia: Results of Redwood fully consolidated from this quarter  Strategy  Tereos Group (TI controlling shareholder): creation of Tereos Commodities, entity responsible for the trading activity and distribution of white sugar for the entire group Key initiatives and major developments in Q2 2014/15
  • 3. Sugar:  During the quarter raw sugar prices dropped to 13.5 USDc/lb on September 9th, the lowest level since December 2010  Prices rebounded from these low levels on the back of UNICA’s recent estimates for a lower Brazilian Center-South crop output (~9%)  Prices remain however at low levels, with March 15 NY#11 around 16 USDc/lb currently Starch:  Expectations of large crops in the US and in Europe pressured corn and wheat prices down, which decreased 19% and 17% respectively during the quarter  Market demand for Starch & Sweeteners suffering from weak economic conditions in Europe Ethanol:  In Brazil, anhydrous and hydrous ethanol prices remained relatively stable around 1.35 and 1.20 R$/liter, respectively. Market observers continue to await clarifications on various potential incentive measures  In Europe, FOB Rotterdam prices recovered temporarily by 13% in the quarter but have since dropped below 500€/T again 3 Source: Bloomberg Q2 2014/15 Market Highlights 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 LIFFE#5 NY#11 US$/MT US$ Cts/lb 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Corn MATIF Wheat MATIF €/MT 400 450 500 550 600 650 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Brazil ESALQ Europe Rotterdam R$/m³ €/m³
  • 4. 246 117 1.112 1.066 258 231 591 574 Q2 2013/14 Q2 2014/15 Brazil Africa/Indian Ocean Starch & Sweeteners Alcohol & Ethanol Europe Revenues Lower revenues mostly due to the end of ethanol trading activity and lower S&S prices 4 Net Revenues (R$ MM) -10%  Lower revenues in the quarter driven by:  Declining cereal prices and soft demand setting the tone for lower S&S and ethanol prices in Europe  Ethanol trading sales for Tereos Group no longer consolidated at TI level (-R$ 88 million)  Slightly lower sugar sales in the quarter leading to increased inventories to be sold in H2  Somehow compensated by:  Higher co-generation revenues in the quarter, due to higher volume and prices  Increased ethanol sales volumes at higher prices  Higher starch and syrups volumes at Syral Halotek with factory ramp-up and customer portfolio expansion  Perimeter effect due to the first time consolidation of Redwood 2,207 1,988 2207 1988 (19) (61) (161) +21 Q2 2013/14 Currency Volume Price & Mix Others Q2 2014/15
  • 5. 342 273 (77) (18) +15 +12 (1) Q2 2013/14 Brazil Africa/IO S&S A&E Europe Holding Q2 -3 -4 2014/15 27 39 49 63 81 63 189 112 Q2 2013/14 Q2 2014/15 Brazil Africa/Indian Ocean Starch & Sweeteners Alcohol & Ethanol Europe Holding Adjusted EBITDA Improved profitability of Cereals; lower Sugarcane performance 5  Adjusted EBITDA down YoY as a consequence of:  Lower sugar volume sold at Guarani, and higher costs, as benefits from “Guarani 2016” were limited by impact of drought this year  Reduced margins in Indian Ocean and Mozambique, on delayed raw sugar sales  But partially compensated by:  Benefits from “Performance 2015” initiatives in Cereal division Adjusted EBITDA (R$ MM) Margin 15.5% Margin 13.7% 342 273
  • 6. Sugarcane Crushing (MM t) Sugar Sales (‘000 t) Ethanol Sales (‘000 m³) 6 -7.5% YoY + 30.3% YoY Sugarcane Brazil – Production & Sales YTD crushing remains higher Energy Sales (‘000 MWh) +1.5% YoY  Crushing  Crushing slightly down in the quarter, but +5% YoY in H1 at 14 million tonnes (equity consolidation)  Good agricultural performance with tonnes of ATR/ha at 12.6 in H1, +26% above the average of the C/S region, although yields were 7% lower than LY due to the impact of the drought  Improvement in production  H1 overall production (expressed in TRS) up 10% to 1,992 k tonnes (higher cane crushed and better sugar content YoY)  Mix more oriented towards ethanol in Q2, ratio up to 41% in H1 14/15 vs. 35% in H1 LY  Sugar Production: 1,129 k tons; slightly up YoY – Inventories : 428 k tons, +7% vs. September 2013  Ethanol Production: 479 k m³; +27% YoY – Inventories : 277 k m³ , +34% vs. September 2013  Progress on cogeneration  Own energy production up 35% at 344 GWh in Q2 14/15 vs. LY -2.9% YoY 7,7 7,5 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 470 435 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 89 116 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 339 344 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15
  • 7. 591 574 (4) (33) +13 +30 (24) Q2 2013/14 Price & Mix Volume Price & Mix Volume Others Q2 2014/15 Sugarcane Brazil – Financials Lower sugar revenues on higher costs pressured results * includes Cogeneration, Agricultural Products, Hedging and Ethanol Resale 7 (1) Tereos Internacional allocates tilling expenses as cost. If tilling expenses were allocated as investment, Adjusted EBITDA for Q2 14/15 would have reached R$158 million. Net Revenues (R$ MM) Sugar Ethanol  Sugar: 62% of total net revenues  Volumes reduced 7% to 435 k tonnes  Average prices down 7% YoY at 817 R$/tonne  Ethanol: 25% of total net revenues  Volume sold up 30% to 116 k m3  Prices up 11% YoY at 1,214 R$/m3  Cogeneration: R$64 million vs. R$49 million, on average realized prices +24% up and higher own electricity production (+35%)  Adjusted EBITDA: R$112 million, -41%  Lower sugar sales combined with higher costs (inflation effect, standing cane and non-recurring expenses) impacted results; benefits from “Guarani 2016” limited by impact of drought this year  Adjusted EBITDA Margin1 for Q2 14/15 including tilling as depreciation: 27.6% Key Figures In R$ Million Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change Revenues 574 591 -3% Gross Profit 103 121 -15% Margin 17.9% 20.5% EBIT (3) 37 -109% Margin (0.6%) 6.3% Adjusted EBITDA 112 189 -41% Margin 19.5% 31.9%
  • 8. 75 51 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 -0.2% YoY Sugarcane Indian Ocean/Africa – Production and Financials Lower sugar volumes drove results down 8 Sugarcane Crushing (’000 t) Sugar sales (‘000 t) -32.7% YoY Revenue Breakdown by Product  Sugarcane crushing  Indian Ocean: similar crushing than LY expected for the whole crop as drought impacts yields  Africa: rainy weather delayed crushing (-21% YTD), but overall crop expected to be materially up on LY  Revenues: -11% YoY  Lower sales on delayed shipment in Reunion Island and reduced sales volumes in Mozambique  Adjusted EBITDA: -22% YoY  Drop in sales/trading margins in Indian Ocean together with low cost dilution in Mozambique Key Figures In R$ Million Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change Revenues 231 258 -11% Gross Profit 48 66 -27% Margin 20.8% 25.6% EBIT 13 30 -56% Margin 5.8% 11.8% Adjusted EBITDA 63 81 -22% Margin 27.2% 31.3% 1.249 1.247 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 Sugar Indian Ocean 28% Sugar Africa 16% Trading and others 56%
  • 9. 69 64 46 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 Own Sales Trading Cereal Segment - Production and Sales Softness in Europe volumes, but increased volume contribution from Brazil and Asia 9 Cereal Grinding (‘000 t) Starch & Sweeteners Sales (‘000 t) +7.2% YoY +13.7% YoY Alcohol & Ethanol Sales (‘000 m3) -44.1% YoY  Grinding in Q2 14/15: +7% to 908 k tonnes  Starch & Sweeteners sales: +14% Increased volumes from Cereal Brazil and Indonesia, but soft market conditions continue in Europe  Alcohol & Ethanol sales: -7% End of ethanol trading sales for Tereos Group last year and soft market for ethanol in Europe Co-products Sales (‘000 t) + 6.1% YoY 293 311 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 847 908 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15 468 533 Q2 13/14 Q2 14/15
  • 10. Starch & Sweeteners – Financials Benefits from “Performance 2015” despite continuing soft environment 10 Net Revenues (R$ MM)  Revenues: R$1,066 million, slightly down YoY  Prices lower YoY following cereal prices downward trend (and sugar price trend for isoglucose)  Slightly lower volumes in Europe on soft market environment, positive perimeter effect of Redwood plant in Indonesia (first time consolidation) and Syral Halotek ramp-up, reaching nominal capacity in August (corn grinding +32% sequentially)  Adjusted EBITDA: R$63 million, up 30% YoY  YoY, benefits from “Performance 2015” initiatives in Cereals division (notably through optimized energy consumption and lower energy unitary prices achieved)  Vs. Q1 14/14, margins on raw material costs have gradually benefitted from lower cereal prices and improved margin management Key Figures In R$ Million Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change Revenues 1,066 1,112 -4% Gross Profit 176 174 +1% Margin 16.6% 15.7% EBIT 15 6 +172% Margin 1.4% 0.5% Adjusted EBITDA 63 49 +30% Margin 5.9% 4.4% 1112 1066 (15) +86 (176) +59 Q2 2013/14 Currency Volume Price & Mix Others Q2 2014/15
  • 11. Alcohol & Ethanol Europe – Financials Benefits from “Performance 2015” but lower ethanol prices and weak market  Revenues: R$117 million, down R$ 129 million  Termination of trading activities for Tereos Group (-R$ 88 million)  Ethanol prices down on Q2 13/14 (-13%) and volumes impacted by weak demand and competition from imports (-6%)  Adjusted EBITDA: R$39 million, up 46%  Results positively impacted by “Performance 2015”, although benefits lowered by T2 Rotterdam prices drop vs. Q2 LY  Strong improvement sequentially principally reflects the difference in proportion of wheat purchased at convention price (from 0% to 90% this quarter) 11 Net Revenues (R$ MM) Key Figures In R$ Million Q2 14/15 Q2 13/14 Change Revenues 117 246 -52% Gross Profit 36 28 +29% Margin 30.5% 11.3% EBIT 28 17 +61% Margin 23.7% 7.0% Adjusted EBITDA 39 27 +46% Margin 33.3% 10.9% 246 117 (3) (95) (18) (12) Q2 2013/14 Currency Volume Price & Mix Others Q2 2014/15
  • 12. 180 118 (29) (2) (29) (1) Q2 2013/14 Brazil Africa/IO S&S A&E Europe Q2 2014/15 Capital Expenditures Substantial reduction in CAPEX levels at major divisions 12  Brazil: R$68 million  Lower plantation and intercrop maintenance reduced overall segment Capex  97% of the expansion program completed  Starch & Sweeteners: R$29 million  ¾ related to maintenance and Performance 2015 initiatives  No major capacity increase projects CAPEX Breakdown CAPEX (R$ MM) Starch & Sweeteners 33% Alcohol & Ethanol Europe 1% Africa/Indian Ocean 12% Brazil 54%
  • 13. 13 Cash Flow Reconciliation & Debt Composition Increased working capital needs due to higher inventories  Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA: 4.8x vs. 4.5x on September 30th, 2013  Mostly on the back of seasonal working capital for sugarcane division (on higher inventories), negative forex impact, and lower Adjusted EBITDA Cash Flow In R$ Million H1 14/15 Adjusted EBITDA 446 Working capital variance (609) Financial interests (125) Others (38) Operating Cash Flow (326) Recurring Capex (180) Recurring Cash Flow (506) Growth Capex (111) Dividends paid and received (5) Others (80) Free Cash Flow (702) Others (inc. Forex impact) (117) Net Debt Variation (819) Debt In R$ Million Pro-forma September 30th, 2014 March 31st, 2014 Δ Current 2,350 1,523 +54.3% Non-current 2,496 2,734 -8.7% Amortized cost (19) (23) -17.4% Total Gross Debt 4,827 4,234 +14.0% In € 1,562 1,413 +10.5% In USD 2,056 1,890 +8.8% In R$ 1,220 935 +30.5% Other currencies 8 19 -57.9% Cash and Cash Equivalent (748) (1) (682) +9.7% Total Net Debt 4,079 3,551 +14.9% Related Parties Net Debt 65 15 +333.3% Total Net Debt + Related Parties 4,144 3,566 +16.2% (1) Cash and cash equivalent of September 30th 2014 restated to include capital increase of R$240 million from PBio into Guarani.
  • 14.  Sugarcane Brazil:  H2 sales volume to benefit from higher starting inventory (sugar +26kt and ethanol + 71km3 vs. September 2013)  Progress in co-generation, to reach over 1,000 GWh sales also boosted by efforts to optimize own energy consumption  Benefits in H2 from Reintegra tax credit (3% of exports revenues) and a recent increase in gasoline price. Possible increase in the ethanol blend ratio (from 25% to 27.5%) could be a positive development to support the S&E industry  Sugarcane Africa/Indian Ocean:  Indian Ocean crop volumes expected to be in line with last year despite drier than usual weather  Yields in Africa to be better YoY as a result of improved agricultural performance and favorable rain  Impact of lower European sugar prices to be more pronounced in H2  Cereals:  Europe:  Benefits of “Performance 2015” to continue  Despite lower cereal prices, soft demand for starch and lower isoglucose prices (following European sugar prices) somewhat hinder potential for margin restoration  Gradual phasing out of raw material conventional price mechanism and current lower ethanol prices to limit improvements in Alcohol & Ethanol segment’s profits in H2  International:  Brazil: Focus on stability of plant performance at full capacity, and customer portfolio optimization  Asia: In China, Dongguan facility to start production in H1 2015 (500k tons/year grinding capacity). In Indonesia, capacity expansion and product diversification for Redwood being developed 14 Outlook
  • 15. 15