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Q3 09/10 Results
February 12th, 2010
This presentation contains forward-looking statements related to the prospects of our business and estimates for
operating and financial results. Those related to growth prospects of Açúcar Guarani S.A. are merely projections and,
as such, based exclusively on the expectations of the management concerning the future of the business. Such
forward-looking statements depend substantially on changes in market conditions, government regulations,
competitive pressures, the performance of the Brazilian and international economies and the industry and are
therefore subject to change without prior notice.
Record 9M Net Revenues: +14.3% (+1.3% quarter-on-quarter) on higher sugar and ethanol prices
Adjusted EBITDA: +8.2% (YTD basis) to R$208.3 million
Brazilian operation with a 23.8% Adjusted EBITDA margin in 9M and 30.1% in Q3 09/10
Net profit of R$15.7 million
R$ 80.3 million Net Profit in Brazilian operations
R$ 64.6 million loss in Mozambique (lower production and currency depreciation)
Key Financial Highlights
Strong overall performance, impacted by drop in Mozambique
Net debt at R$1.1 billion: decrease of 12.8% compared to the same period last year
Positive outlook
Domestic prices
Higher sugar production
Increase of cogeneration
Higher own sugarcane
Key Financial Highlights
Strong overall performance, impacted by drop in Mozambique
R$ Million
Q3 YTD YTD Brazil1
09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09
Revenues 363.8 359.1 970.7 849.2 928.9 802.4
Adjusted EBITDA
Note: (1) ex-Mozambican operations
EBITDA Margin 25.7% 32.3% 21.5% 22.7% 23.8% 21.7%
Net Income
Net Margin
CAPEX 44.3 37.1 109.3 183.2 87.5 177.4
Net Debt 1,101.5 1,263.0 1,101.5 1,263.0 935.1 1,124.5
World sugar prices at their highest levels in 28 years
Strong sugar prices, supported by forecasts of a continued imbalance between world supply and demand and by
reduced inventory levels
poor crop in India and eastern Africa (Mozambique)
rains in Brazil, with reduced sugar content on sugarcane
Domestic prices higher than international prices due to lower than expected Brazilian production of white/refined sugar
Increase in Brazilian exports, with India as main destination
Key Business Highlights – Q3 09/10 Sugar Market Overview
Strong world prices and growth in Brazilian exports
Guarani’s Sugar
Prices (R$/ton)
Prices (R$/ton)
Note: Actual average price net of taxes
Key Business Highlights – Q3 09/10 Ethanol Market Overview
Higher prices and strong domestic demand during the year
Significant appreciation of ethanol prices due to lower product output
Continued growth in domestic consumption, supported mainly by the growth of the flex fuel fleet and strong car sales
Limited impact of the 20% reduced blending (300,000 m³)
Price increases in all other major markets, such as US and European Union
Guarani’s Ethanol
Prices (R$/m³
Prices (R$/m³)
Note: Actual average price net of taxes
Sugarcane Crushed (MM t)
9M 09/10
Sugarcane Crushed (MM t)
Q3 09/10
Sugarcane crushing reduced by 2.2% in 9M 09/10, mainly due to:
Drought in Mozambique, resulting in 0.2 million tons less sugarcane crushed
Heavy rains in Brazil resulting in 0.1 million tons less sugarcane crushed
Current production of TRS reduced by 11.0% compared to 9M 08/09, mainly due to a decrease of 6.6% in the sugar content
measured in TRS, although yields have increased by 14.8% to 93 ton/ha
Sugarcane from 3rd parties represented 72.5% of the total crushing in 9M 09/10
Sugarcane processing to resume on March, 2010 on three of Guarani industrial plants
Sugarcane Crushing
Heavy rains in Brazil and drought in Mozambique
4.1 3.9
10.3 10.2
9M 08/09 9M 09/10
Own 3rd Party
Q3 08/09 Q3 09/10
Own 3rd Party
9M 09/10 Q3 09/10
Sugar production fell by 15.2% in 9M 09/10 impacted by lower sugar content (TRS) in the sugarcane, while ethanol reduced by
Priority on crystal and refined sugar due to higher margins. Refining operations to continue during the inter-crop
Mix with 56% sugar and 44% ethanol
Increase of own sugarcane for next crop
Sugar and Ethanol Production
Impact of poor sugar content on sugarcane due to rainfalls
Sugar Production (’000 t)
9M 09/10
Ethanol Production (’000 m³)
9M 09/10
9M 09/10 9M 09/10
111 117
385 355
9M 08/09 9M 09/10
Anhydrous Hydrous
493 455
9M 08/09 9M 09/10
Refined Crystal VHP
Net Revenues
Record YoY net revenues driven by higher prices
Net revenues rose 14.3% to R$970.7 million in 9M 09/10 and 1.3% to R$363.8 million in Q3 09/10
Sugar revenues rose by 10.2% in Q3 09/10 with a 35.2% price increase and a 18.5% volume decrease
Ethanol revenues increased by 17.7% in Q3 09/10 with a 21.0% price increase to R$916.3/m³
Focus on domestic market to benefit from higher prices:
Sugar: 64.7% domestic market and 35.3% export
Ethanol: 95.1% domestic market and 4.9% export
Net Revenues (R$ MM)
Q3 09/10
Net Revenues (R$ MM)
9M 09/10
Q3 09/109M 09/10
9M 08/09 9M 09/10
Sugar Ethanol Others
245 240
93 110
22 14
Q3 08/09 Q3 09/10
Sugar Ethanol Others
359 364
Adjusted EBITDA
Impacted by higher prices in Brazil and lower operations in Mozambique
Adjusted EBITDA: R$93.5 million and 25.7% Adjusted EBITDA margin in Q3 09/10 vs. 32.3% in Q3 08/09:
In Brazil: Positive impact of higher prices and reduced costs of own sugarcane, offset by increased third
party sugarcane costs based on CONSECANA and lower sugar content. Adjusted EBITDA Margin of
In Mozambique: -R$9.8 million Adjusted EBITDA, affected by reduced volume of crushed sugarcane
In Q3 09/10, negative hedging effect of R$15.0 million vs. a positive R$12.9 million in Q3 08/09, due to higher
sugar prices
YTD basis: R$208.3 million Adjusted EBITDA and 21.5% margin
For Brazilian operations alone, Adjusted EBITDA of R$220.7 million and 23.8% Adjusted EBITDA margin
Adjusted EBITDA (R$ MM)
9M 09/10
9M 09/10
9M 08/09 9M 09/10
Brasil Moçambique Margem EBITDA Ajustado
Net Results
Return to net profit despite loss in Mozambique
Net Profit (R$ MM)
Q3 and 9M 09/10
YTD net profit of R$15.7 million vs. net loss of R$241.4 million in 9M 08/09, including R$80.3 million profit in Brazil
Offset by:
Net loss in Mozambique of R$64.6 million caused by reduction in production and non-cash currency depreciation
41.7 80.3
Q3 09/10 9M 09/10
Mozambique Brazil
Q3 and 9M 09/10
Net Debt
At R$ 1.1 billion
Net debt of R$1.1 billion as of December, 2009 representing 2.4% increase over previous quarter due to:
Higher working capital reflecting Guarani’s normal business cycle to increase inventories
Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA ratio stood at 4.5x on December, 2009 vs. 4.0x on September, 2009 due to seasonality of the
Short-term debt represented 55.4% of total net debt (excluding intercompany loans)
Debt in foreign currencies totaled R$758.4 million, equivalent to 68.9% of total net debt
Effective average interest rate in Q3 09/10 of 7.7%
Net Debt per Currency Net Debt per Term
Net Debt per Currency
Net Debt per Term
Note: Includes debt related to SHL in Mozambique Note: Excludes intercompany loans. Net of cash & cash equivalents
… to take advantage of higher sugar prices:
Increase of Tanabi’s crushing capacity from 1.4 million tons during this crop to 1.7 million tons for next crop and a
new sugar factory to allow the plant to produce 100,000 tons of sugar
São José plant to increase capacity to 3.2 million tons of sugarcane crushed with a 50,000 tons increase in sugar
production. Expected growth in energy sold to the grid
Increased sugarcane crushing and sugar production capacity
Increase of mechanical harvesting and planting capacity as well as to improve field yields
Increase of plantation area in Mozambique and irrigation to ensure sugarcane availability
Cogeneration in Andrade plant
Total renovation of sugarcane fields by 2011/12 (15,900 ha)
Extension of irrigation to a further 5,000 ha (total of 10,000 ha in 2012)
1,500 ha in 2010
1,600 ha in 2011
1,900 ha in 2012
Refinancing of debts in 2010 to restructure current financing in
Investing to increase yields
Refinancing of debts in 2010 to restructure current financing in
South African Rand
Sugar Market Outlook
Prices supported by decrease in production and lower yields
Global demand may exceed production by 6 million tons in this world crop
Historically high prices to remain at least for 18 to 24 months
Future sugar prices to be adjusted according to weather at the start of the Brazilian crop and the next Indian crop starting
in October, 2010
Good prospects for white sugar prices with the expectation of a significant deficit both for refined and crystal sugars
World Sugar BalanceRaw Sugar Prices (NY 11)
cents US$/lb cents R$/lb
Q209 Q110Q109 Q309 Q409
Source: ICE
World Sugar BalanceRaw Sugar Prices (NY 11)
Inventories Production Consumption
Source: LMC
Ethanol Market Outlook
Strong consumption and prices expected for Q4 09/10 and next crop
Domestic market:
Ethanol prices supported by lower stocks than in previous crop
Strong flex fuel vehicle sales – currently 85% of all vehicle sold – will be a key driver for ethanol consumption growth
International market:
Higher prices in US and EU suggest a possible window for Brazilian exports from the beginning of next crop
Although world production has increased, supply will struggle to meet demand because of record sugar prices that favour
sugar production
Vehicles Sales per Fuel TypeHydrous and Anhydrous Ethanol
Prices (SP State)
Ethanol + Flex-Fuel Gas + Diesel
Q209 Q110Q109 Q309 Q409
Source: Anfavea
Q210 Q310
Hydrous Anhydrous
Q209 Q110Q109 Q309 Q409
Source: Esalq
Q210 Q310
(Brazil)Prices (SP State)
Guarani well positioned to seize market opportunities…
… and benefit from the positive market scenario:
Positive scenario for sugar prices for the 2010/11 crop due to higher demand than supply
Positive scenario for ethanol prices in Q4 09/10 due to lower supply and strong demand in Brazil. Prices for
next crop expected to be more stable, with more sugarcane derived to sugar production
Increased volumes of own sugarcane
Support from controlling shareholder Tereos for growth strategy
Thank You!
phone: +55 (11) 3544-4900
Jacyr S. Costa Filho
Reynaldo F. Benitez
CFO and Investor Relations Officer
Alexandre L. Menezio
Investor Relations Manager
Felipe F. Mendes
Investor Relations Analyst
Renato N. Zanetti Neto
Investor Relations Analyst

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3 q 0910 conference call presentation

  • 2. This presentation contains forward-looking statements related to the prospects of our business and estimates for operating and financial results. Those related to growth prospects of Açúcar Guarani S.A. are merely projections and, as such, based exclusively on the expectations of the management concerning the future of the business. Such forward-looking statements depend substantially on changes in market conditions, government regulations, competitive pressures, the performance of the Brazilian and international economies and the industry and are therefore subject to change without prior notice. Disclaimer
  • 3. Record 9M Net Revenues: +14.3% (+1.3% quarter-on-quarter) on higher sugar and ethanol prices Adjusted EBITDA: +8.2% (YTD basis) to R$208.3 million Brazilian operation with a 23.8% Adjusted EBITDA margin in 9M and 30.1% in Q3 09/10 Net profit of R$15.7 million R$ 80.3 million Net Profit in Brazilian operations R$ 64.6 million loss in Mozambique (lower production and currency depreciation) Key Financial Highlights Strong overall performance, impacted by drop in Mozambique Net debt at R$1.1 billion: decrease of 12.8% compared to the same period last year Positive outlook Domestic prices Higher sugar production Increase of cogeneration Higher own sugarcane 3
  • 4. Key Financial Highlights Strong overall performance, impacted by drop in Mozambique R$ Million Q3 YTD YTD Brazil1 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 Revenues 363.8 359.1 970.7 849.2 928.9 802.4 Adjusted EBITDA EBITDA Margin 93.5 25.7% 116.0 32.3% 208.3 21.5% 192.5 22.7% 220.7 23.8% 174.4 21.7% 4 Note: (1) ex-Mozambican operations EBITDA Margin 25.7% 32.3% 21.5% 22.7% 23.8% 21.7% Net Income Net Margin 1.8 0.5% (113.0) -31.5% 15.7 1.6% (241.4) -28.4% 80.3 8.6% (240.1) -29.9% CAPEX 44.3 37.1 109.3 183.2 87.5 177.4 Net Debt 1,101.5 1,263.0 1,101.5 1,263.0 935.1 1,124.5
  • 5. World sugar prices at their highest levels in 28 years Strong sugar prices, supported by forecasts of a continued imbalance between world supply and demand and by reduced inventory levels poor crop in India and eastern Africa (Mozambique) rains in Brazil, with reduced sugar content on sugarcane Domestic prices higher than international prices due to lower than expected Brazilian production of white/refined sugar Increase in Brazilian exports, with India as main destination Key Business Highlights – Q3 09/10 Sugar Market Overview Strong world prices and growth in Brazilian exports Guarani’s Sugar Prices (R$/ton) 5 Prices (R$/ton) Note: Actual average price net of taxes 400 600 800 1000 Q107/08 Q207/08 Q307/08 Q407/08 Q108/09 Q208/09 Q308/09 Q408/09 Q109/10 Q209/10 Q309/10
  • 6. Key Business Highlights – Q3 09/10 Ethanol Market Overview Higher prices and strong domestic demand during the year Significant appreciation of ethanol prices due to lower product output Continued growth in domestic consumption, supported mainly by the growth of the flex fuel fleet and strong car sales Limited impact of the 20% reduced blending (300,000 m³) Price increases in all other major markets, such as US and European Union Guarani’s Ethanol Prices (R$/m³ 6 Prices (R$/m³) Note: Actual average price net of taxes 400 600 800 1000 Q107/08 Q207/08 Q307/08 Q407/08 Q108/09 Q208/09 Q308/09 Q408/09 Q109/10 Q209/10 Q309/10
  • 7. Sugarcane Crushed (MM t) 9M 09/10 Sugarcane Crushed (MM t) Q3 09/10 Sugarcane crushing reduced by 2.2% in 9M 09/10, mainly due to: Drought in Mozambique, resulting in 0.2 million tons less sugarcane crushed Heavy rains in Brazil resulting in 0.1 million tons less sugarcane crushed Current production of TRS reduced by 11.0% compared to 9M 08/09, mainly due to a decrease of 6.6% in the sugar content measured in TRS, although yields have increased by 14.8% to 93 ton/ha Sugarcane from 3rd parties represented 72.5% of the total crushing in 9M 09/10 Sugarcane processing to resume on March, 2010 on three of Guarani industrial plants Sugarcane Crushing Heavy rains in Brazil and drought in Mozambique 4.1 3.9 10.3 10.2 9M 08/09 9M 09/10 Own 3rd Party 14.114.4 1.5 1.0 2.7 3.1 Q3 08/09 Q3 09/10 Own 3rd Party 4.14.2 9M 09/10 Q3 09/10 7
  • 8. Sugar production fell by 15.2% in 9M 09/10 impacted by lower sugar content (TRS) in the sugarcane, while ethanol reduced by 4.8% Priority on crystal and refined sugar due to higher margins. Refining operations to continue during the inter-crop Mix with 56% sugar and 44% ethanol Increase of own sugarcane for next crop Sugar and Ethanol Production Impact of poor sugar content on sugarcane due to rainfalls Sugar Production (’000 t) 9M 09/10 Ethanol Production (’000 m³) 9M 09/10 8 9M 09/10 9M 09/10 111 117 385 355 9M 08/09 9M 09/10 Anhydrous Hydrous 472496 493 455 512 453 149 71 9M 08/09 9M 09/10 Refined Crystal VHP 1,154 979
  • 9. Net Revenues Record YoY net revenues driven by higher prices Net revenues rose 14.3% to R$970.7 million in 9M 09/10 and 1.3% to R$363.8 million in Q3 09/10 Sugar revenues rose by 10.2% in Q3 09/10 with a 35.2% price increase and a 18.5% volume decrease Ethanol revenues increased by 17.7% in Q3 09/10 with a 21.0% price increase to R$916.3/m³ Focus on domestic market to benefit from higher prices: Sugar: 64.7% domestic market and 35.3% export Ethanol: 95.1% domestic market and 4.9% export Net Revenues (R$ MM) Q3 09/10 Net Revenues (R$ MM) 9M 09/10 9 Q3 09/109M 09/10 504 632 272 27173 67 9M 08/09 9M 09/10 Sugar Ethanol Others 849 971 245 240 93 110 22 14 Q3 08/09 Q3 09/10 Sugar Ethanol Others 359 364
  • 10. Adjusted EBITDA Impacted by higher prices in Brazil and lower operations in Mozambique Adjusted EBITDA: R$93.5 million and 25.7% Adjusted EBITDA margin in Q3 09/10 vs. 32.3% in Q3 08/09: In Brazil: Positive impact of higher prices and reduced costs of own sugarcane, offset by increased third party sugarcane costs based on CONSECANA and lower sugar content. Adjusted EBITDA Margin of 30.1% In Mozambique: -R$9.8 million Adjusted EBITDA, affected by reduced volume of crushed sugarcane In Q3 09/10, negative hedging effect of R$15.0 million vs. a positive R$12.9 million in Q3 08/09, due to higher sugar prices YTD basis: R$208.3 million Adjusted EBITDA and 21.5% margin For Brazilian operations alone, Adjusted EBITDA of R$220.7 million and 23.8% Adjusted EBITDA margin Adjusted EBITDA (R$ MM) 9M 09/10 10 9M 09/10 174.3 220.7 18.2 (12.4) 22.7% 21.5% 1,0% 3,0% 5,0% 7,0% 9,0% 11,0% 13,0% 15,0% 17,0% 19,0% 21,0% 23,0% 25,0% -20,0 30,0 80,0 130,0 180,0 230,0 280,0 9M 08/09 9M 09/10 Brasil Moçambique Margem EBITDA Ajustado
  • 11. Net Results Return to net profit despite loss in Mozambique Net Profit (R$ MM) Q3 and 9M 09/10 YTD net profit of R$15.7 million vs. net loss of R$241.4 million in 9M 08/09, including R$80.3 million profit in Brazil Offset by: Net loss in Mozambique of R$64.6 million caused by reduction in production and non-cash currency depreciation (39.9) (64.6) 41.7 80.3 Q3 09/10 9M 09/10 Mozambique Brazil 11 Consolidated Net Profit R$15.7 million Q3 and 9M 09/10 R$1.8 million
  • 12. Net Debt At R$ 1.1 billion Net debt of R$1.1 billion as of December, 2009 representing 2.4% increase over previous quarter due to: Higher working capital reflecting Guarani’s normal business cycle to increase inventories Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA ratio stood at 4.5x on December, 2009 vs. 4.0x on September, 2009 due to seasonality of the business Short-term debt represented 55.4% of total net debt (excluding intercompany loans) Debt in foreign currencies totaled R$758.4 million, equivalent to 68.9% of total net debt Effective average interest rate in Q3 09/10 of 7.7% Net Debt per Currency Net Debt per Term 12 Net Debt per Currency Foreign Currency 69% BRL 31% Net Debt per Term Current 55% Non- Current 45% Note: Includes debt related to SHL in Mozambique Note: Excludes intercompany loans. Net of cash & cash equivalents
  • 13. … to take advantage of higher sugar prices: Increase of Tanabi’s crushing capacity from 1.4 million tons during this crop to 1.7 million tons for next crop and a new sugar factory to allow the plant to produce 100,000 tons of sugar São José plant to increase capacity to 3.2 million tons of sugarcane crushed with a 50,000 tons increase in sugar production. Expected growth in energy sold to the grid CAPEX Increased sugarcane crushing and sugar production capacity Increase of mechanical harvesting and planting capacity as well as to improve field yields Increase of plantation area in Mozambique and irrigation to ensure sugarcane availability Cogeneration in Andrade plant 13
  • 14. Total renovation of sugarcane fields by 2011/12 (15,900 ha) Extension of irrigation to a further 5,000 ha (total of 10,000 ha in 2012) 1,500 ha in 2010 1,600 ha in 2011 1,900 ha in 2012 Refinancing of debts in 2010 to restructure current financing in Mozambique Investing to increase yields Refinancing of debts in 2010 to restructure current financing in South African Rand 14
  • 15. Sugar Market Outlook Prices supported by decrease in production and lower yields Global demand may exceed production by 6 million tons in this world crop Historically high prices to remain at least for 18 to 24 months Future sugar prices to be adjusted according to weather at the start of the Brazilian crop and the next Indian crop starting in October, 2010 Good prospects for white sugar prices with the expectation of a significant deficit both for refined and crystal sugars World Sugar BalanceRaw Sugar Prices (NY 11) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 8 12 16 20 24 28 01-Apr-08 01-Jul-08 01-Oct-08 01-Jan-09 01-Apr-09 01-Jul-09 01-Oct-09 01-Jan-10 centsR$/lb centsUS$/lb cents US$/lb cents R$/lb Q209 Q110Q109 Q309 Q409 Source: ICE Q310Q210 15 World Sugar BalanceRaw Sugar Prices (NY 11) 100 120 140 160 180 30 40 50 60 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10E Production/Consumption(MMton) Inventories(MMton) Inventories Production Consumption Source: LMC
  • 16. Ethanol Market Outlook Strong consumption and prices expected for Q4 09/10 and next crop Domestic market: Ethanol prices supported by lower stocks than in previous crop Strong flex fuel vehicle sales – currently 85% of all vehicle sold – will be a key driver for ethanol consumption growth International market: Higher prices in US and EU suggest a possible window for Brazilian exports from the beginning of next crop Although world production has increased, supply will struggle to meet demand because of record sugar prices that favour sugar production Vehicles Sales per Fuel TypeHydrous and Anhydrous Ethanol Prices (SP State) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 '000units Ethanol + Flex-Fuel Gas + Diesel Q209 Q110Q109 Q309 Q409 Source: Anfavea Q210 Q310 0,55 0,65 0,75 0,85 0,95 1,05 1,15 1,25 01-Apr-08 01-Jul-08 01-Oct-08 01-Jan-09 01-Apr-09 01-Jul-09 01-Oct-09 01-Jan-10 R$/liter Hydrous Anhydrous Q209 Q110Q109 Q309 Q409 Source: Esalq Q210 Q310 16 (Brazil)Prices (SP State)
  • 17. Outlook Guarani well positioned to seize market opportunities… … and benefit from the positive market scenario: Positive scenario for sugar prices for the 2010/11 crop due to higher demand than supply Positive scenario for ethanol prices in Q4 09/10 due to lower supply and strong demand in Brazil. Prices for next crop expected to be more stable, with more sugarcane derived to sugar production 17 Increased volumes of own sugarcane Support from controlling shareholder Tereos for growth strategy
  • 18. Thank You! phone: +55 (11) 3544-4900 e-mail: website: Jacyr S. Costa Filho CEO Reynaldo F. Benitez CFO and Investor Relations Officer Alexandre L. Menezio Investor Relations Manager Felipe F. Mendes Investor Relations Analyst Renato N. Zanetti Neto Investor Relations Analyst