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Switching to Angular.js
Silk way
About me
● Working as Front-end Lead Developer in GlobalLogic
● Used to develop Mobile Web Applications and HTML5
● Long time ago done Flex and ActionScript
● Contacts:
○ Skype: pavlo.yuriychuck
○ @pavlo_yuriychuk
○ Google+
Angular.js - PM point of view
● First release @ Oct 20, 2010, 0.9.0
● Contributors:
○ Miško Hevery - original author


○ Igor Minar
○ Vojta Jina
○ Matias Niemelä - Year of Moo blog
○ Pete Bacon Darwin
Reputation of vendor Google Closure && GWT
Docs: O’Reilly book, Packt publishing, Scripty book
Support: Google groups && Github issues
Angular.js according to worried devs

Comments in official docs ;)
No more require.js ?
Learning curve with expanding amplitude
Where is my jQuery why jqLite ?
Global functions and callbacks in html ?
This presentation is not about
worrying ;)
Hierarchy of front-end problems solved by
frameworks and libraries
1. Cross browser - jQuery, Underscore, Twitter bootstrap
2. Applications
a. MV* - Backbone, Exos.JS, Knockout, Ember, Ext.JS,
Chaplin, Marionette, Can.JS, Thorax
b. Realtime - Meteor, Derby
c. Functional - Bacon.JS
3. Modularity and packaging - Require.JS || LMD, Bower,
4. Infrastructure - Angular.JS, Closure, DojoToolkit
Automation stack

Node version manager and Node.js
Bower || Component
Docular || JSDoc
Karma.js drives Jasmine || Mocha + Chai + Sinon.js
Istanbul for code coverage
Pavlo Yuriychuk — Switching to Angular.js. Silk way
Implementation of domain aspects
● Switch from Inheritance to Dependency
● Decoupling of Model and Collection from
connection to the server side
● Directive as the only place to work with DOM
● No dedicated router class
Pavlo Yuriychuk — Switching to Angular.js. Silk way
● Factories to store shared data
● Services to handle business logic
● Providers to store configurable shared data, i.e. i18n,
i10n, routes
● Directives to modify DOM and for small components
● Views for widgets
● Controllers to connect view and services
● Decorators to modify the behavior of existing services
Dos and Donts
● if ($scope.$$phase) $apply() / $digest()
everywhere - No
● DOM manipulation in controller - No
● $.Deferred and $.ajax instead of $http,
$resource, $q
● Minsafe [`$http`, function ($http) {}] - Yes
Dos and Donts
● Do not try to put custom method into $rootScope
● If you have data that is shared between elements that
are using ng-repeat and filters - split it over separate
● Whenever you see $scope.filterByXXX, $scope.
mapXXXtoYYY, $scope.getXXXbyYY it is high time to
use filters
● Do not put heavyweight operations into $watch and
$scope event heandlers
Switching to Angular.js
When not to switch:
1. Perhaps you need something simpler,
different paradigm, see the slide #6
2. Game development
3. High-performance data visualization and
rendering (VNC console, real-time video)
4. Lightweightness is critical

Before you start
Learning course
Recipies with Angular by Frederik Dietz
Comparison to other frameworks
The future of Angular.js by Brian Ford
A little bit of Angular ;)
// Insanity Warning: scope depth-first traversal
// yes, this code is a bit crazy, but it works and we have tests to prove it!

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Pavlo Yuriychuk — Switching to Angular.js. Silk way

  • 2. About me ● Working as Front-end Lead Developer in GlobalLogic ● Used to develop Mobile Web Applications and HTML5 Games. ● Long time ago done Flex and ActionScript ● Contacts: ○ Skype: pavlo.yuriychuck ○ @pavlo_yuriychuk ○ Google+
  • 3. Angular.js - PM point of view ● First release @ Oct 20, 2010, 0.9.0 ● Contributors: ○ Miško Hevery - original author ● ● ● ● ○ Igor Minar ○ Vojta Jina ○ Matias Niemelä - Year of Moo blog ○ Pete Bacon Darwin Reputation of vendor Google Closure && GWT Docs: O’Reilly book, Packt publishing, Scripty book Support: Google groups && Github issues Ecosystem
  • 4. Angular.js according to worried devs ● ● ● ● ● Comments in official docs ;) No more require.js ? Learning curve with expanding amplitude Where is my jQuery why jqLite ? Global functions and callbacks in html ?
  • 5. This presentation is not about worrying ;)
  • 6. Hierarchy of front-end problems solved by frameworks and libraries 1. Cross browser - jQuery, Underscore, Twitter bootstrap 2. Applications a. MV* - Backbone, Exos.JS, Knockout, Ember, Ext.JS, Chaplin, Marionette, Can.JS, Thorax b. Realtime - Meteor, Derby c. Functional - Bacon.JS 3. Modularity and packaging - Require.JS || LMD, Bower, Component.JS 4. Infrastructure - Angular.JS, Closure, DojoToolkit
  • 7. Automation stack ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Node version manager and Node.js Grunt.js Bower || Component Docular || JSDoc Karma.js drives Jasmine || Mocha + Chai + Sinon.js LESS || SASS Yeoman Istanbul for code coverage
  • 9. Implementation of domain aspects ● Switch from Inheritance to Dependency Injection ● Decoupling of Model and Collection from connection to the server side ● Directive as the only place to work with DOM ● No dedicated router class
  • 11. Continuation ● Factories to store shared data ● Services to handle business logic ● Providers to store configurable shared data, i.e. i18n, i10n, routes ● Directives to modify DOM and for small components ● Views for widgets ● Controllers to connect view and services ● Decorators to modify the behavior of existing services
  • 12. Dos and Donts ● if ($scope.$$phase) $apply() / $digest() everywhere - No ● DOM manipulation in controller - No ● $.Deferred and $.ajax instead of $http, $resource, $q ● Minsafe [`$http`, function ($http) {}] - Yes
  • 13. Dos and Donts ● Do not try to put custom method into $rootScope ● If you have data that is shared between elements that are using ng-repeat and filters - split it over separate arrays ● Whenever you see $scope.filterByXXX, $scope. mapXXXtoYYY, $scope.getXXXbyYY it is high time to use filters ● Do not put heavyweight operations into $watch and $scope event heandlers
  • 14. Switching to Angular.js When not to switch: 1. Perhaps you need something simpler, different paradigm, see the slide #6 2. Game development 3. High-performance data visualization and rendering (VNC console, real-time video) 4. Lightweightness is critical
  • 15. Readings ● ● ● ● ● Before you start Learning course Recipies with Angular by Frederik Dietz Comparison to other frameworks The future of Angular.js by Brian Ford
  • 16. A little bit of Angular ;) // Insanity Warning: scope depth-first traversal // yes, this code is a bit crazy, but it works and we have tests to prove it!