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Migrating to Postgresql
For Charlotte SQL Saturday on 12/07/2019
By Ramu Pulipati
Thank You to our Sponsors
About Me
Cofounder / CTO at Botsplash
Software-as-a-service and hosted
messaging platform to engage
businesses and customers.
What is Postgresql?
• Free & Open Source RDMS
• Alternative to Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Mongo
DB or any RDBMS and NoSQL databases
• Battle tested for over 30 years with continuous
improvements to support modern applications
Who uses
Why Postgresql?
• BSD License
• Free for Commercial use
• No vendor Lock-in
• Predictable releases & fixes
• Active Community
• Great Performance
• Extensibility
• Hosted options
• Professional Services
• Strong SQL Types
• Rich JSON Support / NoSQL
• Native Table Partitioning
• Full Text Search
• Pubsub
• GIS / Spatial Functionality
• Scalability & Multi-tenancy
• Extensibility
Source: Stackoverflow from
Igal Sapir slides
Compare with others
• Replaces
• Mongo Db
• SQL Server
• Oracle
• Complements
• Redis
• Elasticsearch
• Clickhouse
Source: NoSQL Performance Benchmark 02/27/2018
History & What’s new Version Major Feature
JSONB Query & Partition
Improvements, Performance
Query Parallelism Improvements
Just-in-time compilation
Declarative Table Partitions
Logical Replication
Improved Monitoring and Control
Parallel Query
Foreign Data Wrappers
JSONB Modifying Operators
Row level security
UPSERT statement
Introduce JSONB
Materialized View Improvements
Source: Postgresql Releases
Getting Started
• Download and Install
• Postgres 11+ supports Windows
2012 R2 deployment.
• Cloud hosting options
• Client
• pgAdmin
• psql command line
SQL Support
• Case Sensitive Schema Names
• Case Sensitive Data Storage
• Type casting & Operators
• Date Time formatting
• Common Table Expressions
• Array Data Types
• Upserts
• Stored Procedures
• Multiple languages support
Common Data Types
Data Type Commonly Used Names
Number Smallint, integer, Bigint, decimal, Money
Number (auto) Serial, BigSerial
Enum Enum data types stored
Character Char, nchar, Text
Binary Bytea
Date Time Timestamp with timezone, Timestamp without Timezone, interval
Collections Array, JSON, JSONB
Misc Boolean, UUID, Geo Types, Network Address Mac Address, Custom Types
Full Text Search TsVector, TsQuery
See details from tutorials point
Special Data Types
• Collections
• Arrays
• Range Types
• Searchable
• Indexable
• Aggregate functions
Credit: Igal Sapir slides
JSON Datatypes
• Equivalent to embedded MongoDB
Credit: postgresql documentation
Notable Functions Description
::JSONB Casting
|| or JSONB_SET or
Build or set JSONB values
Aggregate functions
Path & Extract Functions
Advanced Data Types
• Pivot Tables crosstab function
• Materialized Views
• HStore
• Pg_stat
• XML Columns (not much used)
Concurrency - MVCC
• Postgres uses “Multi-version concurrency control”.
• Isolation at “read-committed” level
• Row level locks are explicit
• Same technique used in Oracle, CouchDB, etc
• Index Support
• Single Column / Exact Matches
• Multi Column
• Unique
• Partial Indexes
• Expression Indexes
• Implicit Indexes (PK, UK)
Credit: Igal Sapir slides
Disadvantages / Limits
• Database only solution
• Few available tools
compared to commercial
• Limited Talent Pool
Source: Postgres limits from
Best Practices
• Performance Optimization
• Do not read from Database at all
• Use indexes efficiently
• Use pg_stats collector to monitor usage and performance
• Vacuum regularly to clean up storage
• Bench mark hardware and optimize pg parameters
• Always use SSL for connectivity in untrusted networks
Reasons to Fill Out Session Evaluations
Helps Speakers
Helps Organizers
Helps You!
References and Follow up
• Postgresql Documentatoin
• Igal Sapir Postgresql Presentation
• Introduction to Postgresql slideshare
• The Internals of Postgresql
• Postgresql excercises
• MVCC: postgres internals or interdb
Questions? Contact me at

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Migrating to postgresql

  • 1. Migrating to Postgresql For Charlotte SQL Saturday on 12/07/2019 By Ramu Pulipati
  • 2. Thank You to our Sponsors
  • 3. About Me Cofounder / CTO at Botsplash Software-as-a-service and hosted messaging platform to engage businesses and customers.
  • 4. What is Postgresql? • Free & Open Source RDMS • Alternative to Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Mongo DB or any RDBMS and NoSQL databases • Battle tested for over 30 years with continuous improvements to support modern applications
  • 6. Why Postgresql? • BSD License • Free for Commercial use • No vendor Lock-in • Predictable releases & fixes • Active Community • Great Performance • Extensibility • Hosted options • Professional Services Source:
  • 7. Differentiators • Strong SQL Types • Rich JSON Support / NoSQL • Native Table Partitioning • Full Text Search • Pubsub • GIS / Spatial Functionality • Scalability & Multi-tenancy • Extensibility 80% Commercial Databases Postgresql
  • 9. Compare with others • Replaces • Mongo Db • SQL Server • MySQL • Oracle • Complements • Redis • Elasticsearch • Clickhouse Source: NoSQL Performance Benchmark 02/27/2018
  • 10. History & What’s new Version Major Feature V12 10/03/2019 JSONB Query & Partition Improvements, Performance V11 10/18/2018 Query Parallelism Improvements Just-in-time compilation V10 10/05/2017 Declarative Table Partitions Logical Replication Improved Monitoring and Control V9.6 09/29/2016 Parallel Query Foreign Data Wrappers Replication V9.5 07/01/2016 JSONB Modifying Operators Row level security UPSERT statement V9.4 12/18/2014 Introduce JSONB Materialized View Improvements Source: Postgresql Releases
  • 11. Getting Started • Download and Install • Postgres 11+ supports Windows 2012 R2 deployment. • Cloud hosting options • Client • pgAdmin • psql command line
  • 12. SQL Support • Case Sensitive Schema Names • Case Sensitive Data Storage • Type casting & Operators • Date Time formatting • Common Table Expressions • Array Data Types • Upserts • Stored Procedures • Multiple languages support
  • 13. Common Data Types Data Type Commonly Used Names Number Smallint, integer, Bigint, decimal, Money Number (auto) Serial, BigSerial Enum Enum data types stored Character Char, nchar, Text Binary Bytea Date Time Timestamp with timezone, Timestamp without Timezone, interval Collections Array, JSON, JSONB Misc Boolean, UUID, Geo Types, Network Address Mac Address, Custom Types Full Text Search TsVector, TsQuery See details from tutorials point
  • 14. Special Data Types • Collections • Arrays • Range Types • Searchable • Indexable • Aggregate functions Credit: Igal Sapir slides
  • 15. JSON Datatypes • Equivalent to embedded MongoDB Credit: postgresql documentation Notable Functions Description ::JSONB Casting || or JSONB_SET or JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT Build or set JSONB values JSONB_AGG & JSONB_BUILD_ARRAY Aggregate functions JSONB_PATH_*, JSONB_EACH, JSONB_EXTRACT Path & Extract Functions JSONB DEMO
  • 16. Advanced Data Types • Pivot Tables crosstab function • Materialized Views • HStore • EXPLAIN ANALYZE • Pg_stat • XML Columns (not much used)
  • 17. Concurrency - MVCC • Postgres uses “Multi-version concurrency control”. • Isolation at “read-committed” level • Row level locks are explicit • Same technique used in Oracle, CouchDB, etc
  • 18. Indexes • Index Support • Single Column / Exact Matches • Multi Column • Unique • Partial Indexes • Expression Indexes • Implicit Indexes (PK, UK) Credit: Igal Sapir slides
  • 19. Disadvantages / Limits • Database only solution • Few available tools compared to commercial • Limited Talent Pool Source: Source: Postgres limits from
  • 20. Best Practices • Performance Optimization • Do not read from Database at all • Use indexes efficiently • Use pg_stats collector to monitor usage and performance • Vacuum regularly to clean up storage • Bench mark hardware and optimize pg parameters • Always use SSL for connectivity in untrusted networks
  • 21. Reasons to Fill Out Session Evaluations Helps Speakers Helps Organizers Helps You!
  • 22. References and Follow up • Postgresql Documentatoin • Igal Sapir Postgresql Presentation • Introduction to Postgresql slideshare • The Internals of Postgresql • Postgresql excercises • MVCC: postgres internals or interdb Questions? Contact me at