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MariaDB ColumnStore
Understanding the Architecture
Andrew Hutchings (LinuxJedi)
Lead Software Engineer,
MariaDB ColumnStore
Who Am I?
● Andrew Hutchings, aka “LinuxJedi”
● Lead Software Engineer for MariaDB’s ColumnStore
● Previous worked for:
○ NGINX - Senior Developer Advocate / Technical
Product Manager
○ HP - Principal Software Engineer (HP Cloud / ATG)
○ SkySQL - Senior Sustaining Engineer
○ Rackspace - Senior Software Engineer
○ Sun/Oracle - MySQL Senior Support Engineer
● Co-author of MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development
● IRC/Twitter: LinuxJedi
● EMail:
● History of MariaDB ColumnStore
● Technical Use Case
● Components of MariaDB ColumnStore
● Disk Storage
● Writing Data
● Querying Data
● Optimizing for MariaDB ColumnStore
● Closing Notes
● Questions
History of MariaDB ColumnStore
● March 2010 - Calpont launches InfiniDB
● September 2014 - Calpont (now itself called InfiniDB) closes down
○ MariaDB (then SkySQL) supports InfiniDB customers
● April 2016 - MariaDB announces development of MariaDB ColumnStore
● August 2016 - I joined MariaDB and jumped straight into ColumnStore
● December 2016 - MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0 GA
○ InfiniDB + MariaDB 10.1 + Many fixes and improvements
● November 2017 - MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1 GA
○ MariaDB 10.2 + APIs + Even more improvements
Technical Use Case
Technical Use Case
MariaDB ColumnStore
● Very large data sets
○ Many columns
○ Many millions of rows
● Complex joins and aggregates
● Rapid bulk data insertion
○ The larger the batch the better
Traditional OLTP Engines
● Smaller data sets
● Basic queries
● Lots of DML queries
● Complex data types
Data Types
● INT types - range is 2 less from max unsigned or min signed
- max 255 bytes
- max 8000 bytes
● DECIMAL - max 18 digits
● DATETIME - no sub-seconds (coming in 1.2)
† Empty string is the same as NULL
Other DDL Differences
● No indexes
○ Columns are somewhat self-indexing
● Auto increment is handled differently (a table comment)
● No constraints
● PARTITION syntax not supported
○ Columns are partitioned automatically
Row-oriented vs. Column-oriented Format
ID Fname Lname State Zip Phone Age Sex
1 Bugs Bunny NY 11217 (718) 938-3235 34 M
2 Yosemite Sam CA 95389 (209) 375-6572 52 M
3 Daffy Duck NY 10013 (212) 227-1810 35 M
4 Elmer Fudd ME 04578 (207) 882-7323 43 M
5 Witch Hazel MA 01970 (978) 744-0991 57 F
(718) 938-3235
(209) 375-6572
(212) 227-1810
(207) 882-7323
(978) 744-0991
SELECT Fname FROM People WHERE State = 'NY'
Components of MariaDB ColumnStore
ColumnStore Modules
● User Module (UM)
○ MariaDB Server / Storage Engine Plugin
○ ExeMgr
○ DMLProc, DDLProc
● Performance Module (PM)
○ PrimProc
○ WriteEngine
○ ProcMgr / ProcMon
Query Processing
Shared Nothing Distributed Data Storage
Primitives ↓↓↓↓
Hardware Requirements
● Lots of RAM
○ minimum 32GB for UM, 16GB for PM
○ minimum 4GB for trying single server out on a VM
● Optimised for HDD spindles, will still work with SSD
○ We are looking into SSD optimisation soon
● More cores typically better
○ 8 core minimum recommendation
● For AWS m4.4xlarge is the recommended minimum
Disk Storage
Column Types
• 8-byte fixed length token (pointer).
• A variable length value stored at the
location identified by the pointer.
1-byte Field
with 8192
values per 8k
2-byte Field
with 4096
values per 8k
4-byte Field
with 2048
values per 8k
8-byte Field
with 1024
values per 8k
Dictionary structure
made up of 2
files/extents with:
Extent Map
Object ID The ID for the column (or dictionary)
Object Type Column or Dictionary
LBID Start / End Start / End Logical Block Pointer
Minimum Value Lowest value in the extent
Maximum Value Highest value in the extent
Width Column Width
DBRoot DBRoot (disk partition) number
Partition ID / Segment ID / Block Offset The extent number
High Water Mark Atomic last block pointer
Disk Storage
Blocks (8KB)
8 million rows)
Segment File1
(maps to an Extent)
Writing Data
Inserting Data
● Multiple methods
○ Single INSERTs
○ cpimport
○ Bulk Write API
● Designed for large bulk inserts
● Inserts are appended at the end of extents (or new extents created)
○ This means reads are not affected
○ A High Water Mark pointing to the last block is moved at the end of the insert
● Uses CSV files or piped CSV data
● Fastest way to get data into ColumnStore
● Does minimal data conversion and pipes it straight into the PMs
○ Works by appending new blocks to the table and moving an atomic block pointer (HWM)
○ No UNDO log needed (atomic pointer not moved on rollback)
○ Therefore can cause a gap of 0-64KB in a column
● Can load multiple tables simultaneously
● Can load into multiple PMs for the same table simultaneously
● Can load into specific PMs for physical partitioning by PM
Bulk Write API
● A simple C++ API to inject data into the PMs
○ Bindings in Python and Java available
● Works in a similar way to cpimport
○ Append new blocks and an atomic block pointer (HWM)
● LGPL licensed
DML Writes
○ Also INSERT...SELECT and LOAD DATA INFILE when autocommit is off
● Slow compared to other engines
○ INSERT is very slow compared to cpimport
● Requires the use of a version buffer for an undo log
○ But INSERT appends to data blocks so no wasted storage
● Data sent to DMLProc to process
A Note About DELETE
● Need to touch every column and the undo log
○ So very slow
● Also leaves a gap in the column that won’t be filled
● Having a column that is marked using an UPDATE query is faster
● Dropping entire partitions is instantaneous
○ Partitions can be disabled first
● Injects the binary row data from MariaDB into cpimport
● Good for backwards compatibility with tools and remote loading
● cpimport then injects this data into the column extent files
○ In 1.2 it will use the write API instead
● If autocommit is turned off this will behave like regular DML instead (slow)
Querying Data
Physical Execution Layout
Round Robin
Extent Elimination
8 Million Rows
Extent 2
8 Million Rows
Extent 3
8 Million Rows
Extent 1
Storage Architecture reduces I/O
• Only touch column files
that are in filter, projection, group by, and
join conditions
• Eliminate disk block touches
to partitions outside filter
and join conditions
Extent 1:
ShipDate: 2016-01-12 - 2016-03-05
Extent 2:
ShipDate: 2016-03-05 - 2016-09-23
Extent 3:
ShipDate: 2016-09-24 - 2017-01-06
SELECT Item, sum(Quantity) FROM Orders
WHERE ShipDate between ‘2016-01-01’ and ‘2016-01-31’
Id OrderId Line Item Quantity Price Supplier ShipDate ShipMode
1 1 1 Laptop 5 1000 Dell 2016-01-12 G
2 1 2 Monitor 5 200 LG 2016-01-13 G
3 2 1 Mouse 1 20 Logitech 2016-02-05 M
4 3 1 Laptop 3 1600 Apple 2016-01-31 P
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8M 2016-03-05
8M+1 2016-03-05
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
16M 2016-09-23
16M+1 2016-09-24
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
24M 2017-01-06
Query Analysis
MariaDB [tpch1]> select calsettrace(1);
MariaDB [tpch1]> select c_count, count(*) as custdist
-> from ( select c_custkey, count(o_orderkey) c_count
-> from v_customer left outer join v_orders on c_custkey = o_custkey
-> and o_comment not like '%special%requests%'
-> group by c_custkey ) c_orders
-> group by c_count
-> order by custdist desc, c_count desc;
42 rows in set, 1 warning (9.07 sec)
MariaDB [tpch1]> select calgetstats()G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
calgetstats(): Query Stats: MaxMemPct-4; NumTempFiles-0; TempFileSpace-0B; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-12503;
BlocksTouched-12503; PartitionBlocksEliminated-812; MsgBytesIn-102MB; MsgBytesOut-3KB; Mode-Distributed
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Query Analysis
MariaDB [tpch1]> select calgettrace()G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Desc Mode Table TableOID ReferencedColumns PIO LIO PBE Elapsed Rows
BPS PM customer 7254 (c_custkey) 0 75 0 0.032 150000
TNS UM - - - - - - 0.045 150000
BPS PM customer 7254 (c_custkey) 0 0 75 0.000 0
TNS UM - - - - - - 0.000 0
TUS UM - - - - - - 0.303 150000
BPS PM orders 7268 (o_comment,o_custkey,o_orderkey) 0 12428 0 2.293 1500000
TNS UM - - - - - - 2.967 1500000
BPS PM orders 7268 (o_comment,o_custkey,o_orderkey) 0 0 737 0.000 0
TNS UM - - - - - - 0.000 0
TUS UM - - - - - - 3.796 1500000
HJS UM v_customer-v_orders - - - - - ----- -
TAS UM - - - - - - 1.658 150000
TNS UM - - - - - - 0.044 150000
TAS UM - - - - - - 0.050 42
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Cross Engine Joins
● Allows non-ColumnStore tables to join
with ColumnStore
● The whole query is processed by
● Cross Engine makes new MariaDB
connections to retrieve data from
non-ColumnStore tables Original
Non-ColumnStore Query
(Cross Engine)
Optimizing for MariaDB ColumnStore
Data Modeling
● Star-schema optimizations are generally a good idea
● Conservative data typing is very important
○ Especially around fixed-length vs. dictionary boundary (8 bytes)
○ IP Address vs. IP Number
● Break down compound fields into individual fields:
○ Trivializes searching for sub-fields
○ Can avoid dictionary overhead
○ Cost to re-assemble is generally small
Data Insertion
● Order data as best you can before inserting
○ Helps extent elimination when min/max range for an extent is small
● Insert in large batches using cpimport or bulk write API
Improving Your Queries
● Avoid filtering on a >= 8byte VARCHAR/CHAR column where possible
○ Two extents need to be read per column, no extent elimination
● Use extent map elimination where possible
● Don’t use a function to filter
○ Extent elimination won’t happen
● Only reference required columns, avoid “SELECT *”
● Use the smallest possible data type for your data
● Avoid large ORDER BY
● Read
● Generally self-tuning
○ Uses as much RAM as possible automatically
○ Uses all CPU cores
● More RAM in PMs = more LRU data cache
● More RAM in UMs = ability to process aggregates / joins on bigger data sets
○ Disk joins are possible
Closing Notes
MariaDB ColumnStore 1.2 (later in 2018)
● MariaDB 10.3 base
● TIME datatype
● Microsecond support
● Improvements to LOAD DATA INFILE and INSERT...SELECT
● Phase 1 of MariaDB ColumnStore Storage Engine Convergence project
● Many other cool things
Thank you!
Twitter: @linuxjedi

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M|18 Understanding the Architecture of MariaDB ColumnStore

  • 1. MariaDB ColumnStore Understanding the Architecture Andrew Hutchings (LinuxJedi) Lead Software Engineer, MariaDB ColumnStore
  • 2. Who Am I? ● Andrew Hutchings, aka “LinuxJedi” ● Lead Software Engineer for MariaDB’s ColumnStore ● Previous worked for: ○ NGINX - Senior Developer Advocate / Technical Product Manager ○ HP - Principal Software Engineer (HP Cloud / ATG) ○ SkySQL - Senior Sustaining Engineer ○ Rackspace - Senior Software Engineer ○ Sun/Oracle - MySQL Senior Support Engineer ● Co-author of MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development ● IRC/Twitter: LinuxJedi ● EMail:
  • 3. Overview ● History of MariaDB ColumnStore ● Technical Use Case ● Components of MariaDB ColumnStore ● Disk Storage ● Writing Data ● Querying Data ● Optimizing for MariaDB ColumnStore ● Closing Notes ● Questions
  • 4. History of MariaDB ColumnStore ● March 2010 - Calpont launches InfiniDB ● September 2014 - Calpont (now itself called InfiniDB) closes down ○ MariaDB (then SkySQL) supports InfiniDB customers ● April 2016 - MariaDB announces development of MariaDB ColumnStore ● August 2016 - I joined MariaDB and jumped straight into ColumnStore ● December 2016 - MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0 GA ○ InfiniDB + MariaDB 10.1 + Many fixes and improvements ● November 2017 - MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1 GA ○ MariaDB 10.2 + APIs + Even more improvements
  • 6. Technical Use Case MariaDB ColumnStore ● Very large data sets ○ Many columns ○ Many millions of rows ● Complex joins and aggregates ● Rapid bulk data insertion ○ The larger the batch the better Traditional OLTP Engines ● Smaller data sets ● Basic queries ● Lots of DML queries ● Complex data types
  • 7. Data Types ● INT types - range is 2 less from max unsigned or min signed ● CHAR† - max 255 bytes ● VARCHAR† - max 8000 bytes ● DECIMAL - max 18 digits ● DOUBLE/FLOAT ● DATETIME - no sub-seconds (coming in 1.2) ● DATE ● BLOB/TEXT† † Empty string is the same as NULL
  • 8. Other DDL Differences ● No indexes ○ Columns are somewhat self-indexing ● Auto increment is handled differently (a table comment) ● No constraints ● PARTITION syntax not supported ○ Columns are partitioned automatically
  • 9. Row-oriented vs. Column-oriented Format ID Fname Lname State Zip Phone Age Sex 1 Bugs Bunny NY 11217 (718) 938-3235 34 M 2 Yosemite Sam CA 95389 (209) 375-6572 52 M 3 Daffy Duck NY 10013 (212) 227-1810 35 M 4 Elmer Fudd ME 04578 (207) 882-7323 43 M 5 Witch Hazel MA 01970 (978) 744-0991 57 F ID 1 2 3 4 5 Fname Bugs Yosemite Daffy Elmer Witch Lname Bunny Sam Duck Fudd Hazel State NY CA NY ME MA Zip 11217 95389 10013 04578 01970 Phone (718) 938-3235 (209) 375-6572 (212) 227-1810 (207) 882-7323 (978) 744-0991 Age 34 52 35 43 57 Sex M M M M F SELECT Fname FROM People WHERE State = 'NY'
  • 10. Components of MariaDB ColumnStore
  • 11. ColumnStore Modules ● User Module (UM) ○ MariaDB Server / Storage Engine Plugin ○ ExeMgr ○ DMLProc, DDLProc ● Performance Module (PM) ○ PrimProc ○ WriteEngine ○ ProcMgr / ProcMon ○ DBRM
  • 12. Query Processing Shared Nothing Distributed Data Storage SQL Column Primitives User Module Performance Module UM PM Primitives ↓↓↓↓ Intermediate ↑↑Results↑↑
  • 13. Hardware Requirements ● Lots of RAM ○ minimum 32GB for UM, 16GB for PM ○ minimum 4GB for trying single server out on a VM ● Optimised for HDD spindles, will still work with SSD ○ We are looking into SSD optimisation soon ● More cores typically better ○ 8 core minimum recommendation ● For AWS m4.4xlarge is the recommended minimum
  • 15. Column Types • 8-byte fixed length token (pointer). • A variable length value stored at the location identified by the pointer. 1-byte Field with 8192 values per 8k block 2-byte Field with 4096 values per 8k block 4-byte Field with 2048 values per 8k block 8-byte Field with 1024 values per 8k block Dictionary structure made up of 2 files/extents with:
  • 16. Extent Map Object ID The ID for the column (or dictionary) Object Type Column or Dictionary LBID Start / End Start / End Logical Block Pointer Minimum Value Lowest value in the extent Maximum Value Highest value in the extent Width Column Width DBRoot DBRoot (disk partition) number Partition ID / Segment ID / Block Offset The extent number High Water Mark Atomic last block pointer
  • 17. Disk Storage Blocks (8KB) Extent1 (8MB~64MB 8 million rows) Logical Layer Segment File1 (maps to an Extent) Physical Layer Compression Chunks
  • 19. Inserting Data ● Multiple methods ○ Single INSERTs ○ INSERT...SELECT ○ LOAD DATA INFILE ○ cpimport ○ Bulk Write API ● Designed for large bulk inserts ● Inserts are appended at the end of extents (or new extents created) ○ This means reads are not affected ○ A High Water Mark pointing to the last block is moved at the end of the insert
  • 20. cpimport ● Uses CSV files or piped CSV data ● Fastest way to get data into ColumnStore ● Does minimal data conversion and pipes it straight into the PMs ○ Works by appending new blocks to the table and moving an atomic block pointer (HWM) ○ No UNDO log needed (atomic pointer not moved on rollback) ○ Therefore can cause a gap of 0-64KB in a column ● Can load multiple tables simultaneously ● Can load into multiple PMs for the same table simultaneously ● Can load into specific PMs for physical partitioning by PM
  • 21. Bulk Write API ● A simple C++ API to inject data into the PMs ○ Bindings in Python and Java available ● Works in a similar way to cpimport ○ Append new blocks and an atomic block pointer (HWM) ● LGPL licensed
  • 22. DML Writes ● Regular INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE ○ Also INSERT...SELECT and LOAD DATA INFILE when autocommit is off ● Slow compared to other engines ○ INSERT is very slow compared to cpimport ● Requires the use of a version buffer for an undo log ○ But INSERT appends to data blocks so no wasted storage ● Data sent to DMLProc to process
  • 23. A Note About DELETE ● Need to touch every column and the undo log ○ So very slow ● Also leaves a gap in the column that won’t be filled ● Having a column that is marked using an UPDATE query is faster ● Dropping entire partitions is instantaneous ○ Partitions can be disabled first
  • 24. INSERT...SELECT / LOAD DATA INFILE ● Injects the binary row data from MariaDB into cpimport ● Good for backwards compatibility with tools and remote loading ● cpimport then injects this data into the column extent files ○ In 1.2 it will use the write API instead ● If autocommit is turned off this will behave like regular DML instead (slow)
  • 26. Physical Execution Layout Round Robin MariaDB Client MariaDB Server ExeMgr ExeMgr PrimProc PrimProc PrimProc PrimProc
  • 27. Extent Elimination Horizontal Partition: 8 Million Rows Extent 2 Horizontal Partition: 8 Million Rows Extent 3 Horizontal Partition: 8 Million Rows Extent 1 Storage Architecture reduces I/O • Only touch column files that are in filter, projection, group by, and join conditions • Eliminate disk block touches to partitions outside filter and join conditions Extent 1: ShipDate: 2016-01-12 - 2016-03-05 Extent 2: ShipDate: 2016-03-05 - 2016-09-23 Extent 3: ShipDate: 2016-09-24 - 2017-01-06 SELECT Item, sum(Quantity) FROM Orders WHERE ShipDate between ‘2016-01-01’ and ‘2016-01-31’ GROUP BY Item Id OrderId Line Item Quantity Price Supplier ShipDate ShipMode 1 1 1 Laptop 5 1000 Dell 2016-01-12 G 2 1 2 Monitor 5 200 LG 2016-01-13 G 3 2 1 Mouse 1 20 Logitech 2016-02-05 M 4 3 1 Laptop 3 1600 Apple 2016-01-31 P ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8M 2016-03-05 8M+1 2016-03-05 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16M 2016-09-23 16M+1 2016-09-24 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24M 2017-01-06 ELIMINATED PARTITION ELIMINATED PARTITION
  • 28. Query Analysis MariaDB [tpch1]> select calsettrace(1); ... MariaDB [tpch1]> select c_count, count(*) as custdist -> from ( select c_custkey, count(o_orderkey) c_count -> from v_customer left outer join v_orders on c_custkey = o_custkey -> and o_comment not like '%special%requests%' -> group by c_custkey ) c_orders -> group by c_count -> order by custdist desc, c_count desc; ... 42 rows in set, 1 warning (9.07 sec) MariaDB [tpch1]> select calgetstats()G *************************** 1. row *************************** calgetstats(): Query Stats: MaxMemPct-4; NumTempFiles-0; TempFileSpace-0B; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-12503; BlocksTouched-12503; PartitionBlocksEliminated-812; MsgBytesIn-102MB; MsgBytesOut-3KB; Mode-Distributed 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 29. Query Analysis MariaDB [tpch1]> select calgettrace()G *************************** 1. row *************************** calgettrace(): Desc Mode Table TableOID ReferencedColumns PIO LIO PBE Elapsed Rows BPS PM customer 7254 (c_custkey) 0 75 0 0.032 150000 TNS UM - - - - - - 0.045 150000 BPS PM customer 7254 (c_custkey) 0 0 75 0.000 0 TNS UM - - - - - - 0.000 0 TUS UM - - - - - - 0.303 150000 BPS PM orders 7268 (o_comment,o_custkey,o_orderkey) 0 12428 0 2.293 1500000 TNS UM - - - - - - 2.967 1500000 BPS PM orders 7268 (o_comment,o_custkey,o_orderkey) 0 0 737 0.000 0 TNS UM - - - - - - 0.000 0 TUS UM - - - - - - 3.796 1500000 HJS UM v_customer-v_orders - - - - - ----- - TAS UM - - - - - - 1.658 150000 TNS UM - - - - - - 0.044 150000 TAS UM - - - - - - 0.050 42 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • 30. Cross Engine Joins ● Allows non-ColumnStore tables to join with ColumnStore ● The whole query is processed by ColumnStore ● Cross Engine makes new MariaDB connections to retrieve data from non-ColumnStore tables Original Query Non-ColumnStore Query (Cross Engine) MariaDB Server ExeMgr
  • 31. Optimizing for MariaDB ColumnStore
  • 32. Data Modeling ● Star-schema optimizations are generally a good idea ● Conservative data typing is very important ○ Especially around fixed-length vs. dictionary boundary (8 bytes) ○ IP Address vs. IP Number ● Break down compound fields into individual fields: ○ Trivializes searching for sub-fields ○ Can avoid dictionary overhead ○ Cost to re-assemble is generally small
  • 33. Data Insertion ● Order data as best you can before inserting ○ Helps extent elimination when min/max range for an extent is small ● Insert in large batches using cpimport or bulk write API
  • 34. Improving Your Queries ● Avoid filtering on a >= 8byte VARCHAR/CHAR column where possible ○ Two extents need to be read per column, no extent elimination ● Use extent map elimination where possible ● Don’t use a function to filter ○ Extent elimination won’t happen ● Only reference required columns, avoid “SELECT *” ● Use the smallest possible data type for your data ● Avoid large ORDER BY ● Read
  • 35. Tuning ● Generally self-tuning ○ Uses as much RAM as possible automatically ○ Uses all CPU cores ● More RAM in PMs = more LRU data cache ● More RAM in UMs = ability to process aggregates / joins on bigger data sets ○ Disk joins are possible
  • 37. MariaDB ColumnStore 1.2 (later in 2018) ● MariaDB 10.3 base ● TIME datatype ● Microsecond support ● Improvements to LOAD DATA INFILE and INSERT...SELECT ● Phase 1 of MariaDB ColumnStore Storage Engine Convergence project ● Many other cool things