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mit MariaDB
Stefan Schmit, Senior Solution Engineer CEUR
MariaDB plc
High Availability - HA
High availability
(HA) is a characteristic
of a system which aims
to ensure an agreed
level of operational
performance, usually
uptime, for a higher than
normal period.
Recovery Time Objective
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the targeted
duration of time and a service level within which a
business process must be restored after a disruption in
order to avoid a break in business continuity.
According to business continuity planning methodology,
the RTO is established during the Business Impact
Analysis (BIA) by the owner(s) of the process, including
identifying time frames for alternate or manual
Recovery Point Objective
A Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is the maximum
acceptable interval during which transactional data is
lost from an IT service.
For example, if RPO is measured in minutes, then in
practice, off-site mirrored backups must be continuously
maintained as a daily off-site backup will not suffice.
MariaDB Solution offering
Architecture - Single Node
Applications Single Node Setup
No failover option
Backup / Restore is key
RPO / RTO define the SLA
Architecture - Primary / Replica Setup
Primary / Replica Node Setup
“Manual” failover to Slave
Asynchronous Replication
Semi-synchronous Replication
“Passive” Hardware
Manual failover process defines the SLA
Backup process can run on Slave
Architecture - Primary / Replica Setup
Primary / Replica Node Setup
“Manual” failover to Slave
Asynchronous Replication
Semi-synchronous Replication
Galera Cluster
“Passive” Hardware
Manual failover process defines the SLA
Backup process can run on Slave
Architecture for high Availability with MaxScale
r/w r
MariaDB MaxScale is an advanced SQL firewall, proxy, router, and load balancer:
• MaxScale performs automated failover for MariaDB replication.
• MaxScale's ReadWriteSplit router performs query-based load balancing.
• MaxScale's Cache filter can improve SELECT performance by caching and
reusing results.
• MaxScale can filter data via Data Masking, with defined patterns
• MaxScale also helps to avoid downtimes or hick-ups with
- Upgrades and Patches
- adding Nodes
- DoS attacks
- SQL Injection
- Security Violations
Architecture for high Availability in SkySQL
r/w r
Performance Standard
SkySQL Foundation Tier
• Multi-node configurations will deliver a 99.95%
service availability on a per-billing-month basis.
• For example, with this availability target in a 30 day
calendar month the maximum service downtime is 21
minutes and 54 seconds.
SkySQL Power Tier
• Multi-node configurations will deliver a 99.995%
service availability on a per-billing-month basis.
• For example, with this availability target in a 30 day
calendar month the maximum service downtime is 2
minutes and 11 seconds.
Zone 2
Zone 1
MariaDB MaxScale
Architecture Options
Basic HA Architecture
Primary Replica-1 Replica-2
● Only one MaxScale
● Single point of failure
● MariaDB Backend HA
Traditional Setup
● Prior to MaxScale 2.5, MaxScale HA required manual intervention
● While all the MaxScale nodes can route queries, read write splitting
and other operations, only the “active” MaxScale node (PASSIVE =
false) could perform automatic failovers.
● In case of the “active” MaxScale goes down, one of the remaining
MaxScale nodes needed to be set to “PASSIVE = false” so that
particular node could handle automatic failover.
● This was usually done with the help of third party tools such as
○ keepalived
○ corosync/pacemaker
Typical Recommended Architecture (Traditionally)
Primary Replica-1
● Can’t have both MaxScale doing database
● Must use 3rd Party tools such as KeepaliveD to
control which is the “Active” MaxScale
● Issues for support in case of KeepaliveD failure
● Complex Configuration
● Only One MaxScale can be used for Query
Virtual IP
Why “Cooperative Locking”
● Starting with MaxScale 2.5, Co-op Locking was introduced
● Multiple MaxScale nodes can work together without the need of any
third party component(s)
● MaxScale nodes will seamlessly decide which is the primary
MaxScale and which is not.
○ This is done by a special locking mechanism.
● Primary MaxScale handles the MariaDB failover.
● Two modes to choose from
○ majority_of_running
○ majority_of_all
cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf)
● Default in SkySQL if the customer goes for dual MaxScale setup.
● MaxScale node that has the maximum number of locks will become the Primary
● In this mode, the total number of “Running” MariaDB nodes are considered excluding the
nodes that are down.
● Locks required are calculated as
○ Round the result up: n_servers/2 + 1
○ “n_servers” is the total number alive servers in the cluster
○ Consider a 3 nodes cluster
■ All 3 nodes are alive: round(3/2+1) = 2
■ 1 Node goes down: round(2/2+1) = 2
■ 2 Nodes goes down: round(1/2+1) = 1
○ This supports more nodes failure while still being able to do automatic MariaDB
Primary Primary
Primary DC DR DC
Async Replication
● One nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required reduced to “2”, it
can be achieved,
● MaxScale 1 is “primary”
● Automatic DB failover remains activated.
Primary Primary
Primary DC DR DC
● 2 nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required reduced to “1” which can
be still achieved.
● MaxScale 1 is still the “primary” MaxScale
● Automatic DB failover remains activated.
Primary Primary
Primary DC DR DC
● Entire Data Center goes down
● The minimum of DB locks required is
reduced to “1” which can be still achieved.
● MaxScale 3 becomes “primary”
● Automatic DB failover remains activated.
cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf)
● Can cause split-brain (Multiple MaxScale nodes becoming primary!)
○ Consider a Primary / DR setup
○ In case of a network partition between the two data centers, both
MaxScale on each data center will become “Primary” as they can’t
see the other side DB nodes.
○ This leads to Two “Primary” MariaDB servers running on each data
○ Unlikely scenario but keep this in mind.
Primary Replica-1
Primary DC DR DC
● Network between the two data centers is LOST
● The MaxScale nodes can only see the DB nodes within their own data centers
● “majority_of_running” rule applies and minimum of locks required is reduced to 2 for DC and is reduced to 1 for DR
● Split-Brain! We now have two “primary” MaxScale nodes!
● The new “primary” MaxScale node in DR, promotes one of the Replica as “Primary DB”
● Two Primary DB nodes running, one on each DC creating data inconsistency!
Async Replication
cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf)
● In this mode, all the nodes are considered
● MaxScale node that has the maximum number of locks will become the Primary
● Locks required are calculated as
○ Round the result up: n_servers/2 + 1
○ “n_servers” is the total number of MariaDB servers in the cluster
○ In case of
■ 3 nodes setup, the locks required by MaxScale is round(3/2+1) = 2
■ 7 nodes setup, the locks required by MaxScale is round(7/2+1) = 4
● If too many MariaDB nodes going down at the same time, none of the
MaxScale nodes will be able to get the minimum number of locks required.
○ Consider, total of 3 backend servers, if 2 nodes go down, the minimum of
required locks, “2”, can’t be achieved
○ No automatic failover.
○ Minimum of “n_servers/2 + 1” must be alive for the automatic failover to
Primary Replica-1
Primary DC DR DC
Async Replication
● Locks required are (round up of) 3/2+1 = 2
● MaxScale 1 has the max locks for instance, it becomes “primary”
● Other three MaxScale noes are “secondary”
Primary Primary
Primary DC DR DC
Async Replication
● One nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required “2” can be achieved,
● MaxScale 1 is still “primary”
● It is possible, another MaxScale node becomes primary, but only one.
Primary Primary
Primary DC DR DC
● 2 nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required “2” can no longer be be achieved!
● All the MaxScale nodes become “secondary”, Automatic failover is disabled.
cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf)
● This protects against multiple MaxScale nodes becoming
primary in case of a split brain scenario
● Good to have in case of poor network network between two
data centers.
Primary Replica-1
Primary DC DR DC (Read-Only)
● Network between the two data centers is broken, all the MaxScale nodes on DC can
acquire 2 locks each which the same as minimum requirement of “2”
● DC still MaxScale still can do automatic failover.
● But the DR MaxScale can only get lock on “1” node, it’s automatic failover is disabled.
Architecture - higher Availability Options
r r
Datacenter 2
Datacenter 1
MaxScale config_sync_cluster
When configuring MaxScale synchronization for the first time, the same static configuration files should be used on all MaxScale
instances that use same cluster value of “config_sync_cluster” must be the same on all MaxScale instances and the cluster (i.e.
the monitor) pointed by it and its servers must be the same in every configuration.
MariaDB HA Clients
MariaDB Connector/J JDBC
MariaDB node.js Connector
MariaDB Python Connector
MariaDB ODBC Connector
MariaDB R2DBC Connector
MariaDB C++ Connector
MariaDB Xpand
Xpand - the distributed OLTP Database
Distributed SQL
Full Elasticity (↑↓)
Read/Write Scale
Xpand - the distributed OLTP Database
When you run a
distributed Database, you
always think about:
- Data Distribution
- Data Replication
- Skewing
- Shared-nothing
- Distributed SQL
- Data locality
- GEO-Distribution
- read/write
- etc. ….
Adding Nodes
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 NEW Node #4
Adding Nodes
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 NEW Node #4
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Node #4
Self-healing - Temporary Failure
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Node #4
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
No transactions are blocked during these operations
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Distributed Query Processing
Product table
(slices 1-10)
Product table
(slices 11-20)
Product table
(slice 21-30)
Product table
(replica 1-10)
Product table
(replica 21-30)
Product table
(replica 11-20)
Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE
UPDATE products
SET price = 999
WHERE sku_id = 5;
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Product table
(slices 1-10)
Product table
(slices 11-20)
Product table
(slice 21-30)
Product table
(replica 1-10)
Product table
(replica 21-30)
Product table
(replica 11-20)
Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE
Look up slice locations by key
UPDATE products
SET price = 999
WHERE sku_id = 5;
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Product table
(slices 1-10)
Product table
(slices 11-20)
Product table
(slice 21-30)
Product table
(replica 1-10)
Product table
(replica 21-30)
Product table
(replica 11-20)
Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE
Look up slice location by key
Send code fragments to nodes
SET price = $999
WHERE sku_id = 5
SET price = $999
WHERE sku_id = 5
UPDATE products
SET price = 999
WHERE sku_id = 5;
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Product table
(slices 1-10)
Product table
(slices 11-20)
Product table
(slice 21-30)
Product table
(replica 1-10)
Product table
(replica 21-30)
Product table
(replica 11-20)
Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE
Look up slice location by key
Send code fragments to nodes
Coordinate transaction
SET price = $999
WHERE sku_id = 5
SET price = $999
WHERE sku_id = 5
Parallel Writes
UPDATE products
SET price = 999
WHERE sku_id = 5;
Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
Product table
(slices 1-10)
Product table
(slices 11-20)
Product table
(slice 21-30)
Product table
(replica 1-10)
Product table
(replica 21-30)
Product table
(replica 11-20)
Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE
Look up slice location by key
Send code fragments to nodes
Coordinate transaction
UPDATE products
SET price = 999
WHERE sku_id = 5;
○ Replication
Backup and Replication
Asynchronous Replication
Xpand / MySQL / Mariadb
Multi-Stream Parallel Replication
Active / Active
12,500 trx/sec
30% writes
12,500 trx/sec
30% writes
<1 sec Lag between regions
Serves Multiple Problem Domains
High Volume, Fast, Parallel
Asynchronous Replication
Passive Standby
for Disaster Recovery
Daisy chain
replication to multiple regions
for global access

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Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen mit MariaDB

  • 1. Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen mit MariaDB Stefan Schmit, Senior Solution Engineer CEUR MariaDB plc
  • 2. 2 High Availability - HA High availability (HA) is a characteristic of a system which aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance, usually uptime, for a higher than normal period.
  • 3. /RPO_RTO_example_converted.png 3 RPO RTO Recovery Time Objective The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the targeted duration of time and a service level within which a business process must be restored after a disruption in order to avoid a break in business continuity. According to business continuity planning methodology, the RTO is established during the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) by the owner(s) of the process, including identifying time frames for alternate or manual workarounds. Recovery Point Objective A Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is the maximum acceptable interval during which transactional data is lost from an IT service. For example, if RPO is measured in minutes, then in practice, off-site mirrored backups must be continuously maintained as a daily off-site backup will not suffice.
  • 5. 5 Architecture - Single Node MariaDB Primary r/w Your Applications Single Node Setup No failover option Backup / Restore is key RPO / RTO define the SLA
  • 6. 6 Architecture - Primary / Replica Setup MariaDB Primary r/w Your Applications Primary / Replica Node Setup “Manual” failover to Slave Asynchronous Replication Semi-synchronous Replication “Passive” Hardware Manual failover process defines the SLA Backup process can run on Slave MariaDB Replica
  • 7. 7 Architecture - Primary / Replica Setup MariaDB Primary r/w Your Applications Primary / Replica Node Setup “Manual” failover to Slave Asynchronous Replication Semi-synchronous Replication Galera Cluster “Passive” Hardware Manual failover process defines the SLA Backup process can run on Slave MariaDB Replica MariaDB Replica
  • 8. Architecture for high Availability with MaxScale MariaDB Primary MaxScale MariaDB Replica r/w r Your Applications MariaDB MaxScale is an advanced SQL firewall, proxy, router, and load balancer: • MaxScale performs automated failover for MariaDB replication. • MaxScale's ReadWriteSplit router performs query-based load balancing. • MaxScale's Cache filter can improve SELECT performance by caching and reusing results. • MaxScale can filter data via Data Masking, with defined patterns • MaxScale also helps to avoid downtimes or hick-ups with - Upgrades and Patches - adding Nodes - DoS attacks - SQL Injection - Security Violations MariaDB Replica r
  • 9. Architecture for high Availability in SkySQL MariaDB Primary MaxScale MariaDB Replica r/w r Your Applications Performance Standard SkySQL Foundation Tier • Multi-node configurations will deliver a 99.95% service availability on a per-billing-month basis. • For example, with this availability target in a 30 day calendar month the maximum service downtime is 21 minutes and 54 seconds. SkySQL Power Tier • Multi-node configurations will deliver a 99.995% service availability on a per-billing-month basis. • For example, with this availability target in a 30 day calendar month the maximum service downtime is 2 minutes and 11 seconds. Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 1 MariaDB SkySQL SLA
  • 11. Basic HA Architecture 11 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Active Primary Replica-1 Replica-2 Replication ● Only one MaxScale ● Single point of failure ● MariaDB Backend HA
  • 12. Traditional Setup 12 ● Prior to MaxScale 2.5, MaxScale HA required manual intervention ● While all the MaxScale nodes can route queries, read write splitting and other operations, only the “active” MaxScale node (PASSIVE = false) could perform automatic failovers. ● In case of the “active” MaxScale goes down, one of the remaining MaxScale nodes needed to be set to “PASSIVE = false” so that particular node could handle automatic failover. ● This was usually done with the help of third party tools such as ○ keepalived ○ corosync/pacemaker
  • 13. Typical Recommended Architecture (Traditionally) 13 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Active Primary Replica-1 MaxScale MaxScale 2 Passive Replica-2 Replication ● Can’t have both MaxScale doing database Failover ● Must use 3rd Party tools such as KeepaliveD to control which is the “Active” MaxScale ● Issues for support in case of KeepaliveD failure ● Complex Configuration ● Only One MaxScale can be used for Query routing KeepaliveD Virtual IP
  • 14. Why “Cooperative Locking” 14 ● Starting with MaxScale 2.5, Co-op Locking was introduced ● Multiple MaxScale nodes can work together without the need of any third party component(s) ● MaxScale nodes will seamlessly decide which is the primary MaxScale and which is not. ○ This is done by a special locking mechanism. ● Primary MaxScale handles the MariaDB failover. ● Two modes to choose from ○ majority_of_running ○ majority_of_all
  • 15. cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf) 15 majority_of_running ● Default in SkySQL if the customer goes for dual MaxScale setup. ● MaxScale node that has the maximum number of locks will become the Primary ● In this mode, the total number of “Running” MariaDB nodes are considered excluding the nodes that are down. ● Locks required are calculated as ○ Round the result up: n_servers/2 + 1 ○ “n_servers” is the total number alive servers in the cluster ○ Consider a 3 nodes cluster ■ All 3 nodes are alive: round(3/2+1) = 2 ■ 1 Node goes down: round(2/2+1) = 2 ■ 2 Nodes goes down: round(1/2+1) = 1 ○ This supports more nodes failure while still being able to do automatic MariaDB failover.
  • 16. majority_of_running 16 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Primary Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 Replica-1 Async Replication ● One nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required reduced to “2”, it can be achieved, ● MaxScale 1 is “primary” ● Automatic DB failover remains activated.
  • 17. majority_of_running 17 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Primary Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 Primary ● 2 nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required reduced to “1” which can be still achieved. ● MaxScale 1 is still the “primary” MaxScale ● Automatic DB failover remains activated.
  • 18. majority_of_running 18 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Primary Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 ● Entire Data Center goes down ● The minimum of DB locks required is reduced to “1” which can be still achieved. ● MaxScale 3 becomes “primary” ● Automatic DB failover remains activated. Primary
  • 19. cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf) 19 majority_of_running ● Can cause split-brain (Multiple MaxScale nodes becoming primary!) ○ Consider a Primary / DR setup ○ In case of a network partition between the two data centers, both MaxScale on each data center will become “Primary” as they can’t see the other side DB nodes. ○ This leads to Two “Primary” MariaDB servers running on each data center! ○ Unlikely scenario but keep this in mind.
  • 20. majority_of_running 20 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Replica-1 Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 Primary ● Network between the two data centers is LOST ● The MaxScale nodes can only see the DB nodes within their own data centers ● “majority_of_running” rule applies and minimum of locks required is reduced to 2 for DC and is reduced to 1 for DR ● Split-Brain! We now have two “primary” MaxScale nodes! ● The new “primary” MaxScale node in DR, promotes one of the Replica as “Primary DB” ● Two Primary DB nodes running, one on each DC creating data inconsistency! Async Replication
  • 21. cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf) 21 majority_of_all ● In this mode, all the nodes are considered ● MaxScale node that has the maximum number of locks will become the Primary ● Locks required are calculated as ○ Round the result up: n_servers/2 + 1 ○ “n_servers” is the total number of MariaDB servers in the cluster ○ In case of ■ 3 nodes setup, the locks required by MaxScale is round(3/2+1) = 2 ■ 7 nodes setup, the locks required by MaxScale is round(7/2+1) = 4 ● If too many MariaDB nodes going down at the same time, none of the MaxScale nodes will be able to get the minimum number of locks required. ○ Consider, total of 3 backend servers, if 2 nodes go down, the minimum of required locks, “2”, can’t be achieved ○ No automatic failover. ○ Minimum of “n_servers/2 + 1” must be alive for the automatic failover to work
  • 22. majority_of_all 22 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Replica-1 Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 Replica-2 Async Replication ● Locks required are (round up of) 3/2+1 = 2 ● MaxScale 1 has the max locks for instance, it becomes “primary” ● Other three MaxScale noes are “secondary”
  • 23. majority_of_all 23 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Primary Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 Replica-2 Async Replication ● One nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required “2” can be achieved, ● MaxScale 1 is still “primary” ● It is possible, another MaxScale node becomes primary, but only one.
  • 24. majority_of_all 24 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Primary Primary DC DR DC MaxScale MaxScale 2 Replica-2 ● 2 nodes go down, the minimum of DB locks required “2” can no longer be be achieved! ● All the MaxScale nodes become “secondary”, Automatic failover is disabled.
  • 25. cooperative_monitoring_locks (maxscale.cnf) 25 majority_of_all ● This protects against multiple MaxScale nodes becoming primary in case of a split brain scenario ● Good to have in case of poor network network between two data centers.
  • 26. majority_of_all 26 MaxScale MaxScale 1 Primary Replica-1 Primary DC DR DC (Read-Only) MaxScale MaxScale 2 Replica-2 ● Network between the two data centers is broken, all the MaxScale nodes on DC can acquire 2 locks each which the same as minimum requirement of “2” ● DC still MaxScale still can do automatic failover. ● But the DR MaxScale can only get lock on “1” node, it’s automatic failover is disabled.
  • 27. 27 Architecture - higher Availability Options MariaDB Primary MaxScale r/w MariaDB Replica r Your Applications MariaDB Replica MaxScale MariaDB Replica r r MariaDB Replica r Datacenter 2 Datacenter 1
  • 28. 28 MaxScale config_sync_cluster When configuring MaxScale synchronization for the first time, the same static configuration files should be used on all MaxScale instances that use same cluster value of “config_sync_cluster” must be the same on all MaxScale instances and the cluster (i.e. the monitor) pointed by it and its servers must be the same in every configuration.
  • 29. 29 MariaDB HA Clients MariaDB Connector/J JDBC MariaDB node.js Connector MariaDB Python Connector MariaDB ODBC Connector MariaDB R2DBC Connector MariaDB C++ Connector
  • 31. 31 Xpand - the distributed OLTP Database Transactional Distributed SQL Full Elasticity (↑↓) Read/Write Scale
  • 32. 32 Xpand - the distributed OLTP Database When you run a distributed Database, you always think about: - Data Distribution - Data Replication - Skewing - Shared-nothing - Distributed SQL - Data locality - GEO-Distribution - read/write performance - etc. ….
  • 36. 36 Self-healing - Temporary Failure replicas slices replicas slices replicas slices replicas slices Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Node #4
  • 38. 38 Self-healing replicas slices replicas slices replicas slices Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 No transactions are blocked during these operations
  • 40. XPAND DEEP DIVE Distributed Query Processing
  • 41. 41 Product table (slices 1-10) Product table (slices 11-20) Product table (slice 21-30) Product table (replica 1-10) Product table (replica 21-30) Product table (replica 11-20) Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE UPDATE products SET price = 999 WHERE sku_id = 5; Node #1 Node #2 Node #3
  • 42. 42 Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Product table (slices 1-10) Product table (slices 11-20) Product table (slice 21-30) Product table (replica 1-10) Product table (replica 21-30) Product table (replica 11-20) Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE SESSION / GTM Look up slice locations by key UPDATE products SET price = 999 WHERE sku_id = 5;
  • 43. 43 Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Product table (slices 1-10) Product table (slices 11-20) Product table (slice 21-30) Product table (replica 1-10) Product table (replica 21-30) Product table (replica 11-20) Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE SESSION / GTM Look up slice location by key Send code fragments to nodes SET price = $999 WHERE sku_id = 5 SET price = $999 WHERE sku_id = 5 UPDATE products SET price = 999 WHERE sku_id = 5;
  • 44. 44 Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Product table (slices 1-10) Product table (slices 11-20) Product table (slice 21-30) Product table (replica 1-10) Product table (replica 21-30) Product table (replica 11-20) Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE SESSION / GTM Look up slice location by key Send code fragments to nodes Coordinate transaction SET price = $999 WHERE sku_id = 5 SET price = $999 WHERE sku_id = 5 Parallel Writes Commit Commit UPDATE products SET price = 999 WHERE sku_id = 5;
  • 45. 45 Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 Product table (slices 1-10) Product table (slices 11-20) Product table (slice 21-30) Product table (replica 1-10) Product table (replica 21-30) Product table (replica 11-20) Distributed Query Processing - UPDATE Transaction Committed SESSION / GTM Look up slice location by key Send code fragments to nodes Coordinate transaction UPDATE products SET price = 999 WHERE sku_id = 5;
  • 46. XPAND DEEP DIVE ○ Replication
  • 47. 47 Backup and Replication Xpand Parallel Bacup Asynchronous Replication Xpand / MySQL / Mariadb
  • 48. 48 Multi-Stream Parallel Replication Active / Active Client Drivers Client Drivers 12,500 trx/sec 30% writes 12,500 trx/sec 30% writes <1 sec Lag between regions
  • 49. Serves Multiple Problem Domains 49 High Volume, Fast, Parallel Asynchronous Replication Active-Active topology Passive Standby for Disaster Recovery Daisy chain replication to multiple regions for global access