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'Looking Ahead' Post-Ebola
Strategy in West Africa
22 October 2014
1pm EST
Agenda Points
• Short term strategy: containment strategy &
humanitarian aid - Speaker
• Long term strategy: improvement of (social)
health care & international assistance - Speaker
Rachel Glennerster, Executive Director of the
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and
Researcher at International Growth Center
• The importance of micro programmes:
Engagement, voicing the right people, AYM’s call
for action - Speaker: Zeinab Camara, Global Lead
on Ebola at Africa2.0 and Tutu Fellow
Planning for Post Ebola in West Africa
Rachel Glennerster
Executive Director, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT
Lead Academic for Sierra Leone, International Growth Center
October 22, 2014
Planning under uncertainty
• Planning is challenging given enormous uncertainty
– The final extent of the outbreak and timing of its conclusion
– The economic damage caused by the knock on effects of Ebola
– The status the health care system will be in by end of outbreak
• Reliable information has been a casualty of the
– Health facilities are overwhelmed and travel is restricted
– Incentives are skewed for individuals, journalists, and agencies
• Some evidence on economic impacts and importance of
restoring confidence
• Challenges in rebuilding the post Ebola health care system
including coping with weaknesses in the pre Ebola system
• Caveat: I have worked on Sierra Leone for 10 years but I
don’t have data or experience in Liberia or Guinea
The economic cost of fear
• Most economic costs will be indirect: people putting off
purchases, investment, activity that involves meeting others
Number of Traders of Domestic Rice in 2012 and 2014
Source: Glennerster and Suri, 2014 www.theigc/country/sierra-leone
Restoring economic confidence is key
• Govt can support this by improving reliability and
transparency in government pronouncement and actions
• Macroeconomic stability, esp exchange rate stability,
essential to restoring confidence
• Government expenditures can help prime the pump
– Reduce payment delays for govt purchases relieves credit shortages
– Big announcements followed by delays undermines confidence
• Ebola has exposed the costs of low trust in government
– Medium term objective needs to be more transparent and
accountable government
Rebuilding health care
Challenges in rebuilding the health care system
• Immediate: restoring confidence in/utilization of health
– Getting children immunized, mothers delivering in clinics etc
• Short run: recruiting and training new health workers
• Medium: Limited budget means making difficult choices
– Investments that have most impact on health might not be those
that would have prevented Ebola
– There may be a short run influx of donor money for “rebuilding”
health systems but need to plan for a realistic medium term
• Medium to long run: Improving accountability
Immediate: Judicious use of nudge incentives
• Substantial evidence that small nudges (incentives) can have
big impact on behavior, including preventative health
• Small incentives linked to immunization in other contexts to
increase immunization rates dramatically
• More cost effective to have nurse at clinic with incentive
than have the nurse do outreach to remote communities
– Mothers willing to walk to get child immunized for small incentive
• This is particularly true when health workers are in short
supply, as is tragically the case in West Africa post Ebola
Recruiting and training health workers
• Need to experiment with new ways to recruit, train and
utilize health workers to fill a large gap rapidly
– What roles don’t need a fully qualified nurse?
– What can be done by someone carefully trained on a narrow set
of protocols?
• Recruitment is key
– Zambia experiment with different ways to recruit health workers
– Those attracted by potential for a career were better educated
and worked much harder
– Recruiting the right people had big impacts on the quality of
service delivered. (Ashraf, Bandiera and Lee, 2014)
Difficult tradeoffs
• In 2013 SL government spent $40million on health i.e $7 per capita per year. (WB
estimates $20 public, $80 private)
• Local public clinics are focused almost entirely on maternal and child health and
preventative health
– Most cost effective investments in health esp for a poor country
– But clinics not seen as place for men or nonchild bearing women
• Investments that would have helped reduce severity of outbreak (more diagnostic labs
and inpatient facilities) not the most cost effective in a nonEbola world
• Important not to fight the last war
• Only one RCT in South Asia not Africa
• Program conducted by NGO not government
• Health care workers are experiencing the largest toll from
Ebola. They are working under enormous stress in difficult
conditions and are the heroes of this crisis
• However, part of the medium term challenge is improving
accountability in the health care system
– Although malaria treatment is meant to be free, 60% of people
who received malaria treatment at public clinic reported paying
– In 2008 survey, 18% of clinics were closed despite prior warning
– 44% of health workers on roster were absent
• Improved accountability is essential to improve trust and
ensure investment in rebuilding is used effectively
Africa 2.0 Global Response on EBOLA
Micro Level programs in Post-Ebola Strategy
African Youth Movement
22 October 2014
• The 2014 outbreak of Ebola is the largest in history. As of today, more than 9000 cases with more than
4000 deaths ( half are women and the youth).
• The Center for Disease Control predicts s as many as 1.4 million case by January 2015, with 10 000
cases a week in the affected countries.
• Countries will lose 13 billions USD in revenue and feel the impact of Ebola for the next 10 years (UNDP)
• Multinational companies are reducing their footprint in affected countries, farmers are leaving their
farms to go to unaffected areas , creating more unemployment, and a revenue gap in the countries
GDPs, predicted food shortages and many more.
• The social-economic and political impact have been enormous. The notion of African unity has been
damaged by several African states closing their borders to the affected countries, isolation a large
number of the African Youth, women.
• The crisis, as we know, will last long after Ebola is contained, because the affected countries social and
economic fabric will be decimated. The Communities have been the most hit by the crisis
• All efforts are made to contain the disease, few reflection are been done to look ahead and define the
post-Ebola Strategy.
• Post-Ebola Healthcare Strategy- Community Based-approach- Strategic plan for more resilient
Guinea Country Response Strategy
• Inter-ministerial Committee to oversee all the crisis committee activities.
• Crisis Committee established by the Government of Guinea, with the UN agencies under the leadership of the
World Health Organisation, the EU, Embassies, Doctors without Borders, the Red Cross and other partners. A
country Strategy was developed with key components:
• In order to oversee all the partners efforts, a Presidential decree was published which established a National
Coordination Unit to oversee actions on the ground.
Monitoring &
Prevention Community
Early prevention
Management of
Treatment centres
Traditional leaders
Community healthcare
Red Cross
Red Cross
Religious Leaders
Local authorities
• Sierra Leone- Liberia: decisive measures taken cases are still increasing
• All the management structures in place- increase number of cases- Containment not prevention
• All agree that we should adopt Community- based approach to contain and prevent more cases
• Social mobilisation helped to contain cases in some areas: Success story Telimele
Guinea Healthcare System
1. State Led healthcare System (9% National Budget), health structure every 5 km (objective)
2. Decentralised system: University Hospital, Regional Hospitals, Community Hospitals, District Health centres,
local health clinics
3. Well distributed healthcare infrastructures in the country
Why not functional:
1. Failure of Communication channel
2. Resources (financial, human, equipment)
3. Governance
Ministry of Health
University Hospitals
Regional Hospitals
Community Hospitals
District Health centres
Local health centres
Doctors/ Professors
Regional Hospital Director
Community Hospital
District Healthcare
Community Healthcare
Health and
Post-Ebola Strategy
• Re-enforce Healthcare system
• Capacity building of local structures
• More investment in Infrastructures in rural areas
• Decentralized healthcare system
• Good Governance
• Increase revenues for better healthcare services (minimise traditional healers)
• Country Brand restructuration
• Improve and Re-enforcement of existing Health Systems
• Education
• Decentralisation (more revenues to Local Structures)
• Increase investment in R&D
• Information Management System
Community Based
Capacity Building
Increase revenue
Good Governance
Improved Communication channel
Training and Education
Conclusion- Resilient Communities
• Ebola could have been controlled by a more resilient Community
• Capacity Building needed for a resilient Community to be able to absorb shocks and pandemic
• Community based Approach for a better and improved Healthcare System
• More Investment in local healthcare structures
• Social structures empowered in the decision-making of their health and communities
in the
revenues to
reinvest in
the system
health of
ZeroEbola N’TODI Campaign
• Africa2.0 positioning:
Local Civil Society Partner of Choice for the execution of the Social Mobilisation Strategy working with the
Government and Key Partners. Our approach will be based on 4 axes:
1. Prevention: distribution of preventive kits and equipment
2. Communication: Sensibilisation and awareness campaign
3. Logistics: facilitation and coordination of donations from the Diaspora
• Community Based Approach
United Nations Agencies-
International NGOs
Communication &
Distribution & Logistics
Regional Awareness
Community Healthcare
Civil Society
Local Media
Community healthcare
based NGOs
Local Partner-
ZeroEbola Ntondi-
Local healthcare centres
Zeinab Camara- AF2.0 Global Lead on Ebola
Twitter: @zero_ebola
African Youth Movement
AYM empowers and
mobilizes Africa’s youth
through employment in
technology, agriculture,
education, ecotourism,
entrepreneurship, and the
Thank you for your time.
Hands at Work, Minds in Motion

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Ebola In West Africa Webinar Series 1

  • 1. 'Looking Ahead' Post-Ebola Strategy in West Africa 22 October 2014 1pm EST
  • 2. Agenda Points • Short term strategy: containment strategy & humanitarian aid - Speaker • Long term strategy: improvement of (social) health care & international assistance - Speaker Rachel Glennerster, Executive Director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and Researcher at International Growth Center • The importance of micro programmes: Engagement, voicing the right people, AYM’s call for action - Speaker: Zeinab Camara, Global Lead on Ebola at Africa2.0 and Tutu Fellow
  • 3. Planning for Post Ebola in West Africa Rachel Glennerster Executive Director, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT Lead Academic for Sierra Leone, International Growth Center October 22, 2014
  • 4. Planning under uncertainty • Planning is challenging given enormous uncertainty about: – The final extent of the outbreak and timing of its conclusion – The economic damage caused by the knock on effects of Ebola – The status the health care system will be in by end of outbreak • Reliable information has been a casualty of the outbreak – Health facilities are overwhelmed and travel is restricted – Incentives are skewed for individuals, journalists, and agencies
  • 5. Overview • Some evidence on economic impacts and importance of restoring confidence • Challenges in rebuilding the post Ebola health care system including coping with weaknesses in the pre Ebola system • Caveat: I have worked on Sierra Leone for 10 years but I don’t have data or experience in Liberia or Guinea
  • 6. The economic cost of fear • Most economic costs will be indirect: people putting off purchases, investment, activity that involves meeting others Number of Traders of Domestic Rice in 2012 and 2014 Source: Glennerster and Suri, 2014 www.theigc/country/sierra-leone
  • 7. Restoring economic confidence is key • Govt can support this by improving reliability and transparency in government pronouncement and actions • Macroeconomic stability, esp exchange rate stability, essential to restoring confidence • Government expenditures can help prime the pump – Reduce payment delays for govt purchases relieves credit shortages – Big announcements followed by delays undermines confidence • Ebola has exposed the costs of low trust in government – Medium term objective needs to be more transparent and accountable government
  • 9. Challenges in rebuilding the health care system • Immediate: restoring confidence in/utilization of health system – Getting children immunized, mothers delivering in clinics etc • Short run: recruiting and training new health workers • Medium: Limited budget means making difficult choices – Investments that have most impact on health might not be those that would have prevented Ebola – There may be a short run influx of donor money for “rebuilding” health systems but need to plan for a realistic medium term • Medium to long run: Improving accountability
  • 10. Immediate: Judicious use of nudge incentives • Substantial evidence that small nudges (incentives) can have big impact on behavior, including preventative health • Small incentives linked to immunization in other contexts to increase immunization rates dramatically • More cost effective to have nurse at clinic with incentive than have the nurse do outreach to remote communities – Mothers willing to walk to get child immunized for small incentive • This is particularly true when health workers are in short supply, as is tragically the case in West Africa post Ebola
  • 11. Recruiting and training health workers • Need to experiment with new ways to recruit, train and utilize health workers to fill a large gap rapidly – What roles don’t need a fully qualified nurse? – What can be done by someone carefully trained on a narrow set of protocols? • Recruitment is key – Zambia experiment with different ways to recruit health workers – Those attracted by potential for a career were better educated and worked much harder – Recruiting the right people had big impacts on the quality of service delivered. (Ashraf, Bandiera and Lee, 2014)
  • 12. Difficult tradeoffs • In 2013 SL government spent $40million on health i.e $7 per capita per year. (WB estimates $20 public, $80 private) • Local public clinics are focused almost entirely on maternal and child health and preventative health – Most cost effective investments in health esp for a poor country – But clinics not seen as place for men or nonchild bearing women • Investments that would have helped reduce severity of outbreak (more diagnostic labs and inpatient facilities) not the most cost effective in a nonEbola world • Important not to fight the last war • Only one RCT in South Asia not Africa • Program conducted by NGO not government
  • 13. Accountability • Health care workers are experiencing the largest toll from Ebola. They are working under enormous stress in difficult conditions and are the heroes of this crisis • However, part of the medium term challenge is improving accountability in the health care system – Although malaria treatment is meant to be free, 60% of people who received malaria treatment at public clinic reported paying – In 2008 survey, 18% of clinics were closed despite prior warning – 44% of health workers on roster were absent • Improved accountability is essential to improve trust and ensure investment in rebuilding is used effectively
  • 14. ZeroEbola-Ntondi Africa 2.0 Global Response on EBOLA Micro Level programs in Post-Ebola Strategy African Youth Movement Webinar 22 October 2014
  • 15. OVERVIEW • The 2014 outbreak of Ebola is the largest in history. As of today, more than 9000 cases with more than 4000 deaths ( half are women and the youth). • The Center for Disease Control predicts s as many as 1.4 million case by January 2015, with 10 000 cases a week in the affected countries. • Countries will lose 13 billions USD in revenue and feel the impact of Ebola for the next 10 years (UNDP) • Multinational companies are reducing their footprint in affected countries, farmers are leaving their farms to go to unaffected areas , creating more unemployment, and a revenue gap in the countries GDPs, predicted food shortages and many more. • The social-economic and political impact have been enormous. The notion of African unity has been damaged by several African states closing their borders to the affected countries, isolation a large number of the African Youth, women. • The crisis, as we know, will last long after Ebola is contained, because the affected countries social and economic fabric will be decimated. The Communities have been the most hit by the crisis • All efforts are made to contain the disease, few reflection are been done to look ahead and define the post-Ebola Strategy. • Post-Ebola Healthcare Strategy- Community Based-approach- Strategic plan for more resilient communities?
  • 16. Guinea Country Response Strategy • Inter-ministerial Committee to oversee all the crisis committee activities. • Crisis Committee established by the Government of Guinea, with the UN agencies under the leadership of the World Health Organisation, the EU, Embassies, Doctors without Borders, the Red Cross and other partners. A country Strategy was developed with key components: • In order to oversee all the partners efforts, a Presidential decree was published which established a National Coordination Unit to oversee actions on the ground. Communication Sensibilisation Media Engagement Follow contacts Monitoring & Evaluation Prevention Community Involvement Healthcare Mgts National Coordination Early prevention Management of corpses Treatment centres Logistic mobilisation Nutritional assistance Traditional leaders Community healthcare professionals Inter-ministerial Crisis Committee National Coordination Unit CDC GoG Unicef International NGOs MSF Red Cross CDC UNFPA WFP Red Cross Religious Leaders Local authorities Committee National Coordination Unit WHO CDC GoG • Sierra Leone- Liberia: decisive measures taken cases are still increasing • All the management structures in place- increase number of cases- Containment not prevention • All agree that we should adopt Community- based approach to contain and prevent more cases • Social mobilisation helped to contain cases in some areas: Success story Telimele
  • 17. Guinea Healthcare System 1. State Led healthcare System (9% National Budget), health structure every 5 km (objective) 2. Decentralised system: University Hospital, Regional Hospitals, Community Hospitals, District Health centres, local health clinics 3. Well distributed healthcare infrastructures in the country Why not functional: 1. Failure of Communication channel 2. Resources (financial, human, equipment) 3. Governance Ministry of Health University Hospitals Regional Hospitals Community Hospitals District Health centres Local health centres Doctors/ Professors Regional Hospital Director Community Hospital Director District Healthcare Workers Community Healthcare Agents Local Health and hygiene Committee
  • 18. Post-Ebola Strategy • Re-enforce Healthcare system • Capacity building of local structures • More investment in Infrastructures in rural areas • Decentralized healthcare system • Good Governance • Increase revenues for better healthcare services (minimise traditional healers) • Country Brand restructuration • Improve and Re-enforcement of existing Health Systems • Education • Decentralisation (more revenues to Local Structures) • Increase investment in R&D • Information Management System M A C R O M I C R O Community Based Approach Regional Govt Capacity Building Increase revenue Good Governance Improved Communication channel Training and Education Specialisation Regulation R&D
  • 19. Conclusion- Resilient Communities • Ebola could have been controlled by a more resilient Community • Capacity Building needed for a resilient Community to be able to absorb shocks and pandemic • Community based Approach for a better and improved Healthcare System • More Investment in local healthcare structures • Social structures empowered in the decision-making of their health and communities Improved Resources More confidence in the system More revenues to reinvest in the system Better healthcare service Better health of population
  • 20. ZeroEbola N’TODI Campaign • Africa2.0 positioning: Local Civil Society Partner of Choice for the execution of the Social Mobilisation Strategy working with the Government and Key Partners. Our approach will be based on 4 axes: 1. Prevention: distribution of preventive kits and equipment 2. Communication: Sensibilisation and awareness campaign 3. Logistics: facilitation and coordination of donations from the Diaspora • The campaign will be conducted in: GUINEA, SIERRA LEONE, LIBERIA, CONGO DRC, ANGOLA, MOROCCO AND BENIN. • Community Based Approach Government United Nations Agencies- UNICEF/UNFPA/WFP Orange Diaspora International NGOs Communication & Sensibilisation Distribution & Logistics Regional Awareness Youth Women Community Healthcare Professionals Civil Society Local Media Women Youth Community healthcare Professionals Media Execution-Community based NGOs Beneficiaries Local Partner- ZeroEbola Ntondi- Af2.0 Partners Schools Orphanages Local healthcare centres
  • 21. Contact Zeinab Camara- AF2.0 Global Lead on Ebola Facebook:!/pages/ZeroEbola-Ntodi/1566419193586979 Twitter: @zero_ebola WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!
  • 22. African Youth Movement AYM empowers and mobilizes Africa’s youth through employment in technology, agriculture, education, ecotourism, entrepreneurship, and the arts.
  • 23. Q&A Thank you for your time. Hands at Work, Minds in Motion

Editor's Notes

  1. So what have we learned from the explosion of REs?