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Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Answers
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Sample Exam – Answers
ISTQB® Agile Technical Tester (ATT)
Exam ID: A
Version 1.0
International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Release Date: 14 November 2019
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Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Answers
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© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
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Exam Working Group 2019
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Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
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Revision History
Version Date Remarks
0.1 July 10, 2019
0.2 September 14, 2019 Changes some answers due to rephrasing of some sample
0.3 September 14, 2019 Changes with respect to finding from Beta Review
1.0 14 November 2019 Release date
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Table of Contents
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Revision History .......................................................................................................................................3
Purpose of this document...................................................................................................................5
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Purpose of this document
The sample questions, answer sets and associated justifications in this document have been
created by a team of Subject Matter Experts and experienced question writers with the aim
of assisting ISTQB® Member Boards and Exam Boards in their question writing activities.
These questions cannot be used as-is in any official examination, but they should serve as
guidance for question writers. Given the wide variety of formats and subjects, these sample
questions should offer many ideas for the individual Member Boards on how to create good
questions and appropriate answer sets for their examinations.
The question and answer sets are organized in the following way:
 Learning Objective and K-level
 Question - including any scenario followed by the question stem (The question is
contained in a separate document)
 Answer Set (The answer set is contained in the document)
 Correct answer – including justification of the answers
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
1. a, b a) is right as the Epic could be easily transferred to a storyboard as a
visual representation of the system.
b) is right as the Epic could also be easily transferred to a story
c) is wrong as there are not enough different users of the system to use
personas to improve quality.
d) is wrong as the epic is not big enough to use diagrams and there is
nothing mentioned that diagrams are already in use.
e) is wrong as the Epic is not big enough (e.g. number of stakeholders
or interfaces, etc.)
ATT-1.1.1-1 K4 3
2. b, d
a) Wrong, because a ‘Storyboard’ is neither the ‘Agile task board’ nor the
‘Agile user story board’
b) RIGHT, because Syllabus says ‘Visualize groups of user stories
related to a common area of the system (Themes) which can be
considered for inclusion in the same iteration, as they will likely be
touching the same piece of code’
c) Wrong, because fancy answer
d) RIGHT because Syllabus says ‘Assist with identifying acceptance
criteria for user stories and epics.
ATT-1.1.1-2 K2 1
3. a a) is right as the acceptance criteria are following the INVEST criteria.
b) is wrong as the acceptance criteria are following the INVEST criteria.
c) is wrong as the scope is not as big as the scope of an Epic could be.
d) is wrong as not always are non-functional acceptance criteria
ATT-1.1.2 K4 3
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
4. c a) Wrong
b) Wrong
c) CORRECT (see syllabus 2.1.2)
d) Wrong
ATT-1.x K1 1
5. a a) CORRECT according to Syllabus 2.1.1.,
b) Wrong because unit test can not be derived from use cases.
c) Wrong during refactoring unit test must not change to ensure same
system behaviour
d) Wrong because unit test should be written in an “atomic” manner
ATT-2.1.1-2 K2 1
6. d a) Write additional test classes to test also other relevant aspects of the
leap year calculation .
b) Start to write code that covers other relevant aspects of the leap year
c) Start to write code that makes fail this test case.
d) Start to write code that makes pass this test case.
In TDD you should write first test code for one special area, then
write code that makes pass this test case. Then you should continue
with the next small part.Therefore, D is right and all other answers
are wrong
ATT-2.1.1 K3 2
7. b
a) Wrong
b) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘FIRST = Fast, Isolated, Repeatable,
Self-Validating, Thorough’
c) Wrong
d) Wrong
ATT-2.1.1-3 K2 1
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
8. a a) is right as it fulfills all requirements of the Gherkin language.
b) Is wrong as there is an else that is not Gherkin format
c) Is wrong as there are not enough details to develop and test this
d) Is wrong as the Given element of gherkin is missing.
ATT-2.1.2 K3 2
9. b
a) NOT correct, because related to (B) ‘Automated Test Suites’ are less
used. But Automated Testing is key to get reliable feedback in each
of the 4 week iterations.
b) CORRECT, because ‘Automated Test Suites’ are used to maximum
degree, to generate reliable feedback in each of the 4 week
iterations. Also ‘Specification based manual testing’ is used to
maximum degree to cover critical features (not covered by
automated tests). Manual Exploratory Testing is used in addition
c) NOT correct, because related to (B) Manual Exploratory Testing
dominates which is not adequate for testing a safety critical
d) NOT correct, because related to (B) ‘Automated Test Suites’ are
used less, so manual testing dominates, which is suboptimal
for testing in a incremental-4-week iteration development
ATT-2.2.1 K4 3
10. a a) Is right as mentioned in table 1 on page 17 of the syllabus.
b) Is wrong as non-functional tests are not mentioned in the syllabus.
c) Is wrong as we are in a mission and safety critical system and risk
level is high (see syllabus page 17, table 1).
d) Is wrong as we are in a mission and safety critical system and risk
level is high (see syllabus page 17, table 1).
ATT-2.2.1-2 K4 3
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
11. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 2.2.2.
b) Wrong, Using test charters in exploratory testing is used when a
heuristic approach for writing and performing test sessions is
c) Wrong, exploratory testing shall also create insight into better test
design, ideas for testing the product, ideas for improvement and so
d) Wrong because a test basis to measure the coverage, does not exist
in a quality good enough and a linkage between specification and
test is hard to define
ATT-2.2.2-2 K2 1
12. a a) CORRECT
b) The reason is not correct, although the fact stated is (we are unable
to aintain writing detailed test cases in short iterations), nor are the
benefits listed.
c) Refactoring in general, is a way to clean up code in an efficient and
controlled manner, by clarifying and simplifying the design of existing
code, without changing its behavior. It is not specificaly designed for
test cases or testing, but is used by testers on their test cases for
similar reasons.
d) The process idenfiyed in the question is not correct. the correct
process steps are: Identification, Analysis of impact, Refactor
(Mutate), Re-Run, Evaluate.
ATT- K2 1
13. a a) Is right as Tosort should be written as ToSort.
b) Is wrong as checkpoint 1 is ok.
c) Is wrong as checkpoint 3 is ok.
d) Is wrong as checkpoint 2 is not ok
ATT-2.3.2-1 K4 3
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
14. a a) CORRECT according to Syllabus 2.1.1.
b) Wrong because the execution of all existing tests is missing
c) Wrong, this true for behavior driven development
d) Wrong, TDD is developer focused and BDD is customer focused
ATT-2x K1 1
15. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 3.1.3.,
b) Is wrong the opposite is true.
c) is wrong according to Syllabus 3.1.3.
d) is wrong it can be done in an external team
ATT-3.1.3-1 K2 1
16. a
a) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘an increased proportion of automated
test coverage often leads to a greater degree of manual testing that
follows reactive strategies since many of the tests that can be
prepared upfront will be automated’
b) Wrong
c) Wrong
d) Wrong
ATT-3.1.3-2 K2 1
17. a a) CORRECT answer
b) UT automation is indeed critical, but does not cover most of the code
quality in agile projects. One must include also integration level test
automation, and system level one and some manual tests has added
value as well (done mainly as exploratory tests).
c) Test Development time is the correct answer, and not Deployment
d) Test Execution Time is a challenge of course, as increasing the test
suite volume every sprint, creates a load of tests needed to be run
and tested.
ATT- K2 1
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
18. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 3.1.2.
b) Wrong because this is true for data driven testing.
c) Wrong, the opposite is true
d) Wrong, the task should stay with one team member and not the
entire team
ATT-3 K1 1
19. a a) is right as this is a stable product and the syllabus shows that on
b) is wrong as there is no need to speed up test execution mentioned.
c) is wrong as priorization should be used to improve the quality of the
test object and not the CI.
d) is wrong as there is no indication that there is not enough time to
execute all test cases
ATT-4.1.1 K3 2
20. c a) Wrong as TDD is unit test driven and BDD is executable test
scenario driven
b) Wrong as BDD relies on executable scenarios
c) Correct according the glossary
d) Wrong due to I and II in options
ATT-2.3.1 K1 1
21. a a) is right according the glossary
b) is wrong due to self.checking and testable...
c) is wrong due to focussed, stand-alone, timely.
d) is wrong due to interactive, small-scope, test driven
ATT- K1 1
22. b a) is wrong due to II
b) is right according the glossary
c) is wrong due to III and V. Granularity of tset charter is important and
should not be too small.
d) is tester mind should be in control, he should decide and structure
what areas to test and prior experience is important otherwise tester
may wander in unnecessary test areas.
ATT-2.2.2 K4 3
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
23. d a) Wrong
b) Wrong
c) Wrong
d) is CORRECT according the syllabus 2.3.1
ATT-2.3.1 K2 1
24. c a) Wrong as temptation to save time and money may lead to easy
rather than robust design
b) Wrong as temptation to save time and money may lead to easy
rather than robust design
c) is right according the syllabus 2.3.2.
d) Wrong as temptation to save time and money may lead to easy
rather than robust design
ATT-2.3.2-1 K4 3
25. d a) is wrong as all mentioned approaches or processes support CI
b) is wrong as all mentioned approaches or processes support CI
c) is wrong as all mentioned approaches or processes support CI
d) is right a accordingly the glossary
ATT-2.3.2-2 K4 3
26. d a) is wrong because interface to 3rd party software component is a good
candidate for service virtualization
b) is wrong as benefits of service virtualization includes II, III and IV
c) is wrong
d) is right according the glossary.
ATT-4.2.1 K2 1
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
27. a a) CORRECT answer
b) Wrong (This should be numerical data, from closed-ended
c) this should be with a Open Ended questions and not Yes/No, which
are Close-ended questions.
d) This should be that the Qualitative Interview is a lot more effective
than a quantitative query.
ATT-1.1.2-2 K2 1
28. a a) CORRECT answer
b) Statement coverage and path coverage Analysis are incorrect
c) Decision Coverage analysis are incorrect
d) Path Coverage Analysis is incorrect
ATT- K2 1
29. c,d
a) Wrong, because the order of ‘User Stories’ within the ‘Story Map’ is
only an indicator for test priorities, but does not define test priorities.
b) Wrong, because fancy answer
c) CORRECT because Syllabus says: ‘The horizontal axis of the map
represents the order of priority of each of the user stories, whilst the
vertical axis represents the sophistication of the implementation.
d) CORRECT because Syllabus says: ‘Determine the most basic
functionalities of a system to distillate a smoke test’ and in the same
way all other levels of ‘sophistication’ can be checked by
corresponding sets of acceptance test cases
ATT-1.1.1-2 K2 1
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
30. b,c
a) Wrong, because not primary critery
b) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘, a successful regression-averse
approach focuses on continuous improvement and refactoring of
created tests’
c) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘…maintainability, … are critical’
d) Wrong, because fancy answer
ATT-3.1.3-2 K2 1
31. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 1.,
b) is wrong because this is true for use cases
c) is wrong this true for storyboards
d) is wrong, this is true for personas
ATT-1.x K1 1
32. a,d a) CORRECT see Syllabus 2.1.3
b) is wrong (customer oriented)
c) Wrong, TDD is development oriented
d) CORRECT see Syllabus 2.1.3
e) Wrong, TDD is development focused
ATT-2.1.3 K4 3
33. c a) Wrong (creation of several TCs to cover several scenaris is not the
real and best solution)
b) Adapting existing TC is not the good solution, a TDD based TC shuld
be prepared looking at the flow keeping is as general as possible
c) The TDD is trying to use as few as possible tc and get data
d) Wrong, execute some TC is not the goal to check the TDD feasability
ATT-3.1.1 K3 2
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
34. d a) Keyword-driven does not check for data as main task
b) An interpreter can understand the language but no external app
should be executed, focus should remain within the TC (framework)
c) No specific data should be used.
ATT-3.1.2 K2 1
35. b a) Wrong : in unit test no full regression test possible to be executed
b) CORRECT, see syllabus 3.2.1
c) Wrong : in unit test no full regression test possible to be executed
d) Wrong : In a smoke test a full test cases execution is meaningless as
it should check the main functionalities in a short time, after e.g. a
new software installation
ATT-3.2.1 K2 1
36. c a) Wrong : execute on 7:00 in the morning is not exactly continuos
b) Wrong : replacing the new software, without new build
c) CORRECT, see syllabus 4.1
d) Wrong : replacing the new software, without new build
ATT-4.1.2 K2 1
37. b a) Wrong : it is not a closed system
b) CORRECT, see syllabus 4.2
c) Wrong : a virtual service is not a physical system.
d) Wrong : it is not a one-to-one replication of a server
ATT-4.2.1-2 K2 1
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question Correct
Explanation / Rationale Learning
K-level Number
38. c, e This is negate question so c) and e) which are wrong w.r.t. CI definitin,
are correct for this answer
a) CORRECT : choice 1 in syllabus 4.1.1
b) CORRECT : choice 2 in syllabus
c) Wrong: there is no predefined time, onlyconstraint is to complete
before a new CI would start 4.1.1
d) CORRECT : choice 3 in syllabus 4.1.1
e) Wrong :depending on expected behaviour or what needs to be
tested, the set of TC can be changed
ATT-4.1.1 K3 2
39. a, d a) CORRECT according the glossary
b) Wrong because when code with defects and technical debt spreads,
it becomes difficult, costly and time consuming to correct without
negatively affecting other parts of the system
c) Wrong because it is costly and time consuming to correct without
negatively affecting other parts of the system
d) CORRECT according the glossary
ATT-2.3.2 K1 1
40. b, d
a) Wrong because a ‘Storyboard’ is not the ‘Agile task board’ nor the
‘Agile user story board’
b) CORRECT, syllabus says ‘Visualize groups of user stories related to
a common area of the system (Themes) which can be considered for
inclusion in the same iteration, as they will likely be touching the
same piece of code’
c) Wong, because fancy answer
d) CORRECT, syllabus says: ‘Assist with identifying acceptance criteria
for user stories and epics.
ATT-1.1.1-2 K2 1

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ISTQB Agile Technical Tester Answers for Sample Question Paper

  • 1. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Sample Exam – Answers ISTQB® Agile Technical Tester (ATT) Exam ID: A Version 1.0 International Software Testing Qualifications Board Release Date: 14 November 2019 Copyright Notice This document may be copied in its entirety, or extracts made, if the source is acknowledged.
  • 2. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers Version 1.0 Page 2 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Legal Copyright © 2019 International Software Testing Qualifications Board (hereinafter called ISTQB®). All rights reserved. The authors transfer the copyright to the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (hereinafter called ISTQB®). The authors (as current copyright holders) and ISTQB® (as the future copyright holder) have agreed to the following condition of use: Any ISTQB® Member Board may translate this document. Exam Working Group 2019 Document Responsibility The ISTQB® Examination Working Group is responsible for this document. Acknowledgements This document was produced by the ISTQB® Exam Working Group (EWG) and the ISTQB® Advanced Level Working Group (ALWG).
  • 3. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers Version 1.0 Page 3 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Revision History Version Date Remarks 0.1 July 10, 2019 0.2 September 14, 2019 Changes some answers due to rephrasing of some sample questions 0.3 September 14, 2019 Changes with respect to finding from Beta Review 1.0 14 November 2019 Release date
  • 4. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers Version 1.0 Page 4 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Table of Contents Legal.........................................................................................................................................................2 Document Responsibility ....................................................................................................................2 Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................2 Revision History .......................................................................................................................................3 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................5 Purpose of this document...................................................................................................................5 Instructions..........................................................................................................................................5 Answers....................................................................................................................................................6 1......................................................................................................................................................6 2......................................................................................................................................................6 3......................................................................................................................................................6 4......................................................................................................................................................7 5......................................................................................................................................................7 6......................................................................................................................................................7 7......................................................................................................................................................7 8......................................................................................................................................................8 9......................................................................................................................................................8 10....................................................................................................................................................8 11....................................................................................................................................................9 12....................................................................................................................................................9 13....................................................................................................................................................9 14..................................................................................................................................................10 15..................................................................................................................................................10 16..................................................................................................................................................10 17..................................................................................................................................................10 18..................................................................................................................................................11 19..................................................................................................................................................11 20..................................................................................................................................................11 21..................................................................................................................................................11 22..................................................................................................................................................11 23..................................................................................................................................................12 24..................................................................................................................................................12 25..................................................................................................................................................12 26..................................................................................................................................................12 27..................................................................................................................................................13 28..................................................................................................................................................13 29..................................................................................................................................................13 30..................................................................................................................................................14 31..................................................................................................................................................14 32..................................................................................................................................................14 33..................................................................................................................................................14 34..................................................................................................................................................15 35..................................................................................................................................................15 36..................................................................................................................................................15 37..................................................................................................................................................15 38..................................................................................................................................................16 39..................................................................................................................................................16 40..................................................................................................................................................16
  • 5. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers Version 1.0 Page 5 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Introduction Purpose of this document The sample questions, answer sets and associated justifications in this document have been created by a team of Subject Matter Experts and experienced question writers with the aim of assisting ISTQB® Member Boards and Exam Boards in their question writing activities. These questions cannot be used as-is in any official examination, but they should serve as guidance for question writers. Given the wide variety of formats and subjects, these sample questions should offer many ideas for the individual Member Boards on how to create good questions and appropriate answer sets for their examinations. Instructions The question and answer sets are organized in the following way:  Learning Objective and K-level  Question - including any scenario followed by the question stem (The question is contained in a separate document)  Answer Set (The answer set is contained in the document)  Correct answer – including justification of the answers
  • 6. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 6 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Answers Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 1. a, b a) is right as the Epic could be easily transferred to a storyboard as a visual representation of the system. b) is right as the Epic could also be easily transferred to a story mapping. c) is wrong as there are not enough different users of the system to use personas to improve quality. d) is wrong as the epic is not big enough to use diagrams and there is nothing mentioned that diagrams are already in use. e) is wrong as the Epic is not big enough (e.g. number of stakeholders or interfaces, etc.) ATT-1.1.1-1 K4 3 2. b, d a) Wrong, because a ‘Storyboard’ is neither the ‘Agile task board’ nor the ‘Agile user story board’ b) RIGHT, because Syllabus says ‘Visualize groups of user stories related to a common area of the system (Themes) which can be considered for inclusion in the same iteration, as they will likely be touching the same piece of code’ c) Wrong, because fancy answer d) RIGHT because Syllabus says ‘Assist with identifying acceptance criteria for user stories and epics. ATT-1.1.1-2 K2 1 3. a a) is right as the acceptance criteria are following the INVEST criteria. b) is wrong as the acceptance criteria are following the INVEST criteria. c) is wrong as the scope is not as big as the scope of an Epic could be. d) is wrong as not always are non-functional acceptance criteria needed ATT-1.1.2 K4 3
  • 7. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 7 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 4. c a) Wrong b) Wrong c) CORRECT (see syllabus 2.1.2) d) Wrong ATT-1.x K1 1 5. a a) CORRECT according to Syllabus 2.1.1., b) Wrong because unit test can not be derived from use cases. c) Wrong during refactoring unit test must not change to ensure same system behaviour d) Wrong because unit test should be written in an “atomic” manner ATT-2.1.1-2 K2 1 6. d a) Write additional test classes to test also other relevant aspects of the leap year calculation . b) Start to write code that covers other relevant aspects of the leap year calculation. c) Start to write code that makes fail this test case. d) Start to write code that makes pass this test case. In TDD you should write first test code for one special area, then write code that makes pass this test case. Then you should continue with the next small part.Therefore, D is right and all other answers are wrong ATT-2.1.1 K3 2 7. b a) Wrong b) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘FIRST = Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-Validating, Thorough’ c) Wrong d) Wrong ATT-2.1.1-3 K2 1
  • 8. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 8 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 8. a a) is right as it fulfills all requirements of the Gherkin language. b) Is wrong as there is an else that is not Gherkin format c) Is wrong as there are not enough details to develop and test this spec. d) Is wrong as the Given element of gherkin is missing. ATT-2.1.2 K3 2 9. b a) NOT correct, because related to (B) ‘Automated Test Suites’ are less used. But Automated Testing is key to get reliable feedback in each of the 4 week iterations. b) CORRECT, because ‘Automated Test Suites’ are used to maximum degree, to generate reliable feedback in each of the 4 week iterations. Also ‘Specification based manual testing’ is used to maximum degree to cover critical features (not covered by automated tests). Manual Exploratory Testing is used in addition only. c) NOT correct, because related to (B) Manual Exploratory Testing dominates which is not adequate for testing a safety critical system. d) NOT correct, because related to (B) ‘Automated Test Suites’ are used less, so manual testing dominates, which is suboptimal for testing in a incremental-4-week iteration development approach ATT-2.2.1 K4 3 10. a a) Is right as mentioned in table 1 on page 17 of the syllabus. b) Is wrong as non-functional tests are not mentioned in the syllabus. c) Is wrong as we are in a mission and safety critical system and risk level is high (see syllabus page 17, table 1). d) Is wrong as we are in a mission and safety critical system and risk level is high (see syllabus page 17, table 1). ATT-2.2.1-2 K4 3
  • 9. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 9 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 11. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 2.2.2. b) Wrong, Using test charters in exploratory testing is used when a heuristic approach for writing and performing test sessions is needed. c) Wrong, exploratory testing shall also create insight into better test design, ideas for testing the product, ideas for improvement and so on. d) Wrong because a test basis to measure the coverage, does not exist in a quality good enough and a linkage between specification and test is hard to define ATT-2.2.2-2 K2 1 12. a a) CORRECT b) The reason is not correct, although the fact stated is (we are unable to aintain writing detailed test cases in short iterations), nor are the benefits listed. c) Refactoring in general, is a way to clean up code in an efficient and controlled manner, by clarifying and simplifying the design of existing code, without changing its behavior. It is not specificaly designed for test cases or testing, but is used by testers on their test cases for similar reasons. d) The process idenfiyed in the question is not correct. the correct process steps are: Identification, Analysis of impact, Refactor (Mutate), Re-Run, Evaluate. ATT- K2 1 13. a a) Is right as Tosort should be written as ToSort. b) Is wrong as checkpoint 1 is ok. c) Is wrong as checkpoint 3 is ok. d) Is wrong as checkpoint 2 is not ok ATT-2.3.2-1 K4 3
  • 10. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 10 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 14. a a) CORRECT according to Syllabus 2.1.1. b) Wrong because the execution of all existing tests is missing c) Wrong, this true for behavior driven development d) Wrong, TDD is developer focused and BDD is customer focused ATT-2x K1 1 15. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 3.1.3., b) Is wrong the opposite is true. c) is wrong according to Syllabus 3.1.3. d) is wrong it can be done in an external team ATT-3.1.3-1 K2 1 16. a a) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘an increased proportion of automated test coverage often leads to a greater degree of manual testing that follows reactive strategies since many of the tests that can be prepared upfront will be automated’ b) Wrong c) Wrong d) Wrong ATT-3.1.3-2 K2 1 17. a a) CORRECT answer b) UT automation is indeed critical, but does not cover most of the code quality in agile projects. One must include also integration level test automation, and system level one and some manual tests has added value as well (done mainly as exploratory tests). c) Test Development time is the correct answer, and not Deployment time. d) Test Execution Time is a challenge of course, as increasing the test suite volume every sprint, creates a load of tests needed to be run and tested. ATT- K2 1
  • 11. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 11 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 18. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 3.1.2. b) Wrong because this is true for data driven testing. c) Wrong, the opposite is true d) Wrong, the task should stay with one team member and not the entire team ATT-3 K1 1 19. a a) is right as this is a stable product and the syllabus shows that on page. b) is wrong as there is no need to speed up test execution mentioned. c) is wrong as priorization should be used to improve the quality of the test object and not the CI. d) is wrong as there is no indication that there is not enough time to execute all test cases ATT-4.1.1 K3 2 20. c a) Wrong as TDD is unit test driven and BDD is executable test scenario driven b) Wrong as BDD relies on executable scenarios c) Correct according the glossary d) Wrong due to I and II in options ATT-2.3.1 K1 1 21. a a) is right according the glossary b) is wrong due to self.checking and testable... c) is wrong due to focussed, stand-alone, timely. d) is wrong due to interactive, small-scope, test driven ATT- K1 1 22. b a) is wrong due to II b) is right according the glossary c) is wrong due to III and V. Granularity of tset charter is important and should not be too small. d) is tester mind should be in control, he should decide and structure what areas to test and prior experience is important otherwise tester may wander in unnecessary test areas. ATT-2.2.2 K4 3
  • 12. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 12 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 23. d a) Wrong b) Wrong c) Wrong d) is CORRECT according the syllabus 2.3.1 ATT-2.3.1 K2 1 24. c a) Wrong as temptation to save time and money may lead to easy rather than robust design b) Wrong as temptation to save time and money may lead to easy rather than robust design c) is right according the syllabus 2.3.2. d) Wrong as temptation to save time and money may lead to easy rather than robust design ATT-2.3.2-1 K4 3 25. d a) is wrong as all mentioned approaches or processes support CI b) is wrong as all mentioned approaches or processes support CI c) is wrong as all mentioned approaches or processes support CI d) is right a accordingly the glossary ATT-2.3.2-2 K4 3 26. d a) is wrong because interface to 3rd party software component is a good candidate for service virtualization b) is wrong as benefits of service virtualization includes II, III and IV c) is wrong d) is right according the glossary. ATT-4.2.1 K2 1
  • 13. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 13 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 27. a a) CORRECT answer b) Wrong (This should be numerical data, from closed-ended questions). c) this should be with a Open Ended questions and not Yes/No, which are Close-ended questions. d) This should be that the Qualitative Interview is a lot more effective than a quantitative query. ATT-1.1.2-2 K2 1 28. a a) CORRECT answer b) Statement coverage and path coverage Analysis are incorrect c) Decision Coverage analysis are incorrect d) Path Coverage Analysis is incorrect ATT- K2 1 29. c,d a) Wrong, because the order of ‘User Stories’ within the ‘Story Map’ is only an indicator for test priorities, but does not define test priorities. b) Wrong, because fancy answer c) CORRECT because Syllabus says: ‘The horizontal axis of the map represents the order of priority of each of the user stories, whilst the vertical axis represents the sophistication of the implementation. d) CORRECT because Syllabus says: ‘Determine the most basic functionalities of a system to distillate a smoke test’ and in the same way all other levels of ‘sophistication’ can be checked by corresponding sets of acceptance test cases ATT-1.1.1-2 K2 1
  • 14. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 14 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 30. b,c a) Wrong, because not primary critery b) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘, a successful regression-averse approach focuses on continuous improvement and refactoring of created tests’ c) RIGHT because Syllabus says: ‘…maintainability, … are critical’ d) Wrong, because fancy answer ATT-3.1.3-2 K2 1 31. a a) is CORRECT according to Syllabus 1., b) is wrong because this is true for use cases c) is wrong this true for storyboards d) is wrong, this is true for personas ATT-1.x K1 1 32. a,d a) CORRECT see Syllabus 2.1.3 b) is wrong (customer oriented) c) Wrong, TDD is development oriented d) CORRECT see Syllabus 2.1.3 e) Wrong, TDD is development focused ATT-2.1.3 K4 3 33. c a) Wrong (creation of several TCs to cover several scenaris is not the real and best solution) b) Adapting existing TC is not the good solution, a TDD based TC shuld be prepared looking at the flow keeping is as general as possible c) The TDD is trying to use as few as possible tc and get data d) Wrong, execute some TC is not the goal to check the TDD feasability ATT-3.1.1 K3 2
  • 15. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 15 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 34. d a) Keyword-driven does not check for data as main task b) An interpreter can understand the language but no external app should be executed, focus should remain within the TC (framework) c) No specific data should be used. d) CORRECT ATT-3.1.2 K2 1 35. b a) Wrong : in unit test no full regression test possible to be executed b) CORRECT, see syllabus 3.2.1 c) Wrong : in unit test no full regression test possible to be executed d) Wrong : In a smoke test a full test cases execution is meaningless as it should check the main functionalities in a short time, after e.g. a new software installation ATT-3.2.1 K2 1 36. c a) Wrong : execute on 7:00 in the morning is not exactly continuos testing b) Wrong : replacing the new software, without new build c) CORRECT, see syllabus 4.1 d) Wrong : replacing the new software, without new build ATT-4.1.2 K2 1 37. b a) Wrong : it is not a closed system b) CORRECT, see syllabus 4.2 c) Wrong : a virtual service is not a physical system. d) Wrong : it is not a one-to-one replication of a server ATT-4.2.1-2 K2 1
  • 16. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Answers International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 16 of 16 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question Correct Answer Explanation / Rationale Learning Objective (LO) K-level Number of Points 38. c, e This is negate question so c) and e) which are wrong w.r.t. CI definitin, are correct for this answer a) CORRECT : choice 1 in syllabus 4.1.1 b) CORRECT : choice 2 in syllabus c) Wrong: there is no predefined time, onlyconstraint is to complete before a new CI would start 4.1.1 d) CORRECT : choice 3 in syllabus 4.1.1 e) Wrong :depending on expected behaviour or what needs to be tested, the set of TC can be changed ATT-4.1.1 K3 2 39. a, d a) CORRECT according the glossary b) Wrong because when code with defects and technical debt spreads, it becomes difficult, costly and time consuming to correct without negatively affecting other parts of the system c) Wrong because it is costly and time consuming to correct without negatively affecting other parts of the system d) CORRECT according the glossary ATT-2.3.2 K1 1 40. b, d a) Wrong because a ‘Storyboard’ is not the ‘Agile task board’ nor the ‘Agile user story board’ b) CORRECT, syllabus says ‘Visualize groups of user stories related to a common area of the system (Themes) which can be considered for inclusion in the same iteration, as they will likely be touching the same piece of code’ c) Wong, because fancy answer d) CORRECT, syllabus says: ‘Assist with identifying acceptance criteria for user stories and epics. ATT-1.1.1-2 K2 1