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Hw09   Sqoop Database Import For Hadoop
Automatic database import

Aaron Kimball
Cloudera Inc.
October 2, 2009
The problem
Structured data in traditional databases cannot be easily
combined with unstructured data stored in HDFS

                Where’s the bridge?
Sqoop = SQL-to-Hadoop
▪   Easy import of data from many databases to HDFS
▪   Generates code for use in MapReduce applications
▪   Integrates with Hive

                     sqoop!       Hadoop
                                                      reinterpret data

                              ...Via auto-generated
                               datatype definitions
In this talk…
▪   Features and overview
▪   How it works
▪   Working with imported data
▪   The extension API
▪   Optimizations
▪   Future directions
Key Features
▪   JDBC-based implementation
    ▪   Works with many popular database vendors
▪   Auto-generation of tedious user-side code
    ▪   Write MapReduce applications to work with your data, faster
▪   Integration with Hive
    ▪   Allows you to stay in a SQL-based environment
▪   Extensible backend
    ▪   Database-specific code paths for better performance
Example Input
mysql> use corp;
Database changed

mysql> describe employees;
| Field      | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id         | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| firstname | varchar(32) | YES |       | NULL    |                |
| lastname   | varchar(32) | YES |      | NULL    |                |
| jobtitle   | varchar(64) | YES |      | NULL    |                |
| start_date | date        | YES |      | NULL    |                |
| dept_id    | int(11)     | YES |      | NULL    |                |
Loading into HDFS

$ sqoop --connect jdbc:mysql:// 
           --table employees

▪   Imports “employees” table into HDFS directory
    ▪   Data imported as text or SequenceFiles
    ▪   Optionally compress and split data during import
▪   Generates for your use
Auto-generated Class

public class employees {
  public Integer get_id();
  public String get_firstname();
  public String get_lastname();
  public String get_jobtitle();
  public java.sql.Date get_start_date();
  public Integer get_dept_id();
  // and serialization methods for Hadoop
Hive Integration
 Imports table definition into Hive after data imported to HDFS
Additional Options
▪   Multiple data representations supported
    ▪   TextFile – ubiquitous; easy import into Hive
    ▪   SequenceFile – supports compression, higher performance
▪   Supports local and remote Hadoop clusters, databases
▪   Can select a subset of columns, specify a WHERE clause
▪   Control for delimiters and quote characters:
    ▪   --fields-terminated-by, --lines-terminated-by,
        --optionally-enclosed-by, etc.
    ▪   Also supports delimiter conversion
        (--input-fields-terminated-by, etc.)
Under the Hood…
▪   JDBC
    ▪   Allows Java applications to submit SQL queries to databases
    ▪   Provides metadata about databases (column names, types, etc.)
▪   Hadoop
    ▪   Allows input from arbitrary sources via different InputFormats
    ▪   Provides multiple JDBC-based InputFormats to read from
InputFormat Woes
▪   DBInputFormat allows database records to be used as mapper
▪   The trouble with this is:
    ▪   Connecting an entire Hadoop cluster to a database is a
        performance nightmare
    ▪   Databases have lower read bandwidth than HDFS; for repeated
        analyses, much better to make a copy in HDFS first
    ▪   Users must write a class that describes a record from each table
        they want to import or work with (a “DBWritable”)
DBWritable Example
1.  class MyRecord implements Writable, DBWritable {
2.    long msg_id;
3.    String msg;
4.    public void readFields(ResultSet resultSet)
5.        throws SQLException {
6.      this.msg_id = resultSet.getLong(1);
7.      this.msg = resultSet.getString(2);
8.    }
9.    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws
10.       IOException {
11.     this.msg_id = in.readLong();
12.     this.msg = in.readUTF();
13.   }
14. }
DBWritable Example
1.  class MyRecord implements Writable, DBWritable {
2.    long msg_id;
3.    String msg;
4.    public void readFields(ResultSet resultSet)
5.        throws SQLException {
6.      this.msg_id = resultSet.getLong(1);
7.      this.msg = resultSet.getString(2);
8.    }
9.    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws
10.       IOException {
11.     this.msg_id = in.readLong();
12.     this.msg = in.readUTF();
13.   }
14. }
A Direct Type Mapping
            JDBC Type                          Java Type
        CHAR                         String
        VARCHAR                      String
        LONGVARCHAR                  String
        NUMERIC                      java.math.BigDecimal
        DECIMAL                      java.math.BigDecimal
        BIT                          boolean
        TINYINT                      byte
        SMALLINT                     short
        INTEGER                      int
        BIGINT                       long
        REAL                         float
        FLOAT                        double
        DOUBLE                       double
        BINARY                       byte[]
        VARBINARY                    byte[]
        LONGVARBINARY                byte[]
        DATE                         java.sql.Date
        TIME                         java.sql.Time
        TIMESTAMP                    java.sql.Timestamp
Class Autogeneration
Working with Sqoop
▪   Basic workflow:
    ▪   Import initial table with Sqoop
    ▪   Use auto-generated table class in MapReduce analyses
    ▪   … Or write Hive queries over imported tables
    ▪   Perform periodic re-imports to ingest new data

▪   Table classes can parse records from delimited files in HDFS
Processing Records in MapReduce
1.   void map(LongWritable k, Text v, Context c) {
2.       MyRecord r = new MyRecord();
3.       r.parse(v); // auto-generated text parser
4.       process(r.get_msg()); // your logic here
5.       ...
6.   }
Extending Sqoop
Direct-mode Imports
▪   MySQL provides mysqldump for high-performance table output
    ▪   Sqoop special-cases jdbc:mysql:// for faster loading
▪   Similar mechanism used for PostgreSQL
▪   Avoids JDBC overhead

▪   Looking to do this for other databases as well; feedback welcome
Further Optimizations
▪   DBInputFormat uses LIMIT/OFFSET to generate data splits
    ▪   Requires ORDER BY clause in generated queries
    ▪   Most databases then run multiple full table scans in parallel
▪   DataDrivenDBInputFormat generates split ranges based on actual
    values in the index column
    ▪   Allows databases to use index range scans
    ▪   Considerably better parallel performance
    ▪   Available for use in Hadoop by Sqoop or other apps
Future Directions
▪   “unsqoop” to export data from Hive/HDFS back to database
▪   Integration with Cloudera Desktop
▪   Continued performance optimization
▪   Support for Hive features: partition columns, buckets
▪   Integration with Avro
▪   Most database import tasks are “turning the crank”
▪   Sqoop can automate a lot of this
    ▪   Allows more efficient use of existing data sources in concert with
        new, unstructured data
▪   Available as part of Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop


(c) 2008 Cloudera, Inc. or its licensors. "Cloudera" is a registered trademark of Cloudera, Inc.. All rights reserved. 1.0

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Hw09 Sqoop Database Import For Hadoop

  • 2. sqoop Automatic database import Aaron Kimball Cloudera Inc. October 2, 2009
  • 3. The problem Structured data in traditional databases cannot be easily combined with unstructured data stored in HDFS Where’s the bridge?
  • 4. Sqoop = SQL-to-Hadoop ▪ Easy import of data from many databases to HDFS ▪ Generates code for use in MapReduce applications ▪ Integrates with Hive sqoop! Hadoop mysql Custom MapReduce programs reinterpret data ...Via auto-generated datatype definitions
  • 5. In this talk… ▪ Features and overview ▪ How it works ▪ Working with imported data ▪ The extension API ▪ Optimizations ▪ Future directions
  • 6. Key Features ▪ JDBC-based implementation ▪ Works with many popular database vendors ▪ Auto-generation of tedious user-side code ▪ Write MapReduce applications to work with your data, faster ▪ Integration with Hive ▪ Allows you to stay in a SQL-based environment ▪ Extensible backend ▪ Database-specific code paths for better performance
  • 7. Example Input mysql> use corp; Database changed mysql> describe employees; +------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | firstname | varchar(32) | YES | | NULL | | | lastname | varchar(32) | YES | | NULL | | | jobtitle | varchar(64) | YES | | NULL | | | start_date | date | YES | | NULL | | | dept_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | +------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
  • 8. Loading into HDFS $ sqoop --connect jdbc:mysql:// --table employees ▪ Imports “employees” table into HDFS directory ▪ Data imported as text or SequenceFiles ▪ Optionally compress and split data during import ▪ Generates for your use
  • 9. Auto-generated Class public class employees { public Integer get_id(); public String get_firstname(); public String get_lastname(); public String get_jobtitle(); public java.sql.Date get_start_date(); public Integer get_dept_id(); // and serialization methods for Hadoop }
  • 10. Hive Integration Imports table definition into Hive after data imported to HDFS
  • 11. Additional Options ▪ Multiple data representations supported ▪ TextFile – ubiquitous; easy import into Hive ▪ SequenceFile – supports compression, higher performance ▪ Supports local and remote Hadoop clusters, databases ▪ Can select a subset of columns, specify a WHERE clause ▪ Control for delimiters and quote characters: ▪ --fields-terminated-by, --lines-terminated-by, --optionally-enclosed-by, etc. ▪ Also supports delimiter conversion (--input-fields-terminated-by, etc.)
  • 12. Under the Hood… ▪ JDBC ▪ Allows Java applications to submit SQL queries to databases ▪ Provides metadata about databases (column names, types, etc.) ▪ Hadoop ▪ Allows input from arbitrary sources via different InputFormats ▪ Provides multiple JDBC-based InputFormats to read from databases
  • 13. InputFormat Woes ▪ DBInputFormat allows database records to be used as mapper inputs ▪ The trouble with this is: ▪ Connecting an entire Hadoop cluster to a database is a performance nightmare ▪ Databases have lower read bandwidth than HDFS; for repeated analyses, much better to make a copy in HDFS first ▪ Users must write a class that describes a record from each table they want to import or work with (a “DBWritable”)
  • 14. DBWritable Example 1. class MyRecord implements Writable, DBWritable { 2. long msg_id; 3. String msg; 4. public void readFields(ResultSet resultSet) 5. throws SQLException { 6. this.msg_id = resultSet.getLong(1); 7. this.msg = resultSet.getString(2); 8. } 9. public void readFields(DataInput in) throws 10. IOException { 11. this.msg_id = in.readLong(); 12. this.msg = in.readUTF(); 13. } 14. }
  • 15. DBWritable Example 1. class MyRecord implements Writable, DBWritable { 2. long msg_id; 3. String msg; 4. public void readFields(ResultSet resultSet) 5. throws SQLException { 6. this.msg_id = resultSet.getLong(1); 7. this.msg = resultSet.getString(2); 8. } 9. public void readFields(DataInput in) throws 10. IOException { 11. this.msg_id = in.readLong(); 12. this.msg = in.readUTF(); 13. } 14. }
  • 16. A Direct Type Mapping JDBC Type Java Type CHAR String VARCHAR String LONGVARCHAR String NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal DECIMAL java.math.BigDecimal BIT boolean TINYINT byte SMALLINT short INTEGER int BIGINT long REAL float FLOAT double DOUBLE double BINARY byte[] VARBINARY byte[] LONGVARBINARY byte[] DATE java.sql.Date TIME java.sql.Time TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
  • 18. Working with Sqoop ▪ Basic workflow: ▪ Import initial table with Sqoop ▪ Use auto-generated table class in MapReduce analyses ▪ … Or write Hive queries over imported tables ▪ Perform periodic re-imports to ingest new data ▪ Table classes can parse records from delimited files in HDFS
  • 19. Processing Records in MapReduce 1. void map(LongWritable k, Text v, Context c) { 2. MyRecord r = new MyRecord(); 3. r.parse(v); // auto-generated text parser 4. process(r.get_msg()); // your logic here 5. ... 6. }
  • 21. Direct-mode Imports ▪ MySQL provides mysqldump for high-performance table output ▪ Sqoop special-cases jdbc:mysql:// for faster loading ▪ Similar mechanism used for PostgreSQL ▪ Avoids JDBC overhead ▪ Looking to do this for other databases as well; feedback welcome
  • 22. Further Optimizations ▪ DBInputFormat uses LIMIT/OFFSET to generate data splits ▪ Requires ORDER BY clause in generated queries ▪ Most databases then run multiple full table scans in parallel ▪ DataDrivenDBInputFormat generates split ranges based on actual values in the index column ▪ Allows databases to use index range scans ▪ Considerably better parallel performance ▪ Available for use in Hadoop by Sqoop or other apps
  • 23. Future Directions ▪ “unsqoop” to export data from Hive/HDFS back to database ▪ Integration with Cloudera Desktop ▪ Continued performance optimization ▪ Support for Hive features: partition columns, buckets ▪ Integration with Avro
  • 24. Conclusions ▪ Most database import tasks are “turning the crank” ▪ Sqoop can automate a lot of this ▪ Allows more efficient use of existing data sources in concert with new, unstructured data ▪ Available as part of Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop
  • 25. (c) 2008 Cloudera, Inc. or its licensors. "Cloudera" is a registered trademark of Cloudera, Inc.. All rights reserved. 1.0