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Kostas Tzoumas 
Flink committer & 
Co-founder, data Artisans 
 Last talk: how to program PageRank in Flink, 
and Flink programming model 
 This talk: how Flink works internally 
 Again, a big bravo to the Flink community 
Using Flink 
DataSet and transformations 
Input X First Y Second 
Operator X Operator Y 
ExecutionEnvironment env = 
DataSet<String> input = env.readTextFile(input); 
DataSet<String> first = input 
.filter (str -> str.contains(“Apache Flink“)); 
DataSet<String> second = first 
.filter (str -> str.length() > 40); 
Available transformations 
 map 
 flatMap 
 filter 
 reduce 
 reduceGroup 
 join 
 coGroup 
 aggregate 
 cross 
 project 
 distinct 
 union 
 iterate 
 iterateDelta 
 repartition 
 … 
Other API elements & tools 
 Accumulators and counters 
• Int, Long, Double counters 
• Histogram accumulator 
• Define your own 
 Broadcast variables 
 Plan visualization 
 Local debugging/testing mode 
Data types and grouping 
public static class Access { 
public int userId; 
public String url; 
public static class User { 
public int userId; 
public int region; 
public Date customerSince; 
DataSet<Tuple2<Access,User>> campaign = access.join(users) 
DataSet<Tuple3<Integer,String,String> someLog; 
 Bean-style Java classes & field names 
 Tuples and position addressing 
 Any data type with key selector function 
Other API elements 
 Hadoop compatibility 
• Supports all Hadoop data types, input/output 
formats, Hadoop mappers and reducers 
 Data streaming API 
• DataStream instead of DataSet 
• Similar set of operators 
• Currently in alpha but moving very fast 
 Scala and Java APIs (mirrored) 
 Graph API (Spargel) 
Intro to 
for (String token : value.split("W")) { 
out.collect(new Tuple2<>(token, 1)); 
DataSet<String> text = env.readTextFile(input); 
DataSet<Tuple2<String, Integer>> result = text 
.flatMap((str, out) -> { 
.aggregate(SUM, 1); 
Flink Client & 
O Romeo, 
art thou 
O, 1 
Romeo, 3 
wherefore, 1 
art, 1 
thou, 1 
Apache Flink 
Nor arm, 
nor face, 
nor any 
other part 
nor, 3 
arm, 1 
face, 1, 
any, 1, 
other, 1 
part, 1
If you want to know one 
thing about Flink is that 
you don’t need to know 
the internals of Flink. 
 Flink “hides” its internal workings from the 
 This is good 
• User does not worry about how jobs are executed 
• Internals can be changed without breaking 
 … and bad 
• Execution model more complicated to explain 
compared to MapReduce or Spark RDD 
Recap: DataSet 
Input X First Y Second 
Operator X Operator Y 
ExecutionEnvironment env = 
DataSet<String> input = env.readTextFile(input); 
DataSet<String> first = input 
.filter (str -> str.contains(“Apache Flink“)); 
DataSet<String> second = first 
.filter (str -> str.length() > 40); 
Common misconception 
Input X First Y Second 
 Programs are not executed eagerly 
 Instead, system compiles program to an 
execution plan and executes that plan 
 Think of it as a PCollection<String>, or a 
Spark RDD[String] 
 With a major difference: it can be 
produced/recovered in several ways 
• … like a Java collection 
• … like an RDD 
• … perhaps it is never fully materialized (because 
the program does not need it to) 
• … implicitly updated in an iteration 
 And this is transparent to the user 
Example: grep 
where art 
thou Romeo? 
Load Log 
for str1 
for str2 
for str2 
Grep 1 
Grep 2 
Grep 2 
Staged (batch) execution 
where art 
thou Romeo? 
Load Log 
for str1 
for str2 
for str2 
Grep 1 
Grep 2 
Grep 2 
Stage 1: 
Create/cache Log 
Subseqent stages: 
Grep log for matches 
Caching in-memory 
and disk if needed 
Pipelined execution 
where art 
thou Romeo? 
Load Log 
for str1 
for str2 
for str2 
Grep 1 
Grep 2 
Grep 2 
Stage 1: 
Deploy and start operators 
Data transfer in-memory 
and disk if 
Note: Log 
DataSet is 
Benefits of pipelining 
 25 node cluster 
 Grep log for 3 
 Scale data size 
from 100GB to 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 
Time to complete grep (sec) 
Cluster memory Data size (GB) 
exceeded 19
Drawbacks of pipelining 
 Long pipelines may be active at the same time leading to 
memory fragmentation 
• FLINK-1101: Changes memory allocation from static to adaptive 
 Fault-tolerance harder to get right 
• FLINK-986: Adds intermediate data sets (similar to RDDS) as 
first-class citizen to Flink Runtime. Will lead to fine-grained fault-tolerance 
among other features. 
Example: Iterative processing 
DataSet<Page> pages = ... 
DataSet<Neighborhood> edges = ... 
DataSet<Page> oldRanks = pages; DataSet<Page> newRanks; 
for (i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) { 
newRanks = update(oldRanks, edges) 
oldRanks = newRanks 
DataSet<Page> result = newRanks; 
DataSet<Page> update (DataSet<Page> ranks, DataSet<Neighborhood> adjacency) { 
return oldRanks 
.with ( (page, adj, out) -> { 
for (long n : adj.neighbors) 
out.collect(new Page(n, df * page.rank / adj.neighbors.length)) 
.reduce ( (a, b) -> new Page(, a.rank + b.rank) ); 
Iterate by unrolling 
Step Step Step Step Step 
 for/while loop in client submits one job per iteration 
 Data reuse by caching in memory and/or disk 
Iterate natively 
DataSet<Page> pages = ... 
DataSet<Neighborhood> edges = ... 
IterativeDataSet<Page> pagesIter = pages.iterate(maxIterations); 
DataSet<Page> newRanks = update (pagesIter, edges); 
DataSet<Page> result = pagesIter.closeWith(newRanks) 
solution X 
Step function
Iterate natively with deltas 
workset A B workset 
set X 
Merge deltas 
DeltaIteration<...> pagesIter = pages.iterateDelta(initialDeltas, maxIterations, 0); 
DataSet<...> newRanks = update (pagesIter, edges); 
DataSet<...> newRanks = ... 
DataSet<...> result = pagesIter.closeWith(newRanks, deltas) 
See 25
Native, unrolling, and delta 
Flink stack 
Apache Tez 
Flink Optimizer Flink Stream Builder 
Embedded execution 
(Java collections) 
Files HDFS S3 JDBC Kafka 
Local execution 
Flink Runtime 
Common API 
Scala API 
Java API 
Java API 
Python API 
Graph API 
Flink Execution Engine 
Flink stack 
Common API 
Flink Optimizer Flink Stream Builder 
Scala API 
Java API 
Java API 
Python API 
Graph API 
Flink Local Runtime 
(Java collections) 
(for debugging) 
Remote environment 
(Regular cluster execution) 
Apache Tez 
Flink cluster YARN 
Files HDFS S3 JDBC Kafka 
Single node execution
Program lifecycle 
val source1 = … 
val source2 = … 
val maxed = source1 
.map(v => (v._1,v._2, 
val filtered = source2 
.filter(v => (v._1 > 4)) 
val result = maxed 
.filter(_1 > 3) 
.reduceGroup {……} 
 The optimizer is the 
component that selects 
an execution plan for a 
Common API program 
 Think of an AI system 
manipulating your 
program for you  
 But don’t be scared – it 
• Relational databases have 
been doing this for 
decades – Flink ports the 
technology to API-based 
Flink Optimizer 
A simple program 
DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, String, String, String, Integer>> orders = … 
DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Double>> lineitems = … 
DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> filteredOrders = orders 
.filter(. . .) 
.project(0,4).types(Integer.class, Integer.class); 
DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Double>> lineitemsOfOrders = filteredOrders 
.types(Integer.class, Integer.class, Double.class); 
DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Double>> priceSums = lineitemsOfOrders 
.groupBy(0,1).aggregate(Aggregations.SUM, 2); 
Two execution plans 
Map DataSource 
Hybrid Hash 
buildHT probe 
broadcast forward 
Map DataSource 
Hybrid Hash 
buildHT probe 
hash-part [0] hash-part [0] 
hash-part [0,1] 
Best plan forward 
depends on 
relative sizes 
of input files
Flink Local Runtime 
 Local runtime, not the 
distributed execution 
 Aka: what happens 
inside every parallel 
Flink runtime operators 
 Sorting and hashing data 
• Necessary for grouping, aggregation, reduce, 
join, cogroup, delta iterations 
 Flink contains tailored implementations of 
hybrid hashing and external sorting in 
• Scale well with both abundant and restricted 
memory sizes 
Internal data representation 
JVM Heap 
JVM Heap 
O Romeo, 
art thou 
art, 1 
O, 1 
Romeo, 1 
Romeo, 1 
Network transfer 
Local sort 
How is intermediate data internally represented?
Internal data representation 
 Two options: Java objects or raw bytes 
 Java objects 
• Easier to program 
• Can suffer from GC overhead 
• Hard to de-stage data to disk, may suffer from “out of 
memory exceptions” 
 Raw bytes 
• Harder to program (customer serialization stack, more 
involved runtime operators) 
• Solves most of memory and GC problems 
• Overhead from object (de)serialization 
 Flink follows the raw byte approach 
Memory in Flink 
public class WC { 
public String word; 
public int count; 
Pool of Memory Pages 
JVM Heap 
User code 
Memory in Flink (2) 
 Internal memory management 
• Flink initially allocates 70% of the free heap as byte[] 
• Internal operators allocate() and release() these 
 Flink has its own serialization stack 
• All accepted data types serialized to data segments 
 Easy to reason about memory, (almost) no 
OutOfMemory errors, reduces the pressure to the 
GC (smooth performance) 
Operating on serialized data 
 Sorting 1GB worth of (long, double) tuples 
 67,108,864 elements 
 Simple quicksort 
Flink Execution Engine 
 The distributed 
execution engine 
 Pipelined 
• Same engine for Flink 
and Flink streaming 
 Pluggable 
• Local runtime can be 
executed on other 
• E.g., Java collections 
and Apache Tez
 Flink decouples API from execution 
• Same program can be executed in many different 
• Hopefully users do not need to care about this and 
still get very good performance 
 Unique Flink internal features 
• Pipelined execution, native iterations, optimizer, 
serialized data manipulation, good disk destaging 
 Very good performance 
• Known issues currently worked on actively 
Stay informed 
• Subscribe to the mailing lists! 
 Blogs 
 Twitter 
• follow @ApacheFlink 
That’s it, time for beer 
Flink in context 
Spark Storm 
Yarn Mesos 
Data processing 
App and resource 
Storage, streams HBase Kafka 
Common API 
 Notion of “DataSet” is no 
longer present 
 Program is a DAG of 
Example: Joins in Flink 
DataSet<Order> large = ... 
DataSet<Lineitem> medium = ... 
DataSet<Customer> small = ... 
DataSet<Tuple...> joined1 = large.join(medium).where(3).equals(1) 
.with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); 
DataSet<Tuple...> joined2 = small.join(joined1).where(0).equals(2) 
.with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); 
DataSet<Tuple...> result = joined2.groupBy(3).aggregate(MAX, 2); 
Built-in strategies include partitioned join and replicated join with 
local sort-merge or hybrid-hash algorithms. 
large medium
Optimizer Example 
DataSet<Tuple...> large = env.readCsv(...); 
DataSet<Tuple...> medium = env.readCsv(...); 
DataSet<Tuple...> small = env.readCsv(...); 
DataSet<Tuple...> joined1 = large.join(medium).where(3).equals(1) 
.with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); 
DataSet<Tuple...> joined2 = small.join(joined1).where(0).equals(2) 
.with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); 
DataSet<Tuple...> result = joined2.groupBy(3).aggregate(MAX, 2); 
1) Partitioned hash-join 
2) Broadcast hash-join 
3) Grouping /Aggregation reuses the partitioning 
from step (1)  No shuffle!!! 
Partitioned ≈ Reduce-side 
Broadcast ≈ Map-side
Operating on serialized data 
serializes data every time 
 Highly robust, never gives up on you 
works on objects, RDDs may be stored serialized 
Serialization considered slow, only when needed 
makes serialization really cheap: 
 partial deserialization, operates on serialized form 
 Efficient and robust!

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Flink internals web

  • 1. Flink internals Kostas Tzoumas Flink committer & Co-founder, data Artisans @kostas_tzoumas
  • 2. Welcome  Last talk: how to program PageRank in Flink, and Flink programming model  This talk: how Flink works internally  Again, a big bravo to the Flink community 2
  • 4. DataSet and transformations Input X First Y Second Operator X Operator Y ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); DataSet<String> input = env.readTextFile(input); DataSet<String> first = input .filter (str -> str.contains(“Apache Flink“)); DataSet<String> second = first .filter (str -> str.length() > 40); second.print() env.execute(); 4
  • 5. Available transformations  map  flatMap  filter  reduce  reduceGroup  join  coGroup  aggregate  cross  project  distinct  union  iterate  iterateDelta  repartition  … 5
  • 6. Other API elements & tools  Accumulators and counters • Int, Long, Double counters • Histogram accumulator • Define your own  Broadcast variables  Plan visualization  Local debugging/testing mode 6
  • 7. Data types and grouping public static class Access { public int userId; public String url; ... } public static class User { public int userId; public int region; public Date customerSince; ... } DataSet<Tuple2<Access,User>> campaign = access.join(users) .where(“userId“).equalTo(“userId“) DataSet<Tuple3<Integer,String,String> someLog; someLog.groupBy(0,1).reduceGroup(...);  Bean-style Java classes & field names  Tuples and position addressing  Any data type with key selector function 7
  • 8. Other API elements  Hadoop compatibility • Supports all Hadoop data types, input/output formats, Hadoop mappers and reducers  Data streaming API • DataStream instead of DataSet • Similar set of operators • Currently in alpha but moving very fast  Scala and Java APIs (mirrored)  Graph API (Spargel) 8
  • 10. Task for (String token : value.split("W")) { out.collect(new Tuple2<>(token, 1)); Manager DataSet<String> text = env.readTextFile(input); DataSet<Tuple2<String, Integer>> result = text Job Manager Task Manager .flatMap((str, out) -> { }) .groupBy(0) .aggregate(SUM, 1); Flink Client & Optimizer O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? O, 1 Romeo, 3 wherefore, 1 art, 1 thou, 1 Apache Flink 10 Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part nor, 3 arm, 1 face, 1, any, 1, other, 1 part, 1
  • 11. If you want to know one thing about Flink is that you don’t need to know the internals of Flink. 11
  • 12. Philosophy  Flink “hides” its internal workings from the user  This is good • User does not worry about how jobs are executed • Internals can be changed without breaking changes  … and bad • Execution model more complicated to explain compared to MapReduce or Spark RDD 12
  • 13. Recap: DataSet Input X First Y Second Operator X Operator Y 13 ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); DataSet<String> input = env.readTextFile(input); DataSet<String> first = input .filter (str -> str.contains(“Apache Flink“)); DataSet<String> second = first .filter (str -> str.length() > 40); second.print() env.execute();
  • 14. Common misconception Input X First Y Second  Programs are not executed eagerly  Instead, system compiles program to an execution plan and executes that plan 14
  • 15. DataSet<String>  Think of it as a PCollection<String>, or a Spark RDD[String]  With a major difference: it can be produced/recovered in several ways • … like a Java collection • … like an RDD • … perhaps it is never fully materialized (because the program does not need it to) • … implicitly updated in an iteration  And this is transparent to the user 15
  • 16. Example: grep Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo? Load Log Search for str1 Search for str2 Search for str2 Grep 1 Grep 2 Grep 2 16
  • 17. Staged (batch) execution Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo? Load Log Search for str1 Search for str2 Search for str2 Grep 1 Grep 2 Grep 2 Stage 1: Create/cache Log Subseqent stages: Grep log for matches Caching in-memory and disk if needed 17
  • 18. Pipelined execution Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo? Load Log Search for str1 Search for str2 Search for str2 Grep 1 Grep 2 Grep 2 00110011 Stage 1: Deploy and start operators Data transfer in-memory and disk if needed 18 Note: Log DataSet is never “created”!
  • 19. Benefits of pipelining  25 node cluster  Grep log for 3 terms  Scale data size from 100GB to 1TB 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time to complete grep (sec) Cluster memory Data size (GB) exceeded 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. Drawbacks of pipelining  Long pipelines may be active at the same time leading to memory fragmentation • FLINK-1101: Changes memory allocation from static to adaptive  Fault-tolerance harder to get right • FLINK-986: Adds intermediate data sets (similar to RDDS) as first-class citizen to Flink Runtime. Will lead to fine-grained fault-tolerance among other features. 21
  • 22. Example: Iterative processing DataSet<Page> pages = ... DataSet<Neighborhood> edges = ... DataSet<Page> oldRanks = pages; DataSet<Page> newRanks; for (i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) { newRanks = update(oldRanks, edges) oldRanks = newRanks } DataSet<Page> result = newRanks; DataSet<Page> update (DataSet<Page> ranks, DataSet<Neighborhood> adjacency) { return oldRanks .join(adjacency) .where(“id“).equalTo(“id“) .with ( (page, adj, out) -> { for (long n : adj.neighbors) out.collect(new Page(n, df * page.rank / adj.neighbors.length)) }) .groupBy(“id“) .reduce ( (a, b) -> new Page(, a.rank + b.rank) ); 22
  • 23. Iterate by unrolling Client Step Step Step Step Step  for/while loop in client submits one job per iteration step  Data reuse by caching in memory and/or disk 23
  • 24. Iterate natively DataSet<Page> pages = ... DataSet<Neighborhood> edges = ... IterativeDataSet<Page> pagesIter = pages.iterate(maxIterations); DataSet<Page> newRanks = update (pagesIter, edges); DataSet<Page> result = pagesIter.closeWith(newRanks) 24 partial solution partial solution X other datasets Y initial solution iteration result Replace Step function
  • 25. Iterate natively with deltas Replace workset A B workset partial solution delta set X other datasets Y initial workset initial solution iteration result Merge deltas DeltaIteration<...> pagesIter = pages.iterateDelta(initialDeltas, maxIterations, 0); DataSet<...> newRanks = update (pagesIter, edges); DataSet<...> newRanks = ... DataSet<...> result = pagesIter.closeWith(newRanks, deltas) See 25
  • 28. 28
  • 29. Flink stack Apache Tez Data storage Flink Optimizer Flink Stream Builder Rabbit MQ Embedded execution (Java collections) Files HDFS S3 JDBC Kafka Redis Azure tables … Local execution Flink Runtime YARN EC2 Common API Scala API (batch) Java API (streaming) Java API (batch) Python API (upcoming) Graph API Apache MRQL Flink Execution Engine 29
  • 30. Flink stack 30 Common API Flink Optimizer Flink Stream Builder Scala API (batch) Java API (streaming) Java API (batch) Python API (upcoming) Graph API Apache MRQL Flink Local Runtime Embedded environment (Java collections) Local Environment (for debugging) Remote environment (Regular cluster execution) Apache Tez Flink cluster YARN Data storage Rabbit MQ Files HDFS S3 JDBC Kafka Redis Azure tables … Single node execution
  • 31. Program lifecycle 31 val source1 = … val source2 = … val maxed = source1 .map(v => (v._1,v._2, math.max(v._1,v._2)) val filtered = source2 .filter(v => (v._1 > 4)) val result = maxed .join(filtered).where(0).equalTo(0) .filter(_1 > 3) .groupBy(0) .reduceGroup {……} 1
  • 32.  The optimizer is the component that selects an execution plan for a Common API program  Think of an AI system manipulating your program for you   But don’t be scared – it works • Relational databases have been doing this for decades – Flink ports the technology to API-based systems Flink Optimizer 32
  • 33. A simple program 33 DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, String, String, String, Integer>> orders = … DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Double>> lineitems = … DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> filteredOrders = orders .filter(. . .) .project(0,4).types(Integer.class, Integer.class); DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Double>> lineitemsOfOrders = filteredOrders .join(lineitems) .where(0).equalTo(0) .projectFirst(0,1).projectSecond(1) .types(Integer.class, Integer.class, Double.class); DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Double>> priceSums = lineitemsOfOrders .groupBy(0,1).aggregate(Aggregations.SUM, 2); priceSums.writeAsCsv(outputPath);
  • 34. Two execution plans 34 GroupRed sort Combine Map DataSource Filter DataSource orders.tbl lineitem.tbl Join Hybrid Hash buildHT probe broadcast forward Map DataSource Filter DataSource orders.tbl lineitem.tbl Join Hybrid Hash buildHT probe hash-part [0] hash-part [0] hash-part [0,1] GroupRed sort Best plan forward depends on relative sizes of input files
  • 35. Flink Local Runtime  Local runtime, not the 35 distributed execution engine  Aka: what happens inside every parallel task
  • 36. Flink runtime operators  Sorting and hashing data • Necessary for grouping, aggregation, reduce, join, cogroup, delta iterations  Flink contains tailored implementations of hybrid hashing and external sorting in Java • Scale well with both abundant and restricted memory sizes 36
  • 37. Internal data representation 37 JVM Heap map JVM Heap reduce O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? 00110011 art, 1 O, 1 Romeo, 1 Romeo, 1 00110011 00010111 01110001 01111010 00010111 00110011 Network transfer Local sort How is intermediate data internally represented?
  • 38. Internal data representation  Two options: Java objects or raw bytes  Java objects • Easier to program • Can suffer from GC overhead • Hard to de-stage data to disk, may suffer from “out of memory exceptions”  Raw bytes • Harder to program (customer serialization stack, more involved runtime operators) • Solves most of memory and GC problems • Overhead from object (de)serialization  Flink follows the raw byte approach 38
  • 39. Memory in Flink public class WC { public String word; public int count; } empty page Pool of Memory Pages JVM Heap User code objects Sorting, hashing, caching Shuffling, broadcasts heap Unmanaged Managed heap Network buffers 39
  • 40. Memory in Flink (2)  Internal memory management • Flink initially allocates 70% of the free heap as byte[] segments • Internal operators allocate() and release() these segments  Flink has its own serialization stack • All accepted data types serialized to data segments  Easy to reason about memory, (almost) no OutOfMemory errors, reduces the pressure to the GC (smooth performance) 40
  • 41. Operating on serialized data Microbenchmark  Sorting 1GB worth of (long, double) tuples  67,108,864 elements  Simple quicksort 41
  • 42. Flink Execution Engine 42  The distributed execution engine  Pipelined • Same engine for Flink and Flink streaming  Pluggable • Local runtime can be executed on other engines • E.g., Java collections and Apache Tez
  • 44. Summary  Flink decouples API from execution • Same program can be executed in many different ways • Hopefully users do not need to care about this and still get very good performance  Unique Flink internal features • Pipelined execution, native iterations, optimizer, serialized data manipulation, good disk destaging  Very good performance • Known issues currently worked on actively 44
  • 45. Stay informed  • Subscribe to the mailing lists! •  Blogs • •  Twitter • follow @ApacheFlink 45
  • 46. 46
  • 47. That’s it, time for beer 47
  • 49. Flink in context 49 Hive Mahout MapReduce Flink Spark Storm Yarn Mesos HDFS Cascading … Tez Pig Applications Data processing engines App and resource management Storage, streams HBase Kafka …
  • 50. Common API  Notion of “DataSet” is no longer present  Program is a DAG of operators DataSource DataSource MapOperator FilterOperator JoinOperator DataSink Operator 50
  • 51. Example: Joins in Flink DataSet<Order> large = ... DataSet<Lineitem> medium = ... DataSet<Customer> small = ... ⋈ ⋈ DataSet<Tuple...> joined1 = large.join(medium).where(3).equals(1) .with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); DataSet<Tuple...> joined2 = small.join(joined1).where(0).equals(2) .with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); DataSet<Tuple...> result = joined2.groupBy(3).aggregate(MAX, 2); small 51 Built-in strategies include partitioned join and replicated join with local sort-merge or hybrid-hash algorithms. γ large medium
  • 52. Optimizer Example DataSet<Tuple...> large = env.readCsv(...); DataSet<Tuple...> medium = env.readCsv(...); DataSet<Tuple...> small = env.readCsv(...); DataSet<Tuple...> joined1 = large.join(medium).where(3).equals(1) .with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); DataSet<Tuple...> joined2 = small.join(joined1).where(0).equals(2) .with(new JoinFunction() { ... }); DataSet<Tuple...> result = joined2.groupBy(3).aggregate(MAX, 2); 52 1) Partitioned hash-join 2) Broadcast hash-join 3) Grouping /Aggregation reuses the partitioning from step (1)  No shuffle!!! Partitioned ≈ Reduce-side Broadcast ≈ Map-side
  • 53. Operating on serialized data 53 serializes data every time  Highly robust, never gives up on you works on objects, RDDs may be stored serialized Serialization considered slow, only when needed makes serialization really cheap:  partial deserialization, operates on serialized form  Efficient and robust!

Editor's Notes

  1. cool feature: automatic