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Stale Synchronous Parallel
Iterations on Flink
TRAN Nam-Luc / Engineer @EURA NOVA Research & Development
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“EURA NOVA is a team of passionated IT
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Data Science, Distributed
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Worker 1
Worker 2
Worker 3
Worker 4
Worker 6
Worker 5
Worker 7
Worker 8
Bulk Synchronous Parallelism synchronizes threads after each
There are always stragglers in a cluster.
In large clusters, that causes a lot of workers
waiting !
Worker 1
Worker 2
Worker 3
Tackling the straggler problem within Flink
Applied on LASSO regression, as use case
There are stragglers in distributed processing frameworks …
→ Hardware heterogeneity
→ Skewed data distribution
→ Garbage collection
Not predictable
Costly to reschedule !
… especially in the context of data center operating systems:
Distribution of iterative-convergent algorithms:
How to keep workers up-to-date?
1. SSP iteration control model
2. Parameter server
What does Flink need to enable SSP?
if clocki
<= cluster-wide clock + staleness
do iteration
, then send to clocki
synchronization sink
else wait until clocki
<= cluster-wide clock + staleness 12
Worker pi
Clock Synchronization Sink
store clocki
in C
cluster-wide clock = min(C)
broadcast cluster-wide clock if changed
all workers
all workers
all workers
Clock pi
Clock pi
Clock pi
IterationSynchronizationTask SSPIterationHeadPACTTask
Convergence determined
at synchronization barrier
Convergence reached when
no more worker can
improve the solution
dataSet.IterateWithSSP(nIterations, staleness)
Simple API
RichMapFunctionWithParameterServer extends RichMapFunction {
update(id, clock, parameter)
Worker Worker Worker Worker
Solving the current optimization problem:
Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015):
Linear combination of atoms
sparse coefficients
Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015):
W1 W2 W3
Linear combination of atoms
sparse coefficients
Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015):
W1 W2 W3
Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015):
W1 W2 W3
1. Local selection of
Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015):
W1 W2 W3
2. Global consensus
Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015):
W1 W2 W3
3. α Coefficients update
Stale synchronous version:
W1 W2 W3
1. Get α coefficients
from parameter
Stale synchronous version:
W1 W2 W3
2. Local selection of
Stale synchronous version:
W1 W2 W3
3. Compute α
coefficients from
locally selected atoms
Stale synchronous version:
W1 W2 W3
4. Update α coefficients to
parameter server
Stale synchronous version:
W1 W2 W3
Repeat while within
staleness bounds
See our full paper for
full implementation details
application to LASSO REGRESSION
convergence proof
N-L Tran, T Peel, S Skhiri, Distributed Frank-Wolfe under Pipelined Stale
Synchronous Parallelism, proceedings of IEEE BigData 2015, Santa Clara,
November 2015
Application on LASSO regression
Random sparse 1.000 x 10.000 matrices
Sparsity ratio = 0,001
Generated load: at any time, 1 random node under 100% load
during 12 seconds
5 nodes, 2 Ghz, 3Gb RAM
Convergence of the objective function
Stragglers in a cluster are an issue.
Mitigate them with Stale Synchronous Parallel Iterations.
Pull request #967
Stale Synchronous Parallel iterations + API
Pull request #1101
Frank-Wolfe algorithm + LASSO regression
Do you have any questions?
∙ The straggler problem
∙ BSP vs SSP
∙ Integration with Flink
∙ Iteration control model
∙ Problem statement
∙ Application: LASSO regression
∙ Experiments
Sparsity of the coefficients
The parameter server keeps track of the intermediate results
→ Key-object store
→ Distributed, with local caching

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Tran Nam-Luc – Stale Synchronous Parallel Iterations on Flink

  • 1. Stale Synchronous Parallel Iterations on Flink TRAN Nam-Luc / Engineer @EURA NOVA Research & Development FLINK FORWARD 2015 BERLIN, GERMANY OCTOBER 2015
  • 2. Our people: 40 employees from business engineers to data scientists 7 freelances 3 founding partners EURA NOVA? OUR INNOVATION-DRIVEN MODEL & DISRUPTIVE CULTURE KEY FIGURES “EURA NOVA is a team of passionated IT experts devoted to providing knowledge & skills to people with great ideas” Data Science, Distributed computing, Software engineering, Big Data. Our researches Since 2009 2 Phd thesis & 18 master thesis with 4 renowned Universities 20 publications in conferences as lecturer 4 large R&D projects 3 open-source products
  • 3. Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 Worker 6 Worker 5 Worker 7 Worker 8 Worker 9 Worker 10 STRAGGLER
  • 4. Bulk Synchronous Parallelism synchronizes threads after each iteration. THE BIG PICTURE 4 There are always stragglers in a cluster. In large clusters, that causes a lot of workers waiting !
  • 6. CONTRIBUTION 6 1. STALE SYNCHRONOUS PARALLEL ITERATIONS Tackling the straggler problem within Flink 2. DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Applied on LASSO regression, as use case
  • 8. There are stragglers in distributed processing frameworks … → Hardware heterogeneity → Skewed data distribution → Garbage collection 8 THE STRAGGLER PROBLEM Not predictable Costly to reschedule ! … especially in the context of data center operating systems:
  • 9. Distribution of iterative-convergent algorithms: 9 BULK VS STALE SYNCHRONOUS STALE STALE Explicit synchronization barrier
  • 10. 10 PARAMETER SERVER STALE STALE Explicit synchronization barrier How to keep workers up-to-date? x x x Parameter server
  • 11. 1. SSP iteration control model 2. Parameter server 11 INTEGRATION WITH FLINK What does Flink need to enable SSP?
  • 12. if clocki <= cluster-wide clock + staleness do iteration ++clocki , then send to clocki synchronization sink else wait until clocki <= cluster-wide clock + staleness 12 ITERATION CONTROL MODEL IN FLINK Worker pi Clock Synchronization Sink clocki cluster-wide clock store clocki in C cluster-wide clock = min(C) broadcast cluster-wide clock if changed
  • 13. ITERATION CONTROL MODEL IN FLINK 13 IterationHead worker done worker done worker done Iteration Intermediate IterationTail backchannel IterationHead Iteration Intermediate IterationTail backchannel IterationHead Iteration Intermediate IterationTail backchannel all workers done all workers done all workers done IterationSynchronizationTask
  • 14. ITERATION CONTROL MODEL IN FLINK 14 IterationHead Clock pi Iteration Intermediate IterationTail backchannel IterationHead Iteration Intermediate IterationTail backchannel IterationHead Iteration Intermediate IterationTail backchannel ClockSynchronizationTask cluster-wide clock Clock pi Clock pi cluster-wide clock cluster-wide clock
  • 15. 15 ITERATION CONTROL MODEL IN FLINK SuperstepBarrier IterationHeadPACTTask SyncEventHandler IterationSynchronizationTask SSPIterationHeadPACTTask ClockHolder ClockSyncEventHandler ClockSynchronizationTask
  • 16. BULK SYNCHRONOUS PARALLEL Convergence determined at synchronization barrier 16 CONVERGENCE CHECK STALE SYNCHRONOUS PARALLEL Convergence reached when no more worker can improve the solution
  • 18. Simple API RichMapFunctionWithParameterServer extends RichMapFunction { update(id, clock, parameter) get(id) } 18 PARAMETER SERVER DATA GRID SHARED MODEL Worker Worker Worker Worker Architecture
  • 20. Solving the current optimization problem: Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015): 20 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Linear combination of atoms sparse coefficients
  • 21. Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015): 21 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 Linear combination of atoms sparse coefficients
  • 22. Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015): 22 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3
  • 23. Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015): 23 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 1. Local selection of atoms
  • 24. Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015): 24 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 2. Global consensus
  • 25. Distributed version (Bellet et al. 2015): 25 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 3. α Coefficients update
  • 26. Stale synchronous version: 26 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 1. Get α coefficients from parameter server Parameter Server
  • 27. Stale synchronous version: 27 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 2. Local selection of atoms Parameter Server
  • 28. Stale synchronous version: 28 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 3. Compute α coefficients from locally selected atoms Parameter Server
  • 29. Stale synchronous version: 29 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 4. Update α coefficients to parameter server Parameter Server
  • 30. Stale synchronous version: 30 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM Atom1 Atom2 Atom3 Atom4 ... Atomn W1 W2 W3 Repeat while within staleness bounds Parameter Server
  • 31. See our full paper for full implementation details properties application to LASSO REGRESSION convergence proof N-L Tran, T Peel, S Skhiri, Distributed Frank-Wolfe under Pipelined Stale Synchronous Parallelism, proceedings of IEEE BigData 2015, Santa Clara, November 2015 DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM 31
  • 32. Application on LASSO regression Random sparse 1.000 x 10.000 matrices Sparsity ratio = 0,001 Generated load: at any time, 1 random node under 100% load during 12 seconds 32 EXPERIMENTS 5 nodes, 2 Ghz, 3Gb RAM
  • 33. 33 RESULTS Convergence of the objective function
  • 34. Stragglers in a cluster are an issue. Mitigate them with Stale Synchronous Parallel Iterations. 34 RECAP
  • 35. Pull request #967 35 WANNA TRY IT OUT? Stale Synchronous Parallel iterations + API Pull request #1101 Frank-Wolfe algorithm + LASSO regression
  • 36. THANK YOU! Do you have any questions?
  • 37. AGENDA 37 1. STALE SYNCHRONOUS PARALLEL ITERATIONS ∙ The straggler problem ∙ BSP vs SSP ∙ Integration with Flink ∙ Iteration control model ∙ API 2. DISTRIBUTED FRANK-WOLFE ALGORITHM ∙ Problem statement ∙ Application: LASSO regression ∙ Experiments
  • 39. The parameter server keeps track of the intermediate results → Key-object store → Distributed, with local caching 39 PARAMETER SERVER