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Finovate Europe 2024
Summary | Insights | Demos
Finovate Europe 2024 showcased a diverse range of fintech innovations. Major themes
included enhancing digital user experiences, foundational digital transformation, enhanced
security, and the seamless integration of AI into financial operations. There was a particular
focus on the use of generative AI to help with everything from onboarding to customer and
payments analytics.
Core Banking and Digital Identity: Tuum's
modular platform provides technology to
modernise banking infrastructure, enabling rapid product deployment and business model
innovation. ShareID and Delega introduced solutions that streamline identity verification and
multi-bank signatory management.
Payment and Transaction Solutions: Torus's analytics platform for optimising card payment
profitability and Realmonitor's AI-based property search tool for banks illustrate the potential
for generative AI to have a big impact on customer interactions and operations.
Credit and Investment Services: Easylodge's loan management software and
TradingValley's online investment advisory services reflect the sector's focus on accessibility
and personalised financial advice.
Regulatory and Compliance Technologies: Taktikal and NayaOne provide platforms for
streamlined onboarding and innovation testing, indicating both the increasing importance of
compliance, and the applicability of generative AI to regulatory and compliance challenges.
AI and Data Analytics: Intrepid Fox and Kern AI offered solutions for faster customer data
verification and enhanced large language model reliability, underscoring the growing role of
AI in improving financial processes and customer interactions.
Quantum Computing and Voice AI: Quantum Dice and Corsound AI introduced cutting-
edge technologies for enhancing cryptographic security and leveraging voice analysis for
fraud detection.
Financial Education and Wealth Management Zeed and Tradelite Solutions' financial
literacy games, and Finerative's wealth management platform, emphasise the sector's
commitment to empowering consumers and advisers with advanced tools for financial
growth and education.
The demos at Finovate Europe 2024 provided a great overview of current and emerging
fintech innovations across Europe with a strong emphasis on enhancing digital user
experience, building out new AI-powered infrastructure, improving security and efficiency,
and leveraging AI -- particularly generative AI -- to meet the constantly evolving needs of the
financial services industry.
: indicates Finovate Europe 2024 "Best In Show" award winner.
- Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
• Generative AI is in everything:
• Almost every product on show had some kind of generative AI
features. Whether it was helping customers with forms, loading and
transforming data, or content, generative AI was there. These
features have moved quickly to become table stakes for vendors
and there is no reason to think that will change any time soon.
• Onboarding of both business and personal customers is a problem
almost everyone has and many startups are trying to solve:
• It felt as though there were some genuine innovations in the
onboarding workflow. Many startups are addressing the
traditionally terrible UI/UX of this process and everyone is taking
advantage of generative AI to capture unstructured data to
streamline the process.
• Compliance to regulations is getting more and more difficult for
both institutions and businesses:
• The confluence of regulation and compliance and onboarding
came up in multiple vendor offerings. KYC/KYB requirements are
getting more stringent. They also create substantial friction in the
onboarding workflow resulting in significant drop-off.
• Themes from the "Hot or Not" panel where a panel of 4 judges gave
their views on current hot (or not) topics in fintech:
• Embedded finance: hot (3/1)
• Bank-provided digital wallets: not (1/3)
• Social impact fintech: hot (3/1)
• Crypto: not (1/3)
• Neobanks: not (1/3)
• Open finance: neutral (2/2)
- Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash
Fintech Demos
Demo Session 1
Tuum | The modular core banking platform
"Tuum is revolutionising the banking sector with its modular
core banking platform, enabling banks to quickly transition
from legacy systems and launch new products efficiently,
embodying the essence of banking without limits."
Tuum won Finovate Europe's 'Best in
Show' award for its solution that allows
banks to orchestrate new businesses and
business models, unlocking new revenue
#Tuum #CoreBanking #DigitalTransformation #Fintech
ShareID | Authentication With Official
"ShareID offers a cutting-edge digital
identity solution that enables real-time
verification of user identities and secure
sharing of personal information, boasting a
high success rate and enhanced user
experience through AI assistance. Perfect for
businesses looking to streamline
authentication and verification processes."
#ShareID #DigitalIdentity
#SecureAuthentication #TechInnovation
Delega | Multi-bank Signatory
"Delega revolutionizes treasury
management with a cloud-based, bank-
agnostic platform that simplifies
signatory management, allowing
corporations to efficiently manage and
share signatory rights and
documentation with their banks."
#Delega #TreasuryManagement
Torus | SaaS Analytics to Improve Payments
Business Profitability
"Torus provides a SaaS analytics platform
designed to enhance the profitability of
banks and payment service providers'
card payments business, by offering
tools for analyzing scheme fees,
controlling unit-level profitability, and
optimizing pricing strategies."
#TorusAdvisors #SaaS
Realmonitor | Entry to the Housing
"Realmonitor is a unique AI-based property
search app tailored for banks, offering
comprehensive market insights, mortgage
lead generation, and an exclusive
communication channel with customers. It
streamlines the housing journey, from
property search to mortgage application,
through a white-labelled mobile app."
#Realmonitor #PropertySearch
#AIRealEstate #MortgageLeads
Easylodge | Credit Origination & Loan
Management Software
"Easylodge offers a comprehensive credit
origination and loan management software
tailored for the Australian market,
streamlining loan application and
management processes for finance
companies and fintech lenders with
advanced features like machine learning for
credit decisioning and instant mortgage
#Easylodge #LoanManagement
#CreditOrigination #FintechAustralia
TradingValley | Online Investment
"TradingValley is an online investment advisory
firm. They help customers find the right
investment idea and build a portfolio that suits
their needs. They consist of measurement,
engineering, design, marketing, and business
teams. They are a group of traders, data
scientists, financial analysts, engineers,
designers, and marketers."
Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
#TradingValley #InvestmentAdvisory
#FinancialPlanning #PortfolioManagement
NF Innova | Digital Banking Solutions
"NF Innova offers a cloud-based, FINTENSE
Omnichannel digital banking platform
designed to transform traditional banks into
digital leaders. Their services increase
digital customer engagement and
transactions, enhance digital sales, and
improve customer loyalty through
personalized online experiences across any
digital touchpoint."
#NFInnova #DigitalBanking #Fintech
Demo Session 2
Taktikal | Build, Visualise, And Automate
Your Onboarding Processes.
"Taktikal specializes in secure digital signatures
and trust services, offering solutions like
SmartFlows for automating workflows, Drop & Sign
for e-signatures, and KYC/AML for enhanced due
diligence. Their platform is designed to streamline
onboarding processes, compliance, and
document signing, enhancing operational
efficiency and customer satisfaction across various
Taktikal Blog: A better start to customer
#Taktikal #DigitalSignatures
#TrustServices #WorkflowAutomation #KYCAML
NayaOne | We Help Financial Institutions
"NayaOne offers a "Sandbox as a Service"
platform that helps financial institutions
innovate by testing and building digital
solutions. It provides a secure environment
for rapid prototyping, a vetted fintech
marketplace, and ensures compliance,
aiming to reduce go-to-market time and
operational costs while fostering bank-
fintech partnerships."
#NayaOne #FintechInnovation
#DigitalBanking #SandboxAsAService
Intrepid Fox
Intrepid Fox | AI Business Solutions
"Intrepid Fox specialises in Generative AI solutions for
banks and fintech companies, focusing on customer
data collection and verification. Their technology
significantly accelerates the KYB process, making it up
to 10 times faster and 50% more cost-effective. They
target key areas such as compliance updates,
suspicious transaction monitoring, and business
customer onboarding, aiming to streamline these
processes through AI-powered interactions and data
#IntrepidFox #GenerativeAI #FintechSolutions
#KYB #DataVerification
Quantum Dice | Innovative Quantum
Source of Entropy
"Quantum Dice specializes in secure
quantum random number generation
(QRNG) technology, offering products like
1100. Their solutions are designed to
enhance cryptographic security and
reliability across various industries,
leveraging the inherent unpredictability of
quantum mechanics."
#QuantumDice #QRNG #QuantumTechnology
#Cybersecurity #QuantumComputing
Corsound AI | Actionable Voice Intelligence
"Corsound AI develops advanced voice AI solutions, including
voice biometrics and voice-to-face technology, designed for diverse
applications such as fraud detection, call center optimization, and
secure digital access. Their innovative approach supports multiple
industries, improving security and efficiency by leveraging voice
analysis for identity verification and operational insights."
Corsound won Finovate Europe's 'Best
in Show' award for its technology that
helps businesses fortify their security
measures against voice-related fraud.
#CorsoundAI #VoiceAI #VoiceBiometrics #DigitalSecurity
DashDevs | Fintech Software Solutions
"DashDevs is a software engineering
company that provides comprehensive fintech
development services, including custom
software development, mobile and web app
development, IT outsourcing, and fintech
consulting. With over 12 years of experience,
they focus on delivering high-quality,
innovative solutions to help businesses
achieve digital transformation and growth."
#DashDevs #FintechDevelopment
#DigitalTransformation #TechInnovation
KernA AI | Leverage Human Intelligence
"Kern AI enhances the reliability of large
language models (LLMs) for businesses by
integrating company-specific data,
improving answers for tasks like first-level
support in insurance. Their data-centric
approach allows for more accurate responses
by leveraging enhanced data modeling,
significantly benefiting areas such as
compliance updates, suspicious transaction
monitoring, and customer onboarding."
#KernAI #GenerativeAI #DataCentric
#BusinessIntelligence #AIInnovation
Sikoia | Automated Customer Verification
"Sikoia offers automated customer
verification checks for B2B and B2C sectors,
streamlining data validation and insight
generation. Their platform supports rapid
integration, providing a user-friendly
dashboard and a comprehensive data
marketplace to enhance verification
processes for various industries including
mortgages, consumer finance, and SME
#Sikoia #CustomerVerification #Fintech
#DataValidation #IndustryInnovation
Dotfile | All-In-One KYC & KYB Platform for
"Dotfile provides an all-in-one KYC & KYB
platform for fintechs, enabling
compliance teams to approve individual
or business customers worldwide in less
than 10 seconds. Their platform
streamlines customer verification
processes across regulated industries,
offering a modern operating system for
efficient and rapid customer onboarding."
#Dotfile #KYC #KYB #Fintech
Demo Session 3
Amlyze | Empowering Compliance Through
Regulatory Insiders
"Amlyze specialises in empowering
compliance through regulatory insiders,
offering a comprehensive suite of AML/CFT
solutions developed by a team of former
regulators, IT, and AML/CFT experts. Their
platform simplifies compliance, targeting key
areas such as transaction monitoring, risk
assessment, investigations, and screening to
manage complexity with ease and enhance
operational efficiency"
#Amlyze #ComplianceSolutions #AML #CFT
InvestGlass | The Swiss Cloud Built for
Sustainable Automation and Growth
"InvestGlass is a Swiss cloud-based platform
designed for sustainable automation and
growth, offering solutions such as sales
automation, digital onboarding, portfolio
management, and artificial intelligence to
various industries. It aims to modernize
businesses by saving time, lowering costs,
and providing industry-specific innovations."
#InvestGlass #SwissCRM
#SalesAutomation #DigitalOnboarding
SkenarioLabs | Data Solutions for
Sustainable Real Estate
"SkenarioLabs specializes in predictive data
analytics for real estate, using AI algorithms
to model and monitor technical, financial,
and ESG risk metrics. Founded in Finland,
the company serves a global clientele,
offering solutions to financial institutions and
asset managers to guide financing and
investment choices while managing risks
#SkenarioLabs #PredictiveAnalytics
#RealEstateTech #ESGRisk
Visualizy | Embedded Bank Payment
"Visualizy revolutionizes corporate and
institutional payment processes with its
embedded bank payment automation
platform, reducing costs, errors, and
manual work while enhancing
compliance and scalability"
#PaymentAutomation #Fintech
#FinancialEfficiency #Visualizy
SOLO | Verified & Standardized Data
Collection for Banks, etc
"_SOLO streamlines the process of
data collection for third-party decision-
makers, transforming the traditionally
lengthy process into a quick, efficient
system of embedded, autonomous
reporting. _"
#DataCollection #Efficiency
#AutonomousReporting #Innovation
Eleos | Accessible Income Protection
"Eleos offers accessible income
protection insurance online, providing
financial support during work
stoppages due to illness or injury, plus
additional health and wellbeing
#HealthWellbeing #InsuranceOnline
Tradelite Solutions | Builder of Financial
Education Games
" introduces Mogaland, the
world's first financial literacy protocol
combining gaming with financial
education, enabling users to learn
financial skills, enjoy gameplay, and
earn rewards, all powered by live
financial data."
#FinancialLiteracy #GameFi
#Mogaland #EduGaming #Tradelite
Finerative | Wealthtech Gen-AI to Prosper
With Confidence
"Finerative introduces a generative AI
(Gen-AI) platform designed for wealth
management, enhancing productivity,
efficiency, and sales. By leveraging
private Gen-AI technology, it offers
personalized financial insights and
portfolio analysis to wealth management
entities worldwide."
#WealthTech #GenAI
#WealthManagement #Finerative
Darksquare | Build Wealth With Alternative
"Darksquare Capital offers innovative
asset management solutions, focusing
on private equity and venture capital
investments to deliver sustainable,
long-term returns for investors."
#AssetManagement #PrivateEquity
Demo Session 4
FRNZX | Enabling Crypto-Business Through
" empowers financial
institutions and Virtual Asset Service
Providers (VASPs) with an automated
solution to manage Anti-Money
Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist
Financing (CFT) risks associated with
their customers' crypto assets, ensuring
compliance and efficiency in regulatory
#CryptoCompliance #AML #CFT #FRNZX
Zeed AI | Watch, Swipe, Invest
" is an innovative investing app that blends AI
and video content, offering users data-driven insights,
personalized market updates, and educational material
through a user-friendly platform."
Zeed won Finovate Europe's 'Best in
Show' award for its platform that enables
public companies and asset managers to
reach and engage retail investors by
leveraging video content.
#InvestingApp #FinancialEducation #AIInsights
#ZeedAI #PersonalizedInvesting
WELREX | Rule Your Wealth
"WELREX offers a digital investment
management platform designed for
Independent Relationship Managers,
aiming to enhance client service through
personalized investment solutions,
operational support, and access to a
comprehensive legal and commercial
#DigitalPlatform #FinancialServices
Atmo Technology | Asset & Environmental
Technology based in Bristol City
"Atmo Technology offers innovative
asset and environmental monitoring
solutions through IoT and data
analytics, enabling businesses to
transition to cleaner, more efficient
operations with real-time insights."
#IoT #DataAnalytics
#AssetManagement #AtmoTech
Centi | Online Payment System for Business
& Consumers
"Centi offers a cutting-edge online
payment system for businesses and
consumers, enabling seamless, low-cost
transactions with the innovative use of
Bitcoin SV technology for
microtransactions, payments, and
loyalty programs."
#DigitalPayments #BitcoinSV
#CentiApp #FintechInnovation
Doshi App | Financial Fitness
"The Doshi App elevates financial
literacy through fun and engaging
learning experiences, offering
personalized paths and rewards to
deepen users' financial understanding
and relationship with institutions."
#FinancialLiteracy #EduTech
#DoshiApp #PersonalizedLearning
Citrusˣ | Unlock the Power of AI
Transparency and Explainability
" offers a comprehensive AI
transparency and explainability platform that
helps organizations ensure the robustness,
fairness, and clarity of their AI/ML models. It
provides tools for continuous monitoring,
anomaly detection, governance compliance,
and real-time explanation of model decisions,
catering to a variety of stakeholders from data
scientists to executives."
#AIEthics #ExplainableAI
#TechInnovation #CitrusxAI
Setle | Renovations simplified
"Setle helps to make better decisions
during the renovation process. Setle is
on a mission to make renovations more
transparent. From making your home
more energy efficient, to maximising
your housing budget."
#MaximizingBudget #SetleApp
Kodex AI | The AI Partner for the Financial
"Kodex AI revolutionizes financial
industry workflows with an enterprise-
ready Generative AI platform, enhancing
efficiency, simplifying processes, and
elevating client interactions. It's
designed for compliance, privacy, and
security, offering a transformative
approach to managing financial tasks."
#FinancialTech #GenerativeAI
#ClientFirst #DataSecurity
Image: Photo by Austin Chan on

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FinovateEurope 2024 Summary Insights Demos

  • 1. Finovate Europe 2024 Summary | Insights | Demos 1
  • 2. Summary Finovate Europe 2024 showcased a diverse range of fintech innovations. Major themes included enhancing digital user experiences, foundational digital transformation, enhanced security, and the seamless integration of AI into financial operations. There was a particular focus on the use of generative AI to help with everything from onboarding to customer and payments analytics. Core Banking and Digital Identity: Tuum's ! modular platform provides technology to modernise banking infrastructure, enabling rapid product deployment and business model innovation. ShareID and Delega introduced solutions that streamline identity verification and multi-bank signatory management. Payment and Transaction Solutions: Torus's analytics platform for optimising card payment profitability and Realmonitor's AI-based property search tool for banks illustrate the potential for generative AI to have a big impact on customer interactions and operations. Credit and Investment Services: Easylodge's loan management software and TradingValley's online investment advisory services reflect the sector's focus on accessibility and personalised financial advice. Regulatory and Compliance Technologies: Taktikal and NayaOne provide platforms for streamlined onboarding and innovation testing, indicating both the increasing importance of compliance, and the applicability of generative AI to regulatory and compliance challenges. AI and Data Analytics: Intrepid Fox and Kern AI offered solutions for faster customer data verification and enhanced large language model reliability, underscoring the growing role of AI in improving financial processes and customer interactions. Quantum Computing and Voice AI: Quantum Dice and Corsound AI introduced cutting- edge technologies for enhancing cryptographic security and leveraging voice analysis for fraud detection. Financial Education and Wealth Management Zeed and Tradelite Solutions' financial literacy games, and Finerative's wealth management platform, emphasise the sector's commitment to empowering consumers and advisers with advanced tools for financial growth and education. The demos at Finovate Europe 2024 provided a great overview of current and emerging fintech innovations across Europe with a strong emphasis on enhancing digital user experience, building out new AI-powered infrastructure, improving security and efficiency, and leveraging AI -- particularly generative AI -- to meet the constantly evolving needs of the financial services industry. Notes: - ! : indicates Finovate Europe 2024 "Best In Show" award winner. - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash 2
  • 3. Insights • Generative AI is in everything: • Almost every product on show had some kind of generative AI features. Whether it was helping customers with forms, loading and transforming data, or content, generative AI was there. These features have moved quickly to become table stakes for vendors and there is no reason to think that will change any time soon. • Onboarding of both business and personal customers is a problem almost everyone has and many startups are trying to solve: • It felt as though there were some genuine innovations in the onboarding workflow. Many startups are addressing the traditionally terrible UI/UX of this process and everyone is taking advantage of generative AI to capture unstructured data to streamline the process. • Compliance to regulations is getting more and more difficult for both institutions and businesses: • The confluence of regulation and compliance and onboarding came up in multiple vendor offerings. KYC/KYB requirements are getting more stringent. They also create substantial friction in the onboarding workflow resulting in significant drop-off. • Themes from the "Hot or Not" panel where a panel of 4 judges gave their views on current hot (or not) topics in fintech: • Embedded finance: hot (3/1) • Bank-provided digital wallets: not (1/3) • Social impact fintech: hot (3/1) • Crypto: not (1/3) • Neobanks: not (1/3) • Open finance: neutral (2/2) Notes: - Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash 3
  • 6. Tuum | The modular core banking platform "Tuum is revolutionising the banking sector with its modular core banking platform, enabling banks to quickly transition from legacy systems and launch new products efficiently, embodying the essence of banking without limits." ! Tuum won Finovate Europe's 'Best in Show' award for its solution that allows banks to orchestrate new businesses and business models, unlocking new revenue streams. #Tuum #CoreBanking #DigitalTransformation #Fintech #BankingInnovation 6
  • 7. ShareID | Authentication With Official Identity "ShareID offers a cutting-edge digital identity solution that enables real-time verification of user identities and secure sharing of personal information, boasting a high success rate and enhanced user experience through AI assistance. Perfect for businesses looking to streamline authentication and verification processes." #ShareID #DigitalIdentity #IdentityVerification #SecureAuthentication #TechInnovation 7
  • 8. Delega | Multi-bank Signatory Management "Delega revolutionizes treasury management with a cloud-based, bank- agnostic platform that simplifies signatory management, allowing corporations to efficiently manage and share signatory rights and documentation with their banks." #Delega #TreasuryManagement #SignatoryManagement #CloudTechnology #FinancialInnovation 8
  • 9. Torus | SaaS Analytics to Improve Payments Business Profitability "Torus provides a SaaS analytics platform designed to enhance the profitability of banks and payment service providers' card payments business, by offering tools for analyzing scheme fees, controlling unit-level profitability, and optimizing pricing strategies." #TorusAdvisors #SaaS #PaymentsProfitability #FinancialAnalytics #PaymentSolutions 9
  • 10. Realmonitor | Entry to the Housing Ecosystem "Realmonitor is a unique AI-based property search app tailored for banks, offering comprehensive market insights, mortgage lead generation, and an exclusive communication channel with customers. It streamlines the housing journey, from property search to mortgage application, through a white-labelled mobile app." #Realmonitor #PropertySearch #AIRealEstate #MortgageLeads #BankingInnovation 10
  • 11. Easylodge | Credit Origination & Loan Management Software "Easylodge offers a comprehensive credit origination and loan management software tailored for the Australian market, streamlining loan application and management processes for finance companies and fintech lenders with advanced features like machine learning for credit decisioning and instant mortgage solutions." #Easylodge #LoanManagement #CreditOrigination #FintechAustralia #FinancialTechnology 11
  • 12. TradingValley | Online Investment Advisory "TradingValley is an online investment advisory firm. They help customers find the right investment idea and build a portfolio that suits their needs. They consist of measurement, engineering, design, marketing, and business teams. They are a group of traders, data scientists, financial analysts, engineers, designers, and marketers." Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding #TradingValley #InvestmentAdvisory #FinancialPlanning #PortfolioManagement #Fintech 12
  • 13. NF Innova | Digital Banking Solutions "NF Innova offers a cloud-based, FINTENSE Omnichannel digital banking platform designed to transform traditional banks into digital leaders. Their services increase digital customer engagement and transactions, enhance digital sales, and improve customer loyalty through personalized online experiences across any digital touchpoint." #NFInnova #DigitalBanking #Fintech #OmnichannelBanking #BankingInnovation 13
  • 15. Taktikal | Build, Visualise, And Automate Your Onboarding Processes. "Taktikal specializes in secure digital signatures and trust services, offering solutions like SmartFlows for automating workflows, Drop & Sign for e-signatures, and KYC/AML for enhanced due diligence. Their platform is designed to streamline onboarding processes, compliance, and document signing, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction across various industries." Taktikal Blog: A better start to customer onboarding #Taktikal #DigitalSignatures #TrustServices #WorkflowAutomation #KYCAML 15
  • 16. NayaOne | We Help Financial Institutions grow "NayaOne offers a "Sandbox as a Service" platform that helps financial institutions innovate by testing and building digital solutions. It provides a secure environment for rapid prototyping, a vetted fintech marketplace, and ensures compliance, aiming to reduce go-to-market time and operational costs while fostering bank- fintech partnerships." #NayaOne #FintechInnovation #DigitalBanking #SandboxAsAService #FinancialTechnology 16
  • 17. Intrepid Fox Intrepid Fox | AI Business Solutions "Intrepid Fox specialises in Generative AI solutions for banks and fintech companies, focusing on customer data collection and verification. Their technology significantly accelerates the KYB process, making it up to 10 times faster and 50% more cost-effective. They target key areas such as compliance updates, suspicious transaction monitoring, and business customer onboarding, aiming to streamline these processes through AI-powered interactions and data verification." #IntrepidFox #GenerativeAI #FintechSolutions #KYB #DataVerification 17
  • 18. Quantum Dice | Innovative Quantum Source of Entropy "Quantum Dice specializes in secure quantum random number generation (QRNG) technology, offering products like the APEX QRNG 1200 and VERTEX QRNG 1100. Their solutions are designed to enhance cryptographic security and reliability across various industries, leveraging the inherent unpredictability of quantum mechanics." #QuantumDice #QRNG #QuantumTechnology #Cybersecurity #QuantumComputing 18
  • 19. Corsound AI | Actionable Voice Intelligence "Corsound AI develops advanced voice AI solutions, including voice biometrics and voice-to-face technology, designed for diverse applications such as fraud detection, call center optimization, and secure digital access. Their innovative approach supports multiple industries, improving security and efficiency by leveraging voice analysis for identity verification and operational insights." ! Corsound won Finovate Europe's 'Best in Show' award for its technology that helps businesses fortify their security measures against voice-related fraud. #CorsoundAI #VoiceAI #VoiceBiometrics #DigitalSecurity #Innovation 19
  • 20. DashDevs | Fintech Software Solutions "DashDevs is a software engineering company that provides comprehensive fintech development services, including custom software development, mobile and web app development, IT outsourcing, and fintech consulting. With over 12 years of experience, they focus on delivering high-quality, innovative solutions to help businesses achieve digital transformation and growth." #DashDevs #FintechDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #DigitalTransformation #TechInnovation 20
  • 21. KernA AI | Leverage Human Intelligence "Kern AI enhances the reliability of large language models (LLMs) for businesses by integrating company-specific data, improving answers for tasks like first-level support in insurance. Their data-centric approach allows for more accurate responses by leveraging enhanced data modeling, significantly benefiting areas such as compliance updates, suspicious transaction monitoring, and customer onboarding." #KernAI #GenerativeAI #DataCentric #BusinessIntelligence #AIInnovation 21
  • 22. Sikoia | Automated Customer Verification Checks "Sikoia offers automated customer verification checks for B2B and B2C sectors, streamlining data validation and insight generation. Their platform supports rapid integration, providing a user-friendly dashboard and a comprehensive data marketplace to enhance verification processes for various industries including mortgages, consumer finance, and SME lending." #Sikoia #CustomerVerification #Fintech #DataValidation #IndustryInnovation 22
  • 23. Dotfile | All-In-One KYC & KYB Platform for Fintechs "Dotfile provides an all-in-one KYC & KYB platform for fintechs, enabling compliance teams to approve individual or business customers worldwide in less than 10 seconds. Their platform streamlines customer verification processes across regulated industries, offering a modern operating system for efficient and rapid customer onboarding." #Dotfile #KYC #KYB #Fintech #ComplianceSolutions 23
  • 25. Amlyze | Empowering Compliance Through Regulatory Insiders "Amlyze specialises in empowering compliance through regulatory insiders, offering a comprehensive suite of AML/CFT solutions developed by a team of former regulators, IT, and AML/CFT experts. Their platform simplifies compliance, targeting key areas such as transaction monitoring, risk assessment, investigations, and screening to manage complexity with ease and enhance operational efficiency" #Amlyze #ComplianceSolutions #AML #CFT #RegulatoryInsights 25
  • 26. InvestGlass | The Swiss Cloud Built for Sustainable Automation and Growth "InvestGlass is a Swiss cloud-based platform designed for sustainable automation and growth, offering solutions such as sales automation, digital onboarding, portfolio management, and artificial intelligence to various industries. It aims to modernize businesses by saving time, lowering costs, and providing industry-specific innovations." #InvestGlass #SwissCRM #SalesAutomation #DigitalOnboarding #FinancialTechnology 26
  • 27. SkenarioLabs | Data Solutions for Sustainable Real Estate "SkenarioLabs specializes in predictive data analytics for real estate, using AI algorithms to model and monitor technical, financial, and ESG risk metrics. Founded in Finland, the company serves a global clientele, offering solutions to financial institutions and asset managers to guide financing and investment choices while managing risks effectively." #SkenarioLabs #PredictiveAnalytics #RealEstateTech #ESGRisk #AIAlgorithms 27
  • 28. Visualizy | Embedded Bank Payment Automation "Visualizy revolutionizes corporate and institutional payment processes with its embedded bank payment automation platform, reducing costs, errors, and manual work while enhancing compliance and scalability" #PaymentAutomation #Fintech #BankingInnovation #FinancialEfficiency #Visualizy 28
  • 29. SOLO | Verified & Standardized Data Collection for Banks, etc "_SOLO streamlines the process of data collection for third-party decision- makers, transforming the traditionally lengthy process into a quick, efficient system of embedded, autonomous reporting. _" #DataCollection #Efficiency #AutonomousReporting #Innovation #SOLO 29
  • 30. Eleos | Accessible Income Protection Insurance "Eleos offers accessible income protection insurance online, providing financial support during work stoppages due to illness or injury, plus additional health and wellbeing benefits." #IncomeProtection #FinancialSecurity #HealthWellbeing #InsuranceOnline #EleosUK 30
  • 31. Tradelite Solutions | Builder of Financial Education Games " introduces Mogaland, the world's first financial literacy protocol combining gaming with financial education, enabling users to learn financial skills, enjoy gameplay, and earn rewards, all powered by live financial data." #FinancialLiteracy #GameFi #Mogaland #EduGaming #Tradelite 31
  • 32. Finerative | Wealthtech Gen-AI to Prosper With Confidence "Finerative introduces a generative AI (Gen-AI) platform designed for wealth management, enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sales. By leveraging private Gen-AI technology, it offers personalized financial insights and portfolio analysis to wealth management entities worldwide." #WealthTech #GenAI #FinancialInnovation #WealthManagement #Finerative 32
  • 33. Darksquare | Build Wealth With Alternative Investments "Darksquare Capital offers innovative asset management solutions, focusing on private equity and venture capital investments to deliver sustainable, long-term returns for investors." #AssetManagement #PrivateEquity #VentureCapital #InvestmentSolutions #DarksquareCapital 33
  • 35. FRNZX | Enabling Crypto-Business Through Compliance " empowers financial institutions and Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) with an automated solution to manage Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT) risks associated with their customers' crypto assets, ensuring compliance and efficiency in regulatory processes." #CryptoCompliance #AML #CFT #FRNZX #RegTech 35
  • 36. Zeed AI | Watch, Swipe, Invest " is an innovative investing app that blends AI and video content, offering users data-driven insights, personalized market updates, and educational material through a user-friendly platform." ! Zeed won Finovate Europe's 'Best in Show' award for its platform that enables public companies and asset managers to reach and engage retail investors by leveraging video content. #InvestingApp #FinancialEducation #AIInsights #ZeedAI #PersonalizedInvesting 36
  • 37. WELREX | Rule Your Wealth "WELREX offers a digital investment management platform designed for Independent Relationship Managers, aiming to enhance client service through personalized investment solutions, operational support, and access to a comprehensive legal and commercial framework." #WealthManagement #InvestmentSolutions #DigitalPlatform #FinancialServices #WELREX 37
  • 38. Atmo Technology | Asset & Environmental Technology based in Bristol City "Atmo Technology offers innovative asset and environmental monitoring solutions through IoT and data analytics, enabling businesses to transition to cleaner, more efficient operations with real-time insights." #IoT #DataAnalytics #EnvironmentalMonitoring #AssetManagement #AtmoTech 38
  • 39. Centi | Online Payment System for Business & Consumers "Centi offers a cutting-edge online payment system for businesses and consumers, enabling seamless, low-cost transactions with the innovative use of Bitcoin SV technology for microtransactions, payments, and loyalty programs." #DigitalPayments #BitcoinSV #CentiApp #FintechInnovation #Microtransactions 39
  • 40. Doshi App | Financial Fitness "The Doshi App elevates financial literacy through fun and engaging learning experiences, offering personalized paths and rewards to deepen users' financial understanding and relationship with institutions." #FinancialLiteracy #EduTech #DoshiApp #PersonalizedLearning #FinancialEducation 40
  • 41. Citrusˣ | Unlock the Power of AI Transparency and Explainability " offers a comprehensive AI transparency and explainability platform that helps organizations ensure the robustness, fairness, and clarity of their AI/ML models. It provides tools for continuous monitoring, anomaly detection, governance compliance, and real-time explanation of model decisions, catering to a variety of stakeholders from data scientists to executives." #AIEthics #ExplainableAI #TechInnovation #CitrusxAI #AItransparency 41
  • 42. Setle | Renovations simplified "Setle helps to make better decisions during the renovation process. Setle is on a mission to make renovations more transparent. From making your home more energy efficient, to maximising your housing budget." #RenovationDecisions #TransparentRenovations #EnergyEfficientHomes #MaximizingBudget #SetleApp 42
  • 43. Kodex AI | The AI Partner for the Financial Industry "Kodex AI revolutionizes financial industry workflows with an enterprise- ready Generative AI platform, enhancing efficiency, simplifying processes, and elevating client interactions. It's designed for compliance, privacy, and security, offering a transformative approach to managing financial tasks." #FinancialTech #GenerativeAI #ClientFirst #DataSecurity #KodexAI 43