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ETL is dead;
long-live streams
Neha Narkhede,
Co-founder & CTO, Confluent
“Data and data systems have really
changed in the past decade
Old world: Two popular locations for data
Operational databases Relational data warehouse
“Several recent data trends are driving a
dramatic change in the ETL architecture
“#1: Single-server databases are replaced
by a myriad of distributed data
platforms that operate at company-wide
“#2: Many more types of data sources
beyond transactional data - logs, sensors,
“#3: Stream data is increasingly
ubiquitous; need for faster processing
than daily
“The end result? This is what data
integration ends up looking like in
App App App App
monitoring security
A giant mess!
App App App App
monitoring security
“We will see how transitioning to streams
cleans up this mess and works towards...
Streaming platform
DWH Hadoop
App App App App
streaming data pipelines
A short history of data
“Surfaced in the 1990s in retail
organizations for analyzing buyer trends
“Extract data from databases
Transform into destination warehouse schema
Load into a central data warehouse
“BUT … ETL tools have been around for a
long time, data coverage in data
warehouses is still low! WHY?
Etl has drawbacks
“#1: The need for a global schema
“#2: Data cleansing and curation is
manual and fundamentally error-prone
“#3: Operational cost of ETL is high; it is
slow; time and resource intensive
“#4: ETL tools were built to narrowly
focus on connecting databases and the
data warehouse in a batch fashion
“Early take on real-time ETL
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
“EAI: A different class of data integration
technology for connecting applications in
“EAI employed Enterprise Service Buses
and MQs; weren’t scalable
ETL and EAI are
Old world: scale or timely data, pick one
real-time BUT
not scalable
BUT batch
“Data integration and ETL in the modern
world need a complete revamp
new world: streaming, real-time and scalable
real-time BUT
not scalable
BUT batch
“Modern streaming world has new set of
requirements for data integration
“#1: Ability to process high-volume and
high-diversity data
“#2 A streaming platform from the
grounds up; a fundamental transition to
event-centric thinking
Event-Centric Thinking
“A product was viewed”
Event-Centric Thinking
“A product was viewed”
“A product was viewed”
Event-Centric Thinking
“Event-centric thinking, when applied at a
company-wide scale, leads to this
simplification ...
Streaming platform
DWH Hadoop
App App App App
streaming data pipelines
“#3: Enable forward-compatible
data architecture; the ability to add more
applications that need to process the
same data … differently
“To enable forward compatibility, redefine
the T in ETL:
Clean data in; Clean data out
app logs app logs
app logs
app logs
#1: Extract as
unstructured text
#2: Transform1 = data cleansing
= “what is a product view”
#4: Transform2 =
drop PII fields”
#3: Load into DWH
#1: Extract as
unstructured text
#2: Transform1 = data cleansing =
“what is a product view”
#4: Transform2 =
drop PII fields”
#2: Transform1 =
data cleansing =
“what is a product view”
#4: Transform2 = drop PII fields”
#1: Extract as
unstructured text
#3: Load cleansed data
#3: Load cleansed data
#1: Extract as
structured product
view events
#2: Transforms = drop
PII fields”
#4:.1 Load product
view stream
#4: Load
filtered product
View stream
#4.2 Load
filtered product
view stream
“To enable forward compatibility, redefine
the T in ETL:
Data transformations, not data cleansing!
“In summary, needs of modern data
integration solution?
Scale, diversity, latency and forward
Requirements for a modern streaming data
integration solution
- Fault tolerance
- Parallelism
- Latency
- Delivery semantics
- Operations and
- Schema management
Data integration:
platform vs tool
Central, reusable
infrastructure for
many use cases
One-off, non-reusable
solution for a
particular use case
New shiny future of etl: a streaming platform
Apps Apps Apps
Search Monitoring
“Streaming platform serves as the
central nervous system for a
company’s data in the following ways ...
“#1: Serves as the real-time, scalable
messaging bus for applications; no
“#2: Serves as the source-of-truth
pipeline for feeding all data processing
destinations; Hadoop, DWH, NoSQL
systems and more
“#3: Serves as the building block for
stateful stream processing
Batch data integration
Batch ETL
a short history of data integration
drawbacks of ETL
needs and requirements for a streaming platform
new, shiny future of ETL: a streaming platform
What does a streaming platform look like and how
it enables Streaming ETL?
Apache kafka: a
streaming platform
Apache kafka 7 years
> 1,400,000,000,000
messages processed / day
Now Adopted at 1000s of companies worldwide
“What role does Kafka play in the new
shiny future for data integration?
“#1: Kafka is the de-facto storage of
choice for stream data
The log
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
next write
reader 1 reader 2
The log & pub-sub
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
subscriber 1 subscriber 2
“#2: Kafka offers a scalable
messaging backbone for application
Kafka messaging APIs: scalable eai
Messaging APIs
produce(message) consume(message)
“#3: Kafka enables building streaming
data pipelines (E & L in ETL)
Kafka’s Connect API: Streaming data ingestion
Messaging APIsMessaging APIs
source sink
Extract Load
“#4: Kafka is the basis for stream
processing and transformations
Kafka’s streams API: stream processing (transforms)
Messaging API
Streams API
source sink
Extract Load
Kafka’s connect API
E and L in Streaming ETL
Search Monitoring
Apps Apps Apps
Sources and sinks
source sink
Extract Load
Kafka’s Connect API = Connectors Made Easy!
- Scalability: Leverages Kafka for scalability
- Fault tolerance: Builds on Kafka’s fault tolerance model
- Management and monitoring: One way of monitoring all
- Schemas: Offers an option for preserving schemas
from source to sink
Kafka all the things!
Kafka’s streams API
“Stream processing =
transformations on stream data
Kafka’s streams API
Streams API
“Kafka’s Streams API = Easiest way to do
stream processing using Kafka
“#1: Powerful and lightweight Java
library; need just Kafka and your app
“#2: Convenient DSL with all sorts of
operators: join(), map(), filter(), windowed
aggregates etc
Word count program using Kafka’s streams API
“#3: True event-at-a-time stream
processing; no microbatching
“#4: Supports event-time processing;
handles late-arriving data
“#5: Out-of-the-box support for local
state; supports fast stateful processing
External state
local state
Fault-tolerant local state
“#6: Kafka’s Streams API allows
reprocessing; useful to upgrade apps or
do A/B testing
Logs unify batch and stream processing
Streams API
New shiny future of ETL: Kafka
A giant mess!
App App App App
monitoring security
All your data … everywhere … now
Streaming platform
DWH Hadoop
App App App App
streaming data pipelines
VISION: All your data … everywhere … now
Streaming platform
DWH Hadoop
App App App App
streaming data pipelines
Kafka Summit SF – August 28
Conference Discount Code: kafcom17
($50 off conference pass)
Presented by
Thank you!
“For data integration -
Streaming platform : stream data
relational DWH : batch data ?
“For data integration -
Streaming platform : stream data
relational DWH : batch data ?
Hold onto that thought!
Relational data warehouse
Storage & Integration
Batch data
Batch ETL
Daily reporting
Streaming platform
Storage & Integration
Streaming integration
Stream processing
Real-time monitoring,

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