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What are the best practices to debug client applications
(producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams
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@yourtwitterhandle |
What are the best practices to debug client applications
(producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams
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Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc.
Streaming Architecture
Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc.
Streaming Architecture
@yourtwitterhandle |
What are the best practices to debug client applications
(producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams
Partners Tech Talks are webinars where subject matter experts from a Partner talk about a
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@yourtwitterhandle |
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@yourtwitterhandle |
Starting soon…
Starting sooooon ..
@yourtwitterhandle |
What are the best practices to debug client applications
(producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams
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Starting sooooon ..
Unlocking the Value of
SAP & Confluent for Digital Integration
Unlocking Business Value for SAP Intelligent Enterprise
SAP Intelligent Enterprise
● Transform business
processes with agility,
innovation, and
responsiveness to market
changes through a
connected ecosystem
● Integrates Emerging
Technologies of AI, ML, IoT to
drive faster and informed
decision making and
● Provides Business Value for
organizations by enabling:
○ Faster Decision Making
○ Enhanced Customer
○ Operational Excellence
Digital Enterprise
● Reinvent Your Customers'
● Build Efficiencies in Your
Backend Operations
● Automates digital business
processes in real-time
● Launch New Business
Models and Services
● Leverages Operational
Intelligence with real-time
insights and contextual
decision making
Business Logic
Business Technology Platform
App Dev | Automation | Integration | Data & Analytics | AI
Fiori UX
The Modern Business Divide
SAP Business Processes
Using Software
Digital Business is Software
The Paradigm for Data in Motion: Data Streaming
All your data continuously streamed, processed, governed and shared as a product,
making it instantly valuable, usable, and trustworthy everywhere.
Use Case Pattern Applicability for Data Streaming Integration
Business Logic
Business Logic
Business Application
Reporting & Analytics
Data Lakehouse
Interaction Logic
Digital Channels
Industrial IoT Logic
Real World Things (IoT)
Connected Services
IoT Logic
Use Case Pattern Applicability for Data Streaming Integration
Business Logic
Business Logic
Business Application
Reporting & Analytics
Data Lakehouse
Interaction Logic
Digital Channels
Industrial IoT Logic
Real World Things (IoT)
Connected Services
IoT Logic
Data Product
based Integration
Use Case Pattern Applicability for Data Streaming Integration
Business Logic
Business Logic
Business Application
Reporting & Analytics
Data Lakehouse
Interaction Logic
Digital Channels
Industrial IoT Logic
Real World Things (IoT)
Connected Services
IoT Logic
Data Product
based Integration
Data Aggregation
& Real Time Insights
Digital Intelligent Enterprise Use-Cases
Manufacturing Process Operational Intelligence Insights
Situational Awareness through Real-Time IoT Data Analysis in Business Process and Customer Order Context
Sales Order
Invoicing &
Raw Material
Stock Update
Shop Floor Plan
+ Mounting
Shop Floor Part
Package for
Elapsed Time
Order Delay
Order Prioritization
Identify Bottlenecks
Reports &
● Car Manufacturer manages
Order-to-Delivery process with SAP
● Once Production Order is released in
SAP, IoT asset tracking for all parts and
car is correlated to customer order
business context using event stream
processing on data streaming platform
● Manufacturing Execution Situational
Awareness enables:
○ Real-time parts tracking to ensure
Build-to-Order options are
delivered at stations in order of cars
on production line, leading to less
mistakes and avoiding manual
retrofitting of parts.
○ Production step execution delays
with cascading effects are
identified and remediated in
real-time, leading to production
capacity and yield optimization.
○ Improved customer experience as
real-time car production
milestones are communicated as
order status notifications to
Enrich, Normalise
and Standardise
Data Products
Stream Processor
Material Master
In Store Cash Registers
Sales Receipts
In Store
Retail App
Omni-Channel Retail Real-Time Stock Balances
Materialized View
for Article and
Location Master
Materialized View
Stock Balances
Stream Processor
Real-Time Data Pipelines for Business Intelligence & Analytics
Enable Faster Decision Making with Business Intelligence using Secured, Governed, Real-Time Data Pipelines for SAP Data
● A CPG company manages all their core business
processes for Sales, Manufacturing, Order
Management, Supply Chain and Finance with SAP
● Operational management decision making is
supported through their Business Intelligence and
Analytics reporting on top of their Snowflake Cloud
Data Warehouse.
● In order to improve their operational decision
making, they move from point-to-point CDC raw
data ingestion and Batch processing to real-time
streaming data pipelines, to achieve:
○ Improve operational decision making
through data freshness delivered by real-time
streaming data pipelines.
○ Accelerate time to value, by using data
product approach to decouple source system
expertise from centralised data engineering
○ Increase data quality and security by
leveraging centralised data governance
policies on distributed data streaming
○ Reduced TCO, through centralized platform
replacing unwieldy point-to-point technology
○ Reduced TCO, by savings on Snowflake
storage and compute costs by replacing Raw
data layer ingest with data streaming pipeline
that delivers prepared data to Conformed
Snowflake on
Data Cleansing,
Streaming Data
Sales Orders
Log Data
Customer Experience
How we do it
Unlock SAP Data
Context with
5 fundamental
principles for better
data pipelines
Continuously capture, evolve and share high-fidelity
real-time data for all your use cases
Allow teams closest to domain to create and share data
streams for self-service access across your organization
Bring software engineering practices to build multiple
models and experiment, test and deploy in an agile manner
Enable self-service search and discovery while maintaining
security, observability and compliance
Build reusable and performant data flows by separating data
topology definition from data processing infrastructure
Enable frictionless
access to up-to-date
trustworthy data
Reimagine data
streaming everywhere,
on-prem and in every
major public cloud
Make data in motion
self-service, secure,
compliant and
Drive greater
data reuse with
always-on stream
Make it easy to
on-ramp and off-ramp
data from existing
systems and apps
Building Blocks for Modern Data Pipelines
SAP S/4HANA Strategic Cloud Ready Integration Points
SAP ABAP Platform
Fiori UI
Web APIs
SAP S/4HANA Business Service
Core Data Services Behavior Definition
ABAP RESTful Application Programming
Event-based Integration
with Business Events
Data Integration
via CDS & ODP
direct Integration with SAP Datasphere
API Managed Integration
using ODATA Web APIs
Notification Events
Data Events
● A system sending event messages to notify other systems of a
change in its domain
● There is a marked separation between the logic flow that sends
the event and any logic flow that responds to some reaction to
that event.
● A notification event need not carry much data on it, often just
some id information and a link back to the sender that can be
queried for more information.
● Also referred to as an Event-Carried State Transfer
● A system updates interested applications in such a way that they
don't need to contact the source system in order to do further
● Data may be copied multiple times, should be less of a problem in
an age of abundant storage.
● Data events offer greater resilience, since the recipient systems
can function if the source system is becomes unavailable.
● Reduction in latency, as there's no remote call required to access
event change information.
● No extra load on the source system to satisfy queries from all the
event subscribing systems.
SAP Business Events
Data Streaming Patterns
SAP ABAP Platform
Fiori UI
SAP S/4HANA Business Service
Core Data Services
Behavior Definition
ABAP RESTful Application Programming
OData Web APIs
Business Events
SAP BTP Platform
Customer CSP Account
Private Network Link
Business Application
SAP Standard Pattern for using Business Events on BTP
SAP S/4HANA (Business) Events Integration Options
SAP S/4HANA Application
Business Event Handling
Enterprise Event
Business Event
Subscription Manager
Business Event
SAP Event Mesh
MQTT / AMQP protocol
INIT Source Connector
SAP Business Events
Confluent Source
Connector for JMS
SAP ABAP Platform
Integration Add-on
One Connect
Partnering with the ecosystem to deliver results faster
Cloud Technology
System Integrator
Copyright 2020, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc.
SAP Connectivity Options (Subset) for Confluent Platform / Cloud
Connector Name Integration
Source Sink Operation
USP Discussion Points
SAP Integration Suite Kafka Adapter Process
Integration ✓ ✓
SAP (Integration)
SAP official product Further Development, CI
Advantco Kafka Adapter Process
Integration +
Data Integration
✓ ✓
SAP (Integration)
Higher maturity CI Adapter than
SAP native one. Full SR support.
Further Development, CI or SDI.
ASAPIO Integration Add-on Connector Process
Integration +
Data Integration
✓ ✓
SAP Team Native SAP configuration and
management. No-coding for
outbound and IDOC inbound
scenarios. Data enrichment for
SAP events.
only, SR limitations.
ONIBEX One Connect Process
Integration +
Data Integration
✓ ✓* SAP Team Native SAP configuration and
management. No-coding for
outbound scenarios. Data
enrichment for SAP events.
Prebuilt SAP Domain models.
Native Kafka client with full SR
ABAP Add-On, Docker based
OneConnect Gateway, Outbound
focussed (✓*), Complete business
monitoring solutions.
INIT SAP Connectors for Kafka Connect Process
Integration +
Data Integration
✓ ✓
Kafka Team Full Integration in Kafka & Kafka
Ops, Native Kafka Connector with
all Confluent extensions (SMTs,
Conversion, SR, C3). Metadata
discovery from SAP BOR for SR.
Pull mechanism on APIs, Kafka and
Confluent Platform native. Support
for many SAP API’s, such as IDOC,
RFC, OData, Business Events, ODP.
Webservice DS..
SAP Datasphere Data Integration
✓ ✓** SAP (Data) Team SAP official product. Kafka &
Confluent Cloud native support in
SAP Datasphere Replication
Flows as well as native SAP ERP /
BW data layer access. Only
certified solution for CDS/ODP
extraction via RFC API.
Kafka support for Datasphere
Replication Flow Source is on the
roadmap (✓**) , as is Metadata
synchronisation with SR.
Qlik Replicate Data Integration
Kafka Team Direct CDC on the database
Direct DB access, SR support.
SAP Datasphere Partnership
SAP Datasphere is the foundation for
a business data fabric architecture
Data consumers
SAP and non-SAP data
SAP Datasphere
running in SAP BTP
Access control
Planning and analytics Intelligent data apps Data science
Data Warehouses
Cloud Data Warehouses
and Lakehouses
Semi-structured Data
Self-service data access | Virtual data products
Data discovery | Business content, data marketplace, recommendations
Orchestration | Data transformation and data ops
Processing and persistency | Warehousing, business semantics
(analytic/relational models), knowledge graph
Data ingestion | Data replication, data federation, real-time data, application integration
Data governance | Metadata management, catalog, lineage, privacy, data quality
SAP chose Confluent among 5 of their first Open
Data Partners associated with SAP Datasphere
SAP Datasphere and Confluent Data Flow
Q4 2023 – Replicate SAP data to Confluent Kafka with SAP Datasphere (Kafka as target)
Outbound Scenarios
Business Technology Platform
SAP Datasphere
Business Content Data Marketplace
Data Catalog
Business Modeling
Data Integration
Data Replication
Intelligent Data
Other Data and
Analytics platforms
Data Processing and Persistency
Applications and Analytics
(could include 3rd party systems)
Phase 1
SAP Datasphere and Confluent Data Flow
H1 2024 – Replicate data from Confluent Kafka to SAP Datasphere (Kafka as source)
Outbound Scenarios
Business Technology Platform
SAP Datasphere
Business Content Data Marketplace
Data Catalog
Business Modeling
Data Integration
Data Replication
ECC, S/4
BW, Others Replication
Streaming Data
Non-SAP Sources
Real Time Data Sources
Consumer Producer
Data Processing and Persistency
Intelligent Data
Other Data and
Analytics platforms
Applications and Analytics
(could include 3rd party systems)
Phase 2
How to get started
Synergy effects for collaboration across CoEs
● Bridge the Gap and moderate the conversations between the Data Streaming CoE teams and
SAP Competence centers at our joint customers.
● Identify SAP A2A interfaces that need to be rethought for a Clean Core S/4HANA
○ Master Data, Order Management, Production Orders, and Inventory Management are
coming up regularly
● Demonstrate the power of streaming data pipelines to decouple high fidelity SAP managed
data sets for reuse across use-cases with an initial Proof of Concept or Pilot Project
○ Work with your Confluent SE to build confidence with reference use-cases and proven
integration patterns
○ Work with Confluent Technology partners for the appropriate connectivity approach
○ Look at the whole and not the individual parts (Connect - Govern - Enrich - Build - Share)
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise
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Catch the Wave: SAP Event-Driven and Data Streaming for the Intelligence Enterprise

  • 1. @yourtwitterhandle | What are the best practices to debug client applications (producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams applications)? Starting soon… STARTING SOOOOON.. Starting sooooon .. Starting soon…
  • 2. @yourtwitterhandle | What are the best practices to debug client applications (producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams applications)? Starting soon… STARTING SOOOOON.. Starting sooooon ..
  • 3. Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. Streaming Architecture
  • 4. Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. Streaming Architecture
  • 5. @yourtwitterhandle | What are the best practices to debug client applications (producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams applications)?
  • 6. Goal Partners Tech Talks are webinars where subject matter experts from a Partner talk about a specific use case or project. The goal of Tech Talks is to provide best practices and applications insights, along with inspiration, and help you stay up to date about innovations in confluent ecosystem.
  • 7. @yourtwitterhandle | Starting soon… STARTING SOOOOON.. Starting sooooon ..
  • 8. @yourtwitterhandle | Starting soon… STARTING SOOOOON.. Starting sooooon ..
  • 9. @yourtwitterhandle | What are the best practices to debug client applications (producers/consumers in general but also Kafka Streams applications)? Starting soon… STARTING SOOOOON.. Starting sooooon ..
  • 10. Unlocking the Value of SAP & Confluent for Digital Integration 10
  • 11. Unlocking Business Value for SAP Intelligent Enterprise 11 SAP Intelligent Enterprise ● Transform business processes with agility, innovation, and responsiveness to market changes through a connected ecosystem ● Integrates Emerging Technologies of AI, ML, IoT to drive faster and informed decision making and automation ● Provides Business Value for organizations by enabling: ○ Faster Decision Making ○ Enhanced Customer Experience ○ Operational Excellence Digital Enterprise ● Reinvent Your Customers' Experiences ● Build Efficiencies in Your Backend Operations ● Automates digital business processes in real-time ● Launch New Business Models and Services ● Leverages Operational Intelligence with real-time insights and contextual decision making Business Logic Data SAP SAP ERP Business Technology Platform App Dev | Automation | Integration | Data & Analytics | AI
  • 12. DATA IN MOTION Streaming Applications Apache Flink Apache Kafka DATA AT REST Application Layer Compute Layer Storage Layer ABAP Platform SAP HANA Database Fiori UX The Modern Business Divide SAP Business Processes Using Software Digital Business is Software Defined
  • 13. The Paradigm for Data in Motion: Data Streaming All your data continuously streamed, processed, governed and shared as a product, making it instantly valuable, usable, and trustworthy everywhere.
  • 14. Use Case Pattern Applicability for Data Streaming Integration 14 Business Logic Data SAP SAP ERP Business Logic Data SAP Business Application Reporting & Analytics Data SAP Data Lakehouse Interaction Logic SAP Digital Channels Industrial IoT Logic SAP Real World Things (IoT) Connected Services IoT Logic Process Integration Data Integration Thing Integration Engagement Integration
  • 15. Use Case Pattern Applicability for Data Streaming Integration 15 Business Logic Data SAP SAP ERP Business Logic Data SAP Business Application Reporting & Analytics Data SAP Data Lakehouse Interaction Logic SAP Digital Channels Industrial IoT Logic SAP Real World Things (IoT) Connected Services IoT Logic Process Integration Data Integration Thing Integration Engagement Integration Data Product based Integration
  • 16. Use Case Pattern Applicability for Data Streaming Integration 16 Business Logic Data SAP SAP ERP Business Logic Data SAP Business Application Reporting & Analytics Data SAP Data Lakehouse Interaction Logic SAP Digital Channels Industrial IoT Logic SAP Real World Things (IoT) Connected Services IoT Logic Process Integration Data Integration Thing Integration Engagement Integration Data Product based Integration Data Aggregation & Real Time Insights
  • 18. Manufacturing Process Operational Intelligence Insights Situational Awareness through Real-Time IoT Data Analysis in Business Process and Customer Order Context SAP S/4HANA Production Orders Material Documents Sales Order Management Production Planning Delivery Management Material Planning Production Order Fulfillment Invoicing & Payment Collection Raw Material Order Warehouse Stock Update Shop Floor Plan Execution Finishing + Mounting Shop Floor Part Tracking Package for shipment Elapsed Time Tracker Order Delay Calculator Order Prioritization Optimizer Identify Bottlenecks Reports & Dashboards ● Car Manufacturer manages Order-to-Delivery process with SAP S/4HANA ● Once Production Order is released in SAP, IoT asset tracking for all parts and car is correlated to customer order business context using event stream processing on data streaming platform ● Manufacturing Execution Situational Awareness enables: ○ Real-time parts tracking to ensure Build-to-Order options are delivered at stations in order of cars on production line, leading to less mistakes and avoiding manual retrofitting of parts. ○ Production step execution delays with cascading effects are identified and remediated in real-time, leading to production capacity and yield optimization. ○ Improved customer experience as real-time car production milestones are communicated as order status notifications to customers.
  • 19. Replication Enrich, Normalise and Standardise Data Products Stream Processor SAP S4/HANA Material Master Material Documents Inventory Locations Replication In Store Cash Registers Sales Receipts Replenishment Forecasting Digital Channels In Store Retail App Omni-Channel Retail Real-Time Stock Balances 19 Materialized View for Article and Location Master Data Materialized View Stock Balances Stream Processor
  • 20. Real-Time Data Pipelines for Business Intelligence & Analytics Enable Faster Decision Making with Business Intelligence using Secured, Governed, Real-Time Data Pipelines for SAP Data ● A CPG company manages all their core business processes for Sales, Manufacturing, Order Management, Supply Chain and Finance with SAP ERP ● Operational management decision making is supported through their Business Intelligence and Analytics reporting on top of their Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse. ● In order to improve their operational decision making, they move from point-to-point CDC raw data ingestion and Batch processing to real-time streaming data pipelines, to achieve: ○ Improve operational decision making through data freshness delivered by real-time streaming data pipelines. ○ Accelerate time to value, by using data product approach to decouple source system expertise from centralised data engineering team. ○ Increase data quality and security by leveraging centralised data governance policies on distributed data streaming platform. ○ Reduced TCO, through centralized platform replacing unwieldy point-to-point technology solutions. ○ Reduced TCO, by savings on Snowflake storage and compute costs by replacing Raw data layer ingest with data streaming pipeline that delivers prepared data to Conformed Layer. Snowflake on AWS Data Cleansing, Normalising, Transforming Streaming Data Pipeline Replicatio n SAP S/4HANA Sales Orders Delivery Notes Replicatio n Log Data Click Streams Replicatio n Customer Experience Campaign Data Ecommerce Orders Invoices CDS ODP
  • 21. How we do it 21
  • 22. Unlock SAP Data Context with 5 fundamental principles for better data pipelines Streaming Continuously capture, evolve and share high-fidelity real-time data for all your use cases Decentralized Allow teams closest to domain to create and share data streams for self-service access across your organization Developer-oriented Bring software engineering practices to build multiple models and experiment, test and deploy in an agile manner Governed Enable self-service search and discovery while maintaining security, observability and compliance Declarative Build reusable and performant data flows by separating data topology definition from data processing infrastructure 22
  • 23. Enable frictionless access to up-to-date trustworthy data products Share Reimagine data streaming everywhere, on-prem and in every major public cloud Stream Make data in motion self-service, secure, compliant and trustworthy Govern Drive greater data reuse with always-on stream processing Process Make it easy to on-ramp and off-ramp data from existing systems and apps Connect Building Blocks for Modern Data Pipelines
  • 24. SAP S/4HANA Strategic Cloud Ready Integration Points 24 Database CDS ODP SAP ABAP Platform Fiori UI Web APIs OData Business Events ABAP SAP S/4HANA Business Service Core Data Services Behavior Definition ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model Event-based Integration with Business Events Data Integration via CDS & ODP or direct Integration with SAP Datasphere API Managed Integration using ODATA Web APIs Process Integration Single Business Object Data Integration Tabular Data Sets
  • 25. Notification Events 25 Data Events ● A system sending event messages to notify other systems of a change in its domain ● There is a marked separation between the logic flow that sends the event and any logic flow that responds to some reaction to that event. ● A notification event need not carry much data on it, often just some id information and a link back to the sender that can be queried for more information. ● Also referred to as an Event-Carried State Transfer ● A system updates interested applications in such a way that they don't need to contact the source system in order to do further work. ● Data may be copied multiple times, should be less of a problem in an age of abundant storage. ● Data events offer greater resilience, since the recipient systems can function if the source system is becomes unavailable. ● Reduction in latency, as there's no remote call required to access event change information. ● No extra load on the source system to satisfy queries from all the event subscribing systems. SAP Business Events Data Streaming Patterns
  • 26. Database CDS ODP SAP ABAP Platform Fiori UI SAP S/4HANA Business Service Core Data Services Behavior Definition ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model OData Web APIs Business Events SAP BTP Platform Customer CSP Account Private Network Link Business Application SAP Standard Pattern for using Business Events on BTP 26
  • 27. SAP S/4HANA (Business) Events Integration Options 27 SAP S/4HANA Application Business Event Handling Enterprise Event Enablement Business Event Subscription Subscription Manager Business Event Queue SAP Event Mesh MQTT / AMQP protocol Push Confluent REST API INIT Source Connector for SAP Business Events OData Confluent Source Connector for JMS SAP ABAP Platform SAP BTP Pull ASAPIO Integration Add-on Connector Onibex One Connect ONIBEX ZONIBEX_DL ALE HTTPS (JSON)
  • 28. Partnering with the ecosystem to deliver results faster 28 Cloud Technology Confluent Professional Services System Integrator
  • 29. Copyright 2020, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. SAP Connectivity Options (Subset) for Confluent Platform / Cloud 29 Connector Name Integration Style Source Sink Operation Management USP Discussion Points SAP Integration Suite Kafka Adapter Process Integration ✓ ✓ SAP (Integration) Team SAP official product Further Development, CI Advantco Kafka Adapter Process Integration + Data Integration ✓ ✓ SAP (Integration) Team Higher maturity CI Adapter than SAP native one. Full SR support. Further Development, CI or SDI. ASAPIO Integration Add-on Connector Process Integration + Data Integration ✓ ✓ SAP Team Native SAP configuration and management. No-coding for outbound and IDOC inbound scenarios. Data enrichment for SAP events. ABAP Add-On, REST Proxy, JSON only, SR limitations. ONIBEX One Connect Process Integration + Data Integration ✓ ✓* SAP Team Native SAP configuration and management. No-coding for outbound scenarios. Data enrichment for SAP events. Prebuilt SAP Domain models. Native Kafka client with full SR support. ABAP Add-On, Docker based OneConnect Gateway, Outbound focussed (✓*), Complete business monitoring solutions. INIT SAP Connectors for Kafka Connect Process Integration + Data Integration ✓ ✓ Kafka Team Full Integration in Kafka & Kafka Ops, Native Kafka Connector with all Confluent extensions (SMTs, Conversion, SR, C3). Metadata discovery from SAP BOR for SR. Pull mechanism on APIs, Kafka and Confluent Platform native. Support for many SAP API’s, such as IDOC, RFC, OData, Business Events, ODP. Webservice DS.. SAP Datasphere Data Integration ✓ ✓** SAP (Data) Team SAP official product. Kafka & Confluent Cloud native support in SAP Datasphere Replication Flows as well as native SAP ERP / BW data layer access. Only certified solution for CDS/ODP extraction via RFC API. Kafka support for Datasphere Replication Flow Source is on the roadmap (✓**) , as is Metadata synchronisation with SR. Qlik Replicate Data Integration ✓ Kafka Team Direct CDC on the database (log-based). Direct DB access, SR support. CONNECT
  • 31. SAP Datasphere is the foundation for a business data fabric architecture Data consumers SAP and non-SAP data SAP Datasphere running in SAP BTP Security Access control Availability Planning and analytics Intelligent data apps Data science Applications On-premises Data Warehouses Cloud Data Warehouses and Lakehouses Relational Databases Unstructured/ Semi-structured Data Self-service data access | Virtual data products Data discovery | Business content, data marketplace, recommendations Orchestration | Data transformation and data ops Processing and persistency | Warehousing, business semantics (analytic/relational models), knowledge graph Data ingestion | Data replication, data federation, real-time data, application integration Data governance | Metadata management, catalog, lineage, privacy, data quality
  • 32. SAP chose Confluent among 5 of their first Open Data Partners associated with SAP Datasphere 32
  • 33. © SAP SE OR AN SAP AFFILIATE COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 33 SAP Datasphere and Confluent Data Flow Q4 2023 – Replicate SAP data to Confluent Kafka with SAP Datasphere (Kafka as target) Outbound Scenarios Legend: Business Technology Platform SAP Datasphere Business Content Data Marketplace Data Catalog Orchestration Business Modeling Monitoring Data Integration Data Replication Replication Intelligent Data Applications Other Data and Analytics platforms Consumers SAP HANA Cloud Data Processing and Persistency SAP S/4HANA SAP BW/4HANA SAP BW SAP ECC SAP HANA Applications and Analytics (could include 3rd party systems) Phase 1
  • 34. © SAP SE OR AN SAP AFFILIATE COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 34 SAP Datasphere and Confluent Data Flow H1 2024 – Replicate data from Confluent Kafka to SAP Datasphere (Kafka as source) Outbound Scenarios Legend: Business Technology Platform SAP Datasphere Business Content Data Marketplace Data Catalog Orchestration Business Modeling Monitoring Data Integration Data Replication ECC, S/4 BW, Others Replication Streaming Data Non-SAP Sources SAP & Non-SAP Real Time Data Sources Consumer Producer SAP HANA Cloud Data Processing and Persistency Intelligent Data Applications Other Data and Analytics platforms Consumers Applications and Analytics (could include 3rd party systems) Queries/Reporting Phase 2
  • 35. How to get started 35
  • 36. Synergy effects for collaboration across CoEs ● Bridge the Gap and moderate the conversations between the Data Streaming CoE teams and SAP Competence centers at our joint customers. ● Identify SAP A2A interfaces that need to be rethought for a Clean Core S/4HANA implementation ○ Master Data, Order Management, Production Orders, and Inventory Management are coming up regularly ● Demonstrate the power of streaming data pipelines to decouple high fidelity SAP managed data sets for reuse across use-cases with an initial Proof of Concept or Pilot Project ○ Work with your Confluent SE to build confidence with reference use-cases and proven integration patterns ○ Work with Confluent Technology partners for the appropriate connectivity approach ○ Look at the whole and not the individual parts (Connect - Govern - Enrich - Build - Share) 36