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Preparing for Test Automation
1 Introduction to
Test Automation
2 Preparing for
Test Automation
3 gTAA
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation
Chapter 2
Neeraj Kumar Singh
5 Reporting
& Metrics
6 Transitioning
Manual to Automation
7 Verifying TAS
8 Continuous
4 Risks &
Preparing for Test Automation
2.1 SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation
2.2 Tool Evaluation and Selection
2.3 Design for Testability and Automation
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation
When evaluating the context of the SUT and its environment, factors that influence test automation
need to be identified to determine an appropriate solution. These may include the following:
 SUT interfaces - The automated test cases invoke actions on the SUT. For this, the SUT must provide
interfaces via which the SUT can be controlled. This can be done via UI controls, but also via lower-
level software interfaces.
 Third party software - Often the SUT not only consists of software written in the home organization
but may also include software provided by third parties.
 Levels of intrusion - Different test automation approaches (using different tools) have different
levels of intrusion. The greater the number of changes that are required to be made to the SUT
specifically for automated testing, the higher the level of intrusion.
 Different SUT architectures - Different SUT architectures may require different test automation
 Size and complexity of the SUT - Consider the size and complexity of the current SUT and plans for
future development.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation
 Several factors described here are known (e.g., size and complexity, available software interfaces)
when the SUT is already available, but most of the time the development of the test automation
should start before the SUT is available. When this happens several things need to be estimated or
the TAE can specify the software interfaces that are needed.
 Even when the SUT does not yet exist, test automation planning can start. For example:
 When the requirements (functional or non-functional) are known, candidates for automation can be selected
from those requirements together with identifying the means to test them. Planning for automation can begin
for those candidates, including identifying the requirements for the automation and determining the test
automation strategy.
 When the architecture and technical design is being developed, the design of software interfaces to support
testing can be undertaken.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
1 Introduction to
Test Automation
2 Preparing for
Test Automation
3 gTAA
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation
Chapter 2
Neeraj Kumar Singh
5 Reporting
& Metrics
6 Transitioning
Manual to Automation
7 Verifying TAS
8 Continuous
4 Risks &
Preparing for Test Automation
2.1 SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation
2.2 Tool Evaluation and Selection
2.3 Design for Testability and Automation
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
Tool Evaluation and Selection
The primary responsibility for the tool selection and evaluation process belongs with the Test Automation
Manager (TAM). However the TAE will be involved in supplying information to the TAM and conducting
many of the evaluation and selection activities.
The TAE will be involved throughout the tool evaluation and selection process but will have particular
contributions to make to the following activities:
 Assessing organizational maturity and identification of opportunities for test tool support
 Assessing appropriate objectives for test tool support
 Identifying and collecting information on potentially suitable tools
 Analyzing tool information against objectives and project constraints
 Estimating the cost-benefit ratio based on a solid business case
 Making a recommendation on the appropriate tool
 Identifying compatibility of the tool with SUT components
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
Tool Evaluation and Selection
Functional test automation tools frequently cannot meet all the expectations or the situations that are
encountered by an automation project. The following is a set of examples of these types of issues (but it
is definitely not a complete list):
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Findings Examples Possible Solutions
The tool’s interface does not work
with other tools that are already in
• The test management tool has
been updated and the connecting
interface has changed
• The information from pre-sales
support was wrong and not all
data can be transferred to the
reporting too
• Pay attention to the release notes
before any updates, and for big
migrations test before migrating to
• Try to gain an onsite demonstration
of the tool that uses the real SUT
• Seek support from the vendor
and/or user community forums
Object on GUI could not be captured • The object is visible but the test
automation tool cannot interact
with it
• Try to use only well-known
technologies or objects in
• Do a pilot project before buying a
test automation tool
• Have developers define standards
for objects
Preparing for Test Automation
Tool Evaluation and Selection
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Findings Examples Possible Solutions
Tool looks very complicated • The tool has a huge feature set but
only part of that will be used
• Try to find a way to limit the
feature set by removing unwanted
features from the tool bar
• Select a license to meet your needs.
• Try to find alternative tools that are
more focused on the required
Conflict with other systems • After installation of other software
the test automation tool will not
work anymore or vice versa
• Read the release notes or technical
requirements before installing.
• Get confirmation from the supplier
that there will be no impact to
other tools.
• Question user community forums.
Impact on the SUT • During/after use of the test
automation tool the SUT is reacting
differently (e.g., longer response
• Use a tool that will not need to
change the SUT (e.g., installation of
libraries, etc.)
Access to code • The test automation tool will
change parts of the source code
• Use a tool that will not need to
change the source code (e.g.,
installation of libraries, etc.)
Preparing for Test Automation
1 Introduction to
Test Automation
2 Preparing for
Test Automation
3 gTAA
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation
Chapter 2
Neeraj Kumar Singh
5 Reporting
& Metrics
6 Transitioning
Manual to Automation
7 Verifying TAS
8 Continuous
4 Risks &
Preparing for Test Automation
2.1 SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation
2.2 Tool Evaluation and Selection
2.3 Design for Testability and Automation
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
Design for Testability and Automation
SUT testability (availability of software interfaces that support testing e.g., to enable control and
observability of the SUT) should be designed and implemented in parallel with the design and
implementation of the other features of the SUT.
Design for testability consists of several parts:
 Observability: The SUT needs to provide interfaces that give insight into the system. Test cases can
then use these interfaces to check, for example, whether the expected behavior equals the actual
 Control(ability): The SUT needs to provide interfaces that can be used to perform actions on the
SUT. This can be UI elements, function calls, communication elements (e.g., TCP/IP or USB
protocol), electronic signals (for physical switches), etc.
 Clearly defined architecture: The third important part of design for testability is an architecture
that provides clear and understandable interfaces giving control and visibility on all test levels.
The TAE considers ways in which the SUT can be tested, including automated testing, in an effective
(testing the right areas and finding critical bugs) and efficient (without taking too much effort) way.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
Design for Testability and Automation
Some examples of software interfaces that support testing include:
 The powerful scripting capabilities of modern spreadsheets.
 Applying stubs or mocks to simulate software and/or hardware (e.g., electronic financial
transactions, software service, dedicated server, electronic board, mechanical part) that is not yet
available or is too expensive to buy, allows testing of the software in the absence of that specific
 Software interfaces (or stubs and drivers) can be used to test error conditions.
 State transition testing is used to evaluate the state behavior of the SUT. A way to check whether the
SUT is in the correct state is by querying it via a customized software interface designed for this
Design for automation should consider that:
 Compatibility with existing test tools should be established early on.
 The issue of test tool compatibility is critical in that it may impact the ability to automate tests of
important functionality (e.g., incompatibility with a grid control prevents all tests using that control).
 Solutions may require development of program code and calls to APIs
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
1 Introduction to
Test Automation
2 Preparing for
Test Automation
3 gTAA
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation
Chapter 2
Neeraj Kumar Singh
5 Reporting
& Metrics
6 Transitioning
Manual to Automation
7 Verifying TAS
8 Continuous
4 Risks &
Preparing for Test Automation
Sample Questions
1. You have been automating a legacy application that provides critical functionality to the business.
An update to the legacy system has been approved and the developers plan to use third party
software to provide the new functionality. The third party software has already been tested but the
interface between the existing software and the new software is problematic. Your existing test
automation needs to be extended to test the interface between these two products. How should you
approach implementing the best automation solution?
Answer Set
a. Develop test automation for the entire system including the legacy and third party applications
b. Investigate if automation is possible via the APIs used to interface with the third party software
c. Develop new automation to test via the GUI of the third party software
d. Investigate if automation can be implemented using the CLI to replace the existing GUI automation
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
Sample Questions
2. You are evaluating functional test automation tools. The tool that you prefer can provide your
organization with a favorable cost-benefit ratio, which appeals to senior management. Additionally,
you feel the tool is superior in meeting your other technical criteria. However, the tool has many
features most of which will never be used. As a result, you feel this makes the tool overly complex
and confusing. What should your next steps be regarding selection of this tool?
Answer Set
a. Consider another tool that is more user friendly
b. Explore the possibility of configuring the tool to turn off unnecessary features
c. Plan to supplement selection of this tool with lengthy and comprehensive training sessions
d. Consider acquiring an additional tool that can provide a more user friendly interface to the
preferred tool
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Preparing for Test Automation
Sample Questions
3. When a system is designed for testability, one of the characteristics is that the test cases can
access interfaces into the system that can be used to verify the expected behavior actually occurred
as a result of the test. What is this characteristic called?
Answer Set
a. Observability
b. Controllability
c. Maintainability
d. Interoperability
Neeraj Kumar Singh

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Chapter 2 - Preparing for Test Automation

  • 1. Preparing for Test Automation 1 Introduction to Test Automation 2 Preparing for Test Automation 3 gTAA Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation Chapter 2 Neeraj Kumar Singh 5 Reporting & Metrics 6 Transitioning Manual to Automation 7 Verifying TAS 8 Continuous Improvement 4 Risks & Contingencies
  • 2. Preparing for Test Automation Contents 2.1 SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation 2.2 Tool Evaluation and Selection 2.3 Design for Testability and Automation Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 3. Preparing for Test Automation SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation When evaluating the context of the SUT and its environment, factors that influence test automation need to be identified to determine an appropriate solution. These may include the following:  SUT interfaces - The automated test cases invoke actions on the SUT. For this, the SUT must provide interfaces via which the SUT can be controlled. This can be done via UI controls, but also via lower- level software interfaces.  Third party software - Often the SUT not only consists of software written in the home organization but may also include software provided by third parties.  Levels of intrusion - Different test automation approaches (using different tools) have different levels of intrusion. The greater the number of changes that are required to be made to the SUT specifically for automated testing, the higher the level of intrusion.  Different SUT architectures - Different SUT architectures may require different test automation solutions.  Size and complexity of the SUT - Consider the size and complexity of the current SUT and plans for future development. Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 4. Preparing for Test Automation SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation  Several factors described here are known (e.g., size and complexity, available software interfaces) when the SUT is already available, but most of the time the development of the test automation should start before the SUT is available. When this happens several things need to be estimated or the TAE can specify the software interfaces that are needed.  Even when the SUT does not yet exist, test automation planning can start. For example:  When the requirements (functional or non-functional) are known, candidates for automation can be selected from those requirements together with identifying the means to test them. Planning for automation can begin for those candidates, including identifying the requirements for the automation and determining the test automation strategy.  When the architecture and technical design is being developed, the design of software interfaces to support testing can be undertaken. Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 5. Preparing for Test Automation 1 Introduction to Test Automation 2 Preparing for Test Automation 3 gTAA Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation Chapter 2 Neeraj Kumar Singh 5 Reporting & Metrics 6 Transitioning Manual to Automation 7 Verifying TAS 8 Continuous Improvement 4 Risks & Contingencies
  • 6. Preparing for Test Automation Contents 2.1 SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation 2.2 Tool Evaluation and Selection 2.3 Design for Testability and Automation Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 7. Preparing for Test Automation Tool Evaluation and Selection The primary responsibility for the tool selection and evaluation process belongs with the Test Automation Manager (TAM). However the TAE will be involved in supplying information to the TAM and conducting many of the evaluation and selection activities. The TAE will be involved throughout the tool evaluation and selection process but will have particular contributions to make to the following activities:  Assessing organizational maturity and identification of opportunities for test tool support  Assessing appropriate objectives for test tool support  Identifying and collecting information on potentially suitable tools  Analyzing tool information against objectives and project constraints  Estimating the cost-benefit ratio based on a solid business case  Making a recommendation on the appropriate tool  Identifying compatibility of the tool with SUT components Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 8. Preparing for Test Automation Tool Evaluation and Selection Functional test automation tools frequently cannot meet all the expectations or the situations that are encountered by an automation project. The following is a set of examples of these types of issues (but it is definitely not a complete list): Neeraj Kumar Singh Findings Examples Possible Solutions The tool’s interface does not work with other tools that are already in place • The test management tool has been updated and the connecting interface has changed • The information from pre-sales support was wrong and not all data can be transferred to the reporting too • Pay attention to the release notes before any updates, and for big migrations test before migrating to production • Try to gain an onsite demonstration of the tool that uses the real SUT • Seek support from the vendor and/or user community forums Object on GUI could not be captured • The object is visible but the test automation tool cannot interact with it • Try to use only well-known technologies or objects in development • Do a pilot project before buying a test automation tool • Have developers define standards for objects
  • 9. Preparing for Test Automation Tool Evaluation and Selection Neeraj Kumar Singh Findings Examples Possible Solutions Tool looks very complicated • The tool has a huge feature set but only part of that will be used • Try to find a way to limit the feature set by removing unwanted features from the tool bar • Select a license to meet your needs. • Try to find alternative tools that are more focused on the required functionality. Conflict with other systems • After installation of other software the test automation tool will not work anymore or vice versa • Read the release notes or technical requirements before installing. • Get confirmation from the supplier that there will be no impact to other tools. • Question user community forums. Impact on the SUT • During/after use of the test automation tool the SUT is reacting differently (e.g., longer response time) • Use a tool that will not need to change the SUT (e.g., installation of libraries, etc.) Access to code • The test automation tool will change parts of the source code • Use a tool that will not need to change the source code (e.g., installation of libraries, etc.)
  • 10. Preparing for Test Automation 1 Introduction to Test Automation 2 Preparing for Test Automation 3 gTAA Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation Chapter 2 Neeraj Kumar Singh 5 Reporting & Metrics 6 Transitioning Manual to Automation 7 Verifying TAS 8 Continuous Improvement 4 Risks & Contingencies
  • 11. Preparing for Test Automation Contents 2.1 SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation 2.2 Tool Evaluation and Selection 2.3 Design for Testability and Automation Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 12. Preparing for Test Automation Design for Testability and Automation SUT testability (availability of software interfaces that support testing e.g., to enable control and observability of the SUT) should be designed and implemented in parallel with the design and implementation of the other features of the SUT. Design for testability consists of several parts:  Observability: The SUT needs to provide interfaces that give insight into the system. Test cases can then use these interfaces to check, for example, whether the expected behavior equals the actual behavior.  Control(ability): The SUT needs to provide interfaces that can be used to perform actions on the SUT. This can be UI elements, function calls, communication elements (e.g., TCP/IP or USB protocol), electronic signals (for physical switches), etc.  Clearly defined architecture: The third important part of design for testability is an architecture that provides clear and understandable interfaces giving control and visibility on all test levels. The TAE considers ways in which the SUT can be tested, including automated testing, in an effective (testing the right areas and finding critical bugs) and efficient (without taking too much effort) way. Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 13. Preparing for Test Automation Design for Testability and Automation Some examples of software interfaces that support testing include:  The powerful scripting capabilities of modern spreadsheets.  Applying stubs or mocks to simulate software and/or hardware (e.g., electronic financial transactions, software service, dedicated server, electronic board, mechanical part) that is not yet available or is too expensive to buy, allows testing of the software in the absence of that specific interface.  Software interfaces (or stubs and drivers) can be used to test error conditions.  State transition testing is used to evaluate the state behavior of the SUT. A way to check whether the SUT is in the correct state is by querying it via a customized software interface designed for this purpose Design for automation should consider that:  Compatibility with existing test tools should be established early on.  The issue of test tool compatibility is critical in that it may impact the ability to automate tests of important functionality (e.g., incompatibility with a grid control prevents all tests using that control).  Solutions may require development of program code and calls to APIs Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 14. Preparing for Test Automation 1 Introduction to Test Automation 2 Preparing for Test Automation 3 gTAA Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Test Automation Engineer Exam Preparation Chapter 2 Neeraj Kumar Singh 5 Reporting & Metrics 6 Transitioning Manual to Automation 7 Verifying TAS 8 Continuous Improvement 4 Risks & Contingencies
  • 15. Preparing for Test Automation Sample Questions 1. You have been automating a legacy application that provides critical functionality to the business. An update to the legacy system has been approved and the developers plan to use third party software to provide the new functionality. The third party software has already been tested but the interface between the existing software and the new software is problematic. Your existing test automation needs to be extended to test the interface between these two products. How should you approach implementing the best automation solution? Answer Set a. Develop test automation for the entire system including the legacy and third party applications b. Investigate if automation is possible via the APIs used to interface with the third party software c. Develop new automation to test via the GUI of the third party software d. Investigate if automation can be implemented using the CLI to replace the existing GUI automation Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 16. Preparing for Test Automation Sample Questions 2. You are evaluating functional test automation tools. The tool that you prefer can provide your organization with a favorable cost-benefit ratio, which appeals to senior management. Additionally, you feel the tool is superior in meeting your other technical criteria. However, the tool has many features most of which will never be used. As a result, you feel this makes the tool overly complex and confusing. What should your next steps be regarding selection of this tool? Answer Set a. Consider another tool that is more user friendly b. Explore the possibility of configuring the tool to turn off unnecessary features c. Plan to supplement selection of this tool with lengthy and comprehensive training sessions d. Consider acquiring an additional tool that can provide a more user friendly interface to the preferred tool Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 17. Preparing for Test Automation Sample Questions 3. When a system is designed for testability, one of the characteristics is that the test cases can access interfaces into the system that can be used to verify the expected behavior actually occurred as a result of the test. What is this characteristic called? Answer Set a. Observability b. Controllability c. Maintainability d. Interoperability Neeraj Kumar Singh

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider a device with an internal hard disk drive (HDD). The software controlling this HDD (called a driver) should be tested for failures or wear of the HDD. Doing this by waiting for a HDD to fail is not very efficient (or reliable). Implementing software interfaces that simulate defective or slow HDDs can verify that the driver software performs correctly (e.g., provides an error message, retries). Alternative software interfaces can be used to test an SUT when no UI is available yet (and this is often considered to be a better approach anyway). Embedded software in technical systems often needs to monitor the temperature in the device and trigger a cooling function to start when the temperature rises above a certain level. This could be tested without the hardware using a software interface to specify the temperature.