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Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex
Apache Big Data, Vancouver
May 9th 2016
Thomas Weise, Apache Apex PMC
Stream Processing
• Data from a variety of sources (IoT, Kafka, files, social media etc.)
• Unbounded stream data
ᵒ Batch can be processed as stream (but a stream is not a batch)
• (In-memory) Processing with temporal boundaries (windows)
• Stateful operations: Aggregation, Rules, … -> Analytics
• Results stored to a variety of sinks or destinations
ᵒ Streaming application can also serve data with very low latency
Web Server
Kafka Input
Parse, Filter
Aggregate Kafka
Apache Apex Features
• In-memory stream processing platform
ᵒ Developed since 2012, ASF TLP since 04/2016
• Unobtrusive Java API to express (custom) logic
• Scale out, distributed, parallel
• High throughput & low latency processing
• Windowing (temporal boundary)
• Reliability, fault tolerance, operability
• Hadoop native
• Compute locality, affinity
• Dynamic updates, elasticity
Applications on Apex
• Distributed processing
• Application logic broken into components called operators that run in a distributed fashion
across your cluster
• Natural programming model
• Code as if you were writing normal Java logic
• Maintain state in your application variables
• Scalable
• Operators can be scaled up or down at runtime according to the load and SLA
• Fault tolerant
• Automatically recover from node outages without having to reprocess from beginning
• State is preserved, checkpointing, incremental recovery
• Long running applications
• Operational insight
• See how each operator is performing and even record data
Apex Stack Overview
Apache Apex Malhar Library
Native Hadoop Integration
• YARN is
• HDFS used
for storing
Application Development Model
 A Stream is a sequence of data tuples
 A typical Operator takes one or more input streams, performs computations & emits one or more output streams
• Each Operator is YOUR custom business logic in java, or built-in operator from our open source library
• Operator has many instances that run in parallel and each instance is single-threaded
 Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is made up of operators and streams
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Streaming Windows
 Application window
 Sliding window and tumbling window
 Checkpoint window
 No artificial latency
Event time & Dimensions Computation
(All) : 5
t=4:00 : 2
t=5:00 : 3
k=A, t=4:00 : 2
k=A, t=5:00 : 1
k=B, t=5:00 : 2
(All) : 4
t=4:00 : 2
t=5:00 : 2
k=A, t=4:00 : 2
K=B, t=5:00 : 2
(All) : 1
t=4:00 : 1
k=A, t=4:00 : 1
Application in Java
Operators (contd)
NxM PartitionsUnifier
0 1 2 3
Logical DAG
0 1 2
1 Unifier
Logical Diagram
Physical Diagram with operator 1 with 3 partitions
Unifier 3
Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): No bottleneck
Unifier 3
Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): Bottleneck on intermediate Unifier
Advanced Partitioning
2 3 4Unifier
Physical DAG
0 4
1b 2b 3b
Physical DAG with Parallel Partition
Parallel Partition
Logical Plan
Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1
Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1, K = 2 with cascading unifiers
Cascading Unifiers
0 1 2 3 4
Logical DAG
Dynamic Partitioning
• Partitioning change while application is running
ᵒ Change number of partitions at runtime based on stats
ᵒ Determine initial number of partitions dynamically
• Kafka operators scale according to number of kafka partitions
ᵒ Supports re-distribution of state when number of partitions change
ᵒ API for custom scaler or partitioner
1a1a 2a
1b 2b
1a 2b
1b 2c 3b
Unifiers not shown
How tuples are partitioned
• Tuple hashcode and mask used to determine destination partition
ᵒ Mask picks the last n bits of the hashcode of the tuple
ᵒ hashcode method can be overridden
• StreamCodec can be used to specify custom hashcode for tuples
ᵒ Can also be used for specifying custom serialization
tuple: {
San Jose
00 1
01 2
10 3
11 4
Fault Tolerance
• Operator state is checkpointed to persistent store
ᵒ Automatically performed by engine, no additional coding needed
ᵒ Asynchronous and distributed
ᵒ In case of failure operators are restarted from checkpoint state
• Automatic detection and recovery of failed containers
ᵒ Heartbeat mechanism
ᵒ YARN process status notification
• Buffering to enable replay of data from recovered point
ᵒ Fast, incremental recovery, spike handling
• Application master state checkpointed
ᵒ Snapshot of physical (and logical) plan
ᵒ Execution layer change log
• In-memory PubSub
• Stores results emitted by operator until committed
• Handles backpressure / spillover to local disk
• Ordering, idempotency
Container 1
Node 1
Container 2
Node 2
Buffer Server
Recovery Scenario
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
Processing Guarantees
• On recovery data will be replayed from a previous checkpoint
ᵒ No messages lost
ᵒ Default, suitable for most applications
• Can be used to ensure data is written once to store
ᵒ Transactions with meta information, Rewinding output, Feedback from
external entity, Idempotent operations
• On recovery the latest data is made available to operator
ᵒ Useful in use cases where some data loss is acceptable and latest data is
ᵒ At-least-once + idempotency + transactional mechanisms (operator logic) to
achieve end-to-end exactly once behavior
End-to-End Exactly Once
• Becomes important when writing to external systems
• Data should not be duplicated or lost in the external system even in case of
application failures
• Common external systems
ᵒ Databases
ᵒ Files
ᵒ Message queues
• Platform support for at least once is a must so that no data is lost
• Data duplication must still be avoided when data is replayed from checkpoint
ᵒ Operators implement the logic dependent on the external system
ᵒ Platform provides checkpointing and repeatable windowing
Compute Locality
• By default operators are deployed in containers (processes) on
different nodes across the Hadoop cluster
• Locality options for streams
ᵒ RACK_LOCAL: Data does not traverse network switches
ᵒ NODE_LOCAL: Data transfer via loopback interface, frees up network
ᵒ CONTAINER_LOCAL: Data transfer via in memory queues between
operators, does not require serialization
ᵒ THREAD_LOCAL: Data passed through call stack, operators share thread
• Host Locality
ᵒ Operators can be deployed on specific hosts
• New in 3.4.0: (Anti-)Affinity (APEXCORE-10)
ᵒ Ability to express relative deployment without specifying a host
Data Processing Pipeline Example
App Builder
Monitoring Console
Logical View
Monitoring Console
Physical View
Real-Time Dashboards
Real Time Visualization
Maximize Revenue w/ real-time insights
PubMatic is the leading marketing automation software company for publishers. Through real-time analytics,
yield management, and workflow automation, PubMatic enables publishers to make smarter inventory
decisions and improve revenue performance
Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome
• Ingest and analyze high volume clicks &
views in real-time to help customers
improve revenue
- 200K events/second data
• Report critical metrics for campaign
monetization from auction and client
- 22 TB/day data generated
• Handle ever increasing traffic with
efficient resource utilization
• Always-on ad network
• DataTorrent Enterprise platform,
powered by Apache Apex
• In-memory stream processing
• Comprehensive library of pre-built
operators including connectors
• Built-in fault tolerance
• Dynamically scalable
• Management UI & Data Visualization
• Helps PubMatic deliver ad performance
insights to publishers and advertisers in
real-time instead of 5+ hours
• Helps Publishers visualize campaign
performance and adjust ad inventory in
real-time to maximize their revenue
• Enables PubMatic reduce OPEX with
efficient compute resource utilization
• Built-in fault tolerance ensures
customers can always access ad
Industrial IoT applications
GE is dedicated to providing advanced IoT analytics solutions to thousands of customers who are using their
devices and sensors across different verticals. GE has built a sophisticated analytics platform, Predix, to help its
customers develop and execute Industrial IoT applications and gain real-time insights as well as actions.
Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome
• Ingest and analyze high-volume, high speed
data from thousands of devices, sensors
per customer in real-time without data loss
• Predictive analytics to reduce costly
maintenance and improve customer
• Unified monitoring of all connected sensors
and devices to minimize disruptions
• Fast application development cycle
• High scalability to meet changing business
and application workloads
• Ingestion application using DataTorrent
Enterprise platform
• Powered by Apache Apex
• In-memory stream processing
• Built-in fault tolerance
• Dynamic scalability
• Comprehensive library of pre-built
• Management UI console
• Helps GE improve performance and lower
cost by enabling real-time Big Data
• Helps GE detect possible failures and
minimize unplanned downtimes with
centralized management & monitoring of
• Enables faster innovation with short
application development cycle
• No data loss and 24x7 availability of
• Helps GE adjust to scalability needs with
Smart energy applications
Silver Spring Networks helps global utilities and cities connect, optimize, and manage smart energy and smart city
infrastructure. Silver Spring Networks receives data from over 22 million connected devices, conducts 2 million
remote operations per year
Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome
• Ingest high-volume, high speed data from
millions of devices & sensors in real-time
without data loss
• Make data accessible to applications
without delay to improve customer service
• Capture & analyze historical data to
understand & improve grid operations
• Reduce the cost, time, and pain of
integrating with 3rd party apps
• Centralized management of software &
• DataTorrent Enterprise platform, powered
by Apache Apex
• In-memory stream processing
• Pre-built operator
• Built-in fault tolerance
• Dynamically scalable
• Management UI console
• Helps Silver Spring Networks ingest &
analyze data in real-time for effective load
management & customer service
• Helps Silver Spring Networks detect
possible failures and reduce outages with
centralized management & monitoring of
• Enables fast application development for
faster time to market
• Helps Silver Spring Networks scale with
easy to partition operators
• Automatic recovery from failures
Learn about another use case?
Next-Gen Decision Making in Under 2ms
Ilya Ganelin, Capital One Data Innovation Lab
Monday May 9, 2016 5:10pm - 6:00pm
Plaza B
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Apache Big Data 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex

  • 1. Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex Apache Big Data, Vancouver May 9th 2016 Thomas Weise, Apache Apex PMC @thweise
  • 2. Stream Processing • Data from a variety of sources (IoT, Kafka, files, social media etc.) • Unbounded stream data ᵒ Batch can be processed as stream (but a stream is not a batch) • (In-memory) Processing with temporal boundaries (windows) • Stateful operations: Aggregation, Rules, … -> Analytics • Results stored to a variety of sinks or destinations ᵒ Streaming application can also serve data with very low latency 2 Browser Web Server Kafka Input (logs) Decompress, Parse, Filter Dimensions Aggregate Kafka Logs Kafka
  • 3. Apache Apex Features • In-memory stream processing platform ᵒ Developed since 2012, ASF TLP since 04/2016 • Unobtrusive Java API to express (custom) logic • Scale out, distributed, parallel • High throughput & low latency processing • Windowing (temporal boundary) • Reliability, fault tolerance, operability • Hadoop native • Compute locality, affinity • Dynamic updates, elasticity 3
  • 4. Applications on Apex 4 • Distributed processing • Application logic broken into components called operators that run in a distributed fashion across your cluster • Natural programming model • Code as if you were writing normal Java logic • Maintain state in your application variables • Scalable • Operators can be scaled up or down at runtime according to the load and SLA • Fault tolerant • Automatically recover from node outages without having to reprocess from beginning • State is preserved, checkpointing, incremental recovery • Long running applications • Operational insight • See how each operator is performing and even record data
  • 6. Apache Apex Malhar Library 6
  • 7. Native Hadoop Integration 7 • YARN is the resource manager • HDFS used for storing any persistent state
  • 8. Application Development Model 8  A Stream is a sequence of data tuples  A typical Operator takes one or more input streams, performs computations & emits one or more output streams • Each Operator is YOUR custom business logic in java, or built-in operator from our open source library • Operator has many instances that run in parallel and each instance is single-threaded  Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is made up of operators and streams Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Output Stream Tupl e Tupl e er Operator er Operator er Operator er Operator er Operator er Operator
  • 9. Streaming Windows 9  Application window  Sliding window and tumbling window  Checkpoint window  No artificial latency
  • 10. Event time & Dimensions Computation 10 (All) : 5 t=4:00 : 2 t=5:00 : 3 k=A, t=4:00 : 2 k=A, t=5:00 : 1 k=B, t=5:00 : 2 (All) : 4 t=4:00 : 2 t=5:00 : 2 k=A, t=4:00 : 2 K=B, t=5:00 : 2 k=A t=5:00 (All) : 1 t=4:00 : 1 k=A, t=4:00 : 1 k=B t=5:59 k=B t=5:00 k=A T=4:30 k=A t=4:00
  • 14. Partitioning 14 NxM PartitionsUnifier 0 1 2 3 Logical DAG 0 1 2 1 1 Unifier 1 20 Logical Diagram Physical Diagram with operator 1 with 3 partitions 0 Unifier 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Unifier 3 Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): No bottleneck Unifier Unifier0 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Unifier 3 Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): Bottleneck on intermediate Unifier
  • 15. Advanced Partitioning 15 0 1a 1b 2 3 4Unifier Physical DAG 0 4 3a2a1a 1b 2b 3b Unifier Physical DAG with Parallel Partition Parallel Partition Container uopr uopr1 uopr2 uopr3 uopr4 uopr1 uopr2 uopr3 uopr4 dopr dopr doprunifier unifier unifier unifier Container Container NICNIC NICNIC NIC Container NIC Logical Plan Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1 Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1, K = 2 with cascading unifiers Cascading Unifiers 0 1 2 3 4 Logical DAG
  • 16. Dynamic Partitioning 16 • Partitioning change while application is running ᵒ Change number of partitions at runtime based on stats ᵒ Determine initial number of partitions dynamically • Kafka operators scale according to number of kafka partitions ᵒ Supports re-distribution of state when number of partitions change ᵒ API for custom scaler or partitioner 2b 2c 3 2a 2d 1b 1a1a 2a 1b 2b 3 1a 2b 1b 2c 3b 2a 2d 3a Unifiers not shown
  • 17. How tuples are partitioned 17 • Tuple hashcode and mask used to determine destination partition ᵒ Mask picks the last n bits of the hashcode of the tuple ᵒ hashcode method can be overridden • StreamCodec can be used to specify custom hashcode for tuples ᵒ Can also be used for specifying custom serialization tuple: { Name, 24204842, San Jose } Hashcode: 00101010001 0101 Mask (0x11) Partition 00 1 01 2 10 3 11 4
  • 18. Fault Tolerance 18 • Operator state is checkpointed to persistent store ᵒ Automatically performed by engine, no additional coding needed ᵒ Asynchronous and distributed ᵒ In case of failure operators are restarted from checkpoint state • Automatic detection and recovery of failed containers ᵒ Heartbeat mechanism ᵒ YARN process status notification • Buffering to enable replay of data from recovered point ᵒ Fast, incremental recovery, spike handling • Application master state checkpointed ᵒ Snapshot of physical (and logical) plan ᵒ Execution layer change log
  • 19. • In-memory PubSub • Stores results emitted by operator until committed • Handles backpressure / spillover to local disk • Ordering, idempotency Operator 1 Container 1 Buffer Server Node 1 Operator 2 Container 2 Node 2 Buffer Server 19
  • 20. Recovery Scenario … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 0 … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 7 … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 10 … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 7 20
  • 21. Processing Guarantees 21 At-least-once • On recovery data will be replayed from a previous checkpoint ᵒ No messages lost ᵒ Default, suitable for most applications • Can be used to ensure data is written once to store ᵒ Transactions with meta information, Rewinding output, Feedback from external entity, Idempotent operations At-most-once • On recovery the latest data is made available to operator ᵒ Useful in use cases where some data loss is acceptable and latest data is sufficient Exactly-once ᵒ At-least-once + idempotency + transactional mechanisms (operator logic) to achieve end-to-end exactly once behavior
  • 22. End-to-End Exactly Once 22 • Becomes important when writing to external systems • Data should not be duplicated or lost in the external system even in case of application failures • Common external systems ᵒ Databases ᵒ Files ᵒ Message queues • Platform support for at least once is a must so that no data is lost • Data duplication must still be avoided when data is replayed from checkpoint ᵒ Operators implement the logic dependent on the external system ᵒ Platform provides checkpointing and repeatable windowing
  • 23. Compute Locality 23 • By default operators are deployed in containers (processes) on different nodes across the Hadoop cluster • Locality options for streams ᵒ RACK_LOCAL: Data does not traverse network switches ᵒ NODE_LOCAL: Data transfer via loopback interface, frees up network bandwidth ᵒ CONTAINER_LOCAL: Data transfer via in memory queues between operators, does not require serialization ᵒ THREAD_LOCAL: Data passed through call stack, operators share thread • Host Locality ᵒ Operators can be deployed on specific hosts • New in 3.4.0: (Anti-)Affinity (APEXCORE-10) ᵒ Ability to express relative deployment without specifying a host
  • 24. Data Processing Pipeline Example App Builder 24
  • 27. Real-Time Dashboards Real Time Visualization 27
  • 28. Maximize Revenue w/ real-time insights 28 PubMatic is the leading marketing automation software company for publishers. Through real-time analytics, yield management, and workflow automation, PubMatic enables publishers to make smarter inventory decisions and improve revenue performance Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome • Ingest and analyze high volume clicks & views in real-time to help customers improve revenue - 200K events/second data flow • Report critical metrics for campaign monetization from auction and client logs - 22 TB/day data generated • Handle ever increasing traffic with efficient resource utilization • Always-on ad network • DataTorrent Enterprise platform, powered by Apache Apex • In-memory stream processing • Comprehensive library of pre-built operators including connectors • Built-in fault tolerance • Dynamically scalable • Management UI & Data Visualization console • Helps PubMatic deliver ad performance insights to publishers and advertisers in real-time instead of 5+ hours • Helps Publishers visualize campaign performance and adjust ad inventory in real-time to maximize their revenue • Enables PubMatic reduce OPEX with efficient compute resource utilization • Built-in fault tolerance ensures customers can always access ad network
  • 29. Industrial IoT applications 29 GE is dedicated to providing advanced IoT analytics solutions to thousands of customers who are using their devices and sensors across different verticals. GE has built a sophisticated analytics platform, Predix, to help its customers develop and execute Industrial IoT applications and gain real-time insights as well as actions. Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome • Ingest and analyze high-volume, high speed data from thousands of devices, sensors per customer in real-time without data loss • Predictive analytics to reduce costly maintenance and improve customer service • Unified monitoring of all connected sensors and devices to minimize disruptions • Fast application development cycle • High scalability to meet changing business and application workloads • Ingestion application using DataTorrent Enterprise platform • Powered by Apache Apex • In-memory stream processing • Built-in fault tolerance • Dynamic scalability • Comprehensive library of pre-built operators • Management UI console • Helps GE improve performance and lower cost by enabling real-time Big Data analytics • Helps GE detect possible failures and minimize unplanned downtimes with centralized management & monitoring of devices • Enables faster innovation with short application development cycle • No data loss and 24x7 availability of applications • Helps GE adjust to scalability needs with auto-scaling
  • 30. Smart energy applications 30 Silver Spring Networks helps global utilities and cities connect, optimize, and manage smart energy and smart city infrastructure. Silver Spring Networks receives data from over 22 million connected devices, conducts 2 million remote operations per year Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome • Ingest high-volume, high speed data from millions of devices & sensors in real-time without data loss • Make data accessible to applications without delay to improve customer service • Capture & analyze historical data to understand & improve grid operations • Reduce the cost, time, and pain of integrating with 3rd party apps • Centralized management of software & operations • DataTorrent Enterprise platform, powered by Apache Apex • In-memory stream processing • Pre-built operator • Built-in fault tolerance • Dynamically scalable • Management UI console • Helps Silver Spring Networks ingest & analyze data in real-time for effective load management & customer service • Helps Silver Spring Networks detect possible failures and reduce outages with centralized management & monitoring of devices • Enables fast application development for faster time to market • Helps Silver Spring Networks scale with easy to partition operators • Automatic recovery from failures
  • 31. Learn about another use case? 31 Next-Gen Decision Making in Under 2ms Ilya Ganelin, Capital One Data Innovation Lab Monday May 9, 2016 5:10pm - 6:00pm Plaza B
  • 32. Resources 32 • • Learn more: • Subscribe - • Download - • Follow @ApacheApex - • Meetups - • More examples: • Slideshare: •