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Pramod Immaneni <>
Apache Apex PMC, Architect @DataTorrent Inc
May 7th, 2016
The next generation native Hadoop platform
Introduction to Apache Apex
What is Apex
• Platform and runtime engine that enables development of
scalable and fault-tolerant distributed applications
• Hadoop native
• Process streaming or batch big data
• High throughput and low latency
• Library of commonly needed business logic
• Write any custom business logic in your application
Applications on Apex
• Distributed processing
• Application logic broken into components called operators that run in a distributed fashion
across your cluster
• Scalable
• Operators can be scaled up or down at runtime according to the load and SLA
• Fault tolerant
• Automatically recover from node outages without having to reprocess from beginning
• State is preserved
• Long running applications
• Operators
• Use library to build applications quickly
• Write your own in Java using the API
• Operational insight – DataTorrent RTS
• See how each operator is performing and even record data
Apex Stack Overview
Apex Operator Library - Malhar
Native Hadoop Integration
• YARN is
• HDFS used
for storing
Application Development Model
 A Stream is a sequence of data tuples
 A typical Operator takes one or more input streams, performs computations & emits one or more output streams
• Each Operator is YOUR custom business logic in java, or built-in operator from our open source library
• Operator has many instances that run in parallel and each instance is single-threaded
 Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is made up of operators and streams
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Advanced Windowing Support
 Application window
 Sliding window and tumbling window
 Checkpoint window
 No artificial latency
Application in Java
Operators (contd)
Partitioning and unification
NxM PartitionsUnifier
0 1 2 3
Logical DAG
0 1 2
1 Unifier
Logical Diagram
Physical Diagram with operator 1 with 3 partitions
Unifier 3
Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): No bottleneck
Unifier 3
Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): Bottleneck on intermediate Unifier
Advanced Partitioning
2 3 4Unifier
Physical DAG
0 4
1b 2b 3b
Physical DAG with Parallel Partition
Parallel Partition
Logical Plan
Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1
Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1, K = 2 with cascading unifiers
Cascading Unifiers
0 1 2 3 4
Logical DAG
Dynamic Partitioning
• Partitioning change while application is running
ᵒ Change number of partitions at runtime based on stats
ᵒ Determine initial number of partitions dynamically
• Kafka operators scale according to number of kafka partitions
ᵒ Supports re-distribution of state when number of partitions change
ᵒ API for custom scaler or partitioner
1a1a 2a
1b 2b
1a 2b
1b 2c 3b
Unifiers not shown
How tuples are partitioned
• Tuple hashcode and mask used to determine destination partition
ᵒ Mask picks the last n bits of the hashcode of the tuple
ᵒ hashcode method can be overridden
• StreamCodec can be used to specify custom hashcode for tuples
ᵒ Can also be used for specifying custom serialization
tuple: {
San Jose
00 1
01 2
10 3
11 4
Custom partitioning
• Custom distribution of tuples
ᵒ E.g.. Broadcast
San Jose
00 1
00 2
00 3
00 4
Fault Tolerance
• Operator state is checkpointed to a persistent store
ᵒ Automatically performed by engine, no additional work needed by operator
ᵒ In case of failure operators are restarted from checkpoint state
ᵒ Frequency configurable per operator
ᵒ Asynchronous and distributed by default
ᵒ Default store is HDFS
• Automatic detection and recovery of failed operators
ᵒ Heartbeat mechanism
• Buffering mechanism to ensure replay of data from recovered point so
that there is no loss of data
• Application master state checkpointed
Processing Guarantees - Recovery
Atleast once
• On recovery data will be replayed from a previous checkpoint
ᵒ Messages will not be lost
ᵒ Default mechanism and is suitable for most applications
• Can be used in conjunction with following mechanisms to achieve
exactly-once behavior in fault recovery scenarios
ᵒ Transactions with meta information, Rewinding output, Feedback from
external entity, Idempotent operations
Atmost once
• On recovery the latest data is made available to operator
ᵒ Useful in use cases where some data loss is acceptable and latest data is
Exactly once
• At least once + state recovery + operator logic to achieve end-to-end
exactly once
Stream Locality
• By default operators are deployed in containers (processes) randomly
on different nodes across the Hadoop cluster
• Custom locality for streams
ᵒ Rack local: Data does not traverse network switches
ᵒ Node local: Data is passed via loopback interface and frees up network
ᵒ Container local: Messages are passed via in memory queues between
operators and does not require serialization
ᵒ Thread local: Messages are passed between operators in a same thread
equivalent to calling a subsequent function on the message
Monitoring Console
Logical View
Monitoring Console
Physical View
App Ideas
• Ingestion with some ETL
• Social media trending
• Dimensional Analytics on large data sets like weather data
• Location tracking
• Alerting with IoT streams
• Free your imagination
Useful operator list
• LineByLineFileInputOperator, StringFileOutputOperator
• JMSStringInputOperator, JMSStringSinglePortOutputOperator
• KafkaSinglePortStringInputOperator, POJOKafkaOutputOperator
• KinensisStringInputOperator, KinesisStringOutputOperator
• JdbcPOJOInputOperator, JdbcPOJOOutputOperator
• CsvParser
• FilterOperator
Reference Resources
• Documentation –
• Beginners guide -
• JavaDoc -
• Apache Apex website -
• Subscribe -
• Download -
• Twitter - @ApacheApex; Follow -
• Facebook -
• Meetup -
• Free Enterprise License for Startups -
We Are Hiring
• Developers/Architects
• QA Automation Developers
• Information Developers
• Build and Release
• Community Leaders

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Intro to Apache Apex - Next Gen Native Hadoop Platform - Hackac

  • 1. Pramod Immaneni <> Apache Apex PMC, Architect @DataTorrent Inc May 7th, 2016 The next generation native Hadoop platform Introduction to Apache Apex
  • 2. What is Apex 2 • Platform and runtime engine that enables development of scalable and fault-tolerant distributed applications • Hadoop native • Process streaming or batch big data • High throughput and low latency • Library of commonly needed business logic • Write any custom business logic in your application
  • 3. Applications on Apex 3 • Distributed processing • Application logic broken into components called operators that run in a distributed fashion across your cluster • Scalable • Operators can be scaled up or down at runtime according to the load and SLA • Fault tolerant • Automatically recover from node outages without having to reprocess from beginning • State is preserved • Long running applications • Operators • Use library to build applications quickly • Write your own in Java using the API • Operational insight – DataTorrent RTS • See how each operator is performing and even record data
  • 6. Native Hadoop Integration 6 • YARN is the resource manager • HDFS used for storing any persistent state
  • 7. Application Development Model 7  A Stream is a sequence of data tuples  A typical Operator takes one or more input streams, performs computations & emits one or more output streams • Each Operator is YOUR custom business logic in java, or built-in operator from our open source library • Operator has many instances that run in parallel and each instance is single-threaded  Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is made up of operators and streams Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Output Stream Tupl e Tupl e er Operator er Operator er Operator er Operator er Operator er Operator
  • 8. Advanced Windowing Support 8  Application window  Sliding window and tumbling window  Checkpoint window  No artificial latency
  • 12. Partitioning and unification 12 NxM PartitionsUnifier 0 1 2 3 Logical DAG 0 1 2 1 1 Unifier 1 20 Logical Diagram Physical Diagram with operator 1 with 3 partitions 0 Unifier 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Unifier 3 Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): No bottleneck Unifier Unifier0 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Unifier 3 Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): Bottleneck on intermediate Unifier
  • 13. Advanced Partitioning 13 0 1a 1b 2 3 4Unifier Physical DAG 0 4 3a2a1a 1b 2b 3b Unifier Physical DAG with Parallel Partition Parallel Partition Container uopr uopr1 uopr2 uopr3 uopr4 uopr1 uopr2 uopr3 uopr4 dopr dopr doprunifier unifier unifier unifier Container Container NICNIC NICNIC NIC Container NIC Logical Plan Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1 Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1, K = 2 with cascading unifiers Cascading Unifiers 0 1 2 3 4 Logical DAG
  • 14. Dynamic Partitioning 14 • Partitioning change while application is running ᵒ Change number of partitions at runtime based on stats ᵒ Determine initial number of partitions dynamically • Kafka operators scale according to number of kafka partitions ᵒ Supports re-distribution of state when number of partitions change ᵒ API for custom scaler or partitioner 2b 2c 3 2a 2d 1b 1a1a 2a 1b 2b 3 1a 2b 1b 2c 3b 2a 2d 3a Unifiers not shown
  • 15. How tuples are partitioned 15 • Tuple hashcode and mask used to determine destination partition ᵒ Mask picks the last n bits of the hashcode of the tuple ᵒ hashcode method can be overridden • StreamCodec can be used to specify custom hashcode for tuples ᵒ Can also be used for specifying custom serialization tuple: { Name, 24204842, San Jose } Hashcode: 00101010001 0101 Mask (0x11) Partition 00 1 01 2 10 3 11 4
  • 16. Custom partitioning 16 • Custom distribution of tuples ᵒ E.g.. Broadcast tuple:{ Name, 24204842, San Jose } Hashcode: 00101010001 0101 Mask (0x00) Partition 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4
  • 17. Fault Tolerance 17 • Operator state is checkpointed to a persistent store ᵒ Automatically performed by engine, no additional work needed by operator ᵒ In case of failure operators are restarted from checkpoint state ᵒ Frequency configurable per operator ᵒ Asynchronous and distributed by default ᵒ Default store is HDFS • Automatic detection and recovery of failed operators ᵒ Heartbeat mechanism • Buffering mechanism to ensure replay of data from recovered point so that there is no loss of data • Application master state checkpointed
  • 18. Processing Guarantees - Recovery 18 Atleast once • On recovery data will be replayed from a previous checkpoint ᵒ Messages will not be lost ᵒ Default mechanism and is suitable for most applications • Can be used in conjunction with following mechanisms to achieve exactly-once behavior in fault recovery scenarios ᵒ Transactions with meta information, Rewinding output, Feedback from external entity, Idempotent operations Atmost once • On recovery the latest data is made available to operator ᵒ Useful in use cases where some data loss is acceptable and latest data is sufficient Exactly once • At least once + state recovery + operator logic to achieve end-to-end exactly once
  • 19. Stream Locality 19 • By default operators are deployed in containers (processes) randomly on different nodes across the Hadoop cluster • Custom locality for streams ᵒ Rack local: Data does not traverse network switches ᵒ Node local: Data is passed via loopback interface and frees up network bandwidth ᵒ Container local: Messages are passed via in memory queues between operators and does not require serialization ᵒ Thread local: Messages are passed between operators in a same thread equivalent to calling a subsequent function on the message
  • 22. App Ideas 22 • Ingestion with some ETL • Social media trending • Dimensional Analytics on large data sets like weather data • Location tracking • Alerting with IoT streams • Free your imagination
  • 23. Useful operator list 23 • LineByLineFileInputOperator, StringFileOutputOperator • JMSStringInputOperator, JMSStringSinglePortOutputOperator • KafkaSinglePortStringInputOperator, POJOKafkaOutputOperator • KinensisStringInputOperator, KinesisStringOutputOperator • JdbcPOJOInputOperator, JdbcPOJOOutputOperator • CsvParser • FilterOperator
  • 24. Reference Resources 24 • Documentation – • Beginners guide - • JavaDoc -
  • 25. Resources 25 • Apache Apex website - • Subscribe - • Download - • Twitter - @ApacheApex; Follow - • Facebook - • Meetup - • Free Enterprise License for Startups - accelerator/
  • 26. We Are Hiring 26 • • Developers/Architects • QA Automation Developers • Information Developers • Build and Release • Community Leaders