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#MongoDB #CMGNews

NoSQL: Capacity Planning
Asya Kamsky
Senior Solutions Architect, MongoDB Inc.
Some History
•  1970's Relational Databases Invented
–  Storage is expensive
–  Data is normalized
–  Data is abstracted away from app
Some History
•  1970's Relational Databases Invented
–  Storage is expensive
–  Data is normalized
–  Data is abstracted away from app
•  1980's RDBMS commercialized
–  Client/Server model
–  SQL becomes the standard
Some History
•  1970's Relational Databases Invented
–  Storage is expensive
–  Data is normalized
–  Data storage is abstracted away from app
•  1980's RDBMS commercialized
–  Client/Server model
–  SQL becomes the standard
•  1990's Things begin to change
–  Client/Server=> 3-tier architecture
–  Internet and the Web
Some History
•  2000's Web 2.0
–  "Social Media"
–  E-Commerce
–  Decrease of HW prices
–  Increase of collected data
Some History
•  2000's Web 2.0
–  "Social Media"
–  E-Commerce
–  Decrease of HW prices
–  Increase of collected data

•  Result
–  Need to scale
-- How do we keep up?
•  Agile Development Methodology
–  Shorter development cycles
–  Constant evolution of requirements
–  Flexibility at design time
•  Agile Development Methodology
–  Shorter development cycles
–  Constant evolution of requirements
–  Flexibility at design time

•  Relational Schema
–  Hard to evolve

•  must stay in sync with
Workarounds on Application
NoSQL vs Relational
•  Relational

•  Key-Value



Document Column


•  Two-phase commit

•  ACID on document level

•  Joins

•  No Joins
NoSQL Examples
NoSQL Examples
NoSQL Examples
NoSQL Examples
All Different

MongoDB != Cassandra != Neo4j != Redis != Riak != CouchDB != Couchbase
MongoDB History
•  Designed/developed by founders of Doubleclick, ShopWiki, GILT

groupe, etc.

•  First production site March 2008 -
•  Open Source – AGPL, written in C++
•  Version 0.8 – first official release February 2009
•  Version 2.4 – March 2013
MongoDB Design Goals
MongoDB: scalable, high-performance
•  Document-oriented Storage
•  Based on JSON Documents
•  Flexible Schema
•  Scalable Architecture
•  Auto-sharding
•  Replication & high availability
•  Key Features Include:
•  Full featured indexes
•  Query language
•  Aggregation & Map/Reduce
MongoDB Performance
Just like all other systems, w/o understanding what
their strengths and weaknesses are, it is easy to build a
bad system.
MongoDB Performance
Better data locality


Better Data Locality
•  Data model means "entities" can reside "together"
•  Optimize schema for read and write access patterns
•  Minimize "seeks" as they dominate IO slowdown

•  Failure to take advantage of document model:
–  no improved performance
–  all the disadvantages with non of the advantages!
–  incorrect model can overshoot "all data embedded"
MongoDB Performance
Better data locality



In-memory Caching
•  memory mapped files,
•  caching handled by OS,
•  naturally leaves most frequently accessed data in RAM
•  have enough RAM to fit indexes and working data set

for best performance
MongoDB Performance


High Availability

Better data locality



Read/Write scaling
•  horizontal scaling is "built-in" to the product
•  Replication is for HA
•  Sharding is for scaling
•  Number of servers in replica set based on HA

•  Number of shards is based on capacity needed vs.

single server/replicaset capacity
MongoDB Performance*
Top 5 Marketing

Government Agency

Top 5 Investment

10+ fields, arrays,
nested documents

20+ fields, arrays,
nested documents

Queries Key-based
1 – 100 docs/query
80/20 read/write

Compound queries
Range queries
20/80 read/write

Compound queries
Range queries
50/50 read/write

Servers ~250



Ops/sec 1,200,000



Data Key/value

* These figures are provided as examples. Your application governs your performance.
Key Performance Considerations

Capacity Planning

Performance Tuning
Capacity Planning: Why, What, When
Consequences of not planning?
Capacity Planning: Why, What, When
Capacity Planning: Why, What, When

•  There is one thing that is absolutely mandatory to

have in order to succeed in capacity planning

•  Without it, you will not be successful
•  We must have REQUIREMENTS from business
–  without requirements, we're building a roadmap without

knowing the desired destination

Imagine building a car without knowing what its top speed
should be, acceleration, MPH, and cost?
Capacity Planning: Why, What, When





•  Availability: what is uptime requirement?
•  Throughput
–  average read/write/users
–  peak throughput?
–  OPS (operations per second)? per hour? per day?

•  Responsiveness
–  what is acceptable latency?
–  is higher during peak times acceptable?
Capacity Planning: Why, What, When






Capacity Planning: Why, What, When
•  Before it's too late!



Version 2
•  At the beginning before production, but after you launch you

must continue the process
•  Lack of future planning: Failure to project performance
drop-off as the amount of data increases –

•  Process (steps): -> ACTIONS
–  Requirements ask, guess, try/measure.
–  Understand application needs
–  Choose hardware to meet that pattern (...)
–  How many machines you need
–  Monitor to recognize growth exceeding current capacity.
Capacity Planning: What?
Understand Resources
–  Storage
–  Memory
–  CPU
–  Network

•  Understand Your Application
–  Monitor and Collect Metrics
–  Model to Predict Change
–  Allocate and Deploy
–  (repeat process)
Resource Usage
–  Size
–  Data & Loading Patterns

–  Working Set

–  Speed
–  Cores

–  Latency
–  Throughput

•  Active
•  Archival
•  Loading Patterns
•  Integration (BI/DW)
Storage Capability
Example IOPS
7,200 rpm SATA

~ 75-100 IOPS

15,000 rpm SAS

~ 175-210 IOPS

Amazon EBS/Provisioned

~ 100 IOPS "up to" 2,000 IOPS

Amazon SSD

9,000 – 120,000 IOPS

Intel X25-E (SLC)

~ 5,000


Fusion IO

~ 135,000


Violin Memory 6000

~ 1,000,000 IOPS

Measuring and Monitoring

Measuring and Monitoring

Measuring and Monitoring
Working Set
–  Active Data in Memory
–  Measured Over Periods
– Sorting
– Aggregation
– Connections
– Sorting
– Aggregation
– Connections


Measuring and Monitoring
New in 2.4
–  workingSet option on db.serverStatus()

db.serverStatus( { workingSet: 1 } )
Memory & Storage


Memory & Storage

MOPS: MongoDB Ops/sec
Memory & Storage


MOPS: MongoDB Ops/sec
Memory & Storage

% Disk Util

Non-indexed Data
–  Map/Reduce
–  Framework

–  Fields
–  Nesting
–  Arrays/Embedded-Docs



–  WriteConcern
–  ReadPreference
–  Batching
–  Documents (and Collections)

–  Update/Write Patterns
–  Reads/Queries
Starter Questions
What is the working set?
–  How does that equate to memory
–  How much disk access will that require

How efficient are the queries?
What is the rate of data change?
How big are the highs and lows?
Deployment Types
All of these use the same resources:

Single Instance


Multiple Instances (Replica Set)


Cluster (Sharding)


Data Centers
Capacity Planning: Monitoring

§  Storage
§  Memory
§  CPU
§  Network
§  Application Metrics
•  CLI and internal status commands

•  mongostat; mongotop; db.serverStatus()
•  Plug-ins for munin, Nagios, cacti, etc.
•  Integration via SNMP to other tools
•  MMS
MongoDB Management Service
Cloud-based suite of services for managing MongoDB deployments
A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words
High Use CPU

Similar Query Pattern
Monitoring Best Practices
•  Monitor Logs
–  Alert, escalate
–  Correlate

•  Disk
–  Monitor

•  Instrument/Monitor App (including logs!)
•  Know your application and application (write)

•  Load/Users
–  Response Time/TTFB

•  System Performance
–  Peak Usage
–  Min/avg Usage
Velocity of Change
•  Limitations -> takes time
–  Data Movement
–  Allocation/Provisioning (servers/mem/disk)
•  Improvement
–  Limit Size of Change (if you can)
–  Increase Frequency
–  MEASURE its effect
–  Practice
Repeat (continuously)

Repeat Testing
Repeat Evaluations
Repeat Deployment

Thank You
Asya Kamsky
Senior Solutions Architect, MongoDB

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