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From Batch to Realtime
    with Hadoop
     Berlin Buzzwords, June 2012
             Lars George
About Me

• Solutions Architect @ Cloudera
• Apache HBase & Whirr Committer
• Working with Hadoop & HBase since
• Author of O’Reilly’s “HBase - The
  Definitive Guide”
The Application Stack
• Solve Business Goals
• Rely on Proven Building Blocks
• Rapid Prototyping
 ‣ Templates, MVC, Reference
• Evolutionary Innovation Cycles
           “Let there be light!”
L   Linux

A   Apache


P   PHP/Perl
L   Linux

A   Apache


M   Memcache

P   PHP/Perl
The Dawn of Big Data
•   Industry verticals produce a staggering amount of data
•   Not only web properties, but also “brick and mortar”
    ‣   Smart Grid, Bio Informatics, Financial, Telco
•   Scalable computation frameworks allow analysis of all the data
    ‣   No sampling anymore
•   Suitable algorithms derive even more data
    ‣   Machine learning
•   “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data”
    ‣   More data is better than smart algorithms

• HDFS + MapReduce
• Based on Google Papers
• Distributed Storage and Computation
• Affordable Hardware, Free Software
• Significant Adoption

• Reliably store petabytes of replicated data
  across thousands of nodes
• Master/Slave Architecture
• Built on “commodity” hardware
   • Distributed programming model to reliably
     process petabytes of data
   • Locality of data to processing is vital
     ‣ Run code where data resides
   • Inspired by map and reduce functions in
     functional programming

Input ➜ Map() ➜ Copy/Sort ➜ Reduce() ➜ Output
From Short to Long Term

            • Serves the Client
            • Stores Intermediate Data

            • Background Batch Processing
            • Stores Long-Term Data
Batch Processing
•   Scale is Unlimited
    ‣ Bound only by Hardware
•   Harness the Power of the Cluster
    ‣ CPUs, Disks, Memory

•   Disks extend Memory
    ‣ Spills represent Swapping

•   Trade Size Limitations with Time
    ‣ Jobs run for a few minutes to hours, days
From Batch to Realtime
•   “Time is Money”
•   Bridging the gap between batch and “now”
•   Realtime often means “faster than batch”
•   80/20 Rule
    ‣ Hadoop solves the 80% easily
    ‣ The remaining 20% is taking 80% of the
•   Go as close as possible, don’t overdo it!
Stop Gap Solutions
•   In Memory
    ‣   Memcached
    ‣   MemBase
    ‣   GigaSpaces
•   Relational Databases
    ‣   MySQL
    ‣   PostgreSQL
•   NoSQL
    ‣   Cassandra
    ‣   HBase
Complemental Design #1
              • Keep Backup in HDFS
              • MapReduce over HDFS
              • Synchronize HBase
  LAM(M)P       ‣Batch Puts
                ‣Bulk Import

   Hadoop     HBase
Complemental Design #2
             • Add Log Support
             • Synchronize HBase
  LAM(M)P      ‣Batch Puts
               ‣Bulk Import

  Hadoop     HBase
Mitigation Planning
• Reliable storage has top priority
• Disaster Recovery
• HBase Backups
  ‣ Export - but what if HBase is “down”
  ‣ CopyTable - same issue
  ‣ Snapshots - not available (yet)
Complemental Design #3
              • Add Log Processing
              • Remove Direct Connection
  LAM(M)P     • Synchronize HBase
                ‣Batch Puts
   Flume        ‣Bulk Import

  Hadoop                HBase
Facebook Insights

• > 20B Events per Day
• 1M Counter Updates per Second
  ‣ 100 Nodes Cluster
  ‣ 10K OPS per Node

Web ➜ Scribe ➜ Ptail ➜ Puma ➜ HBase
Collection Layer

• “Like” button triggers AJAX request
• Event written to log file using Scribe
  ‣ Handles aggregation, delivery, file roll
    over, etc.
  ‣ Uses HDFS to store files
✓ Use Flume or Scribe
Filter Layer
• Ptail “follows” logs written by Scribe
• Aggregates from multiple logs
• Separates into event types
  ‣ Sharding for future growth
• Facebook internal tool
✓ Use Flume
Batching Layer
• Puma batches updates
  ‣ 1 sec, staggered
• Flush batch, when last is done
• Duration limited by key distribution
• Facebook internal tool
✓ Use Coprocessors (0.92.0)
•   Store counters per Domain and per URL
    ‣ Leverage HBase increment (atomic read-modify-
      write) feature
•   Each row is one specific Domain or URL
•   The columns are the counters for specific metrics
•   Column families are used to group counters by time
    ‣ Set time-to-live on CF level to auto-expire counters
      by age to save space, e.g., 2 weeks on “Daily
      Counters” family
Key Design
•   Reversed Domains, eg. “com.cloudera.www”, “”
    ‣   Helps keeping pages per site close, as HBase efficiently scans blocks
        of sorted keys
•   Domain Row Key =
    MD5(Reversed Domain) + Reversed Domain
    ‣   Leading MD5 hash spreads keys randomly across all regions for
        load balancing reasons
    ‣   Only hashing the domain groups per site (and per subdomain if
•   URL Row Key =
    MD5(Reversed Domain) + Reversed Domain + URL ID
    ‣   Unique ID per URL already available, make use of it
Insights Schema
Row Key: Domain Row Key
   Hourly Counters CF             Daily Counters CF                     Lifetime Counters CF
6pm 6pm      6pm   7pm                1/1    1/1   2/1
                        ... 1/1 Total                     ...   Total      Male Female    US    ...
Total Male    US    ...               Male   US     ...
 100   50     92    45        1000    320    670   990          10000      6780   3220   9900

Row Key: URL Row Key
   Hourly Counters CF             Daily Counters CF                     Lifetime Counters CF
6pm 6pm      6pm   7pm                1/1    1/1   2/1
                        ... 1/1 Total                     ...   Total      Male Female    US    ...
Total Male    US    ...               Male   US     ...
 10    5      9     4         100      20    70    99            100        8      92     100
Complemental Design #4
                    • Add Stream Processing
LAM(M)P    Storm      ‣Fault Tolerant
 Flume              • Bridges minutes/hours
                     vs. months/years

Hadoop      HBase
Batch + Stream
•   Currently moves complexity into app layer
    ‣ Reads need to merge batch and stream results
•   Stream results can be dropped once data is
    persisted in batch layer
•   Stream might not be 100% correct, but good
    enough in most cases
    ‣ Eventual Accuracy
•   Latency vs. Throughput - best of both worlds

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From Batch to Realtime with Hadoop - Berlin Buzzwords - June 2012

  • 1. From Batch to Realtime with Hadoop Berlin Buzzwords, June 2012 Lars George
  • 2. About Me • Solutions Architect @ Cloudera • Apache HBase & Whirr Committer • Working with Hadoop & HBase since 2007 • Author of O’Reilly’s “HBase - The Definitive Guide”
  • 3. The Application Stack • Solve Business Goals • Rely on Proven Building Blocks • Rapid Prototyping ‣ Templates, MVC, Reference Implementations • Evolutionary Innovation Cycles “Let there be light!”
  • 5. L Linux A Apache M MySQL P PHP/Perl
  • 6. L Linux A Apache M MySQL M Memcache P PHP/Perl
  • 7. The Dawn of Big Data • Industry verticals produce a staggering amount of data • Not only web properties, but also “brick and mortar” businesses ‣ Smart Grid, Bio Informatics, Financial, Telco • Scalable computation frameworks allow analysis of all the data ‣ No sampling anymore • Suitable algorithms derive even more data ‣ Machine learning • “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data” ‣ More data is better than smart algorithms
  • 8. Hadoop • HDFS + MapReduce • Based on Google Papers • Distributed Storage and Computation Framework • Affordable Hardware, Free Software • Significant Adoption
  • 9. HDFS • Reliably store petabytes of replicated data across thousands of nodes • Master/Slave Architecture • Built on “commodity” hardware
  • 10. MapReduce • Distributed programming model to reliably process petabytes of data • Locality of data to processing is vital ‣ Run code where data resides • Inspired by map and reduce functions in functional programming Input ➜ Map() ➜ Copy/Sort ➜ Reduce() ➜ Output
  • 11. From Short to Long Term Internet LAM(M)P • Serves the Client • Stores Intermediate Data Hadoop • Background Batch Processing • Stores Long-Term Data
  • 12. Batch Processing • Scale is Unlimited ‣ Bound only by Hardware • Harness the Power of the Cluster ‣ CPUs, Disks, Memory • Disks extend Memory ‣ Spills represent Swapping • Trade Size Limitations with Time ‣ Jobs run for a few minutes to hours, days
  • 13. From Batch to Realtime • “Time is Money” • Bridging the gap between batch and “now” • Realtime often means “faster than batch” • 80/20 Rule ‣ Hadoop solves the 80% easily ‣ The remaining 20% is taking 80% of the effort • Go as close as possible, don’t overdo it!
  • 14. Stop Gap Solutions • In Memory ‣ Memcached ‣ MemBase ‣ GigaSpaces • Relational Databases ‣ MySQL ‣ PostgreSQL • NoSQL ‣ Cassandra ‣ HBase
  • 15. Complemental Design #1 Internet • Keep Backup in HDFS • MapReduce over HDFS • Synchronize HBase LAM(M)P ‣Batch Puts ‣Bulk Import Hadoop HBase
  • 16. Complemental Design #2 Internet • Add Log Support • Synchronize HBase LAM(M)P ‣Batch Puts Flume ‣Bulk Import Hadoop HBase
  • 17. Mitigation Planning • Reliable storage has top priority • Disaster Recovery • HBase Backups ‣ Export - but what if HBase is “down” ‣ CopyTable - same issue ‣ Snapshots - not available (yet)
  • 18. Complemental Design #3 Internet • Add Log Processing • Remove Direct Connection LAM(M)P • Synchronize HBase ‣Batch Puts Flume ‣Bulk Import Log Hadoop HBase Proc
  • 19. Facebook Insights • > 20B Events per Day • 1M Counter Updates per Second ‣ 100 Nodes Cluster ‣ 10K OPS per Node Web ➜ Scribe ➜ Ptail ➜ Puma ➜ HBase
  • 20. Collection Layer • “Like” button triggers AJAX request • Event written to log file using Scribe ‣ Handles aggregation, delivery, file roll over, etc. ‣ Uses HDFS to store files ✓ Use Flume or Scribe
  • 21. Filter Layer • Ptail “follows” logs written by Scribe • Aggregates from multiple logs • Separates into event types ‣ Sharding for future growth • Facebook internal tool ✓ Use Flume
  • 22. Batching Layer • Puma batches updates ‣ 1 sec, staggered • Flush batch, when last is done • Duration limited by key distribution • Facebook internal tool ✓ Use Coprocessors (0.92.0)
  • 23. Counters • Store counters per Domain and per URL ‣ Leverage HBase increment (atomic read-modify- write) feature • Each row is one specific Domain or URL • The columns are the counters for specific metrics • Column families are used to group counters by time range ‣ Set time-to-live on CF level to auto-expire counters by age to save space, e.g., 2 weeks on “Daily Counters” family
  • 24. Key Design • Reversed Domains, eg. “com.cloudera.www”, “” ‣ Helps keeping pages per site close, as HBase efficiently scans blocks of sorted keys • Domain Row Key = MD5(Reversed Domain) + Reversed Domain ‣ Leading MD5 hash spreads keys randomly across all regions for load balancing reasons ‣ Only hashing the domain groups per site (and per subdomain if needed) • URL Row Key = MD5(Reversed Domain) + Reversed Domain + URL ID ‣ Unique ID per URL already available, make use of it
  • 25. Insights Schema Row Key: Domain Row Key Columns: Hourly Counters CF Daily Counters CF Lifetime Counters CF 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 1/1 1/1 2/1 ... 1/1 Total ... Total Male Female US ... Total Male US ... Male US ... 100 50 92 45 1000 320 670 990 10000 6780 3220 9900 Row Key: URL Row Key Columns: Hourly Counters CF Daily Counters CF Lifetime Counters CF 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 1/1 1/1 2/1 ... 1/1 Total ... Total Male Female US ... Total Male US ... Male US ... 10 5 9 4 100 20 70 99 100 8 92 100
  • 26. Complemental Design #4 Internet • Add Stream Processing ‣In-Memory LAM(M)P Storm ‣Fault Tolerant ‣Aggregations Flume • Bridges minutes/hours vs. months/years Hadoop HBase
  • 27. Batch + Stream • Currently moves complexity into app layer ‣ Reads need to merge batch and stream results • Stream results can be dropped once data is persisted in batch layer • Stream might not be 100% correct, but good enough in most cases ‣ Eventual Accuracy • Latency vs. Throughput - best of both worlds

Editor's Notes

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