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Health Management Information

 State Institute of Health and Family Welfare,
Basic Definitions
“Messages not evaluated for their worth
 in specific situations”

           “Evaluated data”
           “A resource with cost & benefit
           “Potential knowledge”
           “An essential input for decision making
              SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   2
“A document of transaction between a client and
 service provider containing details of who did
 what to whom, when and where”, e.g.
                              A bill
                              A prescription
                              A discharge ticket
                              A laboratory report
                              A register

              SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   3
Information System

“Comprehensive, coherent arrangement
 organized on an organizational or major
 program basis to collect, process and
 provide coordinated information to
 serve multiple needs of management

        SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   4
Data Triangulation

The synthesis and integration of data
from multiple sources through
collection, examination, comparison and

          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   5
12 step approach to triangulation
  Planning for triangulation
  1.Brainstorm questions
  2.Identify questions that are important,
    actionable, answerable and appropriate for
  3.Identify data sources and gather
    background information
  4.Refine the investigation question(s)
  Conducting triangulation
  5.Gather data/reports
  6.Make observations from each dataset
              SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 6
12 step approach to triangulation
• Note trends across datasets and hypothesize
• Check (corroborate, refute, modify) hypotheses
• Identify additional data source(s) and return to
  step 5
• Summarize findings and draw conclusions
• Communicating the results of triangulation
• Communicate the results and
• Outline next steps based on findings
               SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   7
Characteristics of Data Sources
      for Triangulation

  1. Programmatic data
  2. Biological data (surveys)
  3. Behavioural data

         SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   8
Health Information System

“an integrated effort to
   § collect,
   § process,
   § report and
   § use health information & knowledge for
       • influencing
       • policy-making,
       • program action, and
       • research.
             SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   9
M.I.S. ?
A two directional characteristic of information flow,
with systematically designed arrangement to -
                 Ø Generate
                 Ø Collect
                 Ø Analyze
                 Ø Store
                 Ø Present
                 Ø Make available
required information to different managerial levels
for improved and timely decisions and actions
                SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   10
Ø MIS is a system having a combination of
  Ø persons,
  Ø a set of manuals, and
  Ø certain equipments to
     Østore, process and
     Øretrieve data to -
  reduce the uncertainty in decision making by
  yielding information to managers at the time
  they can most efficiently use it.
           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   11
Essential Features of Information
     Ø Reliable
     Ø Not too much paper work
     Ø Data transmission - accurate and timely
     Ø Availability in disaggregated form
     Ø Shortest time lag between collection and
     Ø Data must be available to assess both
       quantity and quality of health care
     Ø Simple- recording reporting and analysis

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   12
Service statistics v/s MIS

Ø Service statistics- generate data
Ø MIS -utilization of data in the planning
  and control activities, in an organization

          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   13
Information in Health Care Delivery:

     Ø Evidence based policy and strategic
     Ø Program management
     Ø Monitoring the process and outcomes
     Ø Evaluation of achievements

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   14
HMIS- Need
Ø Increasing utilization
Ø Increasing client satisfaction
Ø Increasing health status
Ø Induction of manpower

                             Ø Problem solving
                             Ø Resource allocation
                             Ø Rewards / Promotions
                             Ø (at times for Fault finding)
          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   15
HMIS: Objectives

• Strategic planning
• Disease surveillance systems
• Use of ICD-10
• National health database
• Technical support to strengthen data
• Research
• Use of scientific evidence based on
         SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   16
Other objectives
• Medical care-
  – Quality assurance &
  – Assessment of outcome
• Cost control & productivity enhancement
• Utilization analysis and demand estimation
• Program planning & evaluation
• Simplification of Records
• Education
• Clinical research
       SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   17
Sources of Data
 Ø Diaries
 Ø Family registers
 Ø Hospital registers / Records
 Ø Periodic reports
 Ø Rapid surveys
 Ø Exit interviews
 Ø National sample survey
 Ø Census
 Ø Special studies

SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   18
Data :attributes
     Ø Accurate

     Ø Valid

     Ø Reliable

     Ø Timely

     Ø Complete

     Ø Retrievable

SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   19
Collection of Data:

Data Collection Tools
  ØReporting Formats
  ØOnline reporting
  ØEligible Couple Survey
  ØConcurrent Evaluation/ Studies
  ØSurvey by different Agencies
  ØMonitoring and Validation Exercise

  SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   20
Data Requirements at Different
  Levels of Decision Making

         ……Top level….                                    Quality

   Quantity ….Middle level….

                           ….Lower level….

         SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution             21
Health information Tools for
Different Levels of the Health System

 Outbreak Surveillance

                                    Vital Registration





                                                                                              Communities             Facilities

                                                         SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution                     22

Risk factors

economic &                                    Health               Health status
Health         Health
systems        systems                        Service              Morbidity/
inputs         outputs                        utilization          disability

Policy         Information                                         Well-being
Financing      Service
Human          availability &
resources      quality
Organization      SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution          23
Attributes of HMIS
     ØNo Overloading
     ØFormat Clarity
     ØNo duplication
  SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   24
Strengths of HMIS
Ø In streamlining and standardizing of data records.
Ø In creation of an integrated warehouse
Ø In collecting data from different sources
Ø Conducting cross analysis.
Ø Rationalizing of reporting flows
Ø Supporting customized reporting.
Ø Indicator based analysis.
Ø Integration of various software applications such
  as GIS and Excel.
Ø Conducting data quality validation.
             SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   25
Ø HMIS does not offer
      “Ready - made” solution

Ø Each HMIS is
       “Tailor made” specific to an
        organization and levels within it

          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   26
HMIS- Issue

Ø Is there a policy existing for Health Information
Ø Does an organizational structure exist at the
  National level for HMIS?
Ø Functional linkages between sub-systems
Ø Capacity building-potential, activities and

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   27
Ø Is there a Fixed- frequency review of
  reports and records?
Ø How are reports made and who makes
Ø Is there a built in system for checking
  reliability of data generated at the lowest
  level ?

          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   28
HMIS- Purpose
Implementation           Needed for
Monitoring                              Information
Evaluation                                      Purpose

                                    • Monitoring
                                    • Control
                                              - Cost
           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   29
should Provide Support to-
   Ø Health Workers:
        ØUnderstand health needs
        ØPrioritizing clients
        ØEstimate requirement
   Ø Program Mangers:
        ØAssess quality & Coverage
        ØAllocate resources
        ØReduce wastage and
      SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   30
ØPolicy Makers:
     ØAssess cost-effectiveness
     ØDecide content & mode of
     service delivery
     ØDevelop norms
     SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   31
Prerequisites of HMIS

Ø Existing formats, transmission system &
  channels, capacity of data handlers and
  analyzers and the resources (hard and
  soft) available.
Ø Exploring possibilities of additions and
  deletion of parameters
Ø Complimentary or contradictory nature of
  sub-systems of the System

        SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   32
Components -Basic Management

5 components of the basic mgt. process in healthcare-
     1. Establishing goals & Objective
     2. Estimate demand for services
     3. Allocate resources including manpower to
        meet demands
     4. Control quality
     5. Evaluate performance

               SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   33
Establishing goals & Objective

 • Problem indicators
            »Social indicators
            »Economic data
            »Health seeking behavior
 • Data on services delivered by other
   community organizations
 • Resources available
          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   34
Estimate demand for services

     • Data on utilization
     • Demographic data
     • Community projections

       SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   35
Allocate resources

•   Data on work force
•   Financial information
•   Capital requirements
•   Short term demand forecasts

    SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   36
Control quality

• Output measure
• Quality control data
• Work sampling & measurement
• Medical audit

 SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   37
Evaluate performance

 • Changes in problem indicators
 • Cost benefit analysis
 • Changes in community’s capability
   to provide services

   SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   38
HMIS- Components
        Ø Identification
        Ø Collection
        Ø Classification
        Ø Processing
        Ø Communication
        Ø Interpretation
        Ø Storage
        Ø Retrieval

  SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   39
Factors Required to Develop and
        Implement HMIS:

 Ø Strong political backing
 Ø A culture that values and uses information
 Ø Involving all levels in changes to HMIS
 Ø Starting with improving the paper based
 Ø Ensuring the feedback loop is continuous
   and reliable

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   40
Levels at Which We Need Information

       Ø Point of entry of client into the System

       Ø Point of Service

       Ø Point of decision-making

             SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   41
Use of Information

Ø National & State Ministries for
        ØAssessing impact
        ØPolicy development
        ØFinancial allocations

Ø Health care professionals for
        ØTreatment in Hospitals/ CHC/ PHC
        ØChoosing alternatives between care

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   42
Ø Legal bodies
        ØAs documentary evidence of care
        ØProtect interests of Health care
         professionals and patients

Ø Insurance companies for reimbursement of

       SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   43
Information in Health Planning

• Information for assessing need
• Information for controlling utilization and
  standards (quality of services)
• Information for controlling deployment of
• Information for increasing effectiveness of

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   44
HMIS- Designing
   Technical Requirements
Ø Data collection instrument
Ø Develop a data flow mechanism
     ØWho generate
     ØWho consolidate
     ØWhom to be sent & How (mode)
     ØWhere & by whom to be analyzed
     ØWhom to be reported
     ØFrequency of compilation, Analysis &
          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   45
Basic steps in designing HMIS

Ø Determine organizational need for

Ø Identify sources of information

Ø Decide on amount, form and frequency

Ø Select means of information communication
  & processing

          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   46
HMIS- Designing information system
 ØWhat data is needed
 ØWho generates in what form
 ØQuality                                           organizational need for
 ØProcessing requirement                            information
                                                    ØIdentify sources of
 ØTypes of formats for                              information
                                                    ØDecide on amount,
 ØFrequency of reporting                            form and frequency
 ØData storage system                               ØSelect means of
 ØDevices for storage
                                                    communication &
 ØWhat should be the channel                        processing
 for info. flow
                   SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution           47
Designing HMIS

1. Design Requirements:
  ØClarity of Objectives

  ØAwareness of information need

  ØFlexibility to change

       SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   48
2. Considerations in information system design
   ØIdentifying & listing of objectives and norms
   ØIdentification of all decision points
   ØDetermination of relative importance & priority of
    identified decisions
   ØIdentifying information need for decision
   ØIdentification of relationship among decision sets
   ØSpecification of information system
   ØEstablishing a review mechanism
                 SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   49
3. Information requirements - governed by
    ØDecision structure of Program
    ØLevels of decision making
    ØQuestions to be answered
    ØEconomics of information management, based
      on these requirements decision shall be taken
      regarding type of information, which could be-
          ØScientific& Technical (Related to problem
           & solution
          ØSituational (Program environment)
          ØProgrammatic9001:2008 certified institution system)
                  SIHFW : an ISO
                                 (Intervention                 50
HMIS- Process
                                    Formulated information
Constraining           Planning                                    Execution
                           Monitoring & Control

      Reports                           Processing                  Reports

                SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution                 51
Analyze the Data:
ØBy allotted ELA/Targets

ØBy comparison of last year progress

ØBy health indicators

ØBy annual action plan

ØBy Five Year plans

   SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   52
HMIS- Problem Areas
Ø Unrealistic expectation of Managers
Ø Addressing to –”Report to higher levels”
  rather than convincing of benefits
Ø Too much information asked
Ø Poorly trained, Over worked staff, (30-40 %
  time in reporting)
Ø Information-selective & to handle out of
  pressure ad hoc exigencies
Ø Many reporting levels- Data lost

         SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   53
Ø Performance indicators
      ØShifting priorities within program
      ØNew additions- NO deletions
Ø Indicators- simply output oriented
Ø Program priorities & timeliness of information
Ø Retrieval
Ø Duplication
Ø NO periodic review
Ø NO feed back to initiate corrective measures
          SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   54
HMIS supports
Ø Decision makers to:
  ØDetect and control emerging and endemic
    health problems
  ØMonitor progress towards health goals,
  ØPromote equity
Ø Empowering individuals and communities with
  ØTimely and understandable health-related
  ØDrive improvements in quality of services

              SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   55
Ø Supports Health Workers, in
  Ø Understand health needs (based on
    approaches like CNAA)
  Ø Prioritizing clients (Estimate requirements
    (based on Demographic profile, morbidity
    profile, coverage and /or Expectations)
Ø Support Program Mangers, for
  Ø Assessing quality & Coverage
  Ø Allocating resources
  Ø Reducing wastage and duplication

              SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   56
Ø Support Policy makers, to
  ØAssess cost-effectiveness
  ØDecide content & mode of service delivery
  ØDevelop norms:

           SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution   57
Reporting Formats under NRHM

       Institutions                         Reporting Format
 Sub centre                                          Form No. 6
 PHC                                                 Form No. 7
 CHC/FRU/UFWC                                        Form No. 8
 Block level                                      Form No. 9 A
 District level                                      Form No. 9

               SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution     58
Thank You
    For more details log on to

contact : Director-SIHFW on

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  • 1. Health Management Information System State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Jaipur
  • 2. Basic Definitions Data “Messages not evaluated for their worth in specific situations” Primary Secondary Information “Evaluated data” “A resource with cost & benefit “Potential knowledge” “An essential input for decision making SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 2
  • 3. Record “A document of transaction between a client and service provider containing details of who did what to whom, when and where”, e.g. A bill A prescription A discharge ticket A laboratory report A register SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 3
  • 4. Information System “Comprehensive, coherent arrangement organized on an organizational or major program basis to collect, process and provide coordinated information to serve multiple needs of management system” SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 4
  • 5. Data Triangulation The synthesis and integration of data from multiple sources through collection, examination, comparison and interpretation SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 5
  • 6. 12 step approach to triangulation Planning for triangulation 1.Brainstorm questions 2.Identify questions that are important, actionable, answerable and appropriate for triangulation 3.Identify data sources and gather background information 4.Refine the investigation question(s) Conducting triangulation 5.Gather data/reports 6.Make observations from each dataset SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 6
  • 7. 12 step approach to triangulation • Note trends across datasets and hypothesize • Check (corroborate, refute, modify) hypotheses • Identify additional data source(s) and return to step 5 • Summarize findings and draw conclusions • Communicating the results of triangulation • Communicate the results and recommendations • Outline next steps based on findings SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 7
  • 8. Characteristics of Data Sources for Triangulation 1. Programmatic data 2. Biological data (surveys) 3. Behavioural data SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 8
  • 9. Health Information System “an integrated effort to § collect, § process, § report and § use health information & knowledge for • influencing • policy-making, • program action, and • research. SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 9
  • 10. M.I.S. ? A two directional characteristic of information flow, with systematically designed arrangement to - Ø Generate Ø Collect Ø Analyze Ø Store Ø Present Ø Make available required information to different managerial levels for improved and timely decisions and actions SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 10
  • 11. Definition: Ø MIS is a system having a combination of Ø persons, Ø a set of manuals, and Ø certain equipments to Øselect, Østore, process and Øretrieve data to - reduce the uncertainty in decision making by yielding information to managers at the time they can most efficiently use it. SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 11
  • 12. Essential Features of Information System Ø Reliable Ø Not too much paper work Ø Data transmission - accurate and timely Ø Availability in disaggregated form Ø Shortest time lag between collection and transmission Ø Data must be available to assess both quantity and quality of health care Ø Simple- recording reporting and analysis SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 12
  • 13. Service statistics v/s MIS Ø Service statistics- generate data Ø MIS -utilization of data in the planning and control activities, in an organization SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 13
  • 14. Information in Health Care Delivery: why Ø Evidence based policy and strategic decision-making Ø Program management Ø Monitoring the process and outcomes Ø Evaluation of achievements SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 14
  • 15. HMIS- Need Ø Increasing utilization Ø Increasing client satisfaction Ø Increasing health status Ø Induction of manpower Ø Problem solving Ø Resource allocation Ø Rewards / Promotions Ø (at times for Fault finding) SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 15
  • 16. HMIS: Objectives • Strategic planning • Disease surveillance systems • Use of ICD-10 • National health database • Technical support to strengthen data analysis • Research • Use of scientific evidence based on research SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 16
  • 17. Other objectives • Medical care- – Quality assurance & – Assessment of outcome • Cost control & productivity enhancement • Utilization analysis and demand estimation • Program planning & evaluation • Simplification of Records • Education • Clinical research SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 17
  • 18. Sources of Data Ø Diaries Ø Family registers Ø Hospital registers / Records Ø Periodic reports Ø Rapid surveys Ø Exit interviews Ø National sample survey Ø Census Ø Special studies SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 18
  • 19. Data :attributes Ø Accurate Ø Valid Ø Reliable Ø Timely Ø Complete Ø Retrievable SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 19
  • 20. Collection of Data: Data Collection Tools ØReporting Formats ØOnline reporting ØEligible Couple Survey ØConcurrent Evaluation/ Studies ØSurvey by different Agencies ØMonitoring and Validation Exercise SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 20
  • 21. Data Requirements at Different Levels of Decision Making ……Top level…. Quality Quantity ….Middle level…. ….Lower level…. SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 21
  • 22. Health information Tools for Different Levels of the Health System Modeling estimates & Outbreak Surveillance Global Regions Vital Registration SRS Surveys Countries Censuses Provinces Districts HMIS Communities Facilities SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 22
  • 23. Health determinants Risk factors Behaviors Genetics Environment Socio- economic & Health Health status demographic systems outcomes Mortality Health Health systems systems Service Morbidity/ inputs outputs utilization disability Policy Information Well-being Financing Service Human availability & resources quality Organization SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 23
  • 24. Attributes of HMIS ØTimeliness ØAccuracy ØRelevance ØUp-to-datedness ØAdequacy ØNo Overloading ØFormat Clarity ØNo duplication ØExplicitness SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 24
  • 25. Strengths of HMIS Ø In streamlining and standardizing of data records. Ø In creation of an integrated warehouse Ø In collecting data from different sources Ø Conducting cross analysis. Ø Rationalizing of reporting flows Ø Supporting customized reporting. Ø Indicator based analysis. Ø Integration of various software applications such as GIS and Excel. Ø Conducting data quality validation. SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 25
  • 26. Ø HMIS does not offer “Ready - made” solution Ø Each HMIS is “Tailor made” specific to an organization and levels within it SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 26
  • 27. HMIS- Issue Ø Is there a policy existing for Health Information system? Ø Does an organizational structure exist at the National level for HMIS? Ø Functional linkages between sub-systems Ø Capacity building-potential, activities and resources SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 27
  • 28. Ø Is there a Fixed- frequency review of reports and records? Ø How are reports made and who makes them? Ø Is there a built in system for checking reliability of data generated at the lowest level ? SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 28
  • 29. HMIS- Purpose Planning Implementation Needed for Monitoring Information Evaluation Purpose • Monitoring • Control - Cost -Time -Resources SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 29
  • 30. HMIS-Application should Provide Support to- Ø Health Workers: ØUnderstand health needs ØPrioritizing clients ØEstimate requirement Ø Program Mangers: ØAssess quality & Coverage ØAllocate resources ØReduce wastage and duplication SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 30
  • 31. ØPolicy Makers: ØAssess cost-effectiveness ØDecide content & mode of service delivery ØDevelop norms ØFinancial ØInfrastructure ØStaffing ØLogistics SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 31
  • 32. Prerequisites of HMIS Ø Existing formats, transmission system & channels, capacity of data handlers and analyzers and the resources (hard and soft) available. Ø Exploring possibilities of additions and deletion of parameters Ø Complimentary or contradictory nature of sub-systems of the System SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 32
  • 33. Components -Basic Management process 5 components of the basic mgt. process in healthcare- 1. Establishing goals & Objective 2. Estimate demand for services 3. Allocate resources including manpower to meet demands 4. Control quality 5. Evaluate performance SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 33
  • 34. Establishing goals & Objective • Problem indicators »Mortality »morbidity »Social indicators »Economic data »Health seeking behavior • Data on services delivered by other community organizations • Resources available SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 34
  • 35. Estimate demand for services • Data on utilization • Demographic data • Community projections SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 35
  • 36. Allocate resources • Data on work force • Financial information • Capital requirements • Short term demand forecasts SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 36
  • 37. Control quality • Output measure • Quality control data • Work sampling & measurement • Medical audit SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 37
  • 38. Evaluate performance • Changes in problem indicators • Cost benefit analysis • Changes in community’s capability to provide services SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 38
  • 39. HMIS- Components Ø Identification Ø Collection Ø Classification Ø Processing Ø Communication Ø Interpretation Ø Storage Ø Retrieval SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 39
  • 40. Factors Required to Develop and Implement HMIS: Ø Strong political backing Ø A culture that values and uses information Ø Involving all levels in changes to HMIS Ø Starting with improving the paper based system Ø Ensuring the feedback loop is continuous and reliable SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 40
  • 41. Levels at Which We Need Information Ø Point of entry of client into the System Ø Point of Service Ø Point of decision-making SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 41
  • 42. Use of Information Ø National & State Ministries for ØAssessing impact ØPolicy development ØFinancial allocations Ø Health care professionals for ØTreatment in Hospitals/ CHC/ PHC ØChoosing alternatives between care lines SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 42
  • 43. Ø Legal bodies ØAs documentary evidence of care ØProtect interests of Health care professionals and patients Ø Insurance companies for reimbursement of claims SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 43
  • 44. Information in Health Planning • Information for assessing need • Information for controlling utilization and standards (quality of services) • Information for controlling deployment of resources • Information for increasing effectiveness of services SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 44
  • 45. HMIS- Designing Technical Requirements Ø Data collection instrument ØSimple ØMinimum Ø Develop a data flow mechanism ØWho generate ØWho consolidate ØWhom to be sent & How (mode) ØWhere & by whom to be analyzed ØWhom to be reported ØFrequency of compilation, Analysis & reporting SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 45
  • 46. Basic steps in designing HMIS Ø Determine organizational need for information Ø Identify sources of information Ø Decide on amount, form and frequency Ø Select means of information communication & processing SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 46
  • 47. HMIS- Designing information system Steps ØWhat data is needed ØWho generates in what form ØDetermine ØQuality organizational need for ØProcessing requirement information ØIdentify sources of ØTypes of formats for information reporting ØDecide on amount, ØFrequency of reporting form and frequency ØData storage system ØSelect means of information ØDevices for storage communication & ØWhat should be the channel processing for info. flow SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 47
  • 48. Designing HMIS 1. Design Requirements: ØClarity of Objectives ØAwareness of information need ØFlexibility to change SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 48
  • 49. 2. Considerations in information system design ØIdentifying & listing of objectives and norms ØIdentification of all decision points ØDetermination of relative importance & priority of identified decisions ØIdentifying information need for decision ØIdentification of relationship among decision sets ØSpecification of information system ØInstallation ØEstablishing a review mechanism SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 49
  • 50. 3. Information requirements - governed by ØDecision structure of Program ØLevels of decision making ØQuestions to be answered ØEconomics of information management, based on these requirements decision shall be taken regarding type of information, which could be- ØScientific& Technical (Related to problem & solution ØSituational (Program environment) ØProgrammatic9001:2008 certified institution system) SIHFW : an ISO (Intervention 50
  • 51. HMIS- Process Formulated information (fixed) Constraining Planning Execution Information (Dynamic) Processed information (Dynamic) Monitoring & Control Reports Processing Reports inputs Storage SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 51
  • 52. Analyze the Data: ØBy allotted ELA/Targets ØBy comparison of last year progress ØBy health indicators ØBy annual action plan ØBy Five Year plans SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 52
  • 53. HMIS- Problem Areas Ø Unrealistic expectation of Managers Ø Addressing to –”Report to higher levels” rather than convincing of benefits Ø Too much information asked Ø Poorly trained, Over worked staff, (30-40 % time in reporting) Ø Information-selective & to handle out of pressure ad hoc exigencies Ø Many reporting levels- Data lost SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 53
  • 54. Ø Performance indicators ØShifting priorities within program ØNew additions- NO deletions Ø Indicators- simply output oriented Ø Program priorities & timeliness of information flow Ø Retrieval Ø Duplication Ø NO periodic review Ø NO feed back to initiate corrective measures SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 54
  • 55. HMIS supports Ø Decision makers to: ØDetect and control emerging and endemic health problems ØMonitor progress towards health goals, ØPromote equity Ø Empowering individuals and communities with ØTimely and understandable health-related information ØDrive improvements in quality of services SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 55
  • 56. Ø Supports Health Workers, in Ø Understand health needs (based on approaches like CNAA) Ø Prioritizing clients (Estimate requirements (based on Demographic profile, morbidity profile, coverage and /or Expectations) Ø Support Program Mangers, for Ø Assessing quality & Coverage Ø Allocating resources Ø Reducing wastage and duplication SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 56
  • 57. Ø Support Policy makers, to ØAssess cost-effectiveness ØDecide content & mode of service delivery ØDevelop norms: ØFinancial ØInfrastructure ØStaffing ØLogistics SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 57
  • 58. Reporting Formats under NRHM Institutions Reporting Format Sub centre Form No. 6 PHC Form No. 7 CHC/FRU/UFWC Form No. 8 Block level Form No. 9 A District level Form No. 9 SIHFW : an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution 58
  • 59. Thank You For more details log on to www. or contact : Director-SIHFW on