This Bodyweight HIIT Workout Requires Zero Equipment to Get Started

Looking for an efficient and effective workout you can do anywhere? This bodyweight HIIT workout will build major muscle — no equipment needed.

This Bodyweight HIIT Workout Requires Zero Equipment to Get Started
Photography by Jena Cumbo.

Even if you don't have access to workout equipment, you can still fit in intense and effective workouts using just the weight of your body. "An at-home bodyweight HIIT workout trains the body and heart to perform and recover from high-intensity movement," explains Tina Tang, an NCSF-certified personal trainer and strength coach at Iron Strong Fitness in Jersey City, New Jersey. Plus, "with the short nature of work and recovery, HIIT is an ideal alternative to long steady cardio," she adds.

Need proof? Try this bodyweight HIIT routine and you'll be sweating in no time — all while building stronger muscles from head to toe.

Bodyweight HIIT Workout

How it works: This full-body bodyweight HIIT workout, demonstrated by Tang, uses a circuit format with a 2:1 interval ratio, which means you'll work at a moderate intensity for 2 minutes and then push your body to its limit for 1 minute of bodyweight HIIT. After your warm-up, do each move back to back, with minimal rest in between exercises. Repeat the entire circuit two or three times total, then finish with a series of post-workout stretches for a relaxing cooldown.

01 of 09

Moderate Intensity: Lunge-Squat-Lunge

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Your tempo for this bodyweight HIIT exercise should be on a 1, 2, 3 count — count one to squat, two to lunge, three to squat, and then stand. Be sure to track your knees over, but not past, your toes on your squats and lunges.

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands at sides.

B. Step backward with left foot, keeping hips square to the front and pelvis neutral. Lower until both legs are bent at 90-degree angles, keeping chest tall and core engaged.

C. Press into mid-foot and heel of the right foot to stand, stepping left foot up to meet right foot with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

D. On an inhale, sit back into hips and bend knees to lower until thighs are parallel or almost parallel with floor, keeping chest up and preventing back from rounding.

E. On an exhale, press through feet to straighten legs and return to standing.

F. Step backward with right foot, keeping hips square to the front and pelvis neutral. Lower until both legs are bent at 90-degree angles, keeping chest tall and core engaged.

G. Press into mid-foot and heel of the left foot to stand, stepping right foot up to meet left foot with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

H. On an inhale, sit back into hips and bend knees to lower until thighs are parallel or almost parallel with floor, keeping chest up and preventing back from rounding.

I. On an exhale, press through feet to straighten legs and return to standing.

Continue for one minute, alternating legs with each lunge.

02 of 09

Moderate Intensity: Squat Thrust to Push-Up

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Keep your abs tight during this entire bodyweight HIIT workout move — this will make it easier to jump your legs in and out. If you need to, modify the exercise by stepping your feet in and out of your squat position and/or doing the push-ups on bent knees.

A. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes turned slightly outward and hands clasped in front of chest.

B. On an inhale, sit back into hips and bend knees to lower until thighs are parallel or almost parallel with floor, keeping chest up and preventing back from rounding.

C. Place both hands on the ground in between feet. Jump or step both legs back into a high plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists.

D. Push elbows out so arms form a 45-degree angle to body. Look down to keep neck neutral, engage core, and ensure body forms a straight line from head to toe. Slowly bend at elbows to lower body, stopping about 3 inches above the floor.

E. Push away from the floor to return to the starting position.

F. Jump or step both feet up to outside of hands, with butt low to ground and chest up.

G. On an exhale, press through feet to straighten legs and return to standing.

Do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) for one minute.

03 of 09

High Intensity: Wide to Narrow Squat Jumps

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As you complete this bodyweight HIIT exercise, power up as high as you can during the jump. Land safely into the squat portion by pushing your hips back and keeping your knees behind your toes — and remember, land lightly, advises Tang. "For any explosive exercise including this one, land so light that downstairs neighbors in an old apartment building would not be able to hear you."

A. Stand with feet slightly less than hip-width apart and arms at sides. On an inhale, sit back into hips and bend knees to lower until thighs are parallel or almost parallel with floor, keeping chest up and preventing back from rounding.

B. On an exhale, press into feet and quickly jump up, swinging arms overhead for extra momentum.

C. Land in a squat position with feet wider than hip-width apart, swinging arms backward with chest up as you land.

D. On an exhale, press into feet and quickly jump up, swinging arms overhead for extra momentum.

E. Land in a narrow squat position with feet slightly less than hip-width apart, swinging arms backward with chest up as you land.

Do AMRAP, jumping in and out with feet each time, for one minute.

04 of 09

Moderate Intensity: Side-to-Side Lunge Chops

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This bodyweight exercise blends lower body and core work, thanks to lateral lunges and a torso twist that targets your obliques. Pro tip: Be sure to track your knee over your toes as you lower into your side lunges.

A. Stand with feet together, hands clasped, and arms overhead.

B. Take a wide step to the left and bend left knee, simultaneously "chopping" straight arms toward left foot. Arms should reach to the outside of left knee.

C. Push off left leg and return to standing position, reaching arms overhead.

D. Repeat the movement on right leg.

Do AMRAP for one minute, alternating sides each time.

05 of 09

Moderate Intensity: Single-Leg Deadlift

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This unilateral movement will help target any muscle imbalances you've accidentally developed (read: if you're better at balancing on one side than the other, single-leg deadlifts will help fix that). "Although one leg is lifting toward the ceiling, keep the hips bending evenly and equally," says Tang. "Drive the standing foot into the floor while keeping collarbones open." And if balancing with your back leg lifted is too challenging to start, keep your back foot lightly tapped on the ground as you hinge forward for this full-body HIIT move.

A. Stand on left leg with right foot lightly tapping the floor a few inches behind left, arms at sides.

B. With back straight and core engaged, bend left knee slightly and hinge forward from hips, lifting right leg off the floor while leaning forward. Go as far forward as possible, aiming to create a "T" shape with body at or near parallel to the ground.

C. Keeping chest up, push through left heel to lower right foot back toward the floor.

D. Lightly tap right foot next to left foot as you return to standing, squeezing glutes at the top.

Do AMRAP for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

06 of 09

High Intensity: Skaters

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The key to acing this full-body bodyweight HIIT workout move is to push off the floor with the outsides of your thighs.

A. Start in squat stance with legs hip-width apart.

B. Jump laterally to the right, landing on bent right leg, and bring left leg behind right ankle, hovering left foot 1 to 2 inches above floor. Swing left arm in front of body and right arm behind body for momentum.

C. Balance on right leg for one count, then reverse directions by jumping off right foot to the left side. Swing right arm in front of body and left arm behind body for momentum.

D. Land on bent left leg, crossing right leg behind left.

Do AMRAP from side to side for one minute.

07 of 09

Moderate Intensity: Tabletop Tricep Dip

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Keep your arms fully engaged and avoid sinking your weight into your wrists during this triceps burnout exercise. "Push your hands into the floor to keep your chest open throughout exercise, even when bending elbows," suggests Tang.

A. Start sitting on the ground with knees bent at 45-degree angles and feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Place hands on the ground behind hips, fingertips facing toward feet.

B. Engage core, dig heels into the ground, and lift hips off the ground, hovering 6 to 8 inches above the floor.

C. Without letting hips drop, bend both elbows to 90-degrees and lower into a dip.

D. On an exhale, straighten arms and squeeze triceps.

Do AMRAP for one minute.

08 of 09

Moderate Intensity: Tuck Ups

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Brace your abs during this entire full-body HIIT workout move and try not to use momentum to come up and down. If it's too tough to do with the legs extended, keep your knees bent as you lower and sit up.

A. Lie flat on the floor with legs and arms extended long.

B. On an exhale, engage core and simultaneously lift arms and legs toward center of body in a tucked "cannonball" position, balancing on tailbone.

C. On an inhale, slowly and with control extend arms and legs. Stop before arms and legs fully rest on the ground, ending with both feet and hands hovering just above the ground.

Do AMRAP for one minute.

09 of 09

High Intensity: Plank Pike Jumps

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To make jumping in and out easier throughout this full-body bodyweight HIIT exercise, keep your weight in your arms. If it's too challenging to jump, you can step your feet in and out instead.

A. Start in a high plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, hips in line with shoulders, and core engaged.

B. Press hands into the ground, bend knees, and jump both feet in toward hands, landing in a crouch on balls of feet with knees bent and feet under hips.

C. Keeping upper body in place, jump feet back and extend legs back to plank position.

Do AMRAP for one minute.

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