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5 Signs That You’re in a One-Sided Friendship

Watch out for someone who’s “too busy” for you but somehow fits in lots of hangs with everyone else.
The gifts of gab

Why Yapping With Your Friends Is So Good For Your Mental Health

You don’t have to go deep to feel connected.

How to Deal With a Friend Who Complains Constantly

You’re not a bad person for wanting a break from the negativity.

What to Do If Your People-Focused Job Completely Drains Your Social Battery

These little strategies can help you preserve some energy for your loved ones—and yourself.

How to Actually Maintain Close Friendships in Your 30s

Because jobs, kids, and living in different cities can make it really, really hard.
Frenemy lines

3 Things to Say When a ‘Friend’ Puts You Down

If their snide little comments make you feel shitty, it’s okay to stand up for yourself.
Bestie behavior

16 People Who Actually Made New Friends in Adulthood Share How They Did It

If you feel like it’s too late—or too hard—let these meet-cutes be your inspiration.
Mental Health

5 Little Ways to Show Up for a Friend Who’s Depressed

You don’t have to act as their therapist to make a meaningful difference.

How to Be a Genuinely Good Listener

Just because you can technically hear someone, doesn’t mean they feel heard.

What You Should—And Shouldn’t—Say to a Friend Going Through a Major Illness

It’s perfectly okay (encouraged, even!) to admit you’re at a total loss for words.
Words of diss-couragement

The One Thing You Should Never Say to a Friend Going Through a Breakup

It’s a well-meaning comment, but it can make your heartbroken buddy feel worse.
Business etiquette

What Are the Rules for Talking About Your Sex Life With Friends?

Sharing dirty details can be fun (and healthy!) but it’s important to respect everyone’s boundaries.

5 Little Ways to Be a Better Friend When You’re So, So Tired

Maybe your plans just need to be more low-key.
Mental health

6 Helpful Tips for Anyone Who’s Feeling Super Lonely Right Now

Simply acknowledging that you’re having a hard time is a great place to start.

5 Ways Strong Friendships Can Benefit Your Health as You Get Older

Finding your people can set you up for a longer, happier life.
Last-ditch efforts

3 Things to Do If Your Friend Is Always Bailing on Plans

Criticizing them will probably make the issue worse.
Budding rivalry

How to Be Happy for Your Friend, Even When You’re a Little Jealous

Just because someone is winning in life, that doesn’t mean you’re losing.

How to Grieve and Eventually Move On After a Friend Dumps You

Confusion, anger, and sadness are totally normal when you’ve lost your person.
Real talk

How to Vent to Your Friends Without Bringing Them Down

Gentle reminder that your BFF is not your therapist.
Pardon you

How to Actually Forgive Yourself

No matter what you did, you can move past it.