Merchants can create their own store and list their products at site on a CPC basis. While viewers on the other hand can filter the product search results by price, brand and store. The same viewers can also gather data regarding merchants and make their purchase decisions based on reviews of site retailers. If in case, the same viewers are interested in the product, they can click on the product�s price and end up at the retailer�s official website. For this action, the retailer will be charged a certain amount fixed earlier based on minimum bid requirements by site. Fee :

The price varies accordingly from $0.05 to $0.90 per item being clicked. This value or price entirely depends upon the category�s price set earlier which also varies from time to time under discretion of However,
  1. CPC rates starts only at $0.05.

  2. The minimum CPC rate varies for the type of product that needs to be listed under a category.

Types of CPC Rates :

There are Three types of CPC rates. They are ;
  1. Tiered CPC Rates

  2. Variable Logo Rates

  3. International Click Filtering
A) Tiered CPC Rates :

Every category in has been broken down into at least two product price tiers. For example, the clothing category of site has three tiers namely product priced under $25 ($0.10 CPC), $25-$50 ($0.20 CPC) and $50+ ($0.35 CPC). Merchants with products that are low priced either tend to decide dropping services or filter their listings based on feeds. They have to take another look and decide appropriately. Lower CPC rate means less risk. For a 20$ clothing item, if you break even at the current $0.20 rate is at a 2% conversion rate. This implies that these merchants can tolerate 1% conversions as well which means the merchant can incur twice as many clicks as possible even before an order is placed. This sort corrupts the system and gives a potential gain for merchants who operate on products of lower cost price. The opposite statement incurred or derived from this particular analysis is also true which means clothing brands that contains products priced above 50$ suffer heavy damages as rates just went up. The impact of such changes depends upon the efficiency of site. It could be quite interesting to analyze if the tiered approach creates a �selection vacuum� at the lower end of each tier. A 52$ item that does well under $0.20 CPC may not do well under $0.35 CPC rate which means there is a possibility that items priced at lower rates will have a better selling point than items that are costlier. This stands especially true in higher tier of three tiered categories like the clothing category of This gives you a clear understanding of price break point of eBay world. As they auction tiers with insertion fees by starting price, many merchants conveniently drop the price rates of their products in order to get under the price break. Depending on these metrics, it seems quite convenient to drop the rates of items by just $0.01 to make an impact and get 15% lower CPC, even though effects are reflected on sales and not just those that originating at


B) Variable Logo Rates :

There is a price associated with logos for advertisement and this is applied by all most every search engine. This changes the pricing structure which allows the CPC rate to determine the charge of the logo to appear on these search engines. Typically this means that for a product priced at 20$, the company�s logo charge will be 2 cents per click, whereas for a product priced at 30$ the same company will be charged 5 cents for their logo.
This is also favorable for products priced at a low rate. However, this doesn�t create a huge impact as the CPC rates are not just fixed based on the category under which the product is listed but also upon the product�s price. The simpler way to understand the risk involved when it comes to displaying logos or special add-on features is to compare the cost of the add-on to the current CPC. You�ll understand that your conversion rate needs to increase by the same amount or percentage for you to break even. In other words, if the CPC rate is $0.30 and the cost of add-on is $0.10, you need to have a conversion rate of 33% increase than the normal original rate. However, this isn�t a realistic thing. Folks have clearly thought this through and are attempting to make the logo look more attractive to merchants of lower CPC products/categories by decreasing the ratio of logo cost to the current CPC value.


C) International Click Filtering :

The site does not charge US merchants for clicks coming from overseas these days. This is good news for all merchants. As many merchants don�t treat these clicks with significance and doesn�t ship the goods for the person who made the click, it is considered as nothing but bad traffic. Eliminating these click/costs from their invoice seems to be very useful for them. This doesn�t mean that overseas online shoppers don�t click anymore. It just means that you don�t have to pay for those clicks that are generated outside US boundaries. This is a wonderful strategic business decision taken by It is most likely to increase the breadth of their product catalogues and develop their business significantly. This will happen mostly at the lower end of price spectrum and thereby increases adoption of logo features. This is a sign that predicts that shopping comparison site industry is progressing in the right direction which is only good from all business aspects for everyone.


Ratecard For CPC :


Minimum CPC (Cost per click)
$0.10 - $1.73
$0.12 - $1.60
Home and Garden
$0.05 - $1.41
Sports and Outdoors
$0.08 - $0.69
Video Games
$0.05 - $0.56
Health and Beauty
$0.29 - $1.12
Kids and Family
$0.15 - $1.13
ewelry and Watches
$0.31 - $1.38
$0.20 - $1.60
Clothing and Accessories
$0.25 - $0.73
Flowers and Gifts
$0.20 - $0.60
$0.25 - $0.75
Magazine and Subscriptions
$0.10 - $0.21
$0.05 - $0.55
Musical Instruments & Accessories
$0.05 - $0.56
$0.05 - $0.30


The package lists the products based on its item type rather than the manufacturer or model type. This serves to be a great marketing tool if your product is quite unique from that of your competitor’s product. Search Engine Genie certainly makes it a unique shopping experience and business experience. contact Search Engine Genie at or Submit our Shopping Feed Request Quote We do your job easily and efficiently giving you a greater performance and professional experience.



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