About Shopping.com Feeds

It is a price comparison service owned by eBay which operates websites in many countries including USA, UK, France, Germany and Australia. It originally started as DealTime.com which operates as a separate website now but pretty much related to Shopping.com. The service was started by Dr.Nahum Sharfman and Amir Ashkenazi in 1998. Originally it was designed to create a downloadable client to monitor changes in prices of products consumers generally seek to purchase. It also notifies the user when the product price reached a pre determined level. When it was first introduced it targeted only American Consumers but then over the years the downloadable client was converted into a web based service servicing many consumers all over the world.


Amazon Shopping Feeds


Shopping.com remains to be one among the leading web based shopping destinations comprising of comprehensive set of products of highest quality standards manufactured by premier brands and trusted online stores. With the commitment to provide a dynamic and wonderful shopping experience for its consumers/users the site offers easy to search tools, engaging content and time saving navigation, user generated products and merchant reviews for Shopping.com viewers.


Why Shopping.com?

Its mission is to help its viewers make confidence purchases when they have no clue whatsoever regarding what to buy. It is a one stop shop for online shopping for millions of web surfers. The new features supported by the site includes new content and time saving navigation features to help online shoppers make quick, easy and informed decisions by presenting them with an array of products launched by premier brands from all over the world. It also contains reinforced reviews and ratings to make a consumer feel 100% certain and purchase confidently. It also contains unique features or guidelines to help consumers with decision making. It also contains various social shopping features to match online shopping principles, including shopping profile pages with price alerts and list sharing capabilities.

The service stands out to be one among the best comparison shopping destinations with websites in US, UK, Germany, France and Australia. It is a highly efficient marketing channel for retailers as it reaches approximately 100 million consumers on a monthly basis via a single campaign. The site also maximizes merchant�s reach all around the world and finds consumers who tend to shop online by developing key strategic partnerships with CNET, TheFind, eBay and many other similar organizations. Shopping.com solely focuses upon delivering a unique and wonderful shopping experience for its users and simultaneously creating an effective and efficient marketing channel for its retailers. The trustworthy and high quality security features influences consumers in to making positive purchase decisions. Here is where virtually browsers become buyers.


Submitting a Feed at Shopping.com :

In order to submit feeds you will need a Shopping.com Account.
  1. This step is valid only for new users of Shopping.com. If you already have an account skip to Step 2.
    Log onto, shopping.com via your browser. You�ll have to create FTP credentials (username/password) for creating the account. You will enter these details in Auctiva Commerce. To create/view your account or profile click on Products->Submit Data feed in the header and answer the following questions.

    1. You�ll have to prepare the data feed file. We send this file in .txt format.

    2. You need to tell us about your data feed file. This is optional and thus you can also select �Other feed Provider� or leave it blank.

    3. You�ll have to design shipping rates. Currently we do not send shipping rates in the feed file. So for the time being, select either �Shipping is always free� or �Shipping rates are based on product price�. If you opt for the latter, populate the grid that follows as required for your products.

    4. Choose the states where you would apply Sales Tax. Over here you�ll also have to select an appropriate option for your business.

    5. Submit your data feed file. Choose the �Upload to Shopping.com FTP location� option. Note down the username and password that are shown. In the textbox that states �Enter the file name for your data datafeed file�, enter the filename shown in your Auctiva Commerce account under Marketing->Feeds-> Shopping.com feeds. If you choose to send automated feeds, you should use compressed feed file name.

    6. Add/Update your Tracking Code: this is entirely optional. For a product URL, you�ll have to copy one of your Auctiva Commerce product URLS and add the tracking code at the end.

    7. Click �Map Data feed columns button�. If this is the first time you are posting a feed, you�ll have to do it manually before you execute this step. In order to do so, complete the Auctiva Commerce setup procedure and download the feed from Auctiva Commerce to your PC. Then upload this feed using �Upload file from my desktop� option. All the data columns except sub-categories must be premapped. You can do that on the �Review your data feed file column conversions� page on Shopping.com. Map this one to custom and then click continue for proceeding further.

  2. Setting up Auctiva Commerce to send feeds to Shopping.com

    1. In the merchant admin feature of Auctiva Commerce go to Marketing->Feeds->Shopping.com feed.

    2. Enter the shopping.com FTP username and password provided for your account.

    3. Click Save Feed Settings button.

    4. Click Advanced Tab.

    5. Click Create and Submit Feed link to submit product feeds.

  3. You�ll have to wait for the approval of your feed from shopping.com.

    1. Shopping.com may review your feed prior to account approval upon initial feed submission.

  4. Now you�ll have to enable automated nightly Shopping.com feed submission.

    1. Go to Marketing->Feeds->Shopping.com feed in Auctiva Commerce�s Merchant Admin feature.

    2. Check Automatically generate and submit a daily product feed option. (if you wish to send your feed to Shopping.com each night).

    3. Click Save Feed Settings Button.


The package lists the products based on its item type rather than the manufacturer or model type. This serves to be a great marketing tool if your product is quite unique from that of your competitor�s product. Search Engine Genie certainly makes it a unique shopping experience and business experience. contact Search Engine Genie at webpromotions@gmail.com or Submit our Shopping Feed Request Quote We do your job easily and efficiently giving you a greater performance and professional experience.



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