Informations about Merchants

The merchant program of delivers ready to buy online shoppers to your products. You need not have any technical skills or background knowledge to set up your own online shop and all you need to do is sign up with and put your product listings. You pay for direct clicks to your website. And this rate or price is determined by you. It is a shopping search engine dedicated for online smart shoppers and smart merchants. Merchant


How Merchant Program Works:

  1. You need to sign up to create a merchant account as well. Fix your budget and fund your account to start your Online Store. The amount you fix will be charged to your credit card account.

  2. Your product listings will be established in their networks and channels. Fill in the details regarding your store, prices and policies to get done with the registration formalities. Your listings will be listed to several online viewers who seek for products based on search phrases or key texts.

  3. The CPC or Cost-Per-Click is set by you. You can set a different CPC for different categories respectively.

  4. When a consumer clicks on your product, the CPC range set for the product�s category will be deducted from your account. You need not pay anything until the viewer clicks on to your official site.

Merchant program :

  1. Product based comparison sites are considered to be one among the best ways for merchants to market their products and reach millions of web surfers.

  2. Over 1.5 million of surfers visit network every single day. By signing up with them you�ll find a very cost effective way to reach potential customers for developing your business via online.

  3. The site establishes a wonderful marketing base for your website as visitors gather all the details about your products, company and other policies. So when they land on your website, they are most certain buy your products which guarantees sales for you.

  4. More than 15% of online shoppers could be exposed to your store.

  5. In this particular comparison site, you buy sales lead and not impressions. You end up paying only when visitors visit your website through them. You can also cancel their services at anytime without any cost.

  6. Customer acquisition costs will be lowered by cultivating highly directed shoppers on a CPC basis.

  7. allows you to promote products to active shoppers. This saves you time and helps you to focus more efficiently on your product sales.

  8. Maintenance and optimization of product listings is quite flexible and easy when it comes to This can be done using high end features and efficient tools available at your online Merchant Account Center.

Billing Work:

  1. Your store becomes active when you fund for it using credit cards. This acts a deposit for your merchant account for running and managing the online store. Every sales lead based on CPC rates will be deducted from your deposit. This is facilitated until your account balances reaches zero.

  2. gives you two options for refilling your account when it reaches zero with a deposit amount predetermined by you.

    1. Your store becomes active when you fund for it using credit cards. This acts a deposit for your merchant account for running and managing the online store. Every sales lead based on CPC rates will be deducted from your deposit. This is facilitated until your account balances reaches zero.

    2. Monthly charge� Plan allows you to recharge your account on a monthly basis. The amount will be charged to your credit card and the added to your account at the beginning of every month. However, if your account balance reaches zero, the listings would be taken off from the site until the beginning of the following month when your account is freshly recharged. But then, for the recharge to happen in the following month, you�ll have to pay the monthly fees, once the transactions are completes the listings will reappear in the site.

  3. You can also choose to add funds to your merchant account as and when you please as per your convenience. You can make use of the �One time charge� feature provided at the Merchant Account Center to make deposits as and when you please.

Minimum Bids:

The bid for your listings is based on the site�s minimum bid requirements for each respective category. This minimum requirement is variable and can be changed from time to time as determined by the site organization. If they choose to raise the minimum requirement bid for one category, then the bid changes will be automatically reflected upon the bid value of the products listed under that category. Hence, the product will have a new minimum bid amount.


The package lists the products based on its item type rather than the manufacturer or model type. This serves to be a great marketing tool if your product is quite unique from that of your competitor’s product. Search Engine Genie certainly makes it a unique shopping experience and business experience. contact Search Engine Genie at or Submit our Shopping Feed Request Quote We do your job easily and efficiently giving you a greater performance and professional experience.



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