LAS TRAMPAS — At nearly 250 years old, the beloved San José de Gracia Church in this tiny mountain village along the High Road to Taos had fallen into serious disrepair.

It wasn’t because no one cared. Anything but. The structure is the veritable soul of this mountain village; the embodiment of all who’ve come before in Las Trampas, a community of about four dozen people located 44 miles north of Santa Fe.

But in a battle with time and Mother Nature, parishioners found themselves outnumbered.


Mayordomo Emilio Martinez talks Wednesday about the work done inside San José de Gracia Church, including the cleaning of the altar screens and religious artwork as part of the restoration project.


A wooden bulto of St. Joseph, whose arm was repaired during a restoration project so he could hold up a carved baby Jesus once again, seen at San José de Gracia church in Las Trampas.


A neighbor of the San José de Gracia church in Las Trampas leaves after a visit Wednesday. "It's still a living church … but right now it's mainly a museum in the sense that people just come to see it," said mayordomo Emilio Martinez.

Follow Daniel J. Chacón on Twitter @danieljchacon.


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