Corporate publications

2023 Universal Registration Document

Universal Registration Document for 2023

2023 Universal Registration Document

2023 Annual Integrated Report

Couverture RI 2024 VA

For the 4th year in a row, Saint-Gobain publishes its annual integrated report. The Group is fully committed to contributing, over the long term, to a low-carbon economy, a less resource-intensive performance and a healthier, fairer and more inclusive world. 

True to its commitment to transparency, Saint-Gobain sheds the light on its goal of creating shared, sustainable and profitable value with its stakeholders.

2023 Annual Integrated Report

Yearbook 2023-2024


The Yearbook recalls our strategy and presents our development, our results and the year's outstanding achievements, as well as the "Words from Saint-Gobain" section.

Yearbook 2023-2024